255750 o�i to c.cr cie:t - O" RDINANCE r�;� � " COUNCIL FILE NO. �` ,� � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORQINANCE SETTLING TNE CLAIM OF MR. & MRS. DENNIS SCHWARTZBAUER AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schwartzbauer, individually and as guardians of their minor son Mark, the sum of $125.00, in full settlement of their claim of damages and injuries sustained on or about May 11, 1971, as more partic- ularly set out in a communication to the City Council on May 20, 1971 . Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claiman� upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a ""' form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained tn the manner aforesaid. 5ection 3. 7hat this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after �ts passage, approval and publication. F PP V I - I Corporation ,j 0 CT 6 197�! Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Butler �r�n conway Levine In Favor Meredith � �7 Against Sprafka Tedeaco � ��. Q�� � �`��� Mr. Preaide cCarty) ��-.,, ty Clerk May �� , Form approved Corporation Counael By rt�B�st� OCT 9 . D�P1tab b Prhf�r - � RDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO IW ORDINIWCE SETTLIN6 TNE CLAIM Of N�t. � MRS. DENNIS SCHMARTZBAUER AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI. TNE COi�ICIL 4F TtiE CITY 0� S�AINT PAUL DOES �tOUIIN: Sectfon 1. That the proper City officers are he�eby autbarfx�i and directed tv pay �out �f the Tort Liabilfty Fund Off35-421, to �r. and Mrs. Deanis Schanrtz�auer, indtvidually and aa guardians of �Cheir �+inor � son Ma�k, the sua of �1�5.00, in t'ull settlea�at of their clafm of da�ges a�d in�uries sustained on or about May li, 1971, as �e partic- ula�ly set out in a cc�nanication to the Cfty Conncil on Mta�► 20. �971. Sectfen 2. That sa�id sma shall be paid to the said claimant upsn his execati� and delivery of a release in fa11 to the Ctty, in s forn to be approv�d by the Corporatfon Coursel, for a11 d�u�ages atrstained i� the Mnaer aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordi�snce sha11 tzke effect and be in force thirty days aft�r tts passage, approval and publieation. OCT 61971 Yeas Councilmen Nayg Paseed by the Council Butler �� �'n�y Favor Levine Meredith �p�a �� Against - T�� q ,9r A�r. President (McCarty) ApPrnved: 0�T Atte�t: City Clerk �aqor �� Form approved Corporatioa �ounsel By 4 _ I sf � ' 2nd � _ `� Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted ro Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler � �utler Carlson `\\ `Csar�srt Levine C�}'f� �evine ���t„�4 Meredith � Meredith $prafka � . �prafka I � V Tedesco � edesco Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarty O