255787 . � • 255�8� , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve operating agreement between the City of Saint Paul� acting through its Model Cities Department� and Independent School District No. 625, a copy of said agreement being on file in the Office of the City Clerk; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED! Tha.t the Mayor� Director of Model Cities Department, City Clerk and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on 'behalf of the City of Saint Paul. fOR ROV . rpo tio Counsei SEP a a �971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays SEP � a �97� Butler � App 19� Levine n Favor Meredith `j Sprafka C/ yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty p�LTSHED S P 2 5 l.� � � . , 2���8� .; �1 �:: I: l� ; ni E t\ T `l'iI:I:S :�GR),;?I��:!:�'I'; :;::«�c� .,.;-:c� c�7-�+�.ered i_nt:o t.his da�r o� � r .,..�.._.._� s 7 �)7 a.., 1, .l c; b i � ����;_i thc C�_L�� o�_ Sa�_nL ).au:l p «cta..rL� ,_..�.��1�U1 ._._.�.': ���i'iO.�C:� ri�......_ 1��':">�I.L!,:.'lii.=y herc.i���,if�G1 �C'fC.7'Z't'_Ci i::C c9.S �'�`iCir�cl C:�_;�:i.��s ��i_'l�cii`t=1Tl(:riL:�� g v7?.f.3 Sndependent School District �k 625 {" - r ��t � } t-l. _ c it •, 11� hcrei.,,a_te-r �_e�_c_-�ca �U �{., t�gc�ncy , - t 1� t 1T. t'�7.LT1�L',SJ�Sl,�:o . � 1ti7�1Ll;T.�'SS , Tl�.�: Tioci�� Cities De��<�.r_tr.ient on �he 23rd day oi l�pzils 19%] S i:c�c���.���:d �i g�'��11L under the tlniLcd Si�atcs D�pari,me»t: or � T � Iiou:-.�_n„ a.r.�.a �,rL.-<r� ?�nv��opr:;e:�� llernon�i�raLa_or� City ��.nc� 1��c�i�rol�o.l_.�ta� . 1�e�%��i_cj::��,=��i= t���•t rf .l_{�.-i6; 'I'�.�.le l, said �rani� des�_�natcd as G�!�ar�r �`:O < 1`11�' -i:��°C'�,i s c'II.Ci . 1,�-il=,?F;r�S , Pu�-su��:�t to sa�_cl �r�ni�9 I��odel CS_ties Depart;ne;_�L is lli��!:?:�i-:�'1�C1T?f; CC'_i"1:c?J."i7 3C�J_V'1�1.C'S � dT1G 1tI?i�,:L-/�.5 ; T�c i�lcdc�l �:��ies De��ar_tmc�l:�� c�e.a_res i�o en����, ti�Le Agei:.cy 'c.� a°encic�_ ccMi-.a�ri a_ssisi�anec> i�� sllc.h uricier_t.alcing purst,a�,t. to ar.i<< �_,� ca;��.al_:���.nce c�,-,:.� i-]� the G1�1Z� I�o. T.iE.-.22�.OU3; �C?i�:f TI��:;1?i�l?i�i�L;S T►:1? 1�i0DLL CIT'1.TS I)�?P�`�I'.TI�T?�T �ND `T_';3E ��GE��;:'•�' r)0 T�'t1T'1.'�l�'_:�' �''.,�� ' ,, � ;. � ,� �.�,�t.,E ��S 1{ LT_ .ti, , � A, 7c:o��� a� S�r_v�_ci:s � The Agency s1�a11, �aitl�.i�� t1.�e. S�z��:,1ii:-� � i)i�:i_�re7'57.1:)r ?'•�Or;i'.E i�ei_gti�bo::-1-�ooc�; in a 5a1=:1_SicCLOZ°�T c'1.i"lCj ]ixU��el iti"_P.i"iL-'7'y as c1�:i�c•��,t��:i_�:�ccl liy Modcl Ca_��.es Depart.meni� and under i�l��e d:�r.ec�.i�r.i . a:� the i��o�'��. C:i_i�ies Dc��:�.:tmcl�1�s perform those act�:i.�Ti,i,:i_es sei- _i:c,rt;l:� ' i��� �.}�c ��i.��c?,.e�a 1'arL Z� r�nd s1z�17_ perfaa-m t:h� activii�.ies raij�i�i1-� Lhe t:i_rn���bl.c� set for_t�h a.n 1?axt :CT . �. rundii�s�z: (1) �ThP AgencSr sl�a7_I com.m,encc p�r.f_orr�ance of t�i..> cont.iacc on. t11e ���,y�� day of __�_S_e�3 te�r�her s ���,�s �1�� sha1�1 caniplete� per.io�-r:�.nce no lai�ez tl�a-ci tlie _ 30tr� �ay of . ,�z ..�..._.�__.__.�..�._� Z`� � 7 2 . (2) 7�t� 9_s cx;�r.e�s1}T ui�clersLood und agre�c� t}-�a�. �n �lo �v�nt �ail� t11c: �.oi�a:� amou;:L- t�o be p.��_d by t�hc Mode1 Cit�.es Depa.-r.i�mc�lt f�o thc �'lgerc�- �snder Lhi.s A�rcc�meni� e>:ceed i�he su.n o:i $ 5�);50G. �0 for_ fU.11 ancl complete s��:t.isfactor_�� i�e-rfo�-ma�,c�� in accorc?a��ce �,�ith the 1.>ud�ct at.f�ac.h�d i;c, �I�:i_s l;sv.�-eem�-�ni� il� 1?��_zi� II:, and �_n no event sha11 c�xc`ed t�l�c arno;;_n'c oi= l?ederal �u.,:zus xeceived by I�1ode.l C:i_i�icss D�����;.7-i=�e1�L fron� i�h� Denai:t:m�n� of l-laus�_ng and UrLa�� l)cvelo,�mn�-�1� .(I�UD j f:or t�his p�_ojecL pursua.zL 1.� t . � ;� � = ._ , , . i_�� 1:11c_ ��i�%'ii;'�. ��1 ._..i� . ;�Cj7-1"L""l:1 _'.i:il�.t S C.) �:�)1"C'�7(:115_LVl3 r7..2`3t. `�(� ,i�i� ���.i� ?.�J.�1. �? � .-'��.i i: �t�i������� �li�'�,.i 1L�,' ll�,li�c � ( 3) F 1c; I,�� � � � �'__ ' i?..,�_�,`�`.���'� `° �` ��nc:y sl�a l.1 rnakc _ � (�?�I?C`7�.C�1_'L'll' t? ` ��< ..; � C11 i1(, CO t 1"�C, i 1�J�. .l C�.P1S <3.6 `-,�'�.. LO:I"L��, �, i , , �, ��� +- �L�_1 p� c�t�nsccl a�:��_.ii: t����,.i�s �� ,��c, 1T1 ��1c' £zi:��,.C� r � ��i ci�,�: �. E � Ii�ar3"c.t_ T,:�,zs� b� �.?�; �,��_��,cci to tl��c i�io.ic:l C:�ti.c; Lcpa-rt��<< ���c for �'e��:�_c:�ti-� a) l�g�:.:y rn�:y� ��.�!��.,n�' t_}-r��. I��;d�ei� J_:i_r�e �_te�ns ��:�i cl�ol�� • . Tiocle7. C-� L:i_c�� I���-��,��.�-tr-�e�r:i�` s �ti�r_it�tcn appa-o�ra1_ ur�der � t,'�.c f c_L_!_c�;7:i.1.;�, c�i_rC"�li::'�i:.�?L1c:E:� . � , i 71"li: "1"_�\%1�':i_01�. O�� c;. Z:LT1C'. _L'I�C'.il: C10C':� 1�1C)L� GO,'1�' s i�i ct�i�.c �•, sub�>��.r1t�ia.l cl�;�����e i;i pr•og.r_�;tn object.i.�.�c:�� � an:1 ia_) Th� xc�-:isz.o;�� o.r a J_�.��,,:� itc,:n c':�:�� nc��= canw st.i_t�±ii;c � ch�;.�:�<;c� of mo�_-e i=1t.a��. �0`":� of the J_�_n� :��e���� o� �`;, c�f i�}�e t=ota�� S��:d�;e�.e b) [��;;�I�< � -�:1�� ���,�r.nd th� ]3ud�;ei� as :�0110��;s on�J_}T upo,z i_1��; ��1':L.OL \•,��__t_i�l-r.i�. ��r��;;�:'0���=1 Oi i�}"1� I`1GC��1 L1�.1.Cf> LCp ,1. �.11:u�il�� F � �. Di_rc��c�o��: i> `j'}�.�_ 7'�.',T:L�:LOTI C�OC;S 710i^ CO�;.S�7_i:1.11=L' c� S11�J���CiT}i�:i_��..� C�1�?l�t;i' :i.�1 177-^��1"c.�n O}?J C:Cf:t_\%C=:;i 9 ci):l.C�i ��.1C 'l,)'�371c�rl?:� , '" -n � t=0 aiiO l.f:1 c:J" .L;.;.i E: 7_�.C 11? U O G S f i0�. O.L Oi::: �.L';; 1.t-C.ii� � cans�:a.LU�:.c a. c}:�.a.;_�ge of mc�re i:.l�,a.n 7_�i� oi th� Iine i_tcr<< or ].0% of th.e t�otaJ_ apP1�avcd 13ud�;eL. ii� `1'l�e x.ev�.si_oi� or a 1ii�.� itc�mR co�zst:i.i:utes a clia�z�;c a� n�ore thazi 10%� of t:h� line it�em o�° t�. tnore �l,�n _�/o of tlze total �u �;�t. c) Th.e follo��7i'1� a111�ndm�nt�s xequi�:e � Co�-�tract amendrnent and la-�•:;.t�te�z a����rovul of tJ��e I�Ic�d�7_ Nelgl�borhood Plal:��Z_i-�z�; Council anc( t��c_ Sa�_nt Paul Cit--�� Cou:nci_1< ' i) Th.c p:�.'c�pc��'ci ���'is-i_on ccl�st:-�i:.�i�tes a substzntial - �.ha�7g:=: a..jz �l�c� j»-o�;�-�rn ol�jc�ctives , the scopu of s�7'v�_<<r._s set ic.�-r�h :i.n t;:���s Agrecn��a�i� and/o�- i�he r,�c:�.1� A����oba.ar��; o.r_ ii) ��.y c1:1�:�n>;� �,�'?;.ch ��oi�ld ca�use the total atnount 7 � . of i:�-�e I�uclget �a 1��� e��c.eeuc�a, or_ iii) Tlie i:��a���_+�c�r :L,�o.n on� 1-in� ii�em �c� anoi:.l7er liize 3:tctn �aou:i.cj C071`:,l=:i_L11t C� a C11�3"il�,� of i11oz e t=han l�% of t]te 1 a.ne ii�em ar mor� t,h��n 10% o� i:he total T�ud gc�t. :, . ' , • ; . � , � ,r; � ; i-,,, �,,- • � iv) Tii� ��������.r <=;c:; n ��, , si_c•.a�. .l.oc�,�,:�on of app��o�-��u p:.-c>j,_ :�. ��:o��:i_c; -�-�.<:t,:���c;: tlic p�r.t:ici��ation oi �`'�OC)G�_�_ IL'E':!�J"i1�01:1;CU:� 1"c=:S:LC?��IZ�S . (4) S-ubj:,ct i:o t.l-,c a-ecc��_��t of �tiinds f��orn i�l�e L1,,��_t��d ���7'l�C`S Tl 'l:i<'ZC?(�c;'riL O:L HC114 1i�t� �1.7"iC! t)T'�::<�i1 �:'.\'F?.�O}:i:T?E'll�.y LI1C' � r� ,� ��� -..t..�'ll�;��i l. �il � � �� j �i:. '- -' � � :� 110.1('_.� C.1_t=7. .S �- '_.' .. . 1^ -- �. 3r;7� ��c.jrit.�_li� 11T)�Lt L!1:i_ _ Co1`;t=1",_i�;� .1_ll �_;"�<('_ J=011_Ulv:i.I1�� ti'.:_`_'�:rl.;:)��':": . 7���E' :15ZE'i1C�? S�"i<i �_]_ i�7'('Sc�i;i- f�0 Tic��r �2 F>r,� �;�1; r. _� �.. �l_t=1C`S �� .�_1"Ll�. t `; , ` • 37"1 LCi.'.f'l' i.E?C! ]`CCi'l1.LS.Lt_ 1 Oi't :CQ1: �'ti1:!1 !_i).�'�' j �^K:+'.s�_1—L-C�'?.�'�+�r � c'1i.,1" U111S:?:1.:-:,1i=, :i_Ll 1 O]:'i11 �i]>i)i'Q�'�Ci h�r L�iC)C�::!.. 1��1=7_F'c �::j�u1"1=1i]�.t1� L�77Cj t}lE: C:i.i.-.�� Corr�;:�i:-ro:1_�_er. . R�c�l��.sit�_c,-�;� sI��1I se��. iol°th t:1ie disp;���..�tion cf a:�!ot_.nts spent dt�i�::ii�� clze r-r_ec.�d:i_nf; (t.lcni::h) {e�;-;z��,�; ���;et�-�c�� ��;�ii�1� aiz r,sLim:_�.t�e. of_ ��xp�,.;,.c,s to bc inW C1I1"L"�:i� Cj:�7�:1_'1i� t:11C? T1C�Yt Sl1C��;E:�11i�; �P Uili�11� ���lt�'_�:'�ryY.'1p \J.'i_tl�. r. ef������c;.� to e�r;l�ez�s� cat,cge-ri_es as ���eL for�1-� Ln th.c� ati:achc:ci ;��1dgc� ��.;-�co�_l�oz����cd ��?ith'�ri �'ari� I14 ?�io�3e:L Cit�_es Dep<,��Ln��r�t .��T:i l:l_ TT!,�'.e p��_�;m��;-�t to the Ag�ncy �-,�it�Fii.n 30 days af�.�1 rece:i_��t of �l�e req��:i sit�_o1Z; aa`f.er 1��.��:i,.lb re��Ti et;-ec1 and app�o�.�ed �.he :cequi�;ita_on. Rec���is:itions s1�«l]_ :incl.�udc the �oJ_la•;oi_n; ca�e��o-rics e (a) Pea-soi;r,�l (��;��:�c�s s frixige l�e;�iefics) , (b) Colzsult.an�s (cj Space rental (d) `Travc.?_ � (e) Consurn�b�e sul�plics (f) Equip:nent-rcntalt 1_eas� (g) Othex costs . (5) The t?g�ncy shall n�a3_ntain verif:�c�t:ion for all �am penditu�-es :i_1�clia.di�zg9 bt2t ��ot a_a_mii.ed i�o, time sheei�sy invoi.ce�, an.d. re.ce:ipts � and shal_1 keel� �nd rei�ain suc.h -docl.a.�nci�i��-�t-7_01Z �or th.e p�riod o.f time t.hat -�s required i�o maini�ain .i.ts r_ecords hereunder. (C) No �-eqti.i>itions sl�a7_1 be filled if, a� the i�i_m� it is m�des the t�hency h��s .rore �ha1-� 4`% of the to�.u1 Tlodel Cit�_es Depa.rtmeni� funds a�1.ocated u.n�lei i�his Agreemez�t on depos:�t i�7 its deposi.tary. C. Tndei;end�nt Contrac�o�.-> I�or t;he pur_pose of this A.gr�emenL, the Age�zc}T shall b� deei�l�d to t�e an �_r_dcpendent contractor, and. not an �mployee af th� Ci_ty. Ai�y and a11 �rnployees of_ th.e Agency or 3 . . , � . .1 . ' � � , (>T Ot .�l" I7t'_?";�C11S y ��' �.:1_.!.i.'. C:''I?�iI��LCI :LTi �11G Pl_'T'�_C:LT:i�i.7iCE' O� ��11�' 1;'Otl: 01' SE'_14:LC:E'S 1'C_C7U1TE� }��' j.:.l-i(' r�?i-:l1C,�T 11�11Ci(_7' L�"17.5 E�t�L"c:'.C':Tt27"?i- , >1���_1 770t l�C' CU1��':I_C7C.:�"C(3 C:II�,�:l_oye�es Oa ��1G �,:L��`f c�i.T1Cj c:.-!`�' cil�C7 .��1R (;j �1_TT1S f.1'1�tt: P•l�i�% O.1' 1r1�i1� d.1".l_S(� lJi') i(?7_' l )1�? i�'O�"�.i !�_'Tit S COl.il��c''71`i�:��3_U71 �,CL O� 1'�iinn��:;oi..�, ol.z b�.11;��1_� vi: saic; eu�p]_o��cc_s or ot:l:�..::�, pe�_�so��s ��:hi1e so . . . C'Il�cif;�'_C� � ��.OSl��tc! �1Z�; I::1_0;-7 1_T1S111�c+."L1i.C'_ CUVC'.1E�!�-iC'S � SOC'!ct�. �l'_Ci11:1_'l,�/ c^�?l�� pcn�.;_;�li �>.��r:.ents � �d 1�crrc� r i t.s 4 o;�;�c z: e�r�}�:I.c,;r �e ob1.a �,��t..i_r�n�< <��,c�. 1�r,n;.�..: �1t�;� c^,.'!�C� �7.7:iy' �1i1C1� �'t�_� C��_c.'.J_il. : Il!3-C1C. �.�V cltl")T l:.�1_I._:Ct� ���?.l"��� c7.f> `c�� CUiIS� - r • • �'"1 � - .-.'.? r q�'�-- - -^ �-r� ,c,-i � : . I /= - r C��C1.r_L.C,F_ OJ_ c�i.y �,.�t� t)1 (,1,1�_;>,�_�.�)_� J11 t;r?._ i��+�I'� O� t:�]C'_ �;�E'."1"1Cj% �..���. C�ITC]7±.C��%�'�:S Oi'� O'�1"i�'.�" ]?:'"�`'Oi1:; 1,;MiJ_�G SU C'i1�d;�t'_C� 071 ci1.)r O:i i`1"1�: ;�0::'�.� Oi: SC1\T10E:S �U ��t� iC- .i:-'.i"i`:C� g S}:ic:3.1..� 1.7"1 710 l'1�r1�'Vi1l_ L;.;C' O�J, ���_;.i�:1_OTl U1" resT�aiz�:i.t�i�L:�.L�T oT ti;.c� �,:tty. Trie ���;�ncy sl:al_1_ p�y as �]zey b�ceme due a.l.l_ j�i�s� cl�:;_�-,�s f_ol_ ��.orl., tools . t:���cl�:incry; sl:i_l:L� mai=er:;_--t1sg inst�.-ra,:�ce �,re.��i.t��;,, ; eql.ti.pr:?cr�t azld s�tppl_;_es :Cu�_nisheu� renderc�cl or p`rfori.ed in the e>,ecui::i_o���. c�:C tl-Li_s /`�Ureem�ni�. D� Na Discr�.;n;_�:�t:�tiar� � The l�Ger�.c;T sh�1_7. be de�m�d a cont.�-��.ctor ...._�_.__..k..,....__.._t_�.._ _ for the aFj?1zc��Li.�;�� a� a1J_ pravisi.c�r�s l�.t��_eof ��lid la�•�s a�c�:LTls� unT, 1a�•:�_u1 c1:i_:.�crim:-i7��t�T.on oiz account oi race, cree�; sexy ��z;c� or coloi: hel-eunde-r� T�1G �l€?E-'_iZG�?r c�7:'`C_'-�>:� :L"Ll ^C:CO1=C:��1'1"].CC-'_ 1':�:1_i;l� �.i"1�t.";:LC"1' L3i� LJ.C�'S C):r i��.1C State of I�iillnc�otu fo�- 1_9L�lq �I..