255788 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 25��88
RESOLVED, That B ger King Corporation be and hereby
is granted a permit to install a 40-car parking lot to be
used in conjunction with a Burger Ki.ng Restaurant on property
located on the aorthwest corner of Fry Street and University
Avenue, more particularly described as follows:
Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28, Block
3, Brightwood Park Addition;
all in accordance with the plans attached hereto; subject to
the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its snecessors
and assigns, shall make due co�npliance with all applicable
pronisions of nnnicipal ordinances, state statntes and rnles
aad regnlations of pt�blic authorities having cognizance.
W a
� o
o.. a
a- o
� � �
o SEp 2 2 19
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.—
Yeas xays S EP 2 2 197 ti
Butler �
� Ap e 19�
Levine ' Tn Favor �
Meredith O
Tedesco A Sainat
Mr. President, McCarty S EP 2 519 7�
Harry E.'Mqrsiall � f ' �lT'' �F AIMrt !.Olso�
c�x,,c�k�na �°� y; ����8� cou�xe�a�
Comm-isa�ion.er of Reyist�ra.tion � -�
. -� >�
'y3, ' ^c
St.Paul,Mtinnesota 66108
Sept. 2, 1971
Mr. Daniel A. Klas
Corporation Counsel
Dear Sir:
The City Council today requested that you prepare a
resolution granting the attached application of the
Burger Kin� Corporation for permit to install a 40-cax
paxkin� lot at the northwest corner of Fry St. and Uni-
versity Ave.� on Lots 25� 26� 27 and 28� Block 3, Bright-
wood Park Addition.
Very truly yours,
C ty Cler / �
� L�c� $
��z �
� °- • � .
August 31, 1971
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the application for a permit of the Burger
King Corporation to install a 40-car parking lot to be used in conjunction
with a Burger King Restaurant, on property located on the northwest
corner of Fry Street and University Avenue. This property is further
described as:
Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28,
Block 3, Brightwood Park
This matter was heard at the August 5, 1971 Board of Zoning public hearing
at which time the staff noted that the plan meets design standards except for
the driveway width and that this change had been requested in revised
plans .
Mr. Richard Grayson, attorney for the Burger King leasee, reviewed the
history of the site and stated he would assume the minor change in drive-
way width is agreeable to the Corporation.
Mr. Merrill Robinson appeared in opposition saying that he has been urging
the adoption of a special section of the Zoning Ordinance for fast-food
drive-in restaurants. He noted the number of restaurants in that area
now and said that this use would adversely affect the adjoining resi-
dential neighborhood and eventually the entire City.
Several residents of the area expressed concern over the on-street parking
situation along University Avenue. They said they would like to have the
permit granted with the condition that Burger King employees park in this
Mr. L. Redlin, a Burger King representative, stated he did not feel that
their Campany should accept this condition. He said that most of their
employees are hired from within walking distance.
The Board heard a motion to recommend approval of the permit. The motion
was seconded and passed by a vote of 4-0.
Subsequent to the Zoning Board hearing, the staff received a request from
�1 G�
� �..
�O � ✓ V
, � ,
Harry E. Marshall, City Clerk -2- August 31, 1971
the Highway Department Hydraulics Engineer that the site be graded in
such a way that only half the site be drained on the surface to the
street. A copy of his letter dated August 25, 1971 presenting that
request is included in the Council file.
Very truly yours,
� � `
� (
Secretary, Board of Zoning
Z.F. �k7202
Enclosure: Highway Department letter
y f .
� • ..�•�ka..
� '�..
+a+s uNrvtrenrir wv�NU�
ST. PAUL. MINN. 38104
August 25� 1971
at. �'�:al 3oard oP Zoning
1010 Commerce Building
St. Paul� Minrieaota 55101
In reply refer tos 319
C.S. 6208 T.H. 12
r�trance Permit 71-9A-D62
Gentleuien s
The above referenced entranoe permit haa been reviewed by thia
office. The permit request entrancea to the westbound lane of
University Ave. west of Bry. The present drsinage oP the site
direct� over one half oP the area into the inplace sewer syetem.
Thi� is acaomplished by colleoting the roof drainage and out-
letting it into the eewer within the property boundries. The
rema.ining drainsge flow� onto ik�ivereity Ave. end is intercepted
by gr�tes in the travel�td portion of the roadway west o� the
propoeed eite.
To prevent additional wstere from Ylowing onto University Ave.�
it ia xecommended that the propoaed eite be eo graded as to collect
one half of the area arid depo�it it directly into the sewer system.
,� c ik-G,J � �
��- James W. May
I-�ydrau2ica �gineer
�- . �"�"; � , � � `; �" -�-a ,� �
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..�...,.__,_--..'... �i
, �.. .
�i 1
�.-�� 3 �" ,�
6 �zI- 7/
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(Please print or type)
% the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out)
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity: ,
� PARKING LOT for customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other)
Capacit of : �/O (indicate type)
y parkin� lot T
To be used in connection with: ,B�/�p�,�Q ��/� ��s7'�t/.�,4�YT-
(indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parkiag area:
*Location : /�< f,� �c�'.pif/'•G'�.e /CJ?Y •Sj"f �✓/�/✓�E,���T'
Legal Description : Lot ,��,�,G�z 7�� Block 3 Addition
Applicant's Name : ��s,��,�ie /E./i/►/�; ��,�sP �i/,�.?,�
Home or Office Address:�/'3(�La /✓d. �'�'iil•C�i��.C, .f�,e�, iyfj,,�jyY�� �c-�� ����,�
Phone Number : ��5��--�^•Z/�i �Q�,¢,�, ,fJi�.j. �t.� )
' s�t,.c�..e�t.- � .��j/�7/ .
Signature (date
Address : .'�O�'G �i,�J,i��r,€2 r�j/L� iYO. JY�p�CS,
Phone No.:�-�3--`��a�
When completed:; file three copies of this application form and three prints of
the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Safnt Paul, Minnesota �
Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of blain St. and First St.
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.
, � , .
` City of Saiat Paul, �ianesota
(Please print or type)
96 tbe City Clerk
_ City of 3aint Paui, Minaesota
Application is herebq made to instali and o (cross one out)
perate a new
No. of islands and pumps ; �
No. of tanks and capacity:
� PARKING LOT for customerg (employees) (private use) (public usa) (other)
Capacit of (indicate type)
y parking lot ;_�
To be used ia connection witb;_�,,,���j� ��,,,��/��������r�+
(indicate type sucb as Drive-�i.n Befresh�ent 3taad, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area:
�Location : ,/✓, �! ��Ipi1�A? /�`Yf +.'�''"''�'t �i�!/��i�G�'IrT'.��i�4�,.
Legal Descriptioa : Lot �,,,�,�,�,Zy�� B�o� � Add ion
Applicant's Name : ,�/,(�,,,�� �/,�/� ���� /�,,i�
8ome or Office Address:'",��Q /�. Q�i���,�, �� ,/���fi �„���, ��
Phone Number ; �`�+�,,*/� �,L,�i�,,*,�, �,�,. ��
FOR,/�TAB APP'LICANT, ,� �� :l�r le.; ,
•�/ �� � � ��� �� �4�, i� I�,
$ignature date � ` t+ �-:
n �
4:�iJ �:. ,, �i�� �
Address s �'4 �''���r� �M� �iD. �L�', �.
�,��,� �'`�.oi�i`�•a��`s� 1)°v�t`s�l\�.r
Pbone No.:;�„s..`��� aaint t'a�i. IYlinnesata
When completed: file three copies of thiB application form and three priats of
tbe prelimiaary lay-out plans of the proposed facility a►itb tbe City Clerk,
Room 386, City Hall and Court Aouse, Safnt Paul, Minnesota
Z-3 6/11/56
�XAMPi.E: 1. S.E. corner of Maia St. aad First St.
2. 3outb side of Main St. bet�en First aud 3econd 3t.
Z�NIhtG FILE `' �..
Ha !. Mors�all � ' �ITY „F
nf► �, �, Alb�rt !.Olse�
City Clerk�,nd � �%t CounoiE Recarder
Commiseioner of Registration `= .<:�;.'.; �
. - °°,�s;l �
�rs. ,�°
s88 City Hall
St.Paul,Minnesota 56108
Jvne 22, 1971
Zoning Boaxd,
Comanerce Bldg.
