255734 - , 25�'�34 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCI RESO TION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE ATE WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul, by Ordinance No. 232974, has established the procedure to be used ia conducting a Dutch elm disease control program for the Citq of St. Paul, and under such control program has listed those things determiaed Co be a public nuisance when focmd within the City of St. Paul; and J WHEREAS, The City Forester has indicated that conditions exist on the follawing properties that he believes to be a public_.-nuisance: .i 319 Charles Ave. , 443 Johnson Pkwy. 629 Farrington 242 Maria 415 S. Hamline 1616 E. Minnehaha Housing & Redevelopment Authority Property at Ohio St. Ramsey County Welfare property at 1048 Rice St. 2380 Territoxial Rd. 794 Wells St. 1557 White Bear Ave. � 1340-1342 Winchell 837 Winslaw 3M Co. propertq across from 1033 York '� ,� � POSITIVE DUTCH ELM DISEASED TREES: . C%`'`�` � - 485 Burlington 191 Genessee 415 S. Hamline Ave. 2348 Hillside 909 Johnsan Pkwy. 833 Ma.rshall Property located at McLean & Kenaard awned by Jandeelaw, Inc. 1126 Pacific 202 W. Page COUNCILMEN (continued) Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays - Butler Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� _' 25��34 ' OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER epTF (continued) 2 POSITIVE DUTCH ELM DISEASID TREES: Property at 75 W. Plato Blvd. owned by Housing & Redenelopment Authority 973 Rice St. 16 N. Point Douglas Rd. 330 Point Douglas Rd. Property on Shepard Rd. 2 block�west of Randolph awned by Minn. Highway Dept. 397 Toronto St. 975 University Ave. 736 Wilson Property at Youngman St. , between Madison & Alton Sts. (See attached list for details of above) now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the conditions described by the City Forester on the above noted properties be declared a public nuisance and the Citq Forester is hereby authorized and directed to send out the proper notices and cause the nuisances to be abated in accordance with procedures established in Section 5 of Ordinance No. 23297l+. � SEP 1 ? 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler l: , � �971� �.}�.�cif" ppro 19� Levine �n Favor 1Vleredith � Sprafka ' / Mayor ._._LL_.ASainat APP E Tedesco �0 Mr. President, McCarty • SEP 2 5 1971 orporation Cou P'C7BLISHED �� � � ������ N�ME & ADDRESS LOCATION CALL UP Res�dent 3 dead elm trees - in back yard, betw. 319 Charles 55103 garage and alley 8/2/71 s � Resident 1 elm log - in back yard 629 Farrington 55103 8/16/71 Mrs. Harriet Alexander Dead elm tree in back yard 1005 Selby Ave. 55104 (prop. at 415 S. Hamline) 7/26/71 Resident Fireplace wood, all elm - north side 443 Johnson Pkwy. 55106 of garage 9/7/71 Resident 2 dead elm trees - in back yard, near 242 Maria 55106 fence 8/9/71 Resident Dead Chinese elm tree - back yard, S.E. �1616 E. Minnehaha 55106 corner near neighbors garage 8/13/71 Housing & Redevelo ment Dead elm tree - Ohio St. - across from (prop. at Ohio St.