��c3.L in t'ne hz�r_�_r��; of_ core-�on ox� s'.;; I �cd labor tor t�ll� pe�°:Eo�1°rn�nre of ax�y t�lor_lr t�ncie�_ i:l�i s Cont:ra.�'c ar ar�.,= SL?�t�:dT1j�]`i:�.Cl: �1�?T'C?"l.]i"iUL:T'e "�IU C_OTi'G:Clil:'I:CiI�i TTL�t=C'�"J,c� l_ SL1nL�.i 7-:?1.`q 01' VC:_';.iCN�':�" slxatl� b}r reascn of race, c�°eed or co1.o-rs di_scr":!lllil����e a�a:tl��t �.r,y perso�� �c-;io is u c�_t�_z�n oi� tl�e t7i7ited St�tes �ti�ho is q��alif..i�d �:��_;�i availal.>l� to p�ri otl:l i�}le �aoriz. to ��alz:iclz sucll et,�p7_o�Tt�ez�t r�7_at-es 5 that no con.i�r�cto�:9 mate�-iu7_ supplie� ar vendoi- ur?der tl-iis Ccr.?1-.;_�ict shall in any manr�E.:° d:i.scr_in,a_xiate ag�zin5t4 or ;_ntirni_dacc, or_ prr_�vc�izt ti;.e e��pl.oyuient or �z��yT P;�rsoa�s o-r on Ucing hia_cd f p�°evGrit., or cc�n.u� spi.re to preveni�y any persol_i ixom th�� p�a-:Eo�°n�ance o� �•,���a�k undc_c i.lzis Co�ni:ract an acco�unt of rac�, creed oi� colc}r; and i�ha_t this Co-r�ta:.�c t il�y be ca�lcell�u oz: tez°rlina.�ed by th� City, and a 11 ri,o�-a,.yT du� o-r i�o becotne du� hc�a�cunder shal_1 be forfe:i�;d for a s�corid o� a�zy subs�querli� viol.at�on of the tern�s or cond�i,ions of this Con+.��-act. Ths.s COT1�I�tci� :i_s subject t.o Tzt1� VI of the Ca_vil Rif;}�iJ.s Act: of 7_964 (P. Lo 88�-352; �aPpre�vc�d Ju1.�� 2p 196���) and t.he rules ancl. regulations (24� CTa'l:, Su�1:�tii�:Le A, Pa�-t 1) , :Lssued by tl�ie 1Iousi_n�; and Home li':i.nance Age��cy pursuant therel�o... �. Indemnific�,ii:_�_or : :tt is iuitn�4�r agr_��ed t.hat thc Agency shall defend aiz� save�'t�he Cit� c; Su�_rLi� Y�aul h�..rrnl.ess from any claims9 demalids, ��c-tions or causes a_� act�ion az:_i_sing oui� of any negli�;enL act or ciz� af alzy negl.igent OITI:LSJ1_O:z oi� the pa.rt o£ the A�ency, it�s agents , ser_�Ta�zts9 o.r emplo;Tees �?-� tlie p�r_formance of or wit.h re]_ation to any of th.e �aorl; or sc.:rv�_ces >>��ovided to be per- formed or furnisl�ed by the Agency unc3er tlie tc��zms oi i�his �lgreern�nt. 4. . ' ^ � I,. 1 t_'� I Ctc ��1 � 'i. � � C)��'I l�l)�.. c�!.1�� I l i ��1 �� 1'r ntl t ['l'1�li�Tli-c� ` J�fCI.lU� �UJ�c1� O � L:��E I�;�� iC)�i_� c���,�- � t�;1�LIL1C � ���Cl �ll�l C1�'?�> Ll_Lc�Jl�l��c'VC.� C'1'71PC7�lt� AcL o r 196� � ��qu � a c �. Ll�at a. c�i�,>> � 1,�;-�� , �-�= cit.y c;en��r�si.�a1�i.on pro_. gr�im 1��-ovzdc: , ,. .. 1, � .�T�,u::� 01 ,=oi �.��,.�� t� � �� f:or er.-,»1_0� �,1,? r�s:iclF�riL� oi i,t�t� �� rc_��3 i.n «1 _I_ � � �.._�.�; _ ., r _ ; ,; ,. � �' � L of tl�� �>�co�, � , ���ic� cr.�l.ar_t,eci o�_,porturiities � ��1 �;'OI:k ��L1Ci Lr:'�-1 i17 ;,<�r� �i'1�_C� t;]7��t: .l.j.. ��%• �• :: 11:�=i�_�C' ICic`�CI:CCI.� P'O",]°C.'SS 1.11 - , P�� �' �� ;: ;, � _ rec uc,�_:� „ �ixn e,-c.i:�l>�(oyi��e�n9., �a.nd erzio-�ced id 1e;:,ess ,. „ . Iri tl�c } �ric7r �-��:c,^_ r�t: tl�is A`, =��:��c���S tl,� l:�er�:.5- sl;al.l c.ornpl_y �1'lt.=�) c; 1 �� t.i��i� l. "C� .� .:�i.�' O� T�T�i) ])CJ��..:?1I?.:."�"' �.:.0 _l.j. S f��ll�'�"���. J�C?�lC�� 017 F'_311��.1.U\'i(�C:'11�_ cj',Cl :;1___?i:).i. ��� Oi t''.�.Cu�'L T�V�C:L`;l��J,�:'��1.Ui)�,j .�t?S1U�°i1�..S :I..'tl c7.� l jobs �,c.,l,������. d 1�)� tl��.; i'1s,�.ci� �.���t alld� t:l:e 5t�1,:��i �• �qui.r�i��;zts . �_ . .,s i o n �° :Eor t�l�_� ;.ir:��1c_r_::cr�t��t:i_o�.i or t'n.;_s r�o�l,:i_c,T, �_,.;; set: ioz-Lh :i_n. I-tUD I�a;,dboolc MC 37_60. :1_y � I�iod�l Cii�:i_es Lmploym�rit .anci T:_raa_;.��_ng Requ�_t-e�r.ents (CDA Lett��r N;1. ]_7_) . l�g,e�ic�% �h:_�11 �.r�c;1llC!�_° t�}lES� Ptov:�s:�or�s cleali_ng �•;�ith P.esident rin�l�,�r��e�L ir, a�.1 �� :i_t.; opczata_j�g su�k;coxltiacts . f�gency �{�,:�°re^� to cv�r:pl�� w:i_th the E�p7_o�-�nc�r�t azxd Tr��,in:iT.�g �oals set: fari�lz in tllc Sa:int Pau.1 ?�iodel Cit%es �:.e�:i_de�t 1?.m;>>oyrnex�.t� ��nd Tr�:in:ing P1_ar.�, as set� forth. in Part II h�reo.f. [,�:ith.:i�z 30 days c'llr. (.:E:L" i�}1C f'_�;_� Ll7"t:.:l_C;1 O� t�"1!_5' t.£��C_'F_'1t' 'i_i�� I;vC'_1:':j� S�"iF:!!1_ SiJl�i111i J C11" a��ro�r�1 a��_� enl;»_a�=r.<<���� p1,a�n tof;et�l���r taith spec:i_f:i.c e1rn:I.oymerit� and tra�..�1i�;.l:lb �o��ls �ar �.1�c :i_mpler����ntai�:i_c�2�. o� t��is }>o1_icy. I�z tl�e f3XCC:'17�:LOi1 Cii �1i�}1 ��.�_t 11 l;]1� ij��3i:7C�' I('�1:1Si: Cj�"l:Vi"'tSi,.l.czl=C'_ Ili=�'t7_�t�-'Ci I')"L'C>sT7'C'.`'iS to�•,�rd sPecif i.c goals in each succeeding pYiasi� of the program. !�1]. Pos:i_i.ions g�nc,,,�.�tcd by t���:�, pro j cc L ���zd Ag�-ceme��.t anu a11. nositioizs beccm:i_-ng vacant sha.11 be f�illed by !�&�r.c�r by I�iodel Neighbor)-,00�i x�si_cents < AJ_1 sucl� positi.ons af cmploym^nt sha1l. Ue listed ��a:ith the rloci�l 1�eig;��UO`r�100Q L,nrployr��e�.-�t Cenier. �n1y re� ferral_s irom th� �1odc�J_ I��Tci�hborhood L,mployrne.zi� Center s}�zal1 be acccpted for �mp7_oymen.t by i�he l�bency. Agency shall not mal.e a.ny exception to the�,-�c pzovis:ions unle�s the Age��cy is gianted a waiti=cr by the �Io�e� Cities Special Revie�,� Bcard. T_� �}�� A�ency desa.xes such waiver, it sha�.7. �na].;c� �ariL�.en requesi� ther.efo-r to the Moclel Cities Spec:iz�l_ Re�rie��� I3aard and shall_ set fori�l� th� following inf o rrn�i�_i_on: l. Reasons for tlie need to de.viate fiom th� resident empl_oyment requirement. 2 . Recommendation and a]_te-r�zati.�-es as to ho�a such pOS7_t'107:1S shoul.d be �i]_]_ed . Upon �nt:ering in#�o this A�;-re�ment, /1�er.zcST sl�al_1 submit, in writing, a 1_ist-�:�g of ava:tlablc jot�s �vii�h a job descriPtion and 5 . ' . , salar_y �-��n�e for c��:zc±� pos-�tier.. l_;�<cl� ;j�b d.esc�=�!-Ptioli s}-,a11 cor�ta:�n a �lef;_,�ii_�_on of �}ir= �,os_�_t:�_o�:,.� exar��l;�_e�-� o� dutie�� a�nd rrl:L�f1:l_Si1t?Sll qt?a1�- ifa.cat=i.oi�s for tii�� r�a�:i±�_io,_� � Job de�sc.�r.-ipi.7,o?:�S �1re stlbjC'_C� to re��ic��, an� app� o�ra1 oL Li:�e 1.�•ioc�iel Ci tic_s i�el�<�_r.t�-��l���nt. T-�7itl�i_n thii�i.�T (3v) ci�-,=s ��fter e�:ect;t:_i.ol� �f` thi_s /lgreement; A�er�cST U1;a11 levcl rr f_or �-f_��:i_e�;J a�;cl �p�>>°c;��a.1 << �p�c_i.f�_c prograS71 to Llpv1.'�1C�C'. L'�_l�1_�-)�_(? . jiU�:�li�lii.1. d"C1C� 1"1Z't�('1_l"-,`;`'�.C(� C:ii:l)�.0�':-'-E_'S 117. C'dC�"l- 1)r�t1'c'�" pl°oiessic��,-�:L jc�b� c:l �.s�,:�fi_c ����:�.o�z, `I'Y�a_s 1-1Pi:�~Ucl:i 7,,, sl�.��1.l_ l:� d��;i�r�e.cl �.O 1_E�F.iCi t;G �tt':�i_,�:!' Z'LS�O17: i l_,:�_11_�)% O`C "LL'�l ]�I'O.i(:,?S1.011�t1 S��'1�115 ; '?.�(j tliase ern�-layc�s so up�`radcd s��a11 b� �_�.t��:ir�;�ci i.t� l�rofess:�an�.l � I_e��a1 -r � !��- positio���.�� a.s sticl� pos-itio_.� b�coi:�e avaa_l��'�:Le t1�.�,-ou�;h s�aLr i.urri�� over, e�.p.�.nsion o:r n;�;4� I?r�o�;rarri c3c��jc�7_o��;-�cnt. `I'I�� trailling proc,dures �ti�ill Ue d�signed t.o -remove ic3:,ntii:i_c�d :im;��cii�:n�ni.:s to lzira_n� a�Zd up�radi_n� oi rlisad�T�:ritU�;�d Tio�e1 I�ei�I:l�orhood residcnt;s and p�-ovicie th�m ���ith occupa.t_tcrlal_ raob�l_:�i�}T �l��.r.ou�;l� s�r�:io:ri.ty, inLera�c_ncy transier a�rcem�r;Lsy CJ.Vll service status, U.n:i.o7-i membership or otller pr�requisitcs t.o such mobi7_ity. l�.gency shall shoc�a ho�a it p�_ans Lv remove or eas� s7_�nifica;zt= mc�xi.t s�Tstem imp�dirzents to t.l�e c�mp:to}�n:ent o.{ disadv�int�z�ed l�ic�del i�e:iglil�vr.l-�oad resici�ni_s i�z such rc:!_�zt.ec� j ob5 . Aget�c�T s'na1_1. clesignate a. st�aLf tnen-ib�.r as Trair�in�; and De�Telop-- mer�� Oi:��cc� ta be respcn�il�le for dc�Telc��:L er�t o{ tia:i.�n:i��� Pru�rarns and en,u7_a�%ab�J_it}r de�•�TeleL�:��nt Pl��ns �or a7_1 �Tr�plo�Tees . An rr.�pJ_o;T� abilit��� �;���Telopme;lt� 1?.���n in ���ritirig sl�all be dcveloped �oii�h e�c1� enr�l�yer�. us:in� bel-�avio�-a]_1�j def_ined objccti.�=es . IJit.hin tlii�ty (30) days a�t��r e��ecut�_oiz o� tl�is �gree�l�ent9 A�ency sha11 St1�?iTi:L�L ta tl�� Mode1 Citi�s D�partrnent gr:�evance Procedure:s to be �017_o�,7ed by the Agency �z��d ��va�_lable ta its e�nployees � G. Ter�s arid Co7zdit=i ons : Agency sh.a 11 Ue sub j ect to and shall comPl}T���� tl�. a`?`l�terms and COT1Cj1�:LU17S as set for�h in th� attached Part I:t . Agency sha1:L include simi.lar L"C�111S and conditions in a11 of zts con�racts wit.h othe-r agencies :in the perfor2�lance of this Ag r e emen i�, , H. S_u�pl�meiztary Con�it�.ons : This Agreemen� incor_porates the "rsod�l Cit es%�.�c m n=i straLioiz Supplementary Conditions Lor Coni�racts `aith OPexat�ng �'jg�ncies and Coni�raci�ors", HUD�7050 (2�69) �vhich �_s Part of the attached }'ar_i� II . T1he-�z the term "City" is used thexein, it shall rnt�an "Model Cit�_es D�partmeni:". The Supplementary General Conditions sha11 b� incorporated in a11 co�.z- tracts Uetween A�ency and its contractors . 6. � , . 'a , I . Adr:�ti� i Ct 1 �,t.�i�rc_ ;_ �r��� �- � f �t��1 .ir�l� : Tl-�.�s l�greemen.t �_.i�corpor� ,.�.�_ _ __: __.. _ _____ a.�.eS �L17C� �`�.00��' .�_���?.t.:LC > >li.. lLi;_:LSL�_cIL.�OIt, �._iC:�01" .�>t:�.11C�c3i'C�S P7'fl�?1S1C?lZ�r � HUD�-7U51 (?_-�6�� ) , �;l�zcFi is �art c:� th� at.i��zclzed PaLt Il . lti�izer� �;, tlz� term "C�ty" is used there:i.n; it sh��.1:1 ri�c-ari i�ioc3�:l Cii�i_es DC'Pc�1"''�i::1�T1���` c�11Ci ��J�'1C:t"� t��1(' UE')°Itl ���,OTI.t:Tc�C�OJ"�r �.,I�l��c3_)"S �11�iE`1Tly l� sh�t11. mean "A`cnc��,� . 'I'hc_se Lal>or S�i�aa-�darcl; sla�11 b:=� :i_nco-rporaLed in al_1 contrac.ts b�t�aecn t�he '��e�1cy and :i_i.s con.i�r��ctors . J . 1'�co� d� � Repo� t � ��i�c� � �,-�� � �n� �- � on e Th�� !��ency sha7_7_ be ._ , , _. ..�. _.�._ . __: ._._.o _.., __ Z'�S�O"1"1�1�J l� 1O._ j.i1.C_ T'� .1Tii= � _�_� C' 01_ rC.CU f C_i�s <<."I.7C� �.:r:C�OI]1:1�S f 11iC�.L1.�1'110 �.1'O�`;'i''L"�•'y PG'�SOI:?T1E'1. �.i.'liil 11i�.-1'11^.1i�.L 1'C,C01�1S c)C�!?C�U`_l�� t;0 c'3SS�Z):(. tt p-rope�- accour���:i..n� for a1:t. project: iunds , l�'c�der�41 a��d/o�~ n�r��- Federa.l. These -r�cor_d4 �-,i11 be rr�ad� a�%aii.abJ_e for �udii� to repre- seni�ati_ves of t}ie Tiodc]_ Ci.ties Dej�:artricnt.., the U�Zited Stat�s Deparl.ment of_ Hous�.i�g and Urb,:�n Dc�T�lop�ri�71t; tlle Ce:r�ptr.o2ler_ G�n-� er_a1 of the Un:i_teci `+,_.ai,es or any aui�no?-:�.rc�c3 rel�x-csenta.ti�7�s o£ any or atl of the7r: a;erlci_css artd �:�>j_�_7_ be r�t�u�_n:�d for ���kLre� yea��� after the e�pi_�:•ation o� tl�.is Cor�t�;-act u��les� ;��rit�e� pe�-�nissi_o�.l is giveri fo.r �heir. ��ies�ruct.ion by i�ioci�l Ci:ties ll�pa�:Lm:�n.t azzd t1_le Secr�i�ary of the Uni�ed States D���art�me:�t of t-��using and Uil�an Develop��nt. A�e�zcy sh���li furn�_sl-i svch stat��a�����i�� , recorclsY .r_��po7:��� ar�.d inform�i�ion as is cal.l�d for in the T�[ode7_ C;.t:�.es D�p:3,.tme�z` c;.t.a r�port:ino pac,l:abe, t4�a_c��� is incorParated l�c�f.:in. by refezence anci Til�C�2..c]. 1�2x`r I7C?J°e:Ol; c'-i:l"1�..'�1 5i1C�� OL'tAC�2' 107"i"1IS �'�S �Ti%)�r J.t"Ol-,1 i.1i['i° t0 t.�?Tt? be r_c.:�ui_red of th.e A�;eiicy b5% tt�e D�par_tmt nf� ot II�using and U�ban D�vc�J_opm°n� a7zc3/or A1ode1 Cities D�partmen.i�. I�. The l���ncy shaJ.1 pro�Tid� �_nforr�.ation to the ^�ade1 C�_ties D�pa.-rLment fo-r purposes ol evaluation and coni,.