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� _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accountiag (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contrac[or _ - Projecc Manager (CPMn No. � � i Z Da[e_�__7�� Q� — i `"'j CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFPICB OF THH MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.21-06 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described CJ as Sa;nt Paul Civic Cencer Exoansion CP-4 Building ConstcucYion Imown as Contract Ir Ciry Project No.015119 Gephan Electric, is composed of ihe following: 1. Provide light and fixture in Room 225 per Request for Information (RFn J1E44. Reason: Design change. 2. Provide electticaL se�vice foL site toi(et heat per Field Ordec (FO) #F4.61. Reason: OSHA requirement-genecal condition. 3. Revise Electrical Room 124 and Telephone Room 125 and RFI tfG274. Reason: Design change-rooms switched from east-west oriernation to north-south. Total $891.00 1,662.00 3,527.00 $6,080.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 6 080 00 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the cornract, known as conuact L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. and which amount is to be financed from: l�Z/ 19�_ /-/b ,997 / � � / �hart Electric � � i Airector of Civic Center . �Oi✓_ rchirect Admiuistrative Assistant to the Mayor ; t,� cE�-�� �oo���q GREEN SHEET �s��� XNf�AGT PERSON 8 PHONE ��� INITIAVDATE INRIAUDATE �(-� Lm DEPAATMENTDIRE � CiT'COUNCIL 'j-.:�1� ��CnES eZ�t'� "� `IO � ASSIGN CITYATfORNEY ��LERK ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY DATE �VBER FOR ( � ROUTING O BUDGET DIRECTOH & MGT. SERVICES DI � OpOEA �MqYOP(ORASSISTAPfT) � /��.y,���.q TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAt'aES a '�"�' f ""� (CUP ALL 40CAT10NS FOR SIGNATURE) 3 �� o �, �� � P n 4CTION RE�UESTED: /� i C-i�L�ti a: L�� � � �}C � i.^v��'�'i�LG� f�-'�-:.JE4�l �� 0.� 1'fG J�•lt 2 �£L'�1��C__ _ `4 newmmcnvni i�ns; npprove �q� or ne�ea _ PLANNING COMMISSIQN ( _ CIBCOMMITTEE � _ _ S7AFF _ ' _ DISTflICTCOURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? �E '�+ PEASONAL SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a clty employee? YES NO 3. Does tfiis person(firm possess a skill not normalfy possessetl by any curreM city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to groen aheet gEv����� Where, Why): dAN 22 �:If�YC?�'S d�F�� ��������� J�;v 2 � 1997 , �� k =-�+� K^ ,2 ` � �JAN 2 81997 CITY CLERK IF NOT APPROVEO: � \ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ � ��`�� COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIidGSOUHCE C��I,��� VCC.F� ACTIVITYNUMBER ��—���' ����F�� �� FiNANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) � � � r� LJ PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Gephart Electric 355D LaBore Road Saint Paul, MN 55110 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015119 $4,570,900.00 CO No. C4.21-01 C4.21-02 C421-03 C4.21-04 C4.21-05 C4.21-06 Subfotal Deduct 00 Add 2,514.00 32,839.00 21, 545.67 23,767.00 14,457.�0 6,080.00 $101 202.67 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 8 January 1997 CP-421 Building Construction Electrical 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $4,672,102.67 • • RECEIVED CQNTR�ACFOR'S RROFOSA Contractor Contract A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: ,� it is requested the completion date be () extended, ( 1 decreased��1' unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be • � 2. Description of the change: IRefer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabie). Reference RFP No.: : FO NO.: Title:�Fr FLlL,C L//-,�}`T ANi� Swr7' !