255723 � 25��23 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CO TT� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Septemver 16, 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED: That Application L-�12264 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No, 7965, expiring January 31a 1972, issued to Carl .A. Braham at 755 Jackson Street, be and the s�:,me is hereby transferred to Vitali, Incorporated at the same addxess. On Sale Ziquor Establishment TR.ANSFr�R (Licensees� In.formaliy ap�roved by Council September 2, 1971 Old Location SEP l 61971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler SEP 161911 �.ear�s��L/ ve� 19_ Levine �1� Favor Meredith � Sprafka U yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty p�LISHED S E P 18 1971 � _ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ! . Capital of Minttesota ���2 � aUe aNt�nev�t o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PROTECTION rot�c� DEAN MEREDITH,Commiaeioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERRILI.,Dayaty Commiwloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inspector ;:,c?a:;e.:'�er ", �.�7I :-O310Y�i.'!.`r�.0 1'i'.'J'C3I^ c�d:U �'il�..r,T .{'it7il?1C1� a�i.T2x; i'c1iF�� ...I.1?iwCS�Q�"�_ y ,� C?1' !�I':?.^... .'.:2G� i.u_�ic^,..i: q •��.^�.' ��.tCO$'',,0�'c�"i,CG�I lN '�li"tCG. • • Ta L�__ � � ' � � " � ' bJ C�.rI r._. '��,,.,at°i an n��.>ia�� c�����.IC�"1i:3.0I2 :iOT' 'L"f7C � 'i:x7;":"�l^ Oi �i �e'>if3' � 1f„:�3CY' �:3Q,'C°F3uC 1`:�• 7c�+J� L?1��•:.Y'].I:v Jas.u�,r;� �i , 1�?`',e ="�o ._ C,�:rt __. r�;.:'�_�>:t.,: �.t 7�5 �ac�.�:or= utree� to �Js�r-�I_a� �:7cor;aor��_�;cci ��� txtc ��..�:� �c�c'.ic�°�. �l'�.^.�:. 1� i1:C01y?O:'�^LC�:1 ���_.`ifl c ::'l.`f ���.�.i �C�'.i:lOI2 i'O1'i' �i@�:Lc�L1I'<^:�11�� C''�� ��,.�c �.na3':, :_;evera;;e anc� Ci��ic��e iicens�;; ior �?�.e .,�r.�e �oca.�ion. �'.`.i� �4C��3.�i7 i'.i:;� ��C;C"il E}'d,3C1'�?.+1.CC' ,�^� <�Il Oi3 uFl�.c? �_3.C�uOli L':}��1jJ11u112iT(.'I3� :�irce �cvoi�cr, 19r:�. r.''�iT„ .�. ij Y�.t�i''.1�.� i�'re'�1.Ci�arl l� .Ee o�e�acea:� o:L c �i:�� cor-�orc,.�r,ian ��-re -'.�zrclo ^. �:i1C1 �I^C'c:SLdi"C3^� c�i2Ci i.;C�C'i1 �• �I�"i,c 3.3� �vT1CG` r'Z C':�1C�CP1�'i, c,T2Ci �.�i`t,'CY"e��I'"�T• x'slC SOzC ;s�oc�.,:olc:e�� of t':is co�^;�oY,:.i;aoa� �:.re �':.n�;c�� �. Vi':,i].i ��ncT :,e3er� �. Vi��a�i. �''i�i1Q3 C�O.^-,@Si�', �I3 N;��? :�].C;:E1'JZ' I3�c;CC 1,� �:_CY^O.`"-.> �:'}'.G' 5�.3^@C.'al. �P7� 'Y�,i:Fi.' . . . C�17�`:C'�� Csiri i��::.�C i i3C•,'.,LlOI^ '�,',°�.c^,:.C� 2i.�`.> OLtC—i1�.�:C '::S�.C' 1.':c:_Jr• �i.'x1E,' i1Cc Y'G'St Ci2tIY`C11 c�Y2C' ^CI�AO�. '* ' -�_a , _ ,,...� N c�1'C' t;,�Oc.d_ 1.