-i_�z�io�is plani�i7�g ° purs�_'�=-r,t to a mon.thly reporting system. Tha_s repori:ing sysLer� - sha11 include : a OutPut Tleasur.e Report (moni�hly) b Output l�leasur.e Report Na2rative Report (monthly) c Age�.�cy S tatem�nt (montl�15T) " d Pa-ri�icipant Beneiicia7-ies Report (monthly) e Pro j ect 1�7orlc �P-r.ogram (mocztlily) f Budget and Output Plcasure I'orecasts (monthly) g Narrative Repor� (monthly) L. Woriz Pr_o�ram�, taithin one month follotJiz�g �he execution of this Agreem�r�tg--t�lie �gency shal:�. su?�tr�iL �o th� Mode1 Cities Department, for its ap��roval, a I�iork Prog�-am setting forth ho�v the � Agency �aill zmplcment �lic scope of services as set forth in Lhis Agre�ment, and includin� the fal.lowing: (a) Jot� D�scription for each sta£f position 7. ' . '� . �. -, -. ` (b) Ti��ietabl_e io1- l�iri.zg si�_�iL (c) Dctaileci cicscr�pti.on of the tas]:s to be t�iid�ri�alcen (cl) M�ttiads b5- �ai�ich i�he succe�s�t�1_ campletion o� i�hese tasl:s �ai 11 bc zc:lzieved (e) TimetabJ_c f-o.r. such cornPlci,��_on. II� �dITI��L'SS `v7I-i}'RI:Oi', Tt�e pal-ties l.zav� c.�il;c�d i�his l�gree�nertt to �c �xecutcd th.e day and ye�.r. iirst ���bov� �aritten. CIT�' OT SATi�'I' PAL�T_, �pproved as to Fo?-rl� I�OD}?L C�L`.�:i=I,S llEP�R'I'1�i�NT ,�..�. .r.�_._..�...,_____�..� _.,_ Spec:La1. �ls���n.t� �w�ayor_ CorporGt:io�i Counsel �--------- 1)zrector Appro,�Ted as to Fornl S- E�;�cution: �� �����i ty C i e r lc �`-�m` �p�;cial ti��sisL�zzt Coz�por_ai:.:i_on Co��zse_t • ��C�i y Y C,O1111�L]'O TI�-�� g Tn the Presence of: Independent School llistrict No . 625 By: Its Its APPROV�D by Council Resolution C.F. No. Dated: � 8 . � - Paxt II-� ,j 1 i Scope of Ser•vaces Project: Commt�.nity-Sci�ao:� Coordinator Fro�rarn: Su�aportive I;�.i:�ca±ion Pro�ect Admini.�t�rin�; A�etic�� St Paul Di�trict #625_ �he l�dmit.i�teri:l� A�;e�rr.�� shall wi�thin the I•iodel Pdei�ht�orhood, in a satisfactor�� anc� �;roper m,an.�er as c,e�ter;n ned b3� tl:e riodel. Cities De�axtment perform those activities set forth beloYt: Purpose and Objectives: a. To zxplore various methods for better utilzzation school facilities for educa.ti�nal. and recreational purposes. b. Ta incre�,t;e understanding and res�or.siveness to thz eduaatior.al needs of cnild.ren and adults in the :�odel Ne�.ghborhood, C. TO �Ci�JY'O�*C opportunities i01' UL1�.�7�iiv1021 Oi l:ti6'1118�5 c;;Ci COL'i!iiLtIil.��r Z"P 60LtZ'52::�„ Content an�� Oper�tior_ The Cor.ununit;�-SchooZ Coordinator will perform the followir�g duties; a. Survey all businesses that are within or near tk�e Model Nei�;Yibor- hood to determine to �rhat degree they mi�ht p�irticipa�4e in the coc�mur.:��;; scnoal ;�ragrar�. b. Encourage bu��iness and commtznits people to participate as members of a commur.ity school councilo c. Survey the corr,munity to cietermine what physical and human resources are availab�e. d. Conduct questionnaires a.nri interviews to determine problems, needs and desires of community residents. e. De�relap a comp=ehensive corr.r;�unity �choal program. C�ord.ina.tion: Special effort should. be made �o include in this pz°oject those on-�oing educatior_al t�nd recreational pro j�ets lacated within tl:e ecmnn�nity , such as Adult basic edue�tion. . , . Tutorin� prograrn, kiomerr,aliing classes, etc. Cor.umuni.ty Schaoi Coordi.natcr Four (4) coms::unity �;choals (Hill, Webster, tlaxfield, and Marshall) will be used as centers is as fc1l�s�s: Monda.;y trru Fr.id.ay durir,g uchool year 3:�0 �:e �ae " ge3o p• lner Sa.turd�y czurin; sc?ZOOl yc ar • 8.3o a. m. — 12:30 �. r�. Monday i:hru Saturday c3urir.� sumr�er months 8:30 a. m. -• � 5�30 p. m. This includ�s access to and use of classr�oms, cafeteria, kitchen, locker, and auditariuin areas and facilities of the four (4) schools. [ < \ ,j ` ' �i i n)'lz:,.'�?`.•'!: t:Il?'�;^,'_:�; ` f'''" '�.:� f�Y:a A'..11v.1 •J �"i(,}f��"�.t l.).1..4 ,._.. ��':'i..;�7[f!':('?. f:E'C`1'i.I;.i:.�.�('.:f )�:'f_`Cf'C111Y(, ���,�t,�!C�'CT��:( t$ 6.,�,�,E�;1��'l1�.� � . � '� ��� �` ._ R . �� iFV��) �;a t f'i r. . A11. c�ual.3.f.icci res;.cients c3t: t:'1e M�,c'c�� ";c�i;�-F;�;ort;�;.>c. w?.I1 be t;i_ve�L priority consi.c7erati.on. � Al_1 posf.ti_ons tai.} 1. ��E� ,,,:::��� �.���.: i.�� t;�r �..�i C� t c;:� r);f�,cc and on btzl'letin . . , bOilI"C�S 2ii t�lE'_ f�l!�i�ii- . �:10OiG C`.� ft�l� . ��1;�,:?i. C[�1 7�:1':it'f_ . �`j'}7C :i�)(?�].C'�11:1OI1 �07'IliS . , . W�.� l 1Jf: ;i��1i7. �'cil ! C ei� �1!?I._}: lt��J.Ct'S. / J?�s ' C'�":fil '_7�. iiC)C1C('. '0'7�.�_1 ()E. nSt:t.C� fUI. , . A �1: Ie.i:�t E'��ri <i��y,,, Appli.cati.c�ns W'].1.2 f)E' I'�'VJ"t�:L•? C:,: titf'. ��E'C:;<ii;:?^� (.C't,iT:�i1.�rCe Ari(� t'?1C'_ committec may eonduet anv c,:�al. i.i,L�E��-r,�zc•�ain� c�f ��.���zc��dat��.s cicci�.ed necessa.ry. � Tncic�pendeant School Ui st r_ :_c±. ;�f.?5 ��ri.J 1 !�r�_dEsa.vrr to re.t-ain c�u:�lified civi_1 Rervi.ce illlCi CCE`I'1.1��1.C�j �lf`Y':>C7ii1lE'i <ti Jl(?:iTi:iCIC'Sl±'. '� ' .',.lE'i'S nt t}1C :i(:<:t��f :1��.:F'.T� coin�>leti_oci of: tii�� T1c�ucl c } : i ;.,,; �>>-ojr•ct. . -':zr.c��,�-t l , ; ed per�;c�,-ineZ are f�en- er<_illy co�lsiderc�u i,<�rL-t: � ��;; ,�t:c•r�, c�f ,i�c� st .f.f. :�;oncerLi�i.c�d e�nployc�es will. re��ive j,retservl�c �.,.Gc? �.rservi.c�� t.•.�xnins, �n�l ��:c�achc>r �iid�s can �.f�i�z)'O4`E' L}IF'jF' fl�•lt�?�t`J ,.<<7 '1� t<:-._ �:`,'�! a': .%FI�ii1 Ei!!ite :3 t7: •,,1-�I��(?. 1�Ilti."r�('ll(�t'll�; �C�1UOi �}�.f>��I IC;� i: E�r�:? ciA',t,� t,: it�': `i�:�iCs'?i d' i i::i.S._��1-- J it ?`I_IlS1C:^i0t.�1 <�2'C_' CY�I�.I)'..'�.LS�: a :ec:on�l 1�cvE�,]. f�c,�:- c_ci,.�cat �r� :.�?_ ���.��� ; : ,_ , .'.�;t� ���E.,:. � ::��t� �o�1d �be consieicr�d ful l ti.rr,e ��ei�,,,��r�c:��t r7r�r:�l>r�.:� c?f ti1c: :��:��.�: , Cer.tifi.��.ci • Mod��1. �'.it:tes C�c..,::ina.toi- Ki.ncler.�;a�°Len - Firs� Cr;�cic_> i'za�;r.:un Coor��i.natar F�.ve Spe.cial Resoi��ce 7'c�;c_�:c:s s Foui i;o^um.inity Sci�ovl Covrui.iz�tors i�,�enty Cl.assroc;n Te�xc}1c:4� �J() ���.£;11 :iC�lU(ll 1.C1�.ti1::'�QZ;:� Xo��LI► �:�rvin�; Yc�;itti r�,'c;oz•c��.n:�t�r (P���-2�-t:�.r.:�} �'011)" l,011�'�1 SC1�II.Tlh I011� }? ('Clil:�?i iUt'•C!i."r:.�s?7'.^a ��'iiZ"t�°'i:],TP.C� Four. Eaz�ly ChiZcli�;�c�ci 'i c�aclic�t-s Ci.vi.I S��rvice �i0nc C1c:rlc - Fx��er�.ment.�l Couns�Zin� One Secrc�tary - K-I � , One Secretary for St►pportive F;duc ation Pro ject Or�e P�yrall Clerk �,��d �°,�oolcl:e�p�r Noncextifir.d Six Teacher Aides f�r "t'outh Servin�; l�ut�h '1'hi i ty '1't�r�r�: (lii�,}� Sc��c�oi Stucic�nt.s} )'�ri�i �(�f�tt��..;���ls���)6 1,l:�il:���tra� !�u� 1 ;� 'j'�!tt�tt��1 n j;'�.�;s I,� i ��'����� 'I`��t��.�I►r�r� n�tJt��i • !'i ����4�I;i,t►i x �f. ,. .. �:,g�:c��:ti ��,. t;�i,_,r�� i,.,^.��i, I':o �,e^G: PE�;����!s:;��>1_ rc>s:;r�:�_i:fee A COCTirT1�Lt:(=e <)� ()TOiE�RK�i)i?�^.IE1 �`at`:!) titt� :>ii, �'f;t11 I)E'47<1?'tf?PTI� Uf �C�l1CA��.C1T1 nnc? respre�enta:iv�� r�i P�.c�tFC :aS 11 farr� a cc���{ �t.��� *tier ,�f.11 i.nt�rvic�� ce� le�ted enr�c�icl��e�» i'ur �Sne�![ iar.r;, T};rrc� (.;) ��tn�iic9rt;ee �rf.11 b� reca�rnc:�,c'ed to the :iup�r{nten�i=sri� of �c����ao?�. �:�;�o �?i1l r:�;?z� �ii�� �i.:za1 rE:c�r��nr�t�dAtion ta the Baarci of Enucectf�?na ':he catr��it.tc*c wL�l b� gf�r�ucLurecY a� fo�low�: 1 YrofeF�lot,c,� �:cicx��tor �rc,rki�t;? 4,i.th Mocle�I Ci�.i.e5 1 Repregent_r�t:ive frcNn ttae Fer�onr�ex 1)�p�rt.;r:cr.t. of the St. P�ui Schocel� 1 Repregentt�t�.va� frc�m Ffocie�x Citic»e E':c�UC.F3C�c)ta Task Force 1 i'rirtciritil l. 1��IvPC RQprF��:tL�at!�e 1 Ma'�tk'C Ste£F [�i_�I'c>t=,1�t��t�Y Lve Al l. appl fcatian$ c��I1 be rcvi�.�e�;'. by t4:i.c� I'er�,on��c: Co,�,mitreca Thts Per�z>nr�e3. Cortmittee will FervP uIl th<: 5�,�{»rtivc: .3:d�_��;�tian ProjF�cts. �'E:if:CiTli'�E'1 �.GT'?ri�tt(?E t`�f."[:`.��'.T',. 1. Airs Jex�ry Fria�-}i�.r;, k'x-�fef�;;;.n,;rkl 'r'.c?uc;�tc�� . �e �'iI'x;e �'�cl�?�E' v:'.r>n�i� :�� �'�i1i� L1,i!!1C' �iC,'};r)ri�fi Y(:Y'��QIIi`.f`�. rJP.pL1S't[IlE'lita �� i�;r�• F{t<�;:1 �!'r.f!!;T" y EC::��a`3.GElf3.� _�:iE.�! 1'�i2'CC �.�i,�.1I"r:aY`:o 1e. ;�cr�:sc,1 F'ri rc,�;::r - (,rc�¢;.t.:.r.�� <<.cce�rd:r,rr �.c> t�ck=:�c�]..) 5. Coc�nie rrice - f:Iv,:: (�nr.a kc��� , ,iLt�:r,��~e} �• �I'f:� �Uty24' f�I�i1�:�:*OI:1 f�0(�E� �.1ti,7.E'E; ::f�=lri� f3GJ[tl�'JG•'1's f , . �c . s11�)�;.�1Q �.l '.`P �' -{11,.. '�Y.:�i?.t �.11 .'"�' ) F'f't, _...�.. _._.____. _. _� .1,..__...�._ �t!eV) : O:"V ��:C"'^1ttE'C -- --.---��_.._..�._______-- '�tl� FJt1C�?CifSt' O� �.ilE' �L�i1C9i.:��i;['�: c�X'<��E`Ct; l_, �,U ,f2,�;':)VE3 i�lE: pX'@:���E'.lt E�.1UCflt].OIIi�l de1 ive°�y ry�tE;m t�7 f:,�« ��,: . _�: �:?�.et f.h�• .:c ed,� o� tt�E ,>tt�r��nt, , �f the madel nei�t'i- hor•}iood. 7't�e pra,�ect i_, d� �.iF��n���i `o F>>.;�plenc�nt t.kAf p;���5ent rc�ucaticnal proi;r'ram L1�' 11lIIOVf7t.ZVfs �?ZOf, "'c;tiTi';. 1'�'iCJ"; C .�.0.'iE'il�. OI �,Ji?' S��"n�lt'C:t 1F :E��di:C:f� 1C1 SQii9F' V�'�j� to every �ti�er cc7mr�oa��:r,t ec� t�..�t ��<:+cii ..� ; or:cnt �*;��e;� t�tren�th t-.nd re�.nfoz�ce!ner�t to the tot.�l pro,;ect . �:�e .�dvir�or,y cor;ait.LeE: will rr.rve the total praject. 7'he cor�r�itc ee �riil ::�>nfi:�t r,f �w�a pr�afE�r;�c.ionr:2 e�i�zcat�rs rr:pr•et er�ting the St. Ysul_ I3oard �t' �<<iucnt.i��r., t.wo c�embcz•z', of, t-he F,��ucational Ta:�: For�ce, �ne member oi MNPi;, ozr+:� :nc�r�'.�ci� o; t��e F�odeal Citi�F> :�t,��f�f, �tnd one F��re�nt fron: r�F�ct� �J �Enenfi�r-y� sctzool. � 5e�ec•t,in�� 't':c.cr>d;:��� ::o�- L�s.�r:t iZc�c,Ie:;E•a.t�tives �'zve nc,k;;ir?et^ti (}�f�rF-.;t.;) �•iIi :;c• . ,:c��3itF,•� b�. thF� T�i�;c��!:ienr,l. ".'.�.��1c Fc,�r,e fX'C1:�3 erac}i elE:�z?et.ta<y �ch�:,o)_ iii th� ;�":c�ae�: he;RPhborlioo�: Ar�n. E�ch �,,�rent �i1.J. he int.ervie=w�:d by t,ae i.�'uc=�i.io�1�1 �ask k'or�ce wit7 t:.<� f'irial decic>zon of' pare:�t represent��ti��e:: !?eir:r*, mACie hy the EiiUCFJLIC>ri81 Tec}: �'arce. . . . ` . , T , / .."� , } .. I�I���J i�i � ! 1 1 ..� 1�� i.�. �� �,.� � l� � � '.�� 1 1�� � ���ii'.�( � 1 f . ..._._..,...... _ .....�_�....... "."_ _._ .., ...�,._...,_._._ _....•__"_ . ._,......_... _... .._..�_ � ' ] f. • 1; ' � P��i��'3' ,,_, ;;liD;,�.i. • � J�C•j,� �.�'li: .-., 101'•i:1;_, i!.l�n l.?;i::'?1��,'Ck �O :t.ZJ?;,, :�� ;l,i: l:li:. ��)J':i'%'i: i(i)' t.;;:, �;L<`:.liCi';,•ri i'�:�C::,.�. ` _ � � � � . �.,�� i r f) )l J ;);':i' i.C t C;' ' ic�: t) - , „ - , r �;,< � '',� , � I�.0 � � � 1 ;., � � : � � .• � �. , _ .l �. � . . - . � , i . ! a ,,. � :3�7:)t. .. . c'.C.! �� ,t (� Zl:., � �:.>l, 1..., i�` 1 .��_., 0 7T .ii:) Of.)�Jc.iC'. .ltti..,_� �:li �_(� �_� C:�:�C :,i';.� � ��1��)��jiili'i 1'.7.�i`._L...�.�:`!'.'il`-.���.�1�:� 7�'.�.�`.i.'il' �� I�,.';;;), U?•' J:C:;;';C%�' Tndependent School District ��625 (Community School Coordinator) �__....-- -- - ----- . . . . ... . _... _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ ., . . .._. - - -._ _._ . ..._ ... _ _ : :- ---����� : :-- - - -._.. . . . _ _� _ _ ?_.. };'JDG�;1' ... . _.._... ......___ . __ .. . . . . - �;0,���,..(,�.,`).'�=,UO:�<Y . . . _ . .. ; 1 1,:odel ��,i t ies . J�� � . • � �itl��n f�,�Lnr�> ��Oi'i1. i . . _ ._. ,___,. .._.... . ... . . ... . . . _ _ . . . . ... . . _ . . . _ _... . . . .._ ...