The Cit� Council referred to you for reco�a�endation
the attached applieation of Buxger Kin� Corp. ?360 No.
Kendall Dr., Miam3., Fla., for a permit for a �-car
capacity parking lot on Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, Block 3,
Brightwood Paxk Addition, located on the northwest corner
of Fry St. and Un3versity Ave. ' �
Very t
(��� _
ity lerk �
hP �
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�`�� ' Uii l� l� l� II r0
� �S�R� L � � J
� h� �������
�. '� JUN 2 3 1971
Saint Pa�l, Minnesota, „
� • . -
Acting under Legislati_ve Code Chapter 60 thru 64 ��t R�ap ��21
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. _� �
_ ,,-�,�: j,,�,t.; �; rd��,,�L: g 7202
Bur er King Corporation 28�3
.. �:(,^, ;`�,' i i!�.ti'I'I )N I
� C� Amendment
0 Appeal �X p��mit �Other
.i : �1i�"%"�:�}�
� Install a 40-car
parking lot to be used —r`i
, � a Burger King Restavrant in conjunction with
.^, ; i,)';
Northwest corner of Fry Street and Universit
, . ',I��;A:. ')�:>�:�IPTi:'?;! : Y Avenue
Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28, Block 3, Brightwood Park Additio
�::<:��?;;�T „��"Ji��,� .
��'�^ Light Industry
� �� ; ,'��;�'��^J'f �'� ?onin� Code Chapters 60
Sections .23 Para�raph; 4 �
�'1`'j T�1'Ju�':�;ATI�iJ � R�P�RTa Date:
, �
July 28, 1971 i3ys ATB
A' HI-- S_ TOKY: None for this site,
H. AREA Z_�NG: The fronta e
North and south of g along University Avneue is zoned Li ht
alono this frontage the zoning is "C" Residentialg Industry.
h Snelling Avenue north of
University Avenue is The zoning
�• DESIGN STANDAR�S: Cornmercial.
The plan meets all the design standar.ds for ttiis t
facility except the drive-wa
crease the width from 25 feet todths . The applicant has been reqtiested�tofin-
26 feet.
D• FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 174 feet a
and 116 feet along Fry Street resultin long University Avenue
$ in an area of 20,23g square feet.
The traffic engineer approves the
changes the drive-ways to 26 feet in width.
plan if the applicant
the grade of the alle Site is at the grade of Universit
y adjoining to the north. y Avenue and lower than
commereial structure.
It is occupied by a vacant
�• AREA CONDiTIONS: ITniversit
'1'���� srreet i5 divided b y Avenue is a high-volume arterial state highway.
intersections , y e median strip that prevents turns at some street
On-street parking is limited in the area.
y� BOARD ACTION: To Reco�nend
� Approval a Denial
Council Letter
Moved by ; McPartlin Aated:
Nays August 31
Seconded by; Mansur x Ames - �h, � 1971
x Cochrane Date of
Secretary's remarks: x McPartlin Hearing:
Maietta August 5, 1971
x Mansur
Council Action:
� Prifrel
- �
. ' - '
On Thursday, August 5, 1971, at ?.:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Mrs� Cochrane, Measxa. McPartlin, Mansur of the Board; and Measrs.
Browa and Rosetter, and K� Ksntorowicz of the staff.
BUILGER KING CORYORATION: A permit ta fcestaLl a 40-car parking Lot ta be
used in conjunction with a Barger King �testaurant on property located on the
northwest cornex of Fry Street and University Avenae.
Mr. Roaetter read the sCaff report, a part of the file, and r�oted the plan
meets a11 the deaign standerds for ehis type of facility except the drive-
way widths. The applicant haa beea requested to increase the width from
?.5 feet to ?6 feet.
