255739 O�R161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 25�►��y CITY OF ST. PAUL �COE NCIL NO. ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, An Ordir��ne� C. F. i�o. 2�5681 , amending Ordinanc� P�o. 14276, C. F. No. 245402, aporoved September 10, 1g69, granting pErmission to Peoples Electric Company to remove the existing public sewer and reconstruct a public sewer in vacated Fenton Street from Fillmore Avenue to Alabama Street h�s been prepared and introduced to the Council of the City of St. Paul , and will be adopted on September 29, 1971 to be effective eventualiy on tJovember 2, 1971 ; no�v, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, That pending the said Qrdinance becoming effective, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to Peoples Electric Company subject to the same conditions and requirements as set out in Ordinance C. F. No. 255681 pending before the Council of the City of St. Paul , informal approval of the said construction is being hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption and approval of said Ordinance. ..,, 4�fy} � -�}''' --- < � �,;,,:� �_.�-��r ,�;�.;t'i i%" � SEP 1 ? 1971 . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler � P 2 0 1g7� 19` prove Levine .�.In Favor Meredith Sprafka J Tedesco A gainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty PUBLISHED SEP 2 5 1971 � :� , �unac�TC ro rn�N�e CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�UNCIL NO � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED!T COMMISSIONEe ^ATE WHEREAS, An Ordinance C. F. No. 255681 , an�endtng O�dinance No. 14276� C. F. No. 245402, app�oved September 10, 1969, granting permission to Peoples Electric Company to renave the existing public sewer and reconst�uct a public sewer in vacated Fenton Street from Fillmore Avenue to Alabama Street has be�n p�epared and introduced to the Council of thc City vf St. Paul , and will be adopted on September 29, 1971 to be eff�ctive evantually on November 2, 1971 ; now, therefors, be it RESOLVED, That pendTng the said Ordigance becaming effective. the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and di�eeted to issue a permit to Peoples Electric Company sub�ect to the same candittons and requirements as set out in Ordina�ce C. F. No. 255681 pending before the ' Council of the City of St. Paul , informal approval of the said co�structio� is being hereby given in anticipaEton of the final adoption and approval of said O�dinance. covxcn�N SEP 1 ? 1970 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays B"�� App�o� SEP 2 0 1971 18� .� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � ��� Tedesco A8'��St Mr. President, McC�rty � ��