255807 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � ���Q�
' CITY OF ST. PAUL �`E Nc�� NO. �� �
COMMI59�IONE DATF �eptenber 2�, 1971
RESOLV�➢: �Iiat t�.pplication L 12039 for Class C2-Restaur�nt, On and Off Sale rialt Bevera�e
und Cigarette licenses, a��pliec� for by Richard J. Gaj ins?:i at 930 R�ymond �'►venue
be anc� tPie same are Iiereby grantec�. '
Pw evr
Inforna?�.y; �p��roved by Council
tyugust 12, 1971
Olci Locatian
g�P 2 3 1971
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler SEp 2 3197�
�:: CO1�T:�d��Y / 19_
Levine !�n Favor
�� J Mayor
ITedesco A Sainst
Mr. President, McCarty
SEP 2 51971
, '� CITY 0� SAIAIT PAUL �' �
. Capital of Minnesota �
��_ �� n�
�e art�nev�t o ub�C'c �a et
p �
ADMINISTxATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FI&E PROTECTION
rotscs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner sestTa
RALPH G.MEBRILL,DeDUty Commissioner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieents Inspector
August 12, 1971
Honorable Ma,yor and City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen and Madam:
Richard J. Gapinski makes application for Restaurant,
On and Off Sale Malt �everage and Cigarette Licenses for 930
Raymond Avenue which is located at the intersection of Ha�pden
A.venu e.
This location has been licensed for a similar
business since 1933. The present licensee� Harold Dettle,
has been licensee at this location since September 1963.
There are no other 3.2 places s�ithin two blocks. The
closest On Sale Lic,uor place is six blocks and the closest
Off Sale Liquor place is four blocks away. The nearest church
is three blocks and the nearest school is about four blocks away.
I'or the past eight yeaxs Mr. Gapinski has been o`�rner �.nd
operator of the Ten Acre Drive-In in W. St. �aul.
Very truly yours,
�����f1� ` �
License Inspector
��� ��:
� �
Da�te_ ,t,uaua� 2 �.��.....,
1. �ppliaation for M « 11� 1�1t �'�+�►� A Liceaee
2. Name of applicant j��,
3, Businesa address g� �� � Residence����;,��+�* �'p,,,gp, ��� p�,
4, 2rade name, if �ny
5. Retail Beer Federal. Tax Stamp_�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp��.].1 be usod.
6. t�i vrhat floor locsated p��.�� Nwnber oP rooms used �,
Gar�er dt
7. Betwee�. what crosa atreet����a� ��g���,g�ich aide of street 94�E'1ih��11:
8. Are premiaes now ocaupied a� '9Phat businesa Rbs��A�i Hov�r iong $ y+�•�
. ,
9. Are premises now unoQaupied�Iiozv long vacant Previou� Uae
10. Are� �Tou a new owner��Havs you been in a s3milar busineas beP�re Y.•
Where.,,.��.�►..�'!'�_...,...�..9V!'sn 1'af�� 8 :�'e1uC��
��'e�t S�• Paul z�uurl.
11. Are you going to apers�e thia business peraonally 'Y��
- .�.. ,...
If not, �o will operate it
12. Are you in any other business at �he present ti�e yb�. �e!! i3A• 1C� abbMr
13. Have there been any complain�Ls agains� your operation pf this type of place �+p
When �Ifhere
14. Iiave you ever had any license revoked�_�Ihat reason and date
15. Are you a czitizen of the United State���Native��Naturalized
16. 1Nhere �vere you borx�. (�i�g2'�� �sep� Date of bir�h +3'�:;y' 9� �q�
17. I ami�_married. My (wif�a^ ) (husband's) name and addrese i.s � �� Q�i�,�
t�x Ava�aue 84rth 3aa�h ��. Paul M�.m��,
18. (IP a�rried female) my m�iden name is
19. $ow long have you lived in S"t. Paul
20. Have y�oa ev�r been arreated �p Xiolation of what eriminsl law or ord3.r�nve
21. Are you a regis�ered voter i.n the City of S�. Paul Yea X �Io•
(Ana�er full, and oom le�e7, . Theae a lications are thorou hl eheaked and e►n
alsification v�rill be c�use for denia .
22, Number of 3.2 places within �o blocks � $@� -
23. Closest intoxieating liquor plaae. �, Sals ,_.{,�, �c�,, �i' Sale���
24, Nearest Chureh � gy,�p�a PJearest School_ ���� �
25. Number of booths ��Tables � C�,irs � Stools �,g _
26. What oacupation have '„vo�z fol],owed f`or the psst five srears, (Give names o�' employers
and date s s o employed.)
