255747 ow�e�ww�To urr o�att C'1 1 �F J 1. NL6 N�. 2557 PAUL couNw� Oi�i�E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE�t�WT N ERAL FORM coM�iuoNE Victor J. Tedesco ��S �� September 16, 1971 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of 5aint Paul is informed by , the City Architect that the vacant and open buildings located at: 687 Jenks -in the City of Saint Pau1 are a proximate hazard to the public health, welfare and e afety; and WHEREAS� the last known record owners of said property are: James M. & Gloria J. Hart, 579 W. County Rd. G2 -and said owners have fai�.ed to secure the saxne against entry by unauthorized peraons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and said vacant and o�en buildings have been found and determined by the Council of the City of Saint Pa�l to constitute a menace to the public health, weJ.fare and eafety and a public nuisance which must be imrnediately abated to prevent loss of lifo or property; now, therefore be it r RESOLVED, that the City Architect is authorized and directed to immediately secure said buildings by the use of contract labor under Con�ract No. T3.9�pending proceedings under the Hazardous Buildin�s Act; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securing such buildings be paid from Fund No. 0979-269, Summary Abatement, and thaE the Corparation Counsel be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse said £und by action against the owner of said property. Estimated Cost, $35.25. � FORM APPROVED � Asst. Corporation Counsel COUNCII.]�EN Adopted by the Counci� SEQ 1 ? ���19_ Yeas Nays Butler � ��,�� ^ . P 2 0 197� 9� —D�ea#�r-- �--�n Favor ✓ M�yor gpI'RfkB 4�auinat � ,Mr. Vi� c� e—d��� ,Meredi�h Pu�LIS�D SEP 2 5 197� �