255828 ORIG�NAL TO CITY CL6RK - 2��J� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '�� r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C U IL RESO UTI —GENERAL FORM � PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� RESOLVED, that Thomas Drewry be paid the sum of �693.00 out of the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund in full settlement of his claim against the City of Saint Paul for com- pensation resulting from his injury of January 2, 1970, while employed by the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, whereby he suffered a 5� p�rmanent partial disability to his right knee; that of said sum, �693.00 is now due and payable. APP Asst. Corpo ation Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP a 4 �9T�19— Yeas Nays But�er $E P 2 4197�� �Gartsaxr_ C°���.-�-�, App 19� Levine � Tr Favor \` Meredith � Sprafka or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � '�UBLISHED OCT � 2 1�7� �� o�i,�„�,�.�,� 2558� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FCAE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRgEIiT�!lf COIAbiISSIONEe �ATF RBSOL�, tha� Tho�aag Dre�ry be paid the awn o� �693.00 out oi the Worlcsen'e Ca►�peneation Aocount oi the aene�al Futnd in tull eettleasnt oi hia claie againet the City oi 3�int Paul tor oon- � pensation re�ultina iros his in�nry oi Jsauary 8, i9?0, rhile •mploy�d by the D�parta�snt oi Pnblic Saisty, Bureew oi Poli��, whereby be ouiiersd a 5'� peraanent partial Aisability to his risht kneo= that oi raid sw�, �693.00 ie noM due snd payable. sEP a 4 �at� COiTNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc3] 19— Yeas Nays Butler APProved S E P 2 419� 19— Ea��soa- �°�e Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A�inat Tedesco bir. President, McCaxty ��