255771 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ���� /� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� N � .LIC�sE cor�lz�r�i � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �" September 21� 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF i�IEI2F,�TS: The Con���ay I3ooster C�ub are holders of I,icense T��io. 1�91, expirin� October 21, 1971 perr�it�ing them to conduct- �3ingo �ames each ThurNday afternoon betrreen the hours of l:OQ and 5:0(} P.l�g. a:t 529 'r�abasha Street, and �JHEi2F�'�S: ��p:�ication is made to amend the c�ays, therefore� be it �,SOLVED: That the license held by ti2e Cornyay �oost�r Club be and �;he Name is hereby amended to read "hlonday afternoons" for the rer�«inder of the �icense yezr. �encl�nent to license � In�orrnally ap�roved by Counci� Sep�ember iG, 1971 i.ppn.11959 SEP 21 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays � Butler � ove S E P 21 1971 19— � T n� _�n Favor T� - d � M or Sprafka Tedesco A8'ainst � �, Mr. �lice Presid�nt P�1�er�d�tn pUBLISI�D 7' O _ . �� � ' . CITY OF SAINT PAUL • �' Capital of Minnesota � e1.Je aNtrnev�t o u��'c �a et ��;�" - � p � -�� �j ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commisaioner HEALTB RALPH G.MERRILI.,DeDaty Commissloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lteenee Inspector September 16, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesot�, Gentlemer anr Tiadam: The Conway Booster Club hold License IVo. 1891, expiring October 21� 1971 permitting them to conduet bingo gaMes ea,ch Thursday afternoon, between the hours of 1:OG �nd �:OG p.m. Ap�lication. is ma,d.e for the amending of the day from Thursda.y a.fternoon, to Mon.day afternoon, betu�een the same hour�. it��ched is a, co�J of +heir letter of applica.tion. Ver�r truly yours� c � /.._ ° � � �/�r. License Inspector � . ' . � : . , 1 • � ... . _ ; i , 35� W Morton St. � St. paul� Niinn. � Septe�ber 7, 1971 ` . � � . Mr. Daniel McLa�;�� , Licenss Inspect,�r Ste Paul� Minn• ; r. .r • ;. . w t= �ear Sir: L:.�. This :i.s a requ�st for ffi chan�e oS day for the ' Cornaay Booster Club Ba.ngo Game which is �ow �laye4 on Thursday afternoon fxom 1:00 am to Mond y and IuWO�d e .to �han;e the day from Thursd y S�p.� like t►�e startinb date for t'�is game to be NondaY, }.�r ember 20th, the hou�'s to rer�in the same. � We did not have a game on Z'hUx'sdays September 2nd. � i;.,�•�.��4�\ f���,�'/x � ��,� �,>� J� '*�` c�,� Sincerely� ��. ;�0 1:�71 :=;� ;� ,..;_ � � 1�� �c-� .- ". : . c � ',� =-' � � c.., � Cri ��'� � ",` o; 2•�anafler � ^' ,,._c._ , ,;�,Y � Herb2rt Axtell J a ���,, _ ... c��� ► ��'��?�-�z� ��, � �l�,��,�s"y`�'c� �'�.t✓� � + G�� � �.��' `� �` . � • � 3ept. L6„ 19T1 aon. De�'�t Mer�di,th Goasr. Qf F'ublic �afety Public Se�fety Building Dear 3ir: A�t�e�tivat Mr. Daaiel Mcl�wghlia The City t'�nmc�l�2. �oday in!'brra],ly spprc>v+�d the spplic�stic� oP Cam+a�y Ba���er Club #'ar a�rencl�at of their Bingo t�tebt License lf�. 18Q1 xith reterence to the dey �u �et otrt �n yovr letY.er of thi� da►te. i�ill yon plesrs pr�par� the �t�ceuaary resalutiar cowriag this matterY VerY tru1�Y Ya�urs� �i.i�t A.exlr �8