-. i.__ . ....._ ..... __ . _�I._ _..._ .,_..... ... _. i - • - --,._ . (1 ) }'cr;o:�t;c1 :>_,1�.�.,.; . _ � � � 1;��J,1o�-c�, Bc.,.:3'it.s $49,000 ._._.. I_____._.. .-- - - . ___ -- -- (?_) Cor_,�z1��,�,1.�> _:r�< Conir��c�; .Scrvl,ccs . ... - --.�._..�._.._.. ..._.__--�500 'I 3,000._.__.�.__ . . .�_._ . .._.,__ ._.,. _ ..._ ..__._.___.__.. . . ._.._ ... _ ... ._... _ _ . . . .._ _ .._ ._ ,..�__..___,_ . ..�_. __ �_. � { {3) `i'r�:��'c:t . � , � -- -- - _v ..____. _._ _ . _ .... - --- - --- . .._ _. _...__.__ ..____..__ _..�_.._ ...__._ _.. _ _ . . . i - -•.•. . ...__ _._... . _.. .._.... �__,__.-�-- - ' � � I 249 500 � (t�) S}:,:�cc . _. .__ . ___._.._ . . .._ .,. �-- - .�_. .._._ .___ '--- ' . . . _ .�_-- • ---- (`-) Cc�n:>:?j�,.Y�?�.�' S.'-'.:�7�_�.=:i F%.i�C� SCI,��ice:� f 1,000 � �{ ___.. .._ _�i _-- -----_ . .'_ __._____ . . . ._. . . . _ . _ _.. __ _ . . . . . .� _.. . _-- --_._._- ---.--- ,f.__.. __.___. .�_._.�_ _._ i- � r .�:i:l)_l?;:�C':lt: � I � (6) )'�n,�.l, L�«�>:: , or ]'�rc�.:.se o� � _ _ ____� .__ _._____... , � „ . __.�..._ ..._. ._. . . ____..�....._... ! _.._...__ .._ _ __. . - . . .___.__ ....__---.__.. _ _ _ ._. _ . . __ _ . _,.. .'_ ___..�_ ('l) oi:,��:r � � . ..._ _!_ . .__ . ____ . __ _._...__._:_.__ _-__ .... . . _. . ... . . . . . . . ... : . . --- . . . ._ _ . ... ... _ _'. . . . __ ___._.. . _^;�•,_. ...__ _....._. �_ . . . _- . - - _.. . . �._ . ��._ .__.... . . _ . _._ . _- . .__. . . . . . . __ . . - - - __ ._.. _ i�_ .._ . ..__ --1- -� � . . ._ . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... .�.. _ . ... ...__ _------._ . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ � , , ' ;['0']'1�X� 1 $50;500 . . . . �`.$252,,�QQ__ . '.��Q3,QOQ : ._.`:�:.�::.:�:.::: : : :.�: ::: : : : : : : : " :: : . . : :.: ' : : :: ' :�.:.: : : � '� : . : . . : ... . . . . ::i_ ... . _ . . . . . . :,' ._ . ._ . . . C. ti;�dc1 Ci{::i r::; Sv.pi;7.�t,t��tti:ra'1. l�';�nt:�. . . _ ... ._. . . _ � . . 50,500 . . . . .i. .. . . __ .... . . _�. . . _ . . . . _ . .,.. . _.. . ... . . . . ... . . . . . _ . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , i I). Ol.l���z� � '�, _._ . ___ ._ _ . .. . . . . . . . :.: �':.:..�.:��_�:.:::: :.: . '.: : ' : : : : : . . . . . , ._ _ . . :•- : : : : :.�: : :..�;_.�: : :: :��: : : _�.: : :.. _ . . . . . _ . . ..._ . . . . _ 4 BUDGET LIN� (1) Personnel Title of Position Salary . 4 Community School Goordinators @ $14,000 $48,000 Employees 3enefits $1,000 BUDGET LINE (2) - Consultant and Centract Services , Pre-Service - in-Servi_ce Workshops $ 500 Administrative Services BUDG�T LINE (3) Travel ' Conierence and ;�eetirig Expe.nse Employee Mzleage Reimb�arsement BUDGET LINE (4) �ace • � BUDGET LIN� (5) Cosumable Suppli_es and Services Recreatic,n and Educational Supplies ' $1,C00 BUDGET LINE (6) Rental, I.ease or Furchase of Equinment BUDG�T LINE (7) Other MOAEL CITIES D�PARTMEI�TT OPERATING AGREEMENT PART II - C T IME S CiIEDULE Duxing the period of August 1,, 197]_ to October J., ],971, the Administering Agency Lai,ll recruxt and employ staff. During the period of August 1, 1971 to OcYober 1, 1971, the Administering Agency will formulate the program. No later than November 1, 1971, after formulation oi the program, the Administering Agency will administer the pro- gram. The program will terminate at the conclusion on July ]_, i972. a . MODL''7_CI`I�1�I;S�liF�'P:�T:'I�SE�T C�PiR��>�Iq:1:T�G AGP�I�I;TiEN7.' PAP�T IT - D � TERMS A?�1�� CONDIT:C��IS � l. Termin<<li.:i_c;n of Co».tract� (a) If t.he United States Departrac��nt oi ll.��l� �';��� a,:i�l U��k;��iz �I:r�vc�lop�i�cni� shou:Ld sl�spei�d or tCTIitJ..i'1c��(' �i�S �;1<.iLl�� �1vY('_uT11LT7t: �OT' ��1C' C0111'7J"C'�?.F'T1S1\�C' C1_1=�T U(�T?�?O:r]°' St.1c�:1�)li. i�10�7"1;_P�1 ��:%:!_t!). L�iC'. C•1�:�' O� ���f_1�1� �c1U15 t.�l'_S �:�recTI1�T1�� LClB.�r �C �C'!-fT1.L"L'1c!.i..c?Cj >j�' Lll.�' 11UQf�� Cl�.1C'S DC�1:)cLi'l�Ili�llty O.0 1_�S �Ur �.1.1� cause ��io� t�l-�c cii.i-eci res�.�lt o_i i�aodc.>1_ Citi�s De��ar���ent actioris , the AgcJ�cST sha11 ia:i1 t.o f�a.i:i:i_1 in L-ime7_Sr and l�roper �n�:er its obligat�.`�ans ur:der th�; s A�reeine�ntJ, or '�t the Agency shall violate an�T of t.]tic� coven�Ant.s 5 a�rec�nents or stipul�tio�ns of tliis �greemenZ, the I�iodel. Citac�s Dc1>ari�inent� sh��11 th�rc�u.po;� ha;�c t.he r:i�;ht to �Lerrni���.tc� this f��;1ee�nent by g�.vi_�g ��lri_Ltc�i.1 r�ot�:ice to the A��n.cy of such tea���i.naLio�,�� and sp�::ifSr:L��zg thc� ef_fec;.ive date the_r_cof, except� as ma�T be oti��e1-,�.is� }���ov%-ded i�z I�'ot�.c� of SuspU�:i�.ion ox Tern�a_�zation receivecl U5T thc 1�1c>d�I C�ties De�a�tme�i� l�CU.n H�JD. The not.ice given to th, Age=;zc}� sl-,a 1_1 be Pro�Tid�ci at least t=h�_.r.ty days pr:i_a� to the effective dai.e oL st��h terin.Lr��tior.. �I2� st7:.•h ev�nt; a17. fi2i�- 1.Sh.E'-Cl O?� U"LZJ`;7_Ll:l_S�I.C:'.C3 C�QC:.l:('_T!�'C1L,`_' p Ci`ciL.c� p Sl�UC�.L�',S c:�L]L� 1:'t�l���l_t;S I�rC'�:^zTCC� by the A�ency t�nder t}.�is t��s reE,mcn�. s��ia1.1 at� tk�c opt=ion of �ti�.e I�1cde1_ Citie�s Depa.rtr�,ez�.i� 1�ecamc� its prop�rt;'S and L-he Agcr�cST shail be en� titl_c�d to -r_ec��:i._�Te jt�s� and eq�uit���hl� coarpe3�sat.ien �or un�� �,7ork satisfac.�orily completed on such docwn��z�s . � (b) I'rovic3ed., ho���every th.a�. if t.l�e I�Sod�7_ Cities De�art��lent� sha11 excrc�se �i_t.s right her.�,in given to te1`minate this ��reement :Eor caUSe9 it sl-�a11 ,�or�e�.l��lc�ss re:imbui-se t�h� Agency ior all amou.��.ts experlded or :itidebi�edriess �_r,cu.�_red in good fa.:itl� in r�l�_ance on i�his Agreerne�.-!.t so ti�.a t t�l�c t��ency shal.l be ��ble to cornp].ei�e its accrued and/oa. cur_-re�.z� cornmit.men.ts on account af th�_s A�re�ment. I3ut this provis�on shall not be construed to rcliejT� th° �g�ncy of its lia.- b�1_ii�y9 if anys to i�he Mode1 Cit�_es DePartn�ent i or dairsa.gGS for Urc,ac]z of contr.act. . (c) Eith.er_ i:he T�1o�3eJ_ Cities Departm�nt, ��7ith the consent of_ the Mode1 Nez.�Y�borl�.00d Planning Council, or the I�gency may termin- ate tl:�is A re�rnent for ai�ST reason �;�l��.aLsoc�vcr upolz tr,c� giv�_izg of triixi,�T (30� days �tia�:i_tLen ��ZOi�:ice. In su.ch �vent�y a1:t. iixzishec� or unfinished doc.un�e�z�s, d��.t�iy si�udies a.7�ld reports prepare� b}T the Age-nc�� u�.�der_ this l;�;:.re�raeni�, sl.�all at t,hc optio�L� of the l��ede7. Cities Dc�partme��.t b-�co,t�_� :i_;�s pra�c�r_tys and LJ�� �`�gericy shal� '�e entitic�d to recc�_i_�-e cotTGn��z1s��L:ton f_or work performed satisfactorily i�o the ciate of te�-iai.nati��ri of Lhe A�a-eement on:ty. (Terms and Cond:�t-.ic,��s) �-• (d) Notwi�hsi.a,�d:inb the a_bove, the A�,e:�cy shall i�ot be re]_i�ved o� liabil:��y to th� Mo�ei. Citi�s �epar�ment for da�nagPs sust�inec� by the 'h��ciel Citi�s Departr:�en� by virtue of any breach . of this A�,re��r�e��t ny i:h� �gencyp and i�odei. Cities Departmei��. may wi�.hhoTc� ai�y �,ay�el�ts ta 4ne Aber�cy for L-r.e purpase of setoff un�ii such �im��= as Lne exact a��ount of d�r_t���s due the Model Cities Depar�m�nt f-ror� the �ency is determined. 3. Cha�z�� � Ti�e Mod�� Ci�ies De��ar+�n�en� may, from �ime to time, reqy,�es� c��anhes in the sc�pe of the ser.vic�s of the Age�ncy to be per�`orm�d k�iereiancier. SucrA chan�es, which. are mutually agreed upoi� by� and bc�.we�n� the Model Ci.ties DepartmEnt �.�zd tl�ie Ag�ncy, sl��Il be incarporated in written ainendm�ex�ts to this Agre�ment. 'I'he A;ency n►��y r.ot deviate in any respect frat�l the scope c.f services delineated withaut the written consent of_ the Model Cities De�p rti�ent. � T�ie Ag�ncy sha11 assist the Model C�ties Department and the Policy Boa.rd in revi.e���ing and revising these purposes and objectives in li�hf: o.� the experience from the activ�t�es of the projec'c for the duration c�f thi� F.greeme.nt. Sueh assis*�ance sha�I include, but not be 1�mited to, coopera�:ing in thP �onito.ring and evaluation activities of �he Mod��. Cit?es llEpartm�nt, parta_cipatizig in the continua.n� �lanning activities of � the 1`�lociel Citi.es Department and generall.y ��ovi�3ing a�.vice an� caunsel. The Agenc�- anc� the I�iod�I �ities Departme��zt rr�ay revise, amend, and/�r add to the purposes and objecti.ves by clarifying langua.ge and/or b}T quantifying any or a11 of the purgoses and ohjectives . Any such revisions aci� amendments sh�ll �e i.n the form of amen.d- ments to thi.s Agr.eer��ente 4. Personz�el. (a} The Agency- �e�r�sents that it has , or wiil secu��e at zt�s own e�:pense! a11 personnel required in perforrn�- in� the s�rvices under this A,greement. Such personnel shall not be employ��s of or h�.ve any contractual relationship with the Mode]. Cities Department. (b) Ali of the services required r�ereunder sha11 be per- formed by the Agency or u�.2der the super�isio� of the Agency, and a11 �ersonnel engaged in the work shall bE� fully qualified and shal.l be �.uthorzzed or p`rmi_tted to perfor�n such services in accordance with applic.able Federal, State and local laws . (Terms and Conditcians) 2. . , (c) None a� thc wor'�. or services cover.ed by this Agreement sh.<�11 be subcontrac.�ec� u�it'nou�. the �rior_ wri.tteri �pproval of the Model Cities D�p�rt�nerzt. Axay �aor'K or services subcontracted here- under sh.all be sp�cirzea by �,7ritt�n cont.ract or agreement aLZd shall be subje�t to e�ch provision of this Agreement. 5. A,�t-,%Ki_cr�h��ck R�.al_as . Sa."lariPS of archi�tects, draftsmen, tech:nical �r.�a.neLrs a aizd technz.czan5 periorma_r�g wozlc under this Agree�r�enc. sh�1.� �`�e paic� u�conditi��n,�1ly anc� not less often tha.n once � mc;z�t'r� caithout dec�uct�ai� or. reba't-e on ar►y account �xc��� only such payx�Il ded5.�c�ions as are m�x.datory by law or perrr�itted by the a��plicabl.e r��ulatzons issued oy tize Secret�.ry of Lai�or pursua.nt �o the 01Ant±-Kzckback Act" of June 13, 1934 (48 Stat. 948; 62 Stat. 74fl9 C�3 Stat. 108y title 18 U.S <C. , section 87��; and title 40 U.S .C. 9 section 276c) . The Agenc� sha11 comply with a11 applic�.ble °'�.nti-Kic.kb4ck°° regulations a�nd sha11 i.ns�rt appiopri��fie provi��ans in all subcontracts covering work ur�der this Ag�-erm�nt ta insurP cam�lianc� by subcontractors wi�h such regula4ians, and s�all be res�onsiblc� for the submi�sion of a�fi- davits req,sir�d oL su�contract�rs i:hereun�Ier except as the Secreta�°v of L,abor �n��.y sper_i�a_cally prc�vicie �or_ variations of or �xemP�ions from the r�quirem.er.ts th�reai. 6 . Pr_�ec4 Cc�c�r�.?r�a�.�.a�. Th� A�,encyq by its desi�nee, stza�l particip�te �1zt� t��e �o�t Cities Departm�nt in reguJar me�tings for the pur�ose o� coc�xd:.nat:�r�g e€�orts and continuing the planning of the progxam. The Agency shal� establish liaison and cocrdinate activitiss with programs r�f other agencics functioning in relat�d field pro- viding servi.ce a_n the Model Ne:ighborhood area. 7 . Citi.ze�n Partic_i�av�:i_o�n. (a.) Th� Opera�.ing Agency shall caoperate w��.h thc i��n e� i�s Departmcnt in infarming the appro- pri.ate Model Ci�aes Task Force or the activities of the Agency in carrying our i�he provzsions of this Agreement. (b) Represent-atives of th� Agency shall attend meetings of th� ap�ro�riate `Task Forces upon the request af the ModEl Cii�ies Department. 