`:':O tJ�OC�:�i ��.a.ir ✓ • .i��e�o �. WTi;,��3_z ' �T', ti^ _ :�eer c 'r .:�:��; aecT�. �e�a—ci:z;�l.oyec� r.� � ,. ,. .ole �.�e ?i�— Vri%�z�tor :Eos .:`��i�ut ;;1.;qe �a�:F�on ��ee� %.nc' ::e�en I`. 5Ti'��li is � Tlo�.�e,:r3fc. zJcxy �ruP�r your: � . �� `� . ��:,.n3e1 :=� �-:c�.�.uu;�?iF� °11 CCi1SC �i1�?'?GC�OIl � � � V � � . . , � �a�fi.n �. �'yc�n ATTORNEY AT LAW � � 841 UNIV6R51TY AViNUE PHONE� 226-0144 SAINT PAUL, MuvNesorn 55104 Augt�s� �'�t, �.A7� �a► the� F�n-Q�ab3.s M�g�ar' ++�unnd Cit� Ge����l. c��' the ��,t�� s�� �ai.n� Psx��: Rau��eg �r,�t�g �'c�u�t �uffi�a _ �t. P�ul,l�i�taaeant�� fF+�n tl+d�s�� �'�.ea�e b�a ac�rr�,�+wd �ha� �, �sr1 A. �a�harn� ha'�e� e�o�.d � C�a—�+�.� R,�tta�.�. ��qrw,�� �ic�►ao �.a�a'�+�€t �.� 75� aa��k�aat �r�r�, �^t. Pat�l, 'A�3.�►����a, t�stl��r �r�;t�► �k�e �rs�l �a�tata� �d b�r�t�e�s� �o VI�'l�.I, `�CQ��:A�Ii„ �iad � ar�+��eat��Y ��+�� �#�at �C+u �ran��'e�r e�►id licr�as: �t�aa�r�in��y. Fd`�, A�4� �. �'�AL:t a�d � �'. �Z'�A��, Pr�a�.dwae�� at�d ��.�e P�r�ick�t��, r+ea�mwtetfi�.ye�, ��t c�n�r� mf' i�ha +��►p�.#��. a��a1� af �4t�a►l.i, �ia��rp��rst+ed, �c:�rt 9�n �s 2�a�te�r ar�d �a�g+�a�►�.�.�r ��a+�s� '�hat t3t� �i�yr ��n�c�l a�" �h� ��.�y at` 3�. Pa�.,,. �n�- lrti'�'►�i '�'ffi�Q��i�'I." �r�I1p S$'.�C� �.�Y�t9198 j.i?'�@ • '��.'1��� ����� `��1�f�[ �Ot�• R��9j��ta'I�,fq3.3�+ ;i'0i�1"�, � ,a� . �^ V�.�.�� �Nf�3�T� , n �a �t� � .��i��a�i�� President . . � , . CITY OF SATNT PAUL ' DEPARTB�NT C7F PUB�,IC S�FETY . LIC�NSE D N�S ItyN Da te tp�1t� l�1� 1,9� —..,....,.. 1. Appliaa�a.oia. for Rit�3`� Q�•Sa2� I�iq11e� L3ce�ee 2. Nams of applioan.t '�il�a3ii Imoe�rpor�t�d • d��+3�s lG. Ni�a'�!, Px�ad.+�t `a�d�s�asur�r 3, Bueiz�ess address ��5 �'aetk�011 $'�'rw'R Residence 7lQ0�, �a.1�MtlltMFt1��, St�,��+ I�il1�. �-v��-�'tart�-�s'Ia--....� +� 4. Trsde na�, iP any �'ah�s�i Ha! 5. Retail Beer F'ederel T��c Stamp s ��il Liquor �'ederal Taz StQmp�1�, be uaed. 6. {�i what floor located �_��+ ��' Number o� rooana used 7. Between t�� aroas atreet���u� �_�,ich side of Htreet 8. A,re premisea nrna oacupied Z#�a 'piha'� bus�neas Liqit�►! gp� �,Q� . g �T�ars u 9. Are premi�es n.ow unoQCU�piec�0 Haw long vaaant .� Previous U�e «► 10. Are you a new own.er 7�N Have you been in a s�.milar busineas before li� ...�.___.� �he re «. �Vhen � 11� Are you going to operste this busineas• personal].y ?t� If not, who will. operate i� � 12, Are you ir� any other business at the presen� time ���i ���M ��� 13. Have thaxe besn any aomplaints against you� operation of this type oF pT,ao� �� �_ 9�hen ""' Where M 14. Iiave you ever had any license revoked X� 1Phat reasan and da�e � 15. A,re you a citizen of the Uni�ed Statea ��� NQtive �� Naturalized � ...,._,.._.. �_.... 