255829 OR161N,{�TO CITY CLEltK 25���� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS� The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul ha.s petitioned to vacate the following streets and alley: Leech Street, lying between the Northerly right-of-way line of Forbes Avenue, extended and the Southerly right-of-way line of West Seventh Street� extended; Wilkin Street, lying between the Northerly right-of-way line of Forbes Avenue, extended and the Southerly right-of-way line of Ramsey Street� extended; Public Al1ey in Block 1, Leech's Addition to St. Paul, except that part taken by the City of Saint Paul for the widening of West Seventh Street; WH�REAS' The City of Saint Paul owns fee title to land adjacent to a portion of the above streets and alley, and pursuant to Section 129 of the Cha.rter of the City of Saint Paul a majority of the prop� erty owners abutting the streets or alleys requested to be vacated must join in said petition so as to give the City Council jurisdic- tion to consider the vacation of streets and alley petition; now, therefore, be` it RESOLVED� Tha.t the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said petition to vacate portion of streets and alley set forth above and contained in the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and to do so on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. FORM P VEp:� As r rati C unsei SEP 2 41971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nays Butler Ap ov SEP �' 4 197� 19� C�se�– ���-u �� Levine � T� Favor Meredith � Sprafka �� Tedesco A gainst PUBLISHED OCT � � Mr. President, McCarty �� ; • PETZ'!'ION FO;: VACATIOii OF CERTA?Tr PLR?LIG ST�:�ETS A:�'D LAI�'DS IN ����c-� THE WEST SEVENT}i STP�VT NuP AREA. MIiv'tv. A-1-7, N0. I ��� T0: TEiE HONOFtt�BI.E MAYOR and Tf-IE COUNCIL QF THE CITI' OF SAINT PAUL ' Your Petitioner, the Nousing and Redevelopment Authority of the City oF Saint 2'aul, Minnesota, respectfully states and alleges that it is the fee owner of record of the real estate abutting those public st-reets hereinafter described, to-wit: Leech Sr_reet, lying betcaeen the Northerly right-of-way line of Forbes Avenue, e�:tended and the Southerly right- of-way line af West Seventh SCr_eet, exterrded Wilkin Street, lying beL-��een the h'ort}lerly right-of-way line of �orbes Avenue, extended and the Souther.ly righr- of-way line o£ Ramsey Street, extend.ed � Publi_c alley in I33.ock 1, 1.eech's Addition to St. Paul except tha� part talcen by tlie City of Saint Paul for the widening of Wese Seventh Street Your Peti�ioner £urth�r states and alleges that the Cit.y af Saint Paul, I•iz��ncsota, i.s �he fee owner of recard of the unimgroved lar.d hereinafter descrit���d, to-wit: Lo�s 6 and 7 , T31oc:k 2, I.eech.'s Addition to St. Paul soueheas� of jdest Seventh Street Lot 2, Block 29, Rzce and Irvine`s Addition to Saint Paul Petitio�ler Iidu�i.t�g anu Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sain� Paui, Minnesota, pur`suant to the grovisions of the Redevelo�rnent Plan for West Seventh Street NDP Area Minn. A-1-7, adopted and appr�,v�3 by the Council of the City of Saint Fau?, Minnesota, on January 22, 1970, Council File ?�o. 247103, proposes to deveJ_op tl�e aforesaid streets and land together with abutting land as part of a combin�d use educational and recreational are�. Your Petitioner hezein requests that the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Cacie, �.s amended, pertaining to� th� reservation of easements , ri�ht:: nn� other cl�,�ms for the i�stall.ati�ni main�enance and operation of any sewGr water, gas, te.l.ephone or electrical main, pipe az.- condix�t of public ir±strv- r.:entali.ty for the C�_t;� af Szir.t pat�i ;nd for OC�I�Y �:CL'SQi'IS vr corporations , � having public instrimnentalities in the vacated public ways be waived upon . • • the presentation to and approval by the Council �f tite City of Saint Pat:1 af statements of intent to abandon and not use utility and other public easements in the aforesaid public ways� � WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests your Hanorable Bo3y to vacate the above-described public streets and land for redevelopment in the West Seventh Street NDP Area Minn. A-1-7. %.'.. � J.._:. Dated this � day of� - l. _��' � , 1971. � �� HOUSING AND REDEVE�£fii�NT AUTHORI'1'Y OF THE CI7.'I' OF SAINT PAUL, MIi�'NESQTA (S EA L) � � '��'� By --� Edward N. Helfeld, Execu+Eive Director STAT� OF MINNESOTEI ) � ) SS. � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) EDWARD N. HELFELD, being first duly sworn, says tY.at he i.s the person named in and who executed the foregoin� Petie-Lo�� on behaLf a� the Housi.ng and Redeveloir,nent Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mini:esota; that l�e is the Execueive Director of said Authority; that the seal a�tached thereto is the corparate seal of said Authority; that he has si.gned and sealed this Petieion by authority of its Board of Commissioners; and that he has read , the Petirion and knows the contents thereof, and that the same are in all things true as set forth therein. . " , EDWARD I3. HELF 'LD Subscribed and sworn to before me �r���� this / � da� of September, 1971. . , :,. , ,..����/' /` ._.s� C; _ " 's_ , ` -___.__; . Commissianer Roger Conway �.av�r,rvE isc�F,r�r DePartmeni� �f Public Works Nof-ry Publir, FZ;,r�.,,�y CountY� f�inrL MY Commission Ezpire,l Apr;l 7i 1973 ' _2_