8. Reducti�n of Services . In the ev�nt the Agency fails ta fu1fi11 t�ie ter*as a� c�nc�'iti�ns of this Agreement in a satis- factory m,�nnPr as determined by tk�� Ma�.ei Ci�ties Department, the Model Cit.ies Department reser.ves tne rights as its sole option, (Tercns and Concli_tiors) 3. tQ reduce or d:�rn7.n�s'r: �Lhe: ser�r�ces af ti1� Agency and reduce the �pro j cct buciget in 3 Tilcr.ilP.�r wnic�. ref'�ec�s such reduction or d:�.minutYOx�. . 9. AssI..Y::i�.i�-�J.°z.�i:.y� '�'`t.-�e Av����.•�; st�all not assi�n any interest in this Agre��r„�nL u��:i ;,h.�,.�"� xsor �:r_�r:sier any ir��erest in the same (�rhetY:er b�r ass:����:���r�� o: iio�,����.c�:y �7i��:ou� the �rior written cans��t a� tc.e i�':��c��:�. Ci�iev ����ryA4�ner�b th�:r��.o. 10. Su:�c.c���;:r,=��:t �?r°t�? C�i:�r :�^-rc�- ,��nts . T�e Agency shall not ��� �--�-- � .-..�..�q:::.�....,. subccx��tr�c� 3r�}r por��c�ri 'o� �i�� ��rv3c�s to be provided hereunder wi�ho�zt th� prior �aritten cons���� of ���e Mr�del Cities Department. All consuitants � conrracts sha?� 'be ��praved by the Model Cities Depsrtmen� pr�ar to �h� e�ecuti,a;-� of �ry l�gxeement thexeto. Any purc�ase 6f re�l esta�e s�,ll aisa rGceive prior approval of the l�fodel Ci�ies Dep�rtir.ent. T`he Agency furtt.er agrees tha.t prior to fi.he executia��. of any can.�cr��:ct ar �u.:,��� I�gal instrument concerning the servic.�s ta be gyovidec� here�ndf�:�9 xt will sub�riit said con- tract to the I�adel Ci�ies �`�artrnen'� for its prior written approval. 11. Fest;ric���_o::s cin D�sl��rs�r����.i�� o Na mon.ey under this A�reernent sfial:� �be ci�sburse� by cn.� Agency to any contractor except pursu�nt �o a w�i.tten contr��ct wh�c"n incor}�orates ail Supplemental G�iYeral Candry_�:�t�x�� �o this CQn�.r�.ct ar,d un�.�ss th� Agency agrees to cor�pliar�.c� witn I-�tJD r�quirementc: w�.th regard to accounting and iiscal. ma��Ers to th� extent that. they are applicable. 12. Failure c�� Interna.l Sys�:�ms. The Ag�ncy £urther agrees that shoul�:��uc���, repor�s, a� i.nt�rrial system of con�rol prove to be ina.deqtia.te i,.t the deLerm:ir�f:ion af the Model Cities Depart- men�9 the Madel Ci�i�s D�g�zrt.rrce�.� reserves the right to enter upon the Agency'� pr�rc�ises �.nd pert'o-rm a1I acts necessaryr and relevant to the estab�ishmen� of a proper system of internal fiscal control. T'he Model Ci.ties Department sizall h.�ve the right to place its per- sonr�elt a�en.tsa or independent contrac�ars upon the prexnises of the Agency and �use Agencf's per5onnel to fun�tion in this area. The Model Cities Depa.rtment agrees th�.t at such time when the system or systems conrorm �o satisfactory p:ractices, it will return jur- isdYCtion and contr�l to tl�e Agency. 13. �0 e��raLin� �rocec�ur.�s . The Mode1 Cities Depa.rtment re- serves the ri- °ght-to prescri6e uniform operating procedures for the Agenc�r at such t3.m�s when tr.e Model Cities Department deems it necessary. - 14. Nfodel Citz.es Ic�ent3.fi��.t�.on in Pro 'ect Activities. (a) Ali buildings, o ices �n tac� �.�ies usea y t e gency to fu1fi11 (Terms and Cond�.tians) 4. , , the oblz�atians tr:.::�,�..° thzs �.n�:cu�.:�cr.t s'n�.l�. :i�entify the City of Sain�� P�.uI Mod�i ��i.-.�cs D�p�:,-i�.�:�;nt u� u s�onsor a� the activity in a ma.nn�r tc b� aa p-r�vcci �;� the A�oci�l. C:i.ti�s Department. (�) All stu���_c�.�..�y� :�nfc�rr�;���xo�aZ rerc�.�es, pamphlets and b-rocht7.r;�s �-r otiz�r r_�{�.e-r:.a� �;�:��w;:`d and,/o:� ri�.sLrLbuted by tne �.G,�ncy sh;�I� ia�,:t:��`y the C��y �� Sain�. t aul Moa�l Ci�ies t�ePart- m�r.t an�: Lre U d S . �e��r.�<<�;=n� c:� r�a�s iFi� a_Ld �'rba� Deve Ic�pment as spa��sors n� ;:h,� �cti.vi�y, in �, rrcanz�e:r �o �� approved by �he �QtY�li. (�,1�.1c5 �C-'�:&r�.ifti�T1L, 15. D�.s��:�.�.cera-;�zt. ar�c! �t�?a:_�s�:�c�n. �he Agency shall imm�di- �tely noti�r�"tEic Ni��i�'��"�`ti.�!`'�;:��;�:-tment an�1 ii s Relocation Gi�icer if �.ny a� th� Agen.cy` s ��tivities suppor��ed bST the Model Cities Suvp��m�r.t�.I 'r'unds o-r «.��y ��her ��ub��c funds will resu'lt in the displ�.ceme�t �L�d;or relocav:�on of ��::li�.ies9 individuals or ' b�sinesses witil�.�z the Modei �?z::_�;�:i:-crhoo�.o Such notification �hall occ�:r ir�sr�eaia�ely u�on �cnoya���:�;�� �c��t �tY�r�: a���vi�y wi11 cause such displacer�.�nL �.nd/Gr .�eloca���or. �r«:t the �o�ei Citz�s Departm�nt �nc� the relc�catia� o��ice can ���.~�v:ic�` re�oc��ian assistance �ay- m�nts , zf reioc�.��on ai d�s�9�-�c�:es is i�.ieasible, the Model Cit:.es �iep;:��-cr.�nt i„��,�r c�ir��� �:t.L ��r:n.i�.��.cn �f the activit�.es c��.szng £urther displ.«�e��r��. 16. A� tenar��.� o�o-r�� ' It :�s agre�d that any funds made mv�i�.abl� un�er prc�i�-�on� c�� c�-�i.s Agreer:z4r�� shail be used to in- creus� the ta�.a� arn�un� of serv:�c�� prov�.�EC: and the total �.mount c� funds s�ent in tne Nacfel l�;e�.�;��a�rhoo� b5r the Agency. �Jnd�r no circurnst�.nces sh,��l fu�n�is bein� rn:�1e s.vai3.�.bJ_e under this Agreemen� be used to pay �'o:� activi�ies already being provided by the Agency in the Model r�eignbcr�"�ooa. The l�iode� Citi�s Dep�,rtmen� tr�y r�quest documentation concern- ing p-revious effort and ex�endirures by the Agency in the Model N�iGnbor'raaod to enable the Mo�e� Cities Department to determine if the A,ency is ir.creasing its se} �%ices and the spending of funds in the l�ode 1 Neighbonc��od. 17. Equul Em�Io�jm�nt Op�or�i.:_u_n___i�t . During the performance af this Agreenlznt, ne geney agre��-as�ollows: (a) The Agency �rill not d'+ �criminate against any employee or applica.nt for employment� becaus:. oi race, creed, color, sex, age or n�.tioiZal origin. '�Y� Agency wii� take affirmative action to en- sure that t�pplicants a�e: �r:►ployr.�, and that employees are treated durin� emp�.oyment, �ai�haut regaru to their race, .creed, color, sex, (Terms and Co�yditions) S. , age, or natior�I ori`i_n� Su:.Ca. ctCL"<�_on st�."���i include9 bUt not be limited toq the �olZ�:tiz�t�;: e:r�;��c7y�.��nts up�r_�d�.ng, demotion, o�: transi�ry r�crui�::rr�er�t or rEC�i:1L`t::�iZs� a��r���ising; layozf or ter- mi��ation; rates of �ay �r otiie-r �or:ns of c,a«�r e�.sationq ar.d selec- - tion for trai.i�:.�..i,, -��ci����.�:� up��:��el��ci`es'r�:�P, 'The Agency agrees to past in coris�:icuous �p�:.«ces 9 �va��c-�ble L� employe�s and appl:i- cants for em�I.�y;:ci��nt� i�c�ices to b� �roviu�d by the Model Ci�ies DePart�eLzt se�tin� far�:� the p::o`�isxons oi this nondi::crimination clause . (b) T'he A�ency ��r:;_�.x..s in �1i. solicitations or advertisement.s for employees p�.aced by c�r on b�ri�lf of the Ag�ncy, state tYh.at all qu�.lified appl:;�can�s w�11 receive conside�ation far empl.oyment wi'chau` regard to race, creed, se4:q age, co�_or, or n�tzox�al �rigin. (c) The A�enc� wili c�.tise thc foregoing provisiGns to be insertec� in al� subco�ritracts �or any worlc covered by this Agreem�nt so th�.t such �rov�_s:i.ons wi�1 be binding upon each subcontractor, provided that tl�e foregoin� provis7.ons sh�.11 not apply to contracts or subcontracts for s�andard co�r�ercia.l sugplies or raw matexi«ls . l� . Di�cr:�m���raticn }3�c�usE or Cert���.� T�tbor N�-ztters . P�10 ,w�...�,�._-.--�.._._._.._,:.. persan emp�o,yed oil tne wo��. co�Yereci b�'y th.is �gr��ment sr.all be dischz�rged or :i.n any way discr_imin.a�ed against because h� has filed any complaint or ins�i�ute3 or c�used to be instituted any proceed- ing or has test�i2ed oz• i;� �bout to testify in any �;roc�ec3ing under or rels.ting ta �he labor �fiAnd�.rds app�icable ner�under to his empinyero 19. _C�omp_l�i�nce with L,ocal Law�s . Z'h�e Agency sh.a.l? r.ompl�T with a.11 agpl�'icat�Le ia�ts � or ina.nc�s, and co�ies of i�he st�te arad local �overr.ments, and sY�ll cammit no trespass on anyr pub1ie or private property in per�'orn.:ing �.ny of the �aork embraced by this Agreement. 20. Interest of Members of l�iadel Cities Department. No mem- ber of the gover���ng c� y or t�.e �i�o�e�.��,'iti s�epartment, and no other officer� employee, or agen.t of the I�odel Citi�s Department, who exercises any functi_ons or re5pqnsibilities in connecti�n with �he carrying out of the �roject to which t1�is Agreement per�ains, shall Y��rTe any personal interest, direct er indirect, in this Agreement. 21. Intexest of O�h�r Lccal Public Officials . No member of the governing�o�y of���iE. oca ity �n �a �c t'F�ie project area is situated, and no ot.rber pti�l.ic affic�al of such locality, who exercises any fun:t.��r.�s a-r responsibilities �n th� review or ap- proval of the c.arrying c�ut of th.e ��°oject to which this Agreement (Terms �nd Corid.it:ioi�s� 6. . _ .. . � ` �ertains� s��I l have any p�.-rsona]_ ir�t�:�est� direct or indirec�, in t.his Ag:.�:ement. 22 . I�,.te.rest c,= ��..t?I"'�,_;.:L'.:� Fe:����A Or-�ici�;I.s . l�To member of or Del.egate to t:h� �ann�:-�ss o��h�=Gn�tea��ates, and no R�sident Commissior�er, shal'1 :�e admit�:ed ta any sh�:.rt� or part of this Agreement or ta any `benefit ta arz.sc nc�ieir��n. ' 23 . lrzte�rrest o� ��v. T"ne Ag�ncy cov�nazzts �hat it pr�s- ently ha.s no �t�terest anu st�ai�. not acqu=re dry i,nterest, airect or indirect in the above-descrxbed project area or any parcels ther�in or any other intcer�st whicl� wGUId conflict in any manner or degree w:ith the performanc� of its services hereunder. The Agency fur�,ner cnv�na.nts t��a� zn the p��forma.nce of this Agreement no person having ar.y sucn i.nteres� shall be employed. 24. Fin�i_�s�s Cox��idcntial. AlI of the reports, information, data, etc. � prepmred or assem�led by the A��ncy und�r this Agrec� ment are con�id�nt�al, and t�e Agency �g-rees �hut they sh�ll not be ma.de available to any inciiv:�dua1. or organization withaut the prior caritten �pprc�c,ra�. oi th� 1�a�el Cits.es Dc�a:.tment. 25 . �'urchase of Nonelpendabl.e Pro _�erty �,�ith Mode� Citzes F��n��s . The t;�er�c,y shall m�,intuin a �ecorci for.• each item ot ` noiteapendable properl;y acquired Por the prograrn. At the cun- clusion o� thi� projeet or activity all nonexpendable property acc{uirE;d by the agency with Madel Cities funds shall revert to f,he city. Nonexpendak�Ze property is property which will not be eonsumed or lose its iden:tity by being inecrpora�;ed in-!;o anothe�° item of prap�rty, which cos�ts �100 or more per unit anc� �s ex��ected to have a �.xse�ul life of one ye ar or more . Grouping of like items such as chairs with an aggregate co�t in excess of �100 shall r�lso be con�;rolled and accounted for as nonexpendable �ro��erty even though the cost of a single item is less than 10U. The record shall include (a,) description of the item of praperty including madel and serial number if applicable , (b) dat;e of acquisition, (c ) the acquisition cost or assigned vxlue to the progr.am, 'and (d) the source of funds expended for the acquisitior� of proper�;y ( i . e . , agency funds c�r Model Cities funds ) . It shall a,Iso include inforr�ation as to whether the item o� property was new or used. at the time of acqui�ition. The aggregai�e of the individual costs sr.own on the record cards sh�lll equal the ba�an�e iri the subsidiary costs account for non- expencial�le proper. ty� The fiscal iz;.vent;ory shal.l be fiaken ��,nd reconciled with the rECOrd card annually. (Terms and Conditions) 7, ' . tJ. i�. 