N�r. Richard Grayson, 5?.0 8ndfcott Building, noted he is the attorney for �he
Kemper family, who are owners of the property involved. They are not actually
the applicant but are the fee owners of Che property who have aigned a lease
agreement with Burger King. He said the Kempers have oc,med the property for
a number of yeara and it has been used as a parkiag lot, a used-car lot and
a new-car showroom. AbouC 15 yeare ago, the property wae leased to the
W� Fo Smith Tire Company and tires were manufactured inthe building. The
intended use is noC a substantisl departure from the use that has existed
for the past 47 years.
Mr, Bxown of the staff noted that plans were sent to the representative of
Burger King the latter part of 2ast week requesting only th� driveway width
change, end the staff has not- received a re�aly from them yet. The represen-
tative said he would assume tht�t s one-foot revision in the driveway width
would automatically be added and they wiLl consent to do it. Mr. Gta�san
noted he had tslked to the de�eloper and he has stated that whateve�c changes
would be necessary would be no problem for them.
Appearing in opposition was Mr. Merrill Robinson, repreaenting the Hsmline
Community Association and the Association of St. �'aul Ca�unities. Mr, Robinson
said concerning the pxoposaZ, "Who needs it?" Mr. MePartlin at�ted he did
not feel thia question was relevant. Mr. Robinson nated he hes urged rep-
resentatives of the Associatian of St. Paul Co�nunities for more than two
years to i.ncorporate a special section in the Zoning Ordinance covering fest-
food dnve-in restaurants. Minneapolis .sdopt�d such an. ordinance which
restricts the location of fast-food drive-in restaurants in neighborhoods
that are primarily reaidential. University Avenue is a commercial street
but the adjoining street, Sherbarne Avenue, is a residential street. An
esteblishment such as this has sn affect on the ad�oining residential character
of the neighborhood in every caae. There a�ready exists 1?-13 restaurents
or food establishments �vith�n a three-block area in the vicinity of University
and Snelling. Directly acXOSS the atree� is an Embex�s Restaurant; E Black
Steer Drive-In is down Che street; furthe� down the atreet is Porky's
Drive-Zn. The Midwey Shopping Center has s�veral ea�ing pl8ces which is two
blocks from the intended site. Once a fast-food development fs established
in an area, he said, a patrern develops. Mr. Robinson cited aeveral other
ereas of ehe City as examples. He stated that a fast-food drive-in Lowers
the entire character of the neighborhood. The effect on the residential areas
and the future welfare of this City is overwhelming. Mr. Robinson noted he
�BURGER KIIZG CORPORAT�ON (coatinued) Aagust 5, 1971
has brought thia_subjeet befor� tbe ZaniAg Board time �ad time agafn. The
ms�or portion of khe probl�ne� have been with parking lots. Thi.s irks private
home owaera more than �nything. � Mr. Robinson urged ttte Board not Co conaider
gust the imm�ediate poseib}.e affects buC to consider what this sort of thiag
does to tb�e entire Citq of St. Paul over a period .of time.
Mr. J. Libermaa, 1639 Univeraftp Avenue, sCated he is noC opposed to the
Burger Kfng but wauld like the e�mployeee to park in their own 1Qt rather
than Ch� street. A parkit�$ pxablem exfsts fn the area now snd the Burger
King wigl iacrease the problem. Mx. Liberman said he would like to have
Fry 3treet. ad3o.ining the propoaed site, posted €or two-hour parkiug. With
�he adve�at of the Burger R�ng, 17� feet of parkiag oa Vaiversity Avenue will
be ioat.
Mr. Ames esid Mr. L�ber�n should voice this opiaioa te Che Cfty CounciL as
the Zoning Board �s� only conceraed with the pazking lot mpplic�tion.
A represea�tative :of the Burger King Corpor�tion stated it is not the policy
to have employeea park tn the lot; howeves, if iC ia .neceseary, tttey will
be iaatructed to park in the loz. Mr. Ames aeked how maay empltiyeea work
at one t4.me and Che Burger King represe+�tative replied 8-12 on one ahift
at m t3.me. Tha repreaentati.ve noted they 1.ike to employ people fram the
neigteborhoods thac the restaur:nts are tocated ia and thia cauld mean manq
of them wouLd be within walking distance sad would not be driving to work.