T�••A�r� I)riga«�I�
Restat�rant t�ctlr Sel�'*► lv ed �1ea� ��. Paui �►sota 8 a�s
27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St,. paul, �a.nn., v�a c3az3, g3ve
infox�,tiort concerning you.
Name D�►uetle� �.e�a�� Address_ 16],Ij. E. �y"�� S'�. F�.'ti3.� �,r
Name_ R�►3..p�t Bc�,det�t�s Address _12 5 B�.a3s! �3�,� Petul�_��r
. a
� � �
gna ture o App i n
Sta te of M3.n,n.e s ota�
County of Ramsey j
RiChe�'d �7`�► (�,p�Id� being first duly sworn, depo�es and says
upon oath that he has rea� t�ie foregoing statemen� bearing his sigruature and knovvs
the contents thereof, and that �he aame is true of his oy�m knawledge excapt as to
those ma�ters therein stated upon information and belief and as �o thase a�tters
he bel:ieves them to b� .t�°t.z�,
o � � '�
gnature of Ap li nt
Subscribed and sworn to before me
tn�� `d�` aay of �s 7/
Nota blic, Ramssy C ty, �innesota
�. A. BR�G�T �n�,
My Co�n.iasion expires ,,.,y��� amsey�°n�1973
opq��►ission sxP�res DeG
(Note s �hese s�ta�ement forms �e in duplicate. Both eopies mus� ba fu7,ly fi1].ed out,
n.otarized, a�.d returned to the License Division.�r
. F�
Re: Q�,.Sale j�,� ���*,� License
Name of applicant R�, �,�,
Business address �3Q ��� g�y�� g��, p�,,� ����q�
Are you the sole owner of this business? Y�j If not, is it a partnershipR
corporatian? , other?
(?thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or othex�vvieeg
ATam� Addre s s Hovv
If a corporation, give its name.
Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? �p
As sole aaraer? Partnar? Stockholder?
Othervrlse? (Through ioan of money, eta. Explain)
Address of such bueiness and nature of interest in sama
, c
" �
'gnature of' e,PP can
State of Minne s ota�
County of Ramsey �
R�.�Y�,2"'d s7'� �i�Si�, being firs-� duly sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath
�that he has read the foregoin�; affid�vit bearin�; his signature and Irn.aws the contenta
thereof; that the same is true of his av,rn l�.wrled�e, except as to thosa matters therein
stated upon information and belief and as to thoss matters he believes them to be true.
i ^
• o
ignature of ap lie t
3ubscribed and awo to before me
this/d c� day of 19�/
t M«�"
G�� n�' 9��
N y ublic, ey ur�.ty, ��a� 0�,29`�
�b��c, gXP`C�
My aorrunission expires_���s5`O�.'9
t � �
$1�la�d �". �t�„i�ski �,� be�.ng �iret duly aworn, do�h depoae
and say that he makea this aPfidavit in oonneation with appli:cation Por
" Sala" liquor �.ioens� (" OII� Ssle" mslt b�verage lioense� in the City
o� $aint Paul, Minneso�; that youx af£�.aaa� i� a resident of the Stat� of
Minn.esota and �ias resided �h,erein, for 37 years,� 1 m,onth�,
and 3.s naav and has bee� for the �ima abave �n,ti.oned a bon�, �ide resideat of
said State and that he naw �esidea at � ..
�c�i'•h St. Ptlttil , �inneaota.
C�.t y or c�v� �
Subscribed and sworn to before m�
this ��� day of 19��
..._._.� .._,.._
o blic, Rsmsey oun y, M�eBat��nty,�,9�3
RamSe�� �.29e
M�r co�n.ission expires ���44�exP�rgSD
r "
� �� �
��a'!• Dl�m �lrt+�d�ith,
t7aasr. ed' Pa�7.3� �rs
Lt�. a. 14�. �t.,
St. �o�t'!., �aaa�►.
Att�t: I�'. 1�si+e1 P. �L�].1n
Dear Sir:
T�e C'i�' Caa�a�ci]. tccl�r int+r�e�r3.1�+ �� fi� �^pll.�im
qd` Atehea�d J, G�in�id !br �tst,�q�r�t, t�4 �d t')!!' 8a�.e Ma1.t
Ba�ran�pr �md. tl3�ta 2ie�mar�r i�aar �}3t3 �o�d Av�.
1ii�1 � ;�rw p�e� #�t a�t+m�a,t�I �r�3.teo4
��' �� �y
Ci#�► +C.1�'lc