255755 ��1�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO - COU CIL RESO UTIO -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ � � COMMISSIONE AT WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul has previonsly approved an estimated extra to Comptroller's Contract No. L-7315 in the amount of Six Hundred Eighty-three and 60/100 Dollars ($683.60) per Council File No. 250887 on October 21, 1970; and WHEREAS, It has since beea determined that the particular quantities that were previously estimated on Council File No. 250887 are naa kaawn, no�w, therefore, be it �iHSOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby does amend Council Resolution No. C. F. 250887 to read as follaws: 1. Removal of existing curb not in con�unction with pavement remAVed: 279 L.F. @ $1.10/L.F. ADD $306.90 2. Hand-patching of ex.Lsting bituminous surf�acing 13.7 tons @ $25/ton ADD $342.50 3. Sealcoating of existing bituminous 444 sQ.yds. @ 20�Isq.qd. ann $ 88.80 Total net addition to contract . . . . . . . . . . $738.20 Said work having been requested by the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation aad Public Buildings, and agreement made with the Contractor, and a memorandwn of said agr�ement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Charge to 6000-502 to be reimbursed from 9770-460-003, Job 4�70-47. � sEP Z 1 �s7a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays sut�er �.�. gEp 21 1971 19� �— —�n Favor L �- Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedesco - E APP � Mr. �dice President Meredith • Asst. orporation C sel � PUBLISHED SEP 2 5 1971 ° DUPLICAT6 TO MlIN'RR � � ���..�.'. �..::I�� �� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESpiTED�lf COMMISSIONER �A'� WBB,�EAS, Tha Cit� of St. Paul has prsviously approv�ad m �stivated aztra to Coa�tsoller's Cantract No. L-731S in the a�ouat o! 31x Eandred 83ghty-thrae and 60/100 Dollar� ($683.60) psr Conacil File No. 250887 oa October 21, 1970; and WAERSAB, It has aince beea datermined that the partieular quaatitiu that �re previousiy atisat�d on Cvuacil Fils �To. 250887 ars nav kaarn. aa►, tt►arsfore, be it 3�.SOLVED, That ths d.ty of St. Panl her�by does amend Conacil Resolutian No. C. F. 250887 to nad as lollan: 1. R�s'aval ot axiating curb not in con�uaatio�n wi th paveatnt roo�v�d s 279 L.F. @ �1.10/L.F. A� $306.90 2. Hand-patching of existing bit�si�►ow susfacing 13.7 tons @ $25/tcn /1DD $342.30 3. Sealcoatiag o� a�dsting bitvaiaous 444 sq.yd8. @ 20C/sq.yd. ADD $ a8.80 TOti� IIat i��.t1QL t0 CAltl'aCt • • • • • • • • • • 177��Z� Said Work having bs�a requestad b� the Ccaiasio�aar of Parks and Bscnation aad Pnblic Buildings, and agn�nt made �rith tha Caatrutor, aad a 'a�orandn� of �aid agre�nt luvina baa l�iltd �rith ffia Ca�ptroll.st and co�mtarsigaed by him. Charg� to 6000-502 to be rairburs�d isa�a 9770-460-003, .1ob �7a47. sEP a� �s1� COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Bu�� sEP a 1 �s7s � Approv� � 19� � � T Favor � Mayor Sprafka �) Aga�at Tedeaco �.n � Mr. Wice Presiden# Meredith ��