� Abbott Scrap Iron & Metal Co. 8/3/71 Ramsey County Welfare 1 dead elm tree in front yard (prop. at 1058 Rice St.) 7/26/71 Resident Dead Chinese elm - in back yard 2380 Territorial Rd. 55114 7/19/71 Albert L. Jeska Dead elm tree - back yard, 20' from house 794 Wells St. 55106 near wall above Whirlpool parking lot 8/2/71 One-Hour Martinizing Dead Chinese elm tree - in back of bldg. 1557 White Bear Ave. 55106 9/10/71 ' Residents (Attn:Landlord) Large dead elm tree - in back yard 1340-1342 Winchell 55106 9/7/7] Mr. Lloyd Smotter 3 dead elm trees - rear of property, along 837 Winslow 55107 Bidwell (1 in gully, 2 on top) 8/9/11 . - " � - �����` NAME & � ADDRESS LOCATION CALL UP 3M Co. Elm brush - over bank (Lot 7, Block 77, 935 Bush 55106 Auditors Sub. 7, Ward 1) (prop. across from 1033 York) (seems to be used as dump) 8/9/71 POSITIVE DUTCH ELM DISEASED TREES: Mr. Clayton Scherz North of - where duplex is in process of 2209 Falcon Ave. 55119 construction. (prop. at 485 Burlington) 9/7/71 Thelma Sexton In back yard 191 Genessee 55117 g��6�7� Harriet Alexander 1005 Selby 55104 On alley line (prop. at 415 S. Hamline) 7/12/71 Mr. John Lockhart In back yard, next to driveway 2348 Hillside 55108 8/30/71 T. Aichele 2 trees - 1 in back of bldg(tree hasLbeen 909 Joh��on Pkwy. 55106 cut down, but stump must still be peele�) & 1 back from main bldg. , one block 9/7/71 Mrs. Ryan In front yard, - stump from tree must be 586 Iglehart 55103 peeled of all bark (prop. at 833 Marshall) g/g/71 Jandeelow, Inc. 100' W. of Kennard & 40' N. of Mc Lean 626 White Bear Ave. 55106 (prop. at Mc Lean & Kennard) 8/30/71 R. Ricci Tree has been removed, but stump must 1126 Pacific 55106 be peeled of all bark 9/7/71 G. Zeller In back yard behind garage, next to alley, 202 W. Page 55107 stump must be peeled of all bark 8/9/71 Housing & Redevelopment Vacant lot across from (prop. at 75 W. Plato Blvd.) g/7/71 W. Coakley 4 trees - 2 W. of house above rock garden; 16 N. Point Douglas Rd. 2 betw. garage & dog house 55119 7/30/71 � r m/V �-..♦ +jV��{'�� , � V N I�NE & ADDRESS LOCATION CALL UP Mrs. Mary Heinz ]) N.W. of 330 Pt. Douglas - about 1500' 482 Battle Creek Rd. 55119 from 330 Pt. Douglas, 50' N. of read (prop. on Point Douglas) 2) About 2000' N.W, of 330 Pt. Douglas Rd. 50' north of road 3)' About �000' N.W. of 330 Pt. Douglas Rd. from road 4) 15' in front of the above, about 2000' N.W. of 330 Pt. Douglas Rd. - 50 ' from road 8/31/71 Mrs. Betty Hoad Back yard, between garages 973 Rice St. 55117 g�2/71 W.C. Merritt, Dist. Eng. Shepard Rd. - 2 blks. W. of Randolph, S. Highway Dept. 55104 side of Shepard Rd. - 20' from curb (prop. on Shepard Rd.) 7/12/7� Mrs. Ralph Peterson Vacant lot - 1 dead elm tree in S.W. 717 Margaret 55106 corner of lot (prop. at 397 Toronto) g/2/71 Latiff Bros. Body Shop In back of lot, next to alley (on land 868 University 55104 rented to Midwest Motor Co.) Stump must be (prop. at 975 University) peeled of all bark 8/9/71 Resident 2 trees - 1 behind garage & 1 in front 736 Wilson 55106 of garage 8/16/71 Mr. Joseph J. Speciale On Youngman, betw. Madison & -Alton - about 731 Cherokee 55101 l00 yds. E, of Alton, 10' from curb, north {prop. at Youngman) side of Youngman 7/26/71 '�m 9/14/71 ouruu►fs ro nn�nbe �. CITY OF