/�1 R�t9�'1 a� ZZ� 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) o p_ �f Firm price for performing this change is S Adequate supporting details and information ncrease (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaivate. () Time and material per contrac?, but not to exceed S ( � Actuai cost at compietion of work S Action Recommended: (Check one) i) Change wiii not be made. Explain: �Of iZq � �a���� CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Eroceed on the foltowing basis: � indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptabie. ( 1 Basis of payment shali be S () The foffowing modification is recommended: f 1 Change in completion date is accepted. (} Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptabie with no change in completion date. (1 Other 2. Reason for Change: �Qesign Change ( � Client Request () Field Condition �( 1 Suggested 6y Cortractor ( l Design Omission or Other (explain� 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( 1 YES �b 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �'ES () NO 5. A/E consulted. �S ( 1 NO Prepared by:_� CPMI) Approved by HGA) APproved by�_���' v' lOwner) Approved by: IOwner) _ cc: � Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Date: l3� Date: Date: 3225- � G�pHA�T ELECTRIC TO: ATTN RE �o� �Zq CPMI c10 St. Paul Civic Center 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, D�T 55102 Susan Jones DATE: December 3, 1996 St. Paul Civic Center Sxpansion CP-4 The following are costs for CRQ No. 14: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Material Cost (Include Tax of 7%): . . . . . . . Labor: 13.35 Hrs @ $ 45.03/Hr . . . . . . . . . Foreman: 2 Hrs @ $ 3.23/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . General Foreman: Hrs G� $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . Overtime (1" X Regular Rate): Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . Project Management: Ars c� $/Hr . . . . . . . . Labor Inefficiency: % of Labor (Line #2) • • - - Lost Time: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . Field Design/Drafting: Hrs c� 5/Hr . . _ . . . . As Built Drawings: Hrs � $48.26/Hr . . . . . . Delivery: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clean up: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty: � of Material & Labor {Lines #1 & 2) . Parking: Days c� $/Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: . . . . Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . . Small Tools & Consumables: 1% of Labor (Line #2) PAGE 1 OF 2 _ $ 137 _ $ 601 _ $ 7 $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ 12 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6 3550 La6ore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 •(612) 484-4900 i PAGE 2 OF 2 21. Travel Time : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 22. wage Increase: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ $ • 23_ Limited Workspace, Interruptions: °s of Labor (Line #2) $_ 24. Storage Trailers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 25. Gas & Oil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 26. Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 27. Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 28_ Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 29. Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 30. TelephonejFax Machine : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 31. Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 32. Safety: 40 of Labor (Line #2) - . . . . . . . . . _ $ 33. Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 34. Interest on Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 35. Painting & Patching : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = S 36. Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 763 37. Overhead: 150 of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . _ $ 115 38. Profit: ° s of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ • 39. Unit PriCes : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 4�. Subtotal: (Tota1 of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39� ... - S 8 �$ 41. Bond: 1.43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 13 42. Total This Change: (TOtal of Lines #40 & 41) ... _ $ 891 43. A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. 