1�i��'t��..�;�J�..�_r.� �Jl'' ;:��1`+-r�t,:i i�il�..) l�:n;..,f�,. ._+;51r�..`.,�LV?�'L"�:F.��. � � . ` ./-" ,i:i '"_.'_"l�;^ r,.,,q ,.,°-�c',���_;;1r:�-�%�•7 ' 1','..J! � �,i'_.l,�J :wir:I�.'.��..�.�•.1�.v1, 5i,':T- _rti, i "r..> �.-y A r,T�, �� :_�. �. � cr- �.. .� , c-�� �1 �c,_�u FOF COiv^iF;nul'N r,�` v��� iV�lI1�U 'LU';�ti�J�ti� A;\�i CGiti'iis�CTORS� `I'he follawi.r� coriditions t�.ke �,iecedex�ca oves� a:ny conflicting condi�;iorls in the Contr�,ct: ux;i;. 1.. �t':;'�Y'iC�i0;1 0,:� �iS�`J1:�T';('IL'�'.t�GS. -- 1�0 I`uOZi2y ur�der t111S Contract sYifzl.l ba clis°;:s:�ec� ay tr��: F��e:�cy �4o rr�y c_•or:�:c•ac��i• e>:ca:��t, p�:ssl.ant to a written cunt;ract ;,�ilich inco��y�o�ates tr�.e �z����;��c�i�:le Su�r�la�er,��.ry Ger.exal Cc�nditions and unless t?�e contr�c•cc�r is ��z co:��'liance wi-ch I�:�TD rcquire�nen�CS with �e�ard to accoun�in� an� fiscai �:atter�, •to �he extent they are applic�,ble� SEC. 1Q0. De�::ini•�ions. -- As used in this Contract: (A) A�ency means an entity, whether public or private, which has the respons�bil.ity for adrainisterinE, a project or a�tivity. (B) Az°ea mer�.ns tYie nwdel neighborhood designa�ed in the Progra.m. (C) Contractor �eanN an entity, other thaxi an A�rency (except as noted in thc La'bor Stands.rds Pro�,risions) that furnishes to the City or to an A�ency services or supplies (other th� standaxd commercial supplies, office space or printing services) . (D) HtJ� meanu �he Secrett..ry of Housi:r� a:�d Ur�G,n Develogmer.t or a pErson authorized to act on his beh�l.f. (E) Progr�n me�.ns the Comprehensive DemUnstration Frogram approvec? �y h'UD� as the aaxno m�y f�rom time to time be sJnended.. SEC. 101. Records. -- (A) Est�.blis2�ment arxd I�I�ixitenance of Recor�3s. -- Records sha,ll be ma.in- tained in accor�dance w�.th. requirement� prescri.be� by fiUD or �the City with respect to alZ mattex.s cov�rec� by this Contract. Except as otherwise author- ized by iii7D, such records sh�.il be maintained for a period of three years after receipt of the fin�.l. ga,yment under this Contract. (B) llocuznentation of Costs. �- All costs shall be supported by properly executed p�yrolls, �ime records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers, or other officir�l documentation evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges. A11 checks, p�,yrnlls, invoices, contracts, vouchers, orders, or other e,ccoun�ing docun�ents pertaining in whole or in part to this Contract ar.all be clearly identified anc3 readil,y accessible� *� The condition� zmist be incor.porated in (1) Cit�r contra.cts with operating agencies, (2) City contracts with contractors, {3) Operating agency con- tracts with ccntractors. #* The bracketed material should be deleted in contracts with contractors. NUD-.7030 1t�69) , 2 r . . SEC. ip?. Re c�rt:�aT;r; Ir,'o- ;�;rv�v;on. -.. �,•� �uch -ti.�:A.� arid in .uch forr�.s �tis IiUD or �2:� ����r may rr:c�.:ir�, t;r.c,°� sh�:�i_ "��: �"uc�r.i„r��:a to Ii`i777 c:r the City such sta�eme�its, reeorus, repor��s, �ai;a �..zd :�:z::orr.,�a��_cr�, a.s HUi? o:c fihe City aiay r�quest p�rtaini�; to �;�,;.tt�r� covered r�y t�:is Cort:rwci. SEC� 103. Audits F�r�d. In:;pce�tiors. -- A� � f;i;ue ciu.ri� normu.l busin.ess houcs �.�d as ar��n �,a tr.e City, Ix�� �,nd�or 4i7e Cox����ro:L�.er Gener�,l o.f t�ie United S�ate� u�dy dee,:. :a��ces>�.:r�-} �?.�:re St1&.il �0 'r:��.d� �veil�:bie to �the City, HU� �?'ui�or repri:sen-���,tives of. tnc Ccu�vroller. Ger�eral iol exomina.ticn all of its recorda with respect; -�o �.1I z�;;ti•��Ers covered �y t�is Con�ract and will per�i� the Ci-`�:y, �;UD e�:�cr r�pr�s�:itw-tiveu of uize Co�:p�rol�.er G��r.er�1 �o audit, ex�mmine and :nake excerpts cr �z�.xascripts fro�a such reco-r�.s_, and �o �a.ke audits of all cor:�x�.��, invoYCes, rr�.ti��rr.als, pa,yrcll��, recorc�s of persor,nel, condi�ions of employm�nt �.nd other6 d�,ta r��.�:��.aa� t� a1.1. �iaUt�rs co��ereci by this Contract. SEC. 104. HUU Re�ui:eme�t�. -- Unearneci p�.y�en�s urder this Contrac� may be suspended or termina��d upcn ��tl�.sal �o accep� any additionr�.l conditions tha� m�.y be irap�sed by HUll r�� aK��y -L-im�; or if the grant to the Ci�y Unaer Title I of the Denionstration CitieR an@ M�trcpolits.n De�alop�enu Act oi 19�6 is sus- pend�d or termina�ed. SEC. 1Q5. Conflict of IntE��st. -- (A) Inter�s�t of' b�erci�ers oA Ci�;y. -- No of�'icer, empl.ay�e, or agent of the City wllo exercises �ar�y fluic�ions or responsibilitins in connection with the plaxinin,g axa.d c•Grryin; out o� ��ha Progr.ams ox �y a�:.Er person who exer- cises any flZncticsnr, or responsibilities in conn�ction wi�h 'che Pro�rtxm, shall h�,ve ar�y p�rsanF�.l. fir�ancial inter��t, direc�i, or indirer.t, ir� this Cont�°ac-�; �.nd the Agency sha�.2 ta.�e �.ppropria,te st�ps to assure co��liance. (B) �The Agency agrees that �.� will incorporat�e into e�very contract required to be ir writing the followi�g provisio�_] Inter�ut of Contre,ctor and i?mplo ees. -- The Contractor covenants �i�at no person whG presently exerci�es a,n�� i�znctions or responaibilitiaE in coxinec•t�:� with tre Program, has �y personal financial interest, direct or indirect, zn this Contract. The Contractor fur•ther covenants th�.t he presently haa no ir.terest a�nd si7all not �,cquire any in�erest, direct � or indirect, in the Model Nei�hborhood Area or any parcels therein, which would conflict in ar�y manner or degree with the performancQ a:f his services r.ereunder. The Contract flzrther covenants that in the perfbrmance of th�; Contrc�et no person - having ax�y conPlictir.g interest �hall be employedo Any interest on th.e pa,rt o� the Contractor or his employees must be dis- closed tc the Agency and the City� Provided, h�wever, that this paragrapn sha]1 be interpreted in such a ma.nner so as no� to unreasanably impede the atatutory requiremexzt th�,t maximum oppor- tunity be pxovid�c: for eu:ployment of and participa,tion by residents of the area, * The bracketed material shoul.�. b� deletec� in contracts with contracto�s. NU D..70 DO l 2—ao) ' , � J I � , SEC. 100. G�partuni��•ies �'or Resir'.��nts. -- In a.11 work ma.d.e possible by or resultin�; frem t}zis :�on�,ract, ar'�irmative acticn wil.l be ta.ken to ensure that residents of ti��e model "ne��hborrood �xe� nre �iven ma.ximum oppor- tunities for trairzing an� empl.oymen� s.n�i t�at �business concerns located ir� or owned in substu.ntir�.7. p�ti �y resid.er.�s of the moclel neighborhaod �xe to the gre�.test extent feasible, award.ed contra,cts. . SEC. 107. Disc-rirni.nati.on Prohibited. -- � � (A) In all YiirinE, or ��i�plo,,�ment m�,de possible by or resultin� fram -this Cor�txact, there (1 j wi'lI. n�� �be e.n;,r discrimin�,.tion against any employ�e or applicant for e�;�la�rnLer�t because of race, color, rPl.igion, sex, or national origir�, and (2) a�f'irrat�,tiv:: ac�io�� t�;ill �ie tp.ken �o �nst:re th�,t appli�ai?ts are e�rployed, c�.nd tnt:,4 er�p�.cayees are 'crea�ed dur�n.; e�r.Plo�n.ent withaut .re�a.rd to their race, color, re3i�ion, sEx, or national ori�;in. TYiis require��r.t shall apply to but not be li�ited to, the following: empl.oyment, up�radir�, deznotion, or transfer, recrui•L-ment or recruitment �advertising; lay-of.f or terminatir�n; rates of pc�y or ather :forms o� campensation; s.rid selection for trainir�, includ- ing �,pprenticeship. There shall be posted in conspxcuous pl�,ccs available to emp2oyees and �p�l.:i.cants for employment, notices to be provided. by HUD setting foxth the pro�visians of this clause. A11 solicita,tions or ac3.vertisements for emplcyees sha11 si,�,te that �,11 �ual.ified applicatits will receive considera�tian for employmen� witr�aut reoard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. (B) No persan in the United Statea sha.L7., on �the grou.nd af race; color, religio�, or nt�,;ca.oraal ori�in, �e excluded f�om participation ii�, be denied the benefits of, or be aubject �o discrirninatiion under• �.ny prcgr� or acti_vity _ made possib�.e bV ar res�ttir.� from this Contr.uct. Tne A.gen�y and each employer will ca�ply witn �..1 requixerru�nt� it��os�,d by or puraur�.nt �;o i,he r.e�ul�,�:ions of HUD effectuatirz� �t'itle VI of the Civil Rights Ac� of 196�. �C) The Agency rereby a�re�s that i�; will incorporate into ar�y contract for constructi.on work, or modificaticn thereaf, as defined in the xegulations of the Secre�ary o�' :Ga'�or at �+1 CFR Chanter 60, whick� ?s paid for in whole cr in paxt Witn �na� o�tain�d p�t�rsuari� to this Gont.r�c�, tha equal opport�.u�ity eZause whic�i is a part o�' the labor standard provisions e.tta,ched hereto. The Agency fUrther a,grees that i� will be bound by the equal opportunity cl�e,use and other provisions of �+l CFR Chapter 60 with respect to its own employ- m�nt practices whez� it participates in federally assisted construction work: P�rnrided, That if the Agency ao participating is a State or local government, the above equai opportunity clause is not applicable to aqy a�eney, instrumental- ity, or subdivision of such government which does not participate in work on or under the contr�,ct. The Ager_cy agr�es th�.t it will assist r�nd cooperate activel,y wi�h HUI.) and the Secret�ry of. La.bar in obtain.ing the camplia,nce of. contractors and subcon- tractora with the ec�ual opportunity cl�.use and the r-ales, regulations, and rele- vant orders of the Secretary o�' Labor, that it wi11 furnish. HUD and the Secretaxy HUD-709D tz-6D) ', " . . '4 , ' of Labor such iizForn�,t:�on as tric✓ ::�.zy raquire i o� �c�ie sup8�r1.SJ_OTl of such complit�.nce, �nc�. th�,t i;, w�.l:L ci;n�;��;i,>c �ssi::� �J.� in �he diseha,r�e of a.ts prLu�,ry re�ponsibility fcr sec;a:rin� cc:cpli����. The Agency -`�fitY?er �.,r�reas tY:�,t it w:ill re7rain from enterir� irito �.ny contract or contrac�; modiiica,��o.� subjec� to Fxecutive Oraer 112�+6 of Septe�ber 2�+, 1965, witl: a contraci.o-r de�arrec:. from, or who has not demon- etxa,ted eligibili�y for, GovernrriE'.Tl� con1rac��s ��,r� iederally assisted cor�struc- tion contracts pu:su�sit �tc tYie Execu-�_ve Ur�er. In addition, the A�ency a�rees th�,t ii it f'ails o.r. refusc.s �o co�ply wi.i:h tnese ur.dertrzkings, tne City rat�y tr�ce �,n.y or a11 of i:he s:oiioT-ri�;, ac¢iar,.s: Termina,c� or suspend in who_le or in p�zr� trais Con�trwc�•; r�a�'��..in fram e;;'ter�din� ar�y fur�t�l�r assistance to the �ency unuer tiie p�o�;��,ri}. w:i c:iz r�.��ec�; to ��a��ich the fail.ure or rei'usal occurr�d until ;atisfactory assur�.n�e of i`u�c��e �o�liance h�.s been receizTed from such Agenc;,r; a,nd refer the ca�e to the D�par-cnent of Justice for appro�ri- ate le�al proceedi.