Mr. Charlea Nowicki. L670 Sh�rburne Avene�e, said he made a conat of cars
on Sheiburae. Snelling snd Aldiae on Friday mnd there ivere 64 caxe psrlced
in that area. Theze are eeven spartment bexildings in �a two-block erea �nd
only one of them provides. off•street parkin$. Mr. Ne�rricki would like to
hsve t.he permit ok�yed with the atipulation that the B�nger King employeea
psrk in their ow� Lot snd not oa the street. Smployees of establishments on
Universfty Aveaue park on 3hexburae; the Burger King will eliminste the corner
parkfng arese.
Mr. Ls Rsdlin, a B�arger Riag repreaeatstive, stated he •does not .feel it w�ould
be possible to ssy that Barger Ring employees must park on 'their own loC
aad not the street. Nl.nety-five percent of the e mployees they hire for their
reatauraata live wfthin a i�en-block radina. �te said &trger Riag does lilce
to work with the comoa�nity as�d will talce car� of any problems that erise.
Four perceat of the payroll is dedicated to clesning the exterfor aad interior
of the establishments and a four-block radius 1s also cleaned, he said.
�ir. �dlia said th�t Burger Ring has redeaigaed their buildiaga �and they are
•�ousidered to be the most advanced fn enq restaurant deaign.
Mr. Ames noted that the City Council should be preaented with the idea of
having the Burgez K�.ng employeea perk oa their own LoC. Mr. McPartlin noted
the Traffic Burena will regulate the psrking.
Mr. G�aysan noCed ttaat with the advene of the B�arger Ring, there wi1L be fewer
employees ia the area thaa before because of the type of establishment.
� ' 1 • •
BURGER KING CORPORATION (continued} Auguet 5, 1971
It was moved by Mr. McPaztlin and seconded by Mro MBnsnr to recon�end
approval of Che parking lot permft. Mre Mansur stated he sees nothing
nslid by which to deny the parking lot permit and notied the Traffic Engineer
epproved the plen with the restriction of adding one foot to the width
of the driveway. The motion carried by a 4-0 vote.
Submitted by: Paul I., Rosetter Robert Le Ames, Chairn�an
' '. � ! • .
Auguat 31, 1971
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the application for a permit of the Burger
King Corporation to instsll a 40-car parking lot to be used in conjunction
with a Burger King Reataurant, on property located on the northwest
corner of Fry Street and University Avenue. This property is further
described as:
Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28,
Block 3, Brightwood Park
This matter was heard at the August 5, 1971 Board of Zaning public hearing
at which time the ataff noted that the plan meets design standards except for
the driveway width and that this change had been requested in revised
plans .
Mr. Richard Grayson, attorney for the Burger King leasee, reviewed the
history of the site and atated he would assume the minor change in drive-
way width is agreeable to the Corporation.
Mr. Merrill Robinson appeared in opposition saying that he has been urging
the adoption of a special section of the Zoning Ordinance for fast-food
drive-in restaurants. He noted the number of restaurants in that area
now and said that this use would adveraely affect the adjoining resi-
dential neighborhood and eventually the entire City.
Several residenta of the area expressed concern over the on-street parking
situation along University Avenue. They said they would Like to have the
permit granted with the condition that Burger King employees park in this
Mr. L. Redlin, a Burger 1Cing representative, stated he did not feel that
their Campany should eccept this condition. He said that most of their
employees are hired fram withfn walking distance.
The Board heard a motion to reco�rtnend approval of the permit. The motion
was seconded and pasaed by a vote of 4-0.
Subsequent to the Zoning Board heering, the staff received a request from
Y �
• �. � !
_2_ August 31, 1971.
Harry F.. Marshal]., City Clerk �
the Highway Department Hy
draulics Engineer that the site be graded in
such a way that only half the site be dus�n?5�o1971epresenting that
street. A copy of his letter dated Aug
request is included in the Council file.