44. This Quotation is Valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. 45. Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Constructian Manager or General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is not received by 0, work described above shall stop. ACCEPTANCE CHANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL RE�UEST N0. • �ao r �ZQ SHEE7 1 �cember 12_ 1996 ESTIMATE WORKSHEET Job Oescription_ CP-4 CRQ #14 (RFI E44) Estimate Number_ Cft9#14 Estimator Name : LARRY Paae Name/Location: ALL Estimate Paae: 1 ofi 1 LN PHASE D8# MATERIA� OESCRIPTION 4TY PRICE U T-PRICE ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 � 18 19 0 F TYPE F 1_00 b9,00 E b9.00 0 F CHAIN KIT 1.00 6.50 E 6.50 0 F 1/4-20 THRERDE9 INSERT 2.D0 278_00 C 5.56 0 F 1P 20A 277V SWITCH 1.00 560.00 C 5.60 0 F 1G SS COYERPLATE 1.00 337.00 C 3.37 0 F 1900 SOX 2.00 115.Q0 C 2.30 0 F BLANK 1.00 33.D0 C 0.33 0 F H-2 1.00 65.00 C 0.65 0 F 1G t1R 1.00 43.00 C 0.43 30 322 AN-1(4X2-1/4 RRWI 2.00 39.29 C 0.79 1 1842 EM-1/2 EM7-CONDUIT 60.00 16.00 C 9.b0� 1 1980 E�i-1/2 SET SCREW COUP 8.Q0 37.00 C 2.96 1 2000 EM-lj2 SE7 SCREW CONN 4.D0 28.00 C 1.12 1 512 BU PIASiIC BUSHIN 4.00 0_10 E 0,40 1 3866 HR-1/2 MINERAILAC 10,00 16.70 C 1.67 30 322 AN-1f4X2-1/4 RAWL 10.00 39.29 C 3.93 l 3076 FL-3/8 FLEX STEE� 6.00 17.00 C 1.02 1 3093 FL-3J8 FLEX ST CONN 2.00 0.77 E 1.54 3 818H WC-7HHN-STRA #12 180.00 62.00 hi ll.lb --------------------------------------------------------�----------- PAGE hiultiplier = 1.00 TOTAL = 127.92 09_57c4G LASOR U T-LABOF ------------------ D.96 E 0.9! E 37.SC� C 0.7` 31.20 C 0_31 12.50 C 0.1� 35_Q� C �.7C 9.00 C 0.0� 25.00 C 0.2° 20.00 C 0.2C 8.00 C O.lE 5.6Q C � 3.3E C 10.00 C � 6.4C 4.00 C O.lE 31.20 C 3.1: 8.00 C O.SC 5_20 G 0_3] 15.00 C 0.3C 7_50 M 1.3` ---------------- --- i � • � e�:;�-����a i.)ooe �zq C^ �1r ��� :fi'� i �'�t'� ..z.., �� ry •'�.�' c PRO.�� S�jnt Piul CIV1� C�n[�r Expanatan REOVEQT FOfl 1NFOpMATlo/i NO.: ���j[ Interm�f�On O ��� �t� Deviation FYt Only 0 O W NERi Satn� paut Gvic Cente� A�tho<<[y CPMIPAOJECT NO.: 32Zg CONTRACT�R:GEPHARY BLECT&jC C�_, INC. 70: CPMt clo Saint Psut civic Cente� 143 Weet Fourth Stre�t Ni CQNTRACT: �pN R�SPONd 8Y: f��• A��''�'. �/ r� � � �` �. �-�y ,�.+�� � � � �:� � �t �vl� ,,.�p�� r�� ��L�i' ��t #t Z25' trN b� 57�4t J� �v4�/a � � S ,�.N,� `� .G2vtT�'�b ? /� �; t'�-��A� �c1� t�E t�7" � , � COMRACTpR SUQGE�710NICOMMEN'r5: _ • 0 REfERRED TO: �• OF: Yt �R�a vr p E o �+� -ry'P� �� � �` � .f'� . PY T��i �el,��, Gc�;' 70 �-�'" � / / , , field P►dsr Pendfnp O fiPP P�dinQ 0 con6S�ler a G �� CPMi fmmi� tPMf, lnt, c!o F: OAT : -� ,aa'r i a,v3er3 oF: ee OAT@: , Qf: RATE: - fon A r respeotrve ropty wlti chanpo con r�ctv�� ob��pfY�ons ]n any way. �f yon nu�c aum Or e0ntr�ci tima Ss r�qu]red, piease submn your'ite�,ized pronosat So Clde C•ntlr, 4A. 0'=h1upMlfeY �_�• 1�a Mhor Rourth strrr�, s.tnc Hvb MN 3sto2•�2�� Z d ll8l81Z95£'ON/dp�60'.LS/£��60 96,£0'LOlQ3M) Y(0�� COPiTt�ACTOR'S RROPQSRL Contract No.: CP �r�e in the ot the work is requested as indicated below: ��, sJ 322s- �z1.� l,Co Z/ ��� � It is requested the completion date be () extended, ( 1 decreased, (.kunchanged by calendar days. The adjusted compiet+on date wi14 be Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: : FO NO.:_�'�f.�/ T:.1.,. TL.vL�YfP.2D�/ �/ Gi TDii- — TTl[/ G�^C �/s��i2T T?d! /AL C� 3. Basis ofi payment: �Check one} f 1 Firm price for performing this change is Adequate supporting details and information must 6e attached to allow Owner to evaluate. O Time and material per contract, but not to exceed �Actual cost at compietion of work . • . . _ �d.C� i= + (Increased) (Deduct) t „ _� Date: /Z /l-9lP () Proceed on the following basis: �As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. (� Change is acceptable, basis ot payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shal! be S 1) The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in price. f) Chartge is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other . 