16. 1Nhere w�ere you borna�• P��• ���'� Date of birth 4P�'i� �s �� '� 17. I� am married. My (wife 's) (�bw�t-�) nmme and addres� is A�l�s �'. 9itali • lOQ1 liilll+air ��. Pa�l"� 1��Mtt �511,� 18. (If �rried female j my maiden name is � 19. How long have you lived in St. Paul �i�'� �� 20. Have yott ever been arreated �i Niolation of what crimixu�l ].a� or ordinanoe ... —„-�.-�..�. 21. A�e you a registered voter in the City of S�, Paul RQNr�i11,r Yea 130. (Answer full�and a��lete].� Theae a lications are tharou hl aheaked aad �►n Palsificat3.on wi11 be cauae for enia . (OV�R) - > •. �, . 22. Number uf 3.2 places within two blooka ��� � , � , .... 23. Closest intoxioating J.iquor p7,ace. On Sale A�'�� �M : QP£ Sa1e � �'�'� . 24. Nea re�t Church = �l�ltr Nea xes t Saho 07, � �i1►e�i 25. Nwnber of' �ooths � Tables T �hairs� � Stoole � _ 26. What occupation have you follawed for the pe,st five years, (Give names o�' emp7.osrere , and dates s.o eznploy�ad.) . S+�Li'��rl�nel �.��a�.s D�r II�s�rib�ol�qr lear Pa1+�� ����Il�.Ab�a ��d�� M��os ro�1� 27. Gi�e r�ames and addresaes of �two per�on,s, residents of St. 1'au1, �.nn,,, �o c��. g�.ve i�.f ox�tion concerning you. �rame �#�� �, Ri�#bpr Address A�►l�'il�1 I��'t3,�aaa. S�k,� �t.F�'�„ �r�i�ao'!� Js�a-�Wbi� "�'1! l�o. 3�.� 8�., St. �a�i� ���Nrt� �Iame Addres s , . 3gna e o A can Sta te af M�.rua.e s ota All+;eli �t. Yi �� �� sa County of Ralnsey ) �� $• �'�'� being f3.rst duly sworn, d�pQaee and says upon oath that he has read the f�regoin.g stateme�� bearin.� his si.�nature a�.d �c�rs the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his oflm knrnrrledge eaapp� ea tc� those matters therein stated upox� informata.on and b�lief and as to tho�s mat�ers he belzaves them to be �r�ar�o -- -� � , c�t�f zgx� e af p�.icsaz�t ,n�.� . v�a�r. Subscribed and sworn to before me this �� day o� . ����' �.9 �' ' _ � . ; . _ -- �to�r �Pu�1.iG,�iamsey , eso�a . - i��aw �iy C o�nnia sion expire� �� '�a+► 19T'r (No�e s �heae statement forms are in duplicate. Bo�h co�ies mus� be f1.�11y �i1�.ed out, no�arized, and returned to the License Division,�- . . f ' SJ.A1G � �1LYlYC1A7,��' �. . 3$ CaUNTY OF RAA�SEY ����� R� ���'� being f irst duly avrnrn, d�th depo�e and say that he �kea this affidavit 3.n oonnection �ith applioa�ion far " � S�1e" liquor licenae (" � �,1e� malt beverage Iioenae) in the Citq of 3ain� Paul, ,Yinnesota; that your affisnt is a resident of the State uf �i3.nnesot� and ha$ resided therein for entire 7.ifs �a, �o�hc, and is nw+r and has been for the tim,� above �ntioned a bon� Pide reeident of said State snd �hat he now reaides at 20 Ol �ri113�ma� Avepue, St. �at�l � Addrees , Mi�nesota� Ci y or Towu . Ar�;� R. .