255775 ORIGINAL TO'CITY CL6RK �II�I!`�A�yI. �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOL ON—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY RO @ I' M COMMISSIONE DATF APPRQVAL OF PLANS RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley adjacent to L.ots 21 to 40, Block 19, A.V. Browns Subdivision from Palace Avenue to Jefferson Avenue as part of the West Seventh Renewai Area G-1g80, Also construct sewer for storm water purposes in Palace Avenue from the alley to Arbor Avenue and in the alley from Palace Avenue to a point 40 feet North of Palace Avenue under Preliminary Order 254053, approved May 14, 1971 and Final Order No. 25506g approved July 28, )g71 , be and the same are hereby approved and the Commiss�oner of Public Works is hereby directed to order sa�d work done under Public Works Contract No. 71-G-1985 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement including engineering and inspection expenses be assessed against benefited property. _ �: �. i, ; - j. _' �� "j /� �- � a (A_ �' � � �� U �; �� � v, Q W COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�EP 21 1971 19— Yeas Nays Butler p $� �,��; �L A ro S� 19—. �— T*+ Favor A�erec�itir- Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedesco - '° rusLisxED SEP 2 5 197� t. , Mr. 1✓ice President Meredith � �L7.�� nurucnra ao�e�Nrae ���`�t�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO " � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►��r�c nr Ro�ar M. Co�ta,v COMMISSIONER DAT� A�IOOVAL QF PLANS RESOIVED� That th� plans and sp��iflwttons fo� 9radin9 aAd wrfscing with bttua�f na�s �at�riai th� al ley ad)acant to Lots 21 to 40, Bioak 19, A.V. Qrowns Subdtvislvn fr�ae �ala� Awnw to Jefferson Awnw as p�rt of the Miest SsMantti Ren�a1 Ars� G-1980. Aiso construct se�r for stora� water pu rpos�s i n Pa 1 ac� Awnw f ran tha a 11 sy to Arbor Awnw snd t n tha a 11�y trow Patac� Avenne to a polnt k0 f�at North of Palaca Awnua under �nlf�inary Ord�r Z5�053, approwd May 14, 1g71 and Final Order No. 255069 approwd July 2�, 1971 , be and the san�s are hanby a�pprowd and tha Co�i ss tons� of Pubi tc Morks is hanby dirocted�to order satd work don� under Publia M/orks Contract No. 71-6-1985 and be It EtiRTi�R RESOLYED� That ths oost of tha abov�e iwprova�nt inclwllAg sngl�rins and inspection sxpsns�s b� ass�ss�d against b��fit� prap�rey. SEP a 1 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Bu��,,. SEP � 1 1971 � Z Approved.. 19�. '� � Tr Favor �e�e�i#,#-- Sprafka c� Mayor Ag'ain8t Tedesco ���� Mr, �dice President Mered;th ��