2. Reason for Change: ��Design Change () Client Request () Field Condition /�� O Suggested by Contractor � Omission or Other (explain� ��I/�„QL l�NG/7�ON5 �— 3. is this a part of the originai contract scope? () YES 4. is Contractor's Estimate attached? �YES 5. A/E consulte ,A�YES Prepared by:�,/G���( fCPMI) Approved by � HGA) ARproved by � Owner) Date; Approved by: IOwner) Date: CPMI I�c., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, �.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 743 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-7299 cc: � Chtis Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- p�" tJ0 i)NO (INO Date: �d Date: 1. Action Recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Change wiil not 6e made. Expfain: .G'E�1�iA�'� ELECTRIC TO: ATTN: RE: • 4 �o� i2q c/o St. Paul Civic Center 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, 2�IDT 55102 Susan Jones DATE: December 2, 1996 St. Paul Civic Center B�cpansion CP-4 The following are cos for Fie Orde No. 4.61: 1. Material Cost (Include Tax of 7a): . . . . . . . 2. Labor: 16 Hrs @ $ 45.03/Hr . . . . . . . . . - • 3. Foreman: 4 Hrs @ $ 3.23/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . 4. General Foreman: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . 5. Overtime (1" X Regular Rate): xrs @$/Hr ... 6. Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs @$/Hr ... 7. Project Management: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . 8. Labor Inefficiency: % of Labor (Line #2) • • • • 9. Lost Time: Hrs C� $ /xr . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Field Design/Drafting: Hrs � $/Hr . . . . . . . 11. As Built Drawings: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . 12. Delivery: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Clean up: 4 Hrs � $45.03/Hr . . . . . . . . . . 14. Testing: Iirs C $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Warranty: °s of Material k Labor (Lines #1 & 2} • 16 . Parking : Days @ $ /Day . . . . - • • • • • • • • 17. Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: .... 18. Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 19. Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . . 20. Small Tools & Consumables: 2 of Labor (Line #2) 0 PAGE 1 OF 2 $ 495 $ 721 $ 13 $ $ $ S $ $ $ S $ $ 18Q $ $ $ S $ S $ 15 3550 LaBore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 •(612� 484-4900 �o� � 2q PAGE 2 OF 2 i • 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Travel Time : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • _ $ Wage Tncrease: Hrs C� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ $ Limited Workspace, Interruptions: � of Labor tLine #2) $� Storage Trailers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Gas & Oil: • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ $ Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . • • - - • - • _ $ Telephone/Fax Nfachine : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - S Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Safety: 4% of Labor tLine #2) • • • - • • • - • • _ $ Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Interest on Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Painting & Patching : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 1, 424 Overhead: 15% of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . _ $ 214 Profit: °s of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Unit Prices : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ Subtotal: (TOtal of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39? ... _$ 1,638 Bond: 1.43°s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 24 Total This Change: (Total of Lines #40 & 41) .