Very truly yours,
/_ ^ � �,
/ ,�1� �
Secretary, Board of Zoning
Z.F. ��7202
Enclosure: Highway Department letter
__ �,ugust 5, 1971
x Mansur Council Action:
Dooley Date:
- ; � p j � ----=--
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�1P('LICANT� Burger King Corporation LF_GE�p
��uh��-�U��; Install a 40-car parking lot to be use�qND US[��
in conjunction with a Burger King Restaurant
� THf=�EE Fl1Ml�l'
PETI'�'lOfy �IGf�E:RS: . � - FOUr� FAMILY
FILE No. �?o� � • n COMMEF�GI/1L
. �� n IN�UST�EAL
. NORTiJ �
St. Poul Piannin� Bodrd, Qote Juiy 28, 19�1 ��� PROPERTY IN G�UESTION
• , � . a , .
Y `
On Thuraday, Augnat 5. 1971, at ?.:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Mrs. Cochrane, Messrs. M�Partlin, Manaur of the Board; and Messra.
Brown and Rosetter, and Ko Kantorowicz o£ the staff.
BURGER KING CORPORATION: A permit to install a 40-car parking 2ot to be
used in con�unction with a Burger King Rest�urant on property located on the
northwest corner of Fry Street and University Avenue.
Mr. Rosetter read Che staff report. a part of the file, and noted the plan
meets all the desi�n standards for this type of facility except the drive-
way widths. The appl3.cant has bcen requested to increase the width fram
�5 feet to ?6 feet.
Mr. Richard Grayson, 5?0 Bndxcott Building, noted he is the attorney for the
Kemper family, who are owners of the property involved. They are not actually
the applicant but are the fee owners of the property who have aigned a lesse
agreement with Burger King. He said the Kempers have owned the property for
a number of yea;s and it has been uaed as a parking lot, a used-car lot and
a new-car shoc,�room. About 1.� years ago, the property was leased to the
Wa Fo Smith Tire Campany and tires wese manufactured inthe buildin�. The
intended use is not a substan[ial departure from the use that has Pxisted
for the past 47 years.
Mr, Brown of the staff noted ��het plans were aent to the representative of
i3urger Kin� the latter part o� Zast week requeating only the drivewey width
change, and the staff has not received a reply from them yet. The represen-
t�tive anid he would assume et�et a one-fooC reviaion in the driveway raidth
would sutomatically be added and they will consent to do it. Mr. G=a�rsan
noted he had talked to the developer and he has st�ted that wiiateve� ch�ages
would be� necessary would be no problem for rhem.
Appearin.g in opposition was Mr. Merrill Robinson, representing the Hamline
Communif:y Asaociation and the Agsociation of St. Paul Go�nmu�eities. Mro Robinson
said c��ncerning the proposal, "Who needs iC?" Mr. McPartlfn st�ted he did
not fee:l this question was relevant. Mr. Robiason noted he haa urged rep-
resent»tives of tine Association of St. Paul Co�unities for more than two
years to incorporate a special section in the 2oning Ordinance covering fest-
food il�yve-in restaurants. Minneapolis .adopted such an ordinance which
restricts the location of fast-food drive-in restaur�nts in nefghborhoods
that are primarily residential. University Avenue is a commercial street
but the adjoiniag street, Sherburne Avenue, is � residential stx�eet, An
eatablishment su��h as this has an affect on the adjoiniag residential character
af the nelghborhood 3n every case. There already exists I?.-13 restaurants
or food establishments within a three-block area in the vicinity of University
end Snelling. D3.rectly across the atreet ia an Embers Res+tauraat; e Black
Steer D�rive-In is down the street; further down the atreet is Porky's
DrKve-In. 2he Midway Shopping Center has several eating places which is two
blocks from the intended site. Once a fast-food development is estab}.ished
in an area, he said, a pattern develops. Mr. Robinaon cited aeveral other
ar�as of the City sa exsmples. He stated thet a £est-food drive-in lowers
the entire charactex of t�e neighborhood. The effect on the residential areas
aad the future weZfare of this City is overwhelming. r2r. Robinaon noted he
- • _ �. � - ,, .
'BURGER KING CORPORATION (continued) August 5, 1971
has brought thie sabject before the Zoning Board time sad time agein. The
ma�or portion of the problems have been wfth parking lots. This irka private
home owners more than anything. Mr. Robiuson urged the Board not to coasider
just the iam�ediate possible affects but to consider what this sort of thing
does to the entire City of St. Paul ov�er 8 period of time.