ST. PA�� R,OENCIL No 25�'734 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRB�VT�iY CONMISSIONER DAT� WH�BAB, Ths Conncil o� ths Citp ot St. Panl, by Ordinanca No. Z3Z974, has atablislrsd th� proa�dara to b� m�el ia ccudn�tius s Datah slu disw� aantrol pro�ra� for th� Citp of St. Panl., and und�r wch �ontrol gro�raa has liat�sd those thinga d�terd.n�d to ba a pvblic nnis�cs Mhsa lomd r3thin ths Cit� oi St. Paul; and iiH�BAB, Th� Cit� Forut�s ha� indicated tLat conditioas a�dirt on tha lollarin: propsrti�s that ha balie�na to b� a public nnisanaes � 319 Charlar Aw. 443 Jolnucn Pkv�r. 6Z9 larrington Z42 Maria 41S 8. Ha�lina 1616 E. l�tinnehaha �asing 6 �tsdsvslop�ent At�tbosity Psapasty at Ohio St. Rarsy Co�nty Walfus propssty at 1048 8i�t St. 2380 Tsrritorial 8d. 794 il�lls St. 1SS7 Whits Eea�r Avs. 1340-13i2 Winch�ll 837 Wiaalaa 3M Co. propert� uro�a frc� 1A33 Yosk YOSITIVB D01�CH �I2I DISBASBD T�IBBB: 48S Burlingtan 191 Genasss 41S 8. Ha�liaa Avs. 2348 Hill�ido 909 Jobasoa PkMy. 833 Marshsll Prop�rt� lo�t�d at McLsan i Y,�anard arn�d b� Jandular. Inc. 1126 Paiti�ic aos n. p� COUNCILMEN �CO°t��d) Adopted by the ConnC�l 19— Yeas Naya Butler Caxlson Appmv� 18� Levine T*+ Favor Meredit.h Sprafka ��r A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� o��,�,;�,��,� 255'734 ; CITY OF ST. PAUL ��uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM r���.� COMMISSIONEQ �AT� �C�t�II11ld� Z POSITIVS DII1'CS BI.M DISBAS� 1REE8: Propsst� at 75 W. Ylato Bivd. a+nad b� Hon�ina 6 �tsdnrslop�snt AnthoriLy 973 Rict St. 16 N. Poiat DougLs Rd. iS0 Point Doa�las �Ld. Propes�r c� Shspud Rd. 2 block a�st of Raadolph aMnsd by Mina. Hislrra� Drpt. 397 ?oronto St. 975 IIni�arsitq A�r�e. 736 iiilsoa Prapert� at Youn�oan St., batMern Madisvn 8 Altan Sta. (Ses attach�d li�t for detaiL of abo�s) nw. th�rsfore, ba it BBSOLVSD, That ths couditions dacsibad by ths Cit� Fos�stss on ths above notsd propartia bs d�alsr�d a pnblic auisaaca and tha Cit� Fos�sst�r is her�by authorisad md dizsct.ed to seud out ths propsr aotic.sa and cavse ths nuis�neas to be abat�d ia accordance �rlth psoc�dar�s �stablishad in S�ctian S of Ordiaanca No. 23297�. SEP 1 ? 1911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_. Yeae rtays S F P 2 0 19 � Eutle���'�� �.� � Approved— 19— �°�e T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka � ��r Againat Tedesco Dlrr. Preaident, McCarty �� ' i'!l�l�lt <:.� � 2��td �4 AdDRESS LOCATION CALL UP itesident 3 dead elrn trees - in back yard, betw. 319 Charles 55103 garage and alley 8/2/7� Resident 1 elm log - in back yard 629 Farrington 55103 8/16/71 Mrs. Harriet Alexander Dead elm tree in back yard 1005 Selby Ave. 55104 (prop. at 415 S. Hamline) 7/26/71 Resident Fireplace wood, all elm - north side 443 Johnson Pkwy. 55106 of garage 9/7/71 Resident 2 dead elm trees - in back yard, near 242 Maria 55106 fence 8/9/71 Resident Dead Chinese elm tree - back yard, S.E. 161G E. Minnehaha 5510b corner near neighbors garage 8/13/71 Housing & Redevelopment Dead elm tree - Ohio St. - across from � (prop. at Ohio St.) Abbott Scrap Iron & Metal Co. 8/3/71 Ramsey County Welfare 1 dead elm tree in front yard ' (prop. at 