255808 , 25�8�g ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK � . ._ ,,��ITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. �,zc�i�s� c�r:��z�r{ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MMISSIONE o�rF Septer�ber 23, 197� I'�SCLV�D: Th�� u,�plication for Sunday On Sale �.ic�uor licerase made by tI�e fo�loesing ap�licant vrho is �. �ioldcr of �:n (7n Sal�� ��ic�uor license ut the uddress statec�, be un� t4ic �ar�e i�, lzereby gr<<nted an� in coM�liunce �,rith C. F. 1Vo. 235531, l.P�ich amend� Cizapter Pdo. 3G8.0(; of the St. F'aui i,e�islative Code �.nd Ordinances. E. D. P•�.� Inc. 499 i��abash� Street s,ppn. L I2553 iUer: Ne:ti- Inforr�al3.y ap�roved by Counci3. September �;�., 1971 Gld Location SEP 2 3 1911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ` 19— Yeas Nays But�er SEp 2 319.7d (��c CQid?a1;Y / 19— Levine l� �n Favor Meredith � Mayor �i�� A gBinSt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty SEP 2 51971 PUBLISHED - � . �JJ�{{{ M � /, � C�� � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital of Minnesota ��� ���� � �eartn2evct o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINIBTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION Por.ics DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH BAI.PH G.MEHRILL,DeDO�Y Commissioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inspector Se�tenber 21, I97i �Ionorable T�ayor and City Council Saint Paul, t�linnesota Gentlemen and 1'iaclarn: E. D. r�,. , Inc. at 499 �a'ab«sha Street m4kes application for Sunccay Qn �«le Li�;uor license at the sae�e addre��. �'hi� cor�oration received inforr.ial ap;�roval. for On �a�.e �.irluor and r�isce,:«neous licenses at a,his Aocation on Decer�ber 15� 197G. r:��:;Gcl�ed is a copy of �heir a;�plication for the Sunday On u�le ��ic�uar I.icense. Very tru�.y �ours� �����` :.:icense Inspector �--� . � � � S � A � AFFIDAVIT FOR SUNDAY LIQiJOR LICENSE APPL�CATION _ � Name �D�l//�/��-/ /� S � �v.��v.E cz���_ Residence Address � /�3 %, G(�A�/�Sy/� Licensee �, �� /�. /U .5�,N�, b�;�r �,� Address of Business ��� ����� �, I hereby apply for a Special Sunday Liqaor License. I have a Restaurant - � (cross out one) license with seating capacity for � � people. Signed� State of Minne�srata) )SS Conntp of Ra.msey ) 1�/�.1//��c� � �-���,c�C/,��i(%�,� being first duly sworn� deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own knowledge� except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. ,� x.� �c.� ignature of applicant Subscrib and sworn before me t�is day of 19 7� ary Public eey County� Minnesota MERRITT �,�TES My commission expiresrdctaw P��hlir ��_,_e�.:.,_. MY CommissioniEXpjbesnNo��ig7�5n. �• �, � aoa�. � �t�t� Qi��"r 1� �Q �t �'Jtl $. T+s�ith �t., �t. Pa�.l, Minn. A�#�s l�r. ,Dia�1. P. I�cl�oa�ghl.i� �ar B3rs "1'�e City Ooa�cil todap� iaformel."ty �►ra�ed t�e e�pliaatiaa� o�t �. D. M., Iac., dt 499 Wab�ta Straet, tar S�md�y On Sa1e Liq�r 1.l.c�ae �t t�e amte addr�ess. w31.]. yv� p3�esse parspare t� eu�a�r arssa2�33�oee►v YRta► trql�r ya�e� City C3�rlt �