255833 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �55�33 , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCI R LUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONE Ro er M. Conwa pTF SeFtember 23, 1971 WHEREAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7290 for Grading, Surfacing and Construetion o£ Concrete Curb and Gutter on NORTH PARK DRIVE from the West Line of Che East half of Section 2-28-22 to Ruth Street, City Project No. 70-G-1827, Shafer Contracting Com�any, Contractor, the specified date of completion is October 15, 1970, and WHEREAS, The Contractor did not complete the contract by ssid date of conq�le- tion, but the City did not ineur any additional expense, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officials be and they are herebq suthorized G��y -�an,d directed to execute an amendm�nt to said contract extending the time of comple- � tion to September 10, 1971, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Cc�n�troller, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and that no engineering and insp�ction costs on this pro3ect will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. �.QR� -- � or ora ion ou��e1', SEP 2 419�i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler SEP a 4 �97� fr�se�- ��-� � APP 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J yor Tedesco A gainst O C T pUBLISHED � '2 �J'. Mr. President, McCarty �� o�."�,T�,��,� 255833 , CITY OF ST. PAUL F��uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , PRESCfITED!Y Roa�r H. Conw�s COMMISSIONER Y DA� 5���� ��i �BAS� Ili L�M �tClY' O� CO�l�!'O�,�f=�S COAtYaCt I.•TZ�O #oT ��LdiTig� S�il`I�Q3ttQ and Coastivatl+oa of Conct�ta Cu�rb and O�tl�r on �RTB PAR[ DItIVE from tl�e Wisst Lina of r.tw assQ be►i� �f a.c�,oe, a.ae-�2 eo Rueb scr..e. csey rro�.ct �o. 7a.c-isa7, $�ir ContlsCting Coaipany� Contractor� tIN �Cifi�td dat! o! eao�pUtt�ss is Ocbobas 1S, 19T0� and �AB, ?tr Cortra�tor did not c5arpi�t� tZr e�ants�ct b�r aa3d dae� ot cx+�pU- ti+on� but tht City did �not incur +�ia� a�ditl�oisal �, �tr�tors b� it RB�OLVED, T1�at tba prvprr City Of�ioials b� ae,d t1�y ar� lrrrby au�oris�d ard diY+set�d b�o �e�t� an a�end�ant +bo aaid e�attact �t�adiug tl� tim� ot tto�la�- C3os� !�o S�pt�r 10. 1971, provic�cl �onrawr, tbat thts zrsolution �hall luir�va t�o los�a or atf�ct unl�ss t�r sasv►tl�a on t� Coatracts�r's bo�d cons+nt el�re�o a»c1 fila wiab c�raaut in Mritf�ag �th fi.L� City Ca�ptroll�s, �d b� it 1roltT� 1tE80LVED, Tl�a� tbs City ot Saint paul lrx�bp Mtivss all alal� tos 1lqnidstwd d�a�� aad t.bat no tnsin�sring and in�atl� �sts on this p�c►�ct vill b� ct�sg�d to th� Cortractor for auch a�rtrn�d�d p�s�lod. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��cil SEP ai 4 �97,19— Yeas Nays Bu�a� SEP 8 419�i1 �� Approv� 19� Levine � Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka � Tedesco A8'���t Mr. President, McCaxty ��