1058 Rice St.) 7/26/71 Resident Dead Chinese elm - in back yard 2380 Territorial Rd. 55114 7/1g/7� 111bert L. Jeska Dead elm tree - back yard, 20' from house 794 Wells St. 55106 near wall above Whirlpool parking lot 8/2/71 One-Hour Martinizing Dead Chinese elm tree - in back of bldg. 1557 Wnite Bear Ave. 55106 9/10/71 ' Residents (Attn:Landlord) Large dead elm tree - in back yard 1340-1342 Winchell 55106 9/7/71 f�1r. Lloyd Smotter 3 dead elm trees - rear of property, along 837 Winslow 55107 Bidwell (1 in gully, 2 on top) 8/9/71 � , � �� . ;���'��34 r�AME � ADDRESS LOCATION CALL UP 3P� Co. Elm brush - over bank (Lot 7, Block 77, 935 Bush 55106 Auditors Sub. 7, Ward 1) (prop. across from 1033 York) (seems to be used as dump) 8/g/71 , POSITIVE DUTCH ELi� DISEASED TREES: Mr. Clayton Scherz North of - where duplex is in process of 2209 Falcon Ave. 55119 construction. (prop. at 485 �urlington) g�7�71 Thelma Sexton In back yard 191 Genessee 55117 8/16/71 Harriet Alexander 1005 Selby 55104 On alley line �� (prop, at 415 S. Hamlin�) 7�12��� Mr. John Lockhart In back yard, next to driveway j 2348 Hillside 55108 8/30/71 ', � T. Aichele ' 2 trees - l in back of bldg(tree has,�been ' 909 Johnson Pkwy. 55106 cut down, but stump must still be peele�) & 1 back from main bldg. , one block 9/7/71 i�9rs. Ryan In front yard, - stump from tree must be 536 Iglehart 55103 peeled of all bark ' (prop. at 833 Marshall) g�g�71 Jandeelow, Inc. 100' W. of Kennard & 40' N. of Mc Lean 626 White Bear Ave. 55106 (prop. at Mc Lean & Kennard) g/30�71 , R. Ricci Tree has been removed, but stump must 1126 Pacific 55106 be peeled of all bark 9/7/71 G. Zeller In back yard behind garage, next to alley, 202 W. Page 55107 stump must be peeled of all bark 8/9/71 Fiousing & Redevelopment Vacant lot across from (prop, at 75 W. Plato Blvd.) g�7�71 4d. Coakley 4 trees - 2 W. of house above rock garden; 16 N. Point Douglas Rd. 2 betw. garage & dog house 55119 7/30/71 � � S . . '�`,���� fd'A��1E & ' ADDRESS LOCATION CALL UP Mrs. Mary Heinz 7 ) N.W. of 330 Pt. Douglas - about 1500' 482 Battle Creek Rd. 55119 from 330 Pt. Douglas, 50' N. of raad (prop, on Point Douglas) 2) About 2000' N.W, of 330 Pt. Douglas Rd. 50' north of road 3)� About 2000' N.W. of 330 Pt. Douglas Rd. from road 4) 15' in front of the above, about 2000' N.W. of 330 Pt. Douglas Rd. - 50 ' from road 8/31/71 h1rs. Betty Hoad Back yard, between garages 973 Rice St. 5511.7 g�2��� W.C. ��erritt, Dist. Eng. Shepard Rd. - 2 blks. W. of Randolph, S. Highway Dept. 55104 side of Shepard Rd. - 20' from curb (prop. on Shepard Rd.) ��12��� (�irs. Ralph Peterson Vacant lot - 1 dead elm tree in S.W. 717 Margaret 55106 corner of lot � (prap, at 397 Toronto) g12��� ' Latiff Bros. Body Shop In back of lot, next to alley (on land i� 868 University 55104 rented to Midwest Motor Co.) Stump must be (prop. at 975 University) peeled of all bark g/g�71 , Resident 2 trees - l behind garage & ] in front 736 Wilson 55106 of garage 8/16/71 Mr. Joseph J. Speciale On Youngman, betw. Madison & -Alton - about ' 731 Cherokee 55107 100 yds. E. of Alton, 10' from curb, north (prop. at Youngman) side of Youngman 7/26/71 .�m 9/14/71