���s. SEC. 108. Labor Stanci�,zds. -- 'I'hc.re shall be ineluded in all construc- tion contracts, ma�ie possi'�le by or resultir� f.rom this Contract, with priva�e entities the rzpplicable l�.bor si;r�,nda,w�ds provisi,�ns, if the work being carried on is not other���ise subject to prcviNion of Fed�:ra1 J_a.�,r imposing labor standards on federally ass�.sted consi;i•uction aria in �he c�,se of residential. pro�ects if the ;��o�ect is designed �'or the residen�ial use of eigh� or more f�ilie��-�!- SEC. 109. Copy-r:ir2hts. -- If t;h:?::� Cont-rac� rESUits in a book or other copyrightable material:, thc autho� i,s f`ree �Lo copyri�ht the k�ork, but HUD reserves a roy8.l�ty-free, nonexclusiv�y and irrevocab�e licens? to reproauce, publish, or other�,�ise use, t�.nd to au-cr.orize ozl�ers to us�, ala." copyx�ight,ed material and aZ1 materiai whicn can be copyxighted. , SEC. 1I.0. Patent;. -- Any discovery or inve�tion axisinC; out af or developed in the co•arse of wark aic3ec3. �y tY?is Con�-ract shall be protnptly and flally reported to HtTi� �'ar cietermiila,�:ion by HUTi as to whe-cY:er pa�tent pro�;ection on such inventiar. or d�scovery sh�,ll i�e souah� arid ho�a the rights in the in- vention or C3.�3COV0Y"y� includi..rr.� rights under �.r�y patent issue� thereon, sr�all be disposed of and administered9 in order to pzotect the public interest. SFC. 111. Political Rc�ivit,y Frohibit;ed. -- 1�'one of the f�Znds, materials, property or services provic?ed direc�tly or indi-rec�7tiy under �his Contract shalJ. be used in the performance of this Cor�.tract for a-r�r partisan political activity, or to i�zrther the electior� or defeat of ax�y ca.ndidate for public office. SEC. 112. Lobb�v_ing Pr.ohibited. -- None of the flznds provided under this Contr�,ct shall be used f'or publicity or prop�ganda purposes designed to support or defeat legi�lation pending before Llie Congress. ** The bracke'ced materi�.l sha11 be deleted in cortracts involving construc- � tion, rehabili�ation, a.lteration or repair w�rk with pri.vate entities. The attached labor sta�id�.rds px°ovisions shall be inserted in lieu of Sec- tions 107 �nd 108. In contracts for such work �,�ith public entities, only sections 1 - 3 of the labor standard provisions should be incl•aded. HUD�.]0� (Z�bfl� pY.5.60V[IINM[NT�MIXTINGOfPICL:IN90-776-OAt � U.S. DEr ARTPRL-'PdY OF Nn�StNG AKG Lir"do%A OL.\/ELOPIJ,�'N1" • ' �o��� ci�i�� b��i�€sr�.,�ai�� LA��: S"i 1.����4�.h�J �'�ti��'i�EOhl5 l. OPPOR7'UNITIES FOR RESIDETv'TS In all work m�.de possible or resultir.�; f.ro� �his Contrac�c, affirma,tive action will be taker. �o ens�re �hati resid��ts o� t�?e model nei�hborhood area are given m�.ximum op�ortunity s"or tr�,ini� ar�. e?�;�1.oy�.ent �d il�jat business concerns located in or owned ir� subNtsaltial. paxt �y resiac-r.ts of the �iode�. neighborhoad axe to tne gre�,�es� exi,e.�� fEasi�le, ���,T�,x=ded cantracts. 2, EQUA� OpPORTUi�I1'Y A. During the perform�,nce of this Contracts �Che Co�tractor agrees as follaws: � (1) The Contrac%er ��i11 not discrimin�,te ��.3nst ar.y employee ar applicant f'or em�loyrnent because of races coloz, reli�iony seY, or national origin. The Contract will ts.ke affirrnr,tive a.c�ion to ersure �ha� applican�s are emplo,y�d, and t'rla� e;�ployees axe treated c1u�.ri-r�v; e��loy�ent witY±out rega,rd to their rac�, eolory religian, sex, or national origin. , Such �.ction shall includ�, but not b� l�ai�ed �o the �oil.cr�rir�; 1;�loyment, upg-ra,ding, dernotioi�., cr tr�.nsfer; -recruit��nt or recrvit��n� �.dver�cisir�; l�.yoff or terin.inatian; rates of pay or a�her for�s o�' c�:��,E:nsa�io�; and selection for trainlr�, i�cludir� �,p�rentic�s�ip. The Cant�uctor �g�e�� to post in cor.b spicuous places, av�,i�.able �o eazp"lo;�ees an�. a�plican�s for employxaent, notices to be provided set�ix� �`orth th� provisiotzs os this no�.discrininatia:i clause. . (2) The Contractor will, in all solici�a,tions or advertisements for employees pl�,ced by or on '�eh�„lf of th� Contr�.ctor, state th�,t al.l quali�ied appliean�s will receivz consideration for er�loyment wi�hout regard ta ra.ce, color, reZi�ion, se�e or na�iana� o�igin. (3} The Contractor wiLt send to e�,ch labor union or repres�r�ta,�tive of work�rs wit� wh�ch he has a coZiec-�ive '1,ax��,ini��g a{,reen�ent or other contr�.ct or unc7.erstanding, a notic� to be provide� �,a.visin�; the said Zabor union or workers' xe�sresentr�.cives of the Co?1-�ractor's co�itmEnta under this section, �nd sh�zll pos� copies oz`° the no�ice in conupicucrss places avail.abl,e to emp].oyees ar.d applicants ior �ploymen�. (4) The Contr.�,ctor wiLt com�?�}r raith al1 pr�visions of Executive Order 112�tb of September 2�+, 1�55, e.r.d of -the ru'les, regulations, and relevant ord.ers of the Secre'cary of Labor. �5) The Contrac�or wi11 1°1ira�ysY. �.11 in�o�m�„�ion axid xeports required by Execu�ive Order Z12�+6 af Sep�temb�r ?_�t 9 1.g6�, s,nd by rules, regulations, a.nd orders of the Secr���.x�y of Labor, or pu.rsuata� there�to; and will permit access HUD-JOSI (a-601 ' 2 . ta his books, records, �.r�� accoun�s by hU-D and �cne Sec��etary of Labor for purposes of investiigation to �.sceri.�.i.n ecr�pliance with such rules, regula- tions, and orders. (6) In the even�C of the Contractor's noncompliance with trie nondis- criminatian cl.auses of this Contrs.ct or wi�h any of the said rules, regula- tions, or orders, this C,ontract �,y be canceleci, termi.nated, or suspended in whole or in p�.rt and the Con�ract�:r na,y be decl�,red ineligible for f�:uther Go}rernment cor�i,r��c�s or feder�.11y a.ssisted construction contracts in �,ccordar�ce w7.t�-i proccc�ures au�ho:cized in ExECUtiv�e Order 112�6 of September 2�+, 19b5, anc� sucl� o�cher sanct•iozls m�y be imposed and renedies invoked as provided in ,"��,nCCL:�Gl�.re G�der 112�+6 of September 24, 1905, or by rule, regula-- tien or or•dP� of the Sec��etary oi Labor, or as othercaise provided by law. (7) T'ne Contractor wi]1 include the portion of the sentence immediately prec�ding par�.�raph (1) and the p:ovisions of para�raphs (1) through (7) above and paragraph B below in cvery subcontract or purcha,se order unless exempted by rules, re,�ul.a*ions, or ora.ers of the Secretary of Labor issued pursu�,rlt to section 204 0� Executive Order 112�+6 of Septem�er 2�+, 1.965, so that such pr.ovisions will be bindir� upan each subcontr�.ctor or vendor. The Contractor • will take ,suci� action wi�;h respect to �.ny subcontract or purchase order as HUD may ciirect as a means of' enforcing such pra�visions, including sanctions for. noncompliancE: Pravided., ho�aever, T'�ia� in the event a Contractor becomes in- volved in, or. i.s threa�ened�with., lit;igation wa.th a �ubcontractor or vendor as a result of such ciirection by h'i7D, the Contractor �,y reauest the Un�ted States te en�;er intio such litigatic:� to pro�ect the interesfs of the Uni�;ed States. B. Non-Se�;r�,�>�.ted Facilities. The Contractor certifies tha,t he does r��t ma.intain or pro�v�ide �'or his employees any segre�;ated facilities at ar�y of his eatrzblishments, and that he does not permit his emp?oyees �o perfor�► �;heir services at ax�y locatzon, under his control, where segregated facilities are mta,int�,ined. mhe Contrac�tor covenasrts t�iat he will not maintain or provide for his employees ar�y segreg�,ted facili�ties at a.ny oi' his establishments, �.nd that he will not permit hi� e�ployees to perforn their services at any .location, under his control, where se�regated facilities are ma.intainedo As used in this paragragh the tzrra "segre�r�,ted. facilities" means ar�y waiting rooms, work areas, restrooms and w�shrooa�s, res�aursa�ts and other eatir,g axeas, timeclocks, locker rooms and other stors,ge or dressir� axeas, parking lots, drinking fountains, r�creation or entertairunent areas, transportation, and housing facilities pro- vided for employees whi.ch are segregated 'by explicit directive or are in fact se�regated. on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin, because of h�,bit, local custom, or oth.erwise. 3. SPECIAL USE OF TERM Notwiths�anding Section 100 of �the Grant A�reement and Section 100 of the Supplementary General Conditions, the tex�m "Cantr�,ctor" may include an'bperating Agenc�' as �efin�d in the Grant Agreement and an'tAgenc�' as defined in the Supplementary GeneraZ Conditions. - HUD-70S1 (2-a91 , . . , 3 4. AkVIS-�iACO,v' ACT (1) Minir�um �r�s�s. (:i 1 All mec��,riic s a..�zd labarers employed or working upon the site of tne work wiii be paici uncond�tionally and not less often than once a week, � without subsequen� aeduc�ion or rebate an ar�y account (except su�h payroll dEductions as are perrl.it�ed "by regulations issued by the SECretary of Lab��r unaer -the Ccpela-r_:� rct (29 CFR Part 3}), the flzll amounts due at time of payrient co�z�uted nt wa.�e r�.-�es not less tha.n those contained in the wage �etermi.r��,tion decisio:,. o� the �ecretary of L�,bor wY�ich is attached hereto and mmc3.e a part hereof, regardleus of ar�y con�ractual relatior.ship which may be s.11e,�ed to exiet �et�aeer.. tre Contractor a.nd surh :1_aborers and rnecha.nics; and . t•he w��e deter�iinaf,iori 3:.cisian shal_l t�e posted by the Contractor at the site of the work in a �rominen�� plac� where it cr�..� be easily seen by the worlcers. �'or the ��ur�ose of this cl�,use, contributions m�,de or costs reasonably antici- patec� ur�der sec�cion �L(b) (2) of the Davis-Bacor� Act on behalf of laborers or mechanics axe considered wa�es paid to such laborers or mechanics, subjec� to the provisions of 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1}(iv)o A1.so �or the purposes of this clause, regul�,.z° contributions m�,de or costs incurred for more than �, week.�y period under plans, funds, or pro�rarns, bui, coverixyg the particuiar weekl,y period, are deemed to be construc�ively made or izacurred durir�g such weekly perlod;. �ii) The Contractir� Ogfi�er shall require that any class of laborers or mechaanics which is not listed in �he wa,�e deterrnination and which is to be empl�,yed undex the Contrs,ct, shall be classified or reclassif�_ed con�'or.m,�.bly to the wage ctetermina�tion, �ri a report of �he �ction taken shall be seni; by the Fecieral a,�enc�� to tZ1e Secr��a:ry of L�,bor. Ir{ the event the intereScEd paxties cr�.nnot a,�ree on the proper ciassificatiox� or reclassification of a �ax•�iculra.z° clb�s ox" labore.rs t;.nd mecnanics to be used, the question accompanied by the reca�.men.d�,�ion of the �ontrac�ting Officer shal.l be referred to the Secret�.ry for fix��,l determinatian. (iii) The Contr�.cting O�icer sha,ll reg;uire, whenever the �inii�um wage rate �rescribed in t:�e Contrac� �or a c1�ss� of lab�rers or mechanics includes a fringe benefi-c which is not eypr�sse� a,s an hourly wage rate and the Contr�.ctor is obligated to pay s, es,sh equivttlent of such a frin�e bf:nefit, an hourl,y cash equivalent thereof to be astai�Iiahed. In the event the interested parties cann�t agree upon a cash. equivaleni of' the fringe benefit, the question, accompanied by the recommenaat,ior� of.' the Contractin� Officer, shr�ll be referred to the Secreta2y of Le,bor for de�terminat�on. � (iv) Tf the Con�;ractor a.oes not ma.ke payments to a trus�ee or other third person, he m�,y consider as part of' the wages of any laborer or m�chanS.c the emount of ar�r casts reaRonanly anticips.ted in praviding benefits under a plan or progr�.m of a tSrpe express].y listed in the wa.