__ _$ 1,662 A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. This Quotation is Valid Until 0 F'or Written Acceptance. Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is nat received by , work described above shall stop. ACCEPTANCE CNANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL REQUEST N0. • � i �zq SHEET 1 �ecember 11, 1996 ESTIMA7E WORKSHEET Job Description: CP-4 FZELD OROEft F4.61 Estimate Number: FOF4-ol Estimator Name : LRRRY Page Name/Location: A�� Estimate Page: 1 of 1 LM PHASE DB# t1RTERIAI �ESCRIPTION QTY PRICE U ------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 1� 0 L LABOR - FOREHAN 0 L LABOR 0 F 12/2 MM WfGRND 27 6074 RO-3/8 ROMEX CONNEC70R 0 F 5-20P CORD CAP 0 F 5-20R RECEPTACLE 20 3680 GO-GROUND SCREW/TAIL 0 F 20/1 GFI C/B 0 F 1900 BOX 0 F RS COYER ---------------------------- -------------------------------- PAGE Multiplier = 1.00 17:10:53 T-PRICE LABOR U T-LRBOF ------------ ----------- 4.00 12.00 1000.00 229.00 H 224.00 15.00 36_00 C 12.90 E 1.00 575.00 C 5.75 6_00 450.00 C 27.00 3.00 42.00 C 1_26 C 3.00 58.00 E 174_00 6.00 115.00 C 6.90 6.00 98.00 C 5_88 ----------------------------------------------- ------ --------------------------------- --------------------- TOTA� = 462_69 16.00 (, l��o � � • + , � tZq • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civ+c Center Expansion FIEID ORDER NO.: CP-4 Building Construction DATEISSUED: OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority 4.A. O'Shaughnessy P{aza CPMI PROJECT NO.: � 43 West Fourth Street Saint Pauf, MN 5 51 02-1 299 CONTRACT NO.: TO: Gephart Electric 3550 LaBore Road Saint Paul, MN 55110 CONTRACT: F4_61 5 November 1996 3225 CP-4.21 Efectrical Attn.: Larry Heinsch You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum and Contract Time. If you consider a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposa� to CPMI immediately and before proceeding with the work. DESCR1PT10(�!: Temporary electric for portable toilets as follows: � Supply power to 6 toilet units. NOTES: Timesheets are to be turned into CPMI on a DAILY basis. ATTACHMENTS: �� � Cf° COST, PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 1iVTERNATIONAL, INC. Ji��.'��� Ken Anderson Project Manager • cc: Chris Hansen Mortenson Dick Zehring Mike Pederson Bloomington Metropolitan 3225-421.5 A\PORMS\FIELDO�.DOC ' ll�08i96 17:37 612 222 5044 GEPHAkT ELECTRIC •-- CPMI�f��tl f� 004i005 � t u,v �1 _� C pt'lq.r��-- '�( rC f! G p � _ , . �LJOR REPORT F�i�a-� ���� JOB NO.: �po • ; � ��50� _ NAME: C� •v« ��K�� WEEK ���D(NG: �• .<;.-,.,:; � REGORD 0� HOURS -- J � titON TUE WED 7HU FR! SA7 SUN ; 0 � A� EMPLOYEE OATE �� � „ S 'tr � �l 7 �� � �j Qg-�.--,� i ST � / / �'—r--- � � ST ST ST ST S7 OT ST OT S�' ST bT ST ST OT ST ST ST OT 7/1Y n 1 c� C� 11.r14i96 �6:59 � a �f R�c�ti ME �612 222 5044 GEPHART ELECTR[C �-- CPMI �w\�I�n � 001i001 �'�eYfri` c. t/uJ. 4 ' LAB�R REPORT F.-l�l O.�o!_w- �" �/ ( �oe r�o.: a�d �'.v, c C�-��� WEEK ENQING:/('�s-�b ftECORD OF NOUftS :� OATE �`�ON TUE WEp THU FRI S AT SLiPa OTAL " /i ���� . �l� ���c� is r� � � � �� m� �� � �� � � � ST OT ST ST S� ST OT ST OT ST � OT S7 OT Tn�'ai S ` J ._ -� �':r __ ' �oo� �2q 322$-¢Z!. � NTRACTQR`S PROPfT3RC Contractor A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: Contract �/ � � � It is requested the compietion date be f) extended, () decreased,�unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date wiil be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appiicable). Reference RFP No.: : FO NO.: Title: fl��S�bl.lt� Ta R�2 U-Z7 � 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) � �Firm price for pertorming this change is S 3 " r -� 2 '� — Adequate supporting details and information ncrease (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ( 1 Time and materiai per contract, but not to exceed S () Actuat cost ai completion of work S Submitted by: USE • C , J Action Recommended: (Check one} ( I Change will not 6e made. Explain: CPMf Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: ��� , � , u--��n-��• indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. (� ) Cfiange is acceptabte, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be S (� The foliowing modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. 