255820 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ORIGINAL--. COUNCII CITY CLFRK COUNCIL RESOLUT(ON F�� No. N° 3962 FOR U RIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON DA'� 19__ • RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby concurs in the action of the Gontract Committee in the award of a contract for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary or incidental to the GRADING� SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ON VAN DYKE STREET� Old Hudson Rd. to E. Third St. for the Department o� Public Works� to T. A. SCHIFSKY & SONS, INC. for the contract price of $41�380.00 � (Plus - Val. & Assess. Service - $930.00, Engineering & Inspection - 14.5� - $6,000.00, Water Dept. Charges - $2,925.00� Opening & 51ope Damages - $2, 285.00, Collection Charges - $145.00) as a result of Formal Bid #4745 and the specifications incorporated therein. T. A. Schifsky & 5ons� Inc. being the Iowest responsible b�dder under the specifications and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to draft the proper form of contract and obtain the necessary perform- ance and payment bonds. The proper City officials are hereby author- ized to execute said contract on behalf of the ' ty of 5t. Paul. RO D: THE CON CT COMMITTEE ISSIO ER OF PUBLIC WORKS / C R TION CO S L PROVE}] AS T FORM �� CHASING ENT � �1�V�16O9 CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - - - /-I - -p/- - - - - - - - $ 41.��vO�VO � pEp'T',Cpp�T,ti0. . ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION - �•t r�S/CS : : � - � - S C7�OOO�OO WATER DEPARTMENT COSTS - S . 2�g25�OO ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: va�unTiotv AND ASSESSMENT SERVICES - - - - - - - - - S 930�00 ;�0,660�QO OTHER CITV SER���E50p�ning & -Sl�pe-Dam�S 2��VS�OD FORMAL BID NO. L�7L�5 . COLLECTION CHARGES - - - - - - - - - ' ' " ' ' agLSS �liiC,�`�-�- NOTE: TO BE CERTIFI6D AS TO FUNDS AVAILABL6T YTCOMPfROLL6Ft BEFOR6 rREBENTINCi TO COUNCIL FOR ADOrT10N. ; 53,665�OO � PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OR TNIS IMPROVEMENT AS ROLLOWS: � i. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERtY�� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' $ 53,665�OO T 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITV'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -- 0920-487 $ .. 3. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. S 4. AP'=ROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BOND ISSUE-CODE $ . 5. COUNTV AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ _ _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' a 6. MINN. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT NO. � 7. $ . - TOT AL • ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S 5 3,6 6 5.0 0 � COPIES TO: 1 NEREBY CEltTIFY THAT THERE If AN UNENCUMBER@D BAL- . CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN TNE ABOVB 3TATED ArPROPR1AT10NE TO � COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE TH6 P0lMANENT IMPROVBMENT REVOLVING FUND �"��L �MMtOVEM�IT NO PUBLIC WORKS IN TN6 ABOVE AMOUNT6. PURCHASIN6 DATE RINAL ORDER ADO�� COMPTROI�C T7'►'� BY aut��'�MEN � SEP 2 3 197�1 Y�Conway NAYS ADOIR�BY THE COUNCI�- _ • Levine �" 'AVOR gEp �3197�1 Meredith � wrruov �'j,� •cwu�sr Tedesco Mr. Presidenf� McCa�ty MAYOR � �O 9/16/71/5mith/mh P��S�D