�5e de'cermination decision of the Secretary of Labor which ia a part of this Contract: Provided, however, i�he Secre�t�.ry of Labor r.as four�., upon the writi:en request of' the Contractor, that the �,pplica,ble standa�:d� of the Davis-Bacon Act have been met. TY��e Secre��.ry of Labor �a,y r�quire the Contx�ctor �o set �.side in a separate accoun� assets �'or the meetirag of obli_�atiicns un3er the plan or progra.m. twuaosi �Z-e�► . ' � (2) W7.t?�:lo_;di_�k- irUL rr,��� k�i�CulO_;.� ar ca�ase to �be with.?�ield f�o� the ConLractor so rr.uch of� the �.cc-ru�d p�,��s��:.ts or. �:.3v�nces as ma,y be consi.dered. necessax�y to p«y la�orers �.nd mechanics �m?�loyed �by the Con,rs.ctor or ar�y subcon�cractor on th� work th.e ��1.1 �,:�;:i:� of �rr�es r•equired by the Contract. In the event of failure ua pa� ar�y labore-r cr mech�,nic employ�d or wUrkix�r� on the site of �thf� �cacrk, xiUD �J�, af't,er �,r�_u�;cn na�;ice to the Cor_tractor, ta.ke �uch acti�n �.s m.�,,y b� necessa.iy to caus� the suspension of any f`urther payr•ient, �.vsnce, or �uc�:re�ntee of 2'un.ds until such vio��.Lion� have ce�.sed. (3) P��:,yr�oils and be ric r:acords. (i j Pa.yroll� t�.nd bauic recor�s rela+ing theret� wil1. "uc; �i.:s�i�f;�,ine��.�arir� the c�ux.e cf' tne worit an� preserved for a perio�t af tY�sc:�: yi�irs tne�c�j,x��r� fo�� all la���ers aryd r.�ech�.r,�.cs workin�r at the sl.te of tne kTax•k. Such rc.�ards will con�cain th� naxne and ��.c�.x�ess af each such empla,yee, hi.; correct classifi.cation, s•�tes of p�,y (inelu.dir� r�,tes of con-tribu- tions cr cosi;s arlticipat�d of t:t1e types descri�ed in section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-B�.con Act), dai7,y and week]y n.tub:ber of ho�zrs wox•ked, deduc-L-ions ma.de and ac�tual wt�es paid. Whenever the Secretrzr,y ar' Lab�z° has fovnd ur_der 29 CFR 5•5(�)i�)(i�,r) �;Yz�a.t the w�;es cf a.rW laborer or raecha.n.ic inc]_ude the amolznt of ar�y costs r�ason.�.bly antic�puted in providir.�; benefits under a plan or program descri�a�d in sec�:io:� 1(Y�;(2)�B) of the :Da�ris-Ea,con Act, the Contrac�or sr.all maint�,in recat�ds which sriow �ha.t tne co�itment to provide such benefits is enforce�.ble, th�.�t th.e pl.an or pro�-ra.m is fina.ncia.l�r responsible, and that the plan ax pro�rr�n has been cor�unic�,ted in writir.� to the labores�s or mechanics a�'fected, a?1� xecords whicri shaw the cas�s anticip�ied or the A,etual cost incurred in provzdi.r�.� such ben�Fits. (ii) Th�: Contr�:ctor wi.11 submit weekl,y a co�y of all pa�yrolls to t�ze City if the City is a pttirty to tiie Con�raci,, but if� t2-ie City is not such a party the Contr�,c�or w�.Ll submit the payrolls �o the Agerzc,y �or transmission �o the City, for tranamissioz� to T�iiJD. T?�e copy shall be accomp�nied by a statement sigr,e3 by �the employer ar his a.gen� indicatiz�,g tha�t the p�yrolls �.re correct and com- plete, that �L�?e �•rage r�.tes contt�ir�ed �r.erein �re not less than those determined � by the S�CI'@L&.Iy' of° Labor s.iZd th�t the classifications set forth for each laborer or �EChanic corio-rtn with the wark he perfor�d. A submission of a "Weekly� Sta�emer�t of Compliance" w'riicn is rerfuired ��znder this Contract and the Copeland regul.ations of the Secret�,ry of Labor (29 CFR, Part 3) and the filing with the initial pAyrol.l or ar�y subsequent pa,�Troll of a copy of ar�}r find.ings ny the Secretary of I,�,bor under 25 CFR 5.5(�,j(1)(iv) sha,Lt satisf� this requirement. The prime Contractor shal� be responsible for the sizbmission af copies of pay- rolls for all subcontractors. The Contractox will make the records required under the la'�or standards clauses of the Contract available for inspection by authorized repre�enta,tiveu of HUD, the City� �r the Agency� and the Depar�tment of Labor, and will permit such re�reser.tatives to interview emplo,}Tees during work- ing hours on the �ob. (�+) A� ren�ices. Apprentices r�rill be permitted to work as such only when they are regir��tca ed, individual7�y, t:nder a bvna fid� apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship a.gency whic.h is recognized by the Bureau HUD-70St lx—aeJ . . . � � 5 of Apprenticesl�zip �.nd iry.j�nin�;, Uniteci �ta�Les D�part�ent o� Labor s or, if no such reco�:�i�:ed �ency ��ists i�z �, �t�.�e, u�cicr a progr�.m xegistered with the Bureau oi Ap�rer��ices��i� anu �I'x�ain:ir�;, Ur�ited Sta-tes Departmen� of L�.bor. The wllowacle �e:.tio of aj�p��ntices ta �o�z;^idey-r��n in a.ny craft classifica-tion shall not �a �r�:�,ter tn� tr�e ratio permit��c3 t� �:he Con��ractor as to his �n�ire work iozce under t:ne xe�istered pro�r�.m. A.x�,r employee lis�ed on a p�roll at an ��px�entice �rr�,ce rate, k�r:o i,; nat registered as above, shall be paid ��e we,�;e x�.te c���eyrair�ed `by th� SECret�.ry* af L�.bor for the cla�sifica- tion oi work h� �.ci,uwZl,y I3n�fos^ned. '.I'he Con'cr�z,ctor or subcontractor wil? be requi-r��. to i�:«,nis� �;o �he Corl���.ctin� �Jfz'icer writ��en evidence of the registr�,,�ion o�' his pro�r��. �.r� appxentices a� well as of the appropriate raUios �aid ��t�.�;�: .r�,�t;es, s'o�° t,:�r a,rea oa construction �rior to using aaxy apg�re�tices o� t'rae contrac� tao•rk. (5) Comnli�.n.ce witn Cc�ela�;.d Re�u.l.ations �2� CI'R Pr�xt 3) . 2'he Contractor �"tu::ll. co:��l�r wi�h �he Copel��ci R�gulatians 2g c�R Part 3) of the Secre�c.ry af Labor which are Y�trei.il incorpox°a,�ed t�y reference. (6) Sub�ar�tr�;c�;s. 'r.�.e Contractor wi11 insert in �y subcontrs.cts the clauses con��.i.�zFC3.�in 29 crR 5.j(a)(1) throu�h (5) �d (7) and such other clauses as I�UD �y by appropriate instructions require, and also a cZause requiring the su'vcon+rac*,ars -to include these clauses in a,ny lower tier sub- con�racts h�hich �khEy ma�� eriter i�to, ta�e-ther �lith a clause requiring this ins�rtion in �J :f`�zr.`r.er subcontrac�s th�.t may in ttzrn be mad.e. (7) Contract t,ermir.w�ior.,y debax�ent. A 'preach of clauses (1) -�hrou�h (6) m�iy be �r�-and;� for tex�.r�a�Vior_ of t�ae cont;r�ct, �.nd for debarment as pro- vided in 2� C�r 5.6. 5. CO1V'TRACx ti�URY HOtTt� STAI�DAItDS A�T (1) Ovexti.r;:� xequire�ren�ts. No Contr�.eto.r o.r sub�ontractor contracting for e,ny paxt oP tiie con�r�,ct t�rork which ma.y regui.re or involve the employment of laborers or m�ch�.r,ics sha11 require or permit arxy laborer or mechanic in ar�y work�cacek in which he is employed on such work to work i� excess of eight hours in an�y ca].endar� day or in excess of for�y hours in such workweek unless such l�.borer or ;�ech�..nic receivs.s eo�npensation at a rate n.ot less than one and one-half tim�s his basic rate o� pay for aZl hours worked in excess of eight 2lours in t�.r.�y calendar day or in excess of forty hours in such workweek, a$ the case ma,y be. (2) Vio].�.ti.on; liabili-i;�Y for unpe.id wa�es; liquida.ted d es. In the event of as�y viol�,tj_on of the clause set for�tl in subpaxagraph 1 , the Gon- tractor sxid ar�,y subcontra�ctor responsible therefor shall be liable to ar�y affected empZoyee �'or his unpaid wages. In addit;ion, such Contractor and sub- contractox shall b� liable to t�e United States (i.n the case of work dane under contr�et fcr the Di�trict nf CoZus�ia or a terxitory, to such Bistrict �eucaos� �:°6C) . � . ,� ,. � � 6 . or to such ter.xitory), �'o-r liqu ida.�cr� cl��,��ys. Such liquidated dam.a,�es shall be computed wi-ch resp�ct t,o �acki �_s�.�,�vidual :�.a3orer or nech�.nic emplayed in viola�cion of the elausc: ,e�t fowf;i� a_n subp�,ra:�;r�.yfl (Z) in the slam of �10 for et�,ch calendar ciay on whicr aucil e.�ployee v;�,,, s�rc�vired or perr��.tted to work in exc�ES af eight hou�.s or in exc�s� of the s�c��2U.r�,xd �ror�aeek of �orty hours witr.out payment of the ov�::ct;im.e wa�es requir.c3 by the clause set forth in sub- part�r�ph (1) . (3) Wiu"r;b.oldi � for ur, �.ici. w�:res �.n� �Z�;,�ia.at��. a_�:.�,�es. HUD may with- ho�d or cause �a be �+i�tia�a�ld, z'rc�u �i�.y nia�e;�'u��..�f�al�le Gn account af work per- formed by th.e Co�tractor or sui�contr�ctor, st;c?;a ru� �s �.y administra,tive]�y be detex�rainFd �to be ��ece�:ssar�y to sF�.i.sfy ar�r 1;:�'�ili�ies or such Con�ractor or subco��tY��,c��r �`c�x �np�.id �;�3e� an.ci lia�uid�,te�� c.�;�.��s as p��ovided in the clause s�� fo�°th in subpa,rrzgraph (2) . (�+) :3u'�cantr�.c�s. The Contr�,ctor shall insext in r�,r�y subcontracts the clau�ea set f'orcn in suoparagxak�hs (1), (2), and (3) of this paxagr�ph anc'1. also a cla,use regufring the subcontractor_s to inclu�.e these clauses in ar�y lower tier subcontrae�s whic;i they ma.y ente, int�, �ogether with �, clause requiring t�is 3neor�ion in any� fl.ir�2�er eubcontracts �h��;.may in turn be made. ! HUD-7031 �:-ap, �,�.-�a.�,.. D. o. 236i33-r W ti � 0 in n. _ � } c c O �n m •- v +- •- � ^ v+ c� �u, ro a� a, U �D L p v.— , � `�- •-- Z R: ° v- t L) _ ui 7 :� --------� F- w .o "� U OQ' i�- "� � n' b . z g' � LU V f� �C � (n .N b n: -F-� c0 N v- C1 w o r� u cv •.+ h cll v > -- � •- F+ v > > a� +- o w a w �3 � � . O � --- � � CC t:� Ch IL W Z <ll a� y Z iii E E H Hd� �- � O -` � � �i H `_ � ro �, i-• w a.. a Q ,-� ,°- a � c o � � � !i �- «> � i i.� n� �> � � — G N O rt7 ' tl0 n. cn [� us O � a �- � W i i � .� c_ n, r�� _. �j � .� � �rt� � r . - � --- � o � ' �' o � •- ,,, +- ,zy u. t+ ` � c� � � c �ii O �� � �u O U � -►- t� C O ._t - O '� u "_ � '_'�. � � >- n.; � 0 �' � i-- m U o w U1 -1- L , CJ C J •�" v�i � v r � • �+ . � ��� ' �� � o � � � � � � � r r e- c' t- � t- c- c- c• • � rn . � � � � � o 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 c, � --- � � � � v � � .�� � � � � �o,, -► v � o 0 0 0 0 o a�i ni �a�i o w Q � � +� �.' t� F7 c� ti F3 `.�a Da �a 4-i +� U U ++ !> � � ,� � P. U � -F ul � � � bq �,o W � � U 41 !n � O t7 �� ti �U •� �f -s-� a� a� � ,t? 'r1 •� r r-� r � t- r- O� -7' N c- �O �' O '?a -7' � c- G[1 oC� c- Aa.4 � � a � � � � � . a� N N � U � � � � �. � O • •� G: � � }' � � G� O td � � '� R � . � +, � '� � '� ° •� .° u°'i � � Is� � u�i `�' � u`°i � v�i ,c: ,� � � �-� ' o � { ^y o �, � o �, o w � r� 5, � CA U '� ��i '"'ctS � •tA t� QS H �] !-r � •tA j�.� �� 4i -1-� � •rl � •ri U] W J F-1 t!) (ll U lA � �i U •�, �, c� s •� a� c� � •� , c, a' .� a`°i �i' .� v -a �� c� .-1 4� af !ti 4-� a! i, r' '++ aS � � 4-i c1i f� F; � ti �Np r-i � O F, 4J O W � p � O Ga � o +� N aC :� (� P� U � P� Py � w"�', � (� V � a a V * N � . , M . .� h. -�5- . , � .