1) Change is acceptabfe with no change in price. (� Change is acceptahte with no change in completion date. ( ) Other 2. Reason for Change: � esign Change i 1 Client Request i) Field Condition (} Suggested by Contractor ( 1 Oesign Omission or Other (exptain) 3. Is this a part of the originai contract scope? ( 1 YES �DIO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? . - �.��y i ES () NO 5. A/E consulte . '�4.�ES ( ) NO / Prepared by: �— CPMp Approved by �. 0.� tHGA) Approved by__' _____ ta � (Owner) � vt�i �,.,- Date:�� Date: Approved by: IOwnerl Date: CPMI inc., cJo Saint Paul Civic Center, I.q. O'Shaughnessy Pfaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- Date: /O —29 ^ 9!0 � � _ /— / ( s,s-r ��''{�,yG F1N HED �pR El., Q `` 4 �' i �z ^; _ _ a-x s :.r . �.,...- � : f ,. �:�. _ _ UP .I � •r'� �' � �� ; � T � } , „� � 4.... ...... _ < f """S7i�NQP1P� '� � i . �-� M1v . . : ��,,.... ��~ ',�' :i�q � 1 � �.. , � t � �� ' �' '!J �:':"�- /�, i �' p.'} ( u 7� r'-. .�% f ` S/�-'� ' 1(V � � w`v'� ` j 1 � � '• 't � c � � ��n�� I� �4,� ;, ea��� �' � C � � ��� e �+� � �. �. cu - — j g• 1 4 � 4' \ r+ew k V�, CONC. , FtpOR ' �CRt}$BER � R�U!� � - � .�- - , 5 16 ��� � d `� � � � �._o = r,�' r _ � ti �' �P � � - �F ' � � 4; 1 t �6 , N�"� I� �`' '� , (r �.�i �. ' 1 l.✓-� � � � - - - -' �. ___J__- � �C—� _ � � S ��-9� Ac.�- 3 �° , ,� , A �� � , �-o- M � � o+ t A �b � f..! �� t 0 S B, `�"� �� ia i F � _ '� 4 1 z �� � — �7� �t�� � ,� '� � 2 Ly t`1 CONC. ; .����A�� ELECTRIC October 23, 1996 Susan Jones CPMI cfo Saint Paul Civic Center 143 West Fourth Street Saint Faul, MN 55102 Re: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Subject: Contractor Requested Change #SR - RFI G-274 �� �Zg Dear Susan, Attached is pricing £or Contractor Requested Change #SR, revised £rom original proposal o£ 10-10-96. The revision of this proposal is for reasons as outlined below. Relocation of Electric Room #124 moves relay panel RP-lA approximately 15' further to the west, adds a fire zated wall that must be penetrated to reach the relay panel, and prevents direct top access to the panel for conduits coming down from Level 4. There are (20) 3/4" conduits containing lighting homeruns and control circuits coming clown £rom Level 4(Ex. Hall Clg.) that must terminate in relay panel RP-lA. This wi11 require addition of conduit and wire for the added length across Room #125, fire-stopping of the conduit penetrations at wall between Room #124 and #125, and addition of a wireway above relay panel RP-lA to accommodate horizontal enCry of the conduits required due to low clearance under Stair steel and F4 ceiling added in RFP 4.46. Thi� lett�z '_s a sugplement to the original CRQ #8 ar.3 does r.ot contain all relevant information. Please contact the writer with any questions or concerns regarding this information. 3550 LaBore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 •(612) 484-4900 Enclosure G�1P1�1AtZ'� ELECTRIC TO: ATTN: CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, 2 �A7 55102 Susan Jones ���Z� DATE: October 21, 1996 RE: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 The following are casts for CRQ No. #$R� pAGE 1 OF 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Material Cost (Include Tax of 7%): . . . • - • • • Labor: 56.27 Hrs @ $ 45.03/Hr . . . . . • - • • Foreman: 8 Hrs @ $ 3.23/Hr . . . - • - • • - � ' General Foreman: Hrs @ $ /Hr • - • • - � • - � Overtime (1� X Regular Rate): Hrs c� $/Hr .•- Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs @ S/Hr ..