Mr. J� Libermaa, 1639 University Avenue, stated he is not opposed to the
Burger �ing but would Zike the employees to park in their own lot rather
than the street. A parking problem exists in the area now and the Burges
King will increase t:he problem. Mr. Libermsn said he would like to have
Fry Street, adjoining the proposed site� posted for two-hour parking. With
the advent of the Burger King, 174 feet of parking oxc University Avenne will
be los t.
Mre Ames aaid Mr. LAbern�an should voice thia opinioa to the City Council ae
the Zoning Board ia only concerned with the parki�ag lot application.
A repreBentative of the Burger King Corporation stated it is not the policy
to have employees park in the lot; however, if it ia neces�ary, they will
be instructed to par;�C in the lot. Mr, Ames asked how many emplciyees work
aC orce time and the Burger King representative replied 8-1?, on one shift
st a time. The repr�esentative noted they like to employ people from the
neigt�borhoods that the restauranta are Located in snd this could mean m�ny
of them would be within wAlk�ng distence and would not be driviag to work.
Mra Charles Nowicki, 16?0 Sherburne Avenue, said he msde a caunt of csra
on Sher6urne� Snelling and Aldine on Fri�lay and there were 64 cera parked
in that area. Theze are seven spartment buildings fn a two-block area and
only, one of them providea off-atreet parking. M�°. Nowicki would Iike to
ha,ve the permit okayed with the stipulatian that the Burger King employees
p�9rk in their own lot and not on the street. $mployeea of establiahments on
University Avenue park on SherbuY°cte; the Burger King will eliminate the comer
p�rking areas.
Mr. Lo Redlin, a Burger Ring repre$entative, stated he does not feel it w�ould
be �possible to say that Burger King employees must park on their owei lot
and not the street. Ninety-five percent of the e mployees they hire for their
restaurants live within a �en-block radius. He eaid &rrger King does l�ke
to work with the co�unity ertd will take care oF a�ny problems that srise.
Four percent of the payroll is dedicated to cleaning the exterior end interior
of the establishmenta and a four-block radius is also cleaned, he saide
Mr. Rwdlin said that Burger King has redeaigaed their buildiaga and they are
�onsider�d to lbe the most advanced in any restaurant design.
Mr. A�mes noted thst the City Council should be presented with the idea of
havin� the Burger King employees park on their own lot. Mr. McPartlin noted
the Traffic Fturenu will regulate the parking.
Mr. Gcayson moted that with the edvent of the Burger King, there will be fewer
employeea in the area than before because of the type of establishment.
� � � - ,��� � � �► !
�iJRGER KING CORPORATIOTT (continued) Auguat 5, 1971
It was moved by Mr. McPartlin and seconded by Mr, riansnr to reconenend
approval of the parking lot permit. Mr. Mansur atated he seea nothing
valid by which to deny the parking lot permit and noted the Traffic Engineer
approved the plan with the restriction of adding one foot to the widCh
of the driveway. The motion carried by a 4-0 vote.
Submitted by; Paul L, Rosetter Robert Lo Ames, Chairman
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DEPARTMENT F ��r� x P�� �, ��
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_ Augue t 20, 1971 , ��'Yr�,��'',�'� .:': �
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�i'aTO'�t"'7� S 1 aw i k P r op e r t i e s,--�-nc:�*�oCJ�"�'� ,
1850 Univeraity�venue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
Bile X1085, Pege g
You are hexeby notified th�t a public hearing will be held in the
Council Ch�.mbers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on September 2, 1971 on the 8pplication of
the Burger King Corporation for a permit to inetall a 40-car park-
ing lot to be used in con�unction with a Bu=ger King Reetaurant
on the property described as followe: Lots 25, 26� 27 and 28.
Block 3, Brightwood Park Addition. The property is locaked on
the Northwest corner of University Avenue and Fry Street.
Por further information� contact the Planning Board, Roota 1010
Commerca Building or tele�hone 223-4151.
To camply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is
charged with informing you of thia public hearing.
If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this
p••.Slic hearing to afford you the opportunity to make you= vieas,�
both pro and caz, 1-�^�•+n to the City Council.
Commiesionar of Finaace
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