- Project Management: Hrs C� $/Hr . . . . . . - • 7,abor Inefficiency: % o£ Labor (Line #2) • • • • I,ost Time: Hrs @ S /Hr . . . . . . . _ . . . • Field Design/Drafting: Hrs � $/Hr . - • - • � • As Bui1t Drawings: 1 Ars @ $48.26/Hr . . • - • • Delivery: Hrs @ $/Hr . • - • - • • • � ' ' ' ' . Clean up: Hrs c� $/Hr • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' ' . Testing_ Hrs c� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . • - • • . Warran�y: % of P�Iatarial & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) - . Parking _ Days @ $/Day - • • � • • • - � ' ' ' � . Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: - • • • . Temporary Wiring: . . _ . . . . • - • • - • • - . L,arge Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . • - • - • . Sma11 Tools & Consumables: 1% of Labor (Line #2) - $ 383 - $ 2,534 _ $ 26 = S _ $ = S - $ _ $ - $ _ $ _ $ 49 _ $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ 25 ,«� ��a�.a a�ad St PaUL Minnesota 551t0 •(612) 484-4900 21. • 22 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. • 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 PAGE 2 OF 2 Travel Time: . . - - - • • • � - - - - - ' ' ' " ' $ Wage Increase: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . _ . . . . � - - _ $ Limited Workspace, Interruptions: o of Labor (Line #2) $_ Storage Trailers: . - • • • • � - - - - - - ' ' ' - $ Gas & Oil: - - - - - - - - � - � - - - - - . . . _ _ $ Utiiity Cost: . . • - - - • - - - - • • ' ' ' ' ' $ Insurance: . . - - - - • • • - • - - - ' ' ' ' " ' $ Subcontracts : . - - - - • • • • - - - - ' ' ' ' ' $ Subsistence: . . . . . - - • • • - - - - � • � � ' - $ Telephone/Fax Machine: . - • - - - • • - � • - - � - $ Dumpsters: . . . . . - - • • - - • � � • • • � ' ' - $ Safety: 40 of Labor (Line #2) • • • • • • - • • � - $ Permits & Inspection: . . . • • - • • - � • • • • - $ 6 Interest on ReCention: . . . . . . . . - • • • • • - $ Painting & PatChing: . . . . . . . . - - • • • • � - $ Subtotal: . . . - • - • � � • � • • - � � � ' ' ' _ $ 3,023 Overhead: 15� of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . = S 454 Profit: _ $ % of (Lines #36 and 37) - • • • • - • • • • • • � Unit Prices : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ � Subtotal: (Total of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) ... _$ 3,477 Bond: 1.430 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 50 Total This Change: (TOtal of Lines #40 & 41) .-- _$ 3,527 . A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. . This Quotation is Valid Until 0 For written AcCeptance. . Should this C.O. Request be aCCeptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is not received by , work described above shall stop. ACCEPTANCE CHNNGE ORDER/PROPOSAL RE�UEST N0. � BHEET L �ctober 23. 1990 ESTIMATE WORKSHEET �o�1Z� LG:bG:G Job Descriotlon: RFI G-274 Estimate Numb�r: CR�#SR ES}�mator Name : LARRY Paae Name!Location: ALl Estimate Paa2_ 1 ofi 1 LN PHASE DS# MAiERTAL DESCRIPTION 97Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 • 0 F LRYOUT REVISIONS 0 F RELOCATE STRKES,STRNDS 1 1844 EM Et1T-CONDUIT 1 1982 Et1-3%4 SET SCREW COUP 31 454 SL-1/4X6 ALL-THREAD ROD 31 432 BL 1 5/8 i2GR SLOT 1 d76 8L-314 CONDUIT STRAP 31 4b2 BL-N224 114 SpR-NUTS 31 3886 HR-BEAH CLA�fP 314-1/4IN 3 8188 WC-THHN-STRA #12 11 1480 DU-6X6X5 LAY-TN DUCT 11 1498 DU-bX6 DUCT-BLANK 30 322 AN-1/4X2 RRWL-STUD 0 F FIRESTORPIN� ----------------------------- - PRGE htultialier = 1_00 PRICE U S-PRSCE LASDR U ---------------------- -- T-�ABC 7.0� E 8.00 E 8_0 1_00 E 4.00 E -4.0 300_00 25_05 C 75.15 6.20 C 18.0 40_00 57.00 C 22.80 C 10.00 15.48 C 1.55 12_50 C 1.2 10.00 193,50 C 19_35 36_60 C 3.6 40.00 95.00 C 38.00 3.75 C 1.5 6.00 43.74 C 2.62 7_50 C 0.4 b_00 0.65 E 3.90 37_50 C 2.� 1500_00 62.00 M 93.00 7.50 M 11.2 5.00 8.00 E 40.00 17.50 G �.� 2.00 4.37 E 8.74 25.00 C 0_� 8.00 39.29 C 3.1A 20.00 G L E 1.60 50_00 E 50.00 3_00 E _ 3_C ------------- ----------- •