�.taii Subscribed and s�rorn. to before me � this 2}��h �y o� +'�u��t 71 � o ry la , Ramae _ eaota Martin a. I�Ta�, �gr oommisaion expirea �e��r ?.E3� 1977 . , _ _ AFFIDAV IT BY APPLICANT • FOR ' RETA,IL BEER UR LIQUOR I,ICENSE Re s � Sale �� �Qg� LiQense Name of appliaant 1/ITALI� INCOA�O�II,T�D = 4pg� R. Vit►ali� Pt�id�t a�d Tlrqltsr='�C Bu�iness add�ess 7�� �aoksoA Str��� St. Pao�lt �3,Ym�sota Ar°e you the aole av�mer of this business?�10 , If' not, is it a p�,rtnership? corporatian4 ?�� , o�her? N Others interested in buaineas, inelude those by loan of money, property or otherr�r'ise= Nam� Hi11MM !'. 03�ai.1 ,�ddres� +� �.1.liW +A�Mttl• Haev Ro�•O�N�!' Ot 8�p�11! . Crq�'1 A. BlshA lS�i9 80• ��1�� Mi� � M�p�►s aviq� !e�' pt�r+�sle . , o! t��i�fwr �d �1 �'tak� I.os� M. Bara1� � So. �an�ll.i:�� �r�. 3t. Paui, I�iinn�rata • « If a o orporation, give its nam� Qita].i� Zttse�7c'pO�tl�d 1�re you interested in any way in any o�her Retail Beer or Liquor bueineaff? �� !�a eole �rner? �- Partner? -• Stookhulder? .� Othe�rise? (Through loan of money9 ete� Expla3n) "� Addresa of suah buainess and nature of interest in same �� , � Signat e of appliaant Ait(�� R. Vi�, State oP ldinneaota 89 Cowsty �F �msey �a� �• ���� being first duly 8v�orx�s deposes and aays upon oath that he has rsad the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and kno�vs the contents thereoPg that the same ia true of' h.is oum ]�.o�wledge, e�cept a� to those matters therein statad upon informQtion and belief st�d aa to those mQtters he believas them to be true. � � . . �igna e of applicant A���,la► x. Yi,t�al3 Subaaribed and sworn to before me thia �'�► day of �i�it - 19 ?1 � N ota r u ics, ot�it ; Minne s ota 2�� J. L�d� My aommission expires �a�' � 19 � � . : , ' C ITY OF $�INT PAUL � DEPART��IVT �' PUBLTC SAFETY LICENSE DNrSION �� Ati�1s� �It� �9 ��► -...,..,. 1. Q,pplioa�ion for i3�1•�3�,� R+t�ai�, T+1qWM1�' License 2. Name of appli,aant t�ii�tli� �oe�'p�arsti�d • �r1�1t F. Y1'Oail1,, Yi�i Pr��elt �d �el�tut�r 3. Businesa addres�s ��� '���'� $�°� Residenoe �1 ��'� w���� �t• ��3 �« 4. Trade name, if any ���• �' 5. Rstail Beer Federal Tax Stamp xl�tail Liqu�r Federai Tax Stamp = �nr3.11 be usad. ..,..,,......... , , . . 6. Dti what floor 7.ocsated ��t � Number of rooms used 1 � � p�** 7. Betvueen vvhat csroas streeta_ � �� �lhioh aide of stre�'t W�� 8. Are pramises n.aw ooaupied =�� '1►�at bueiness I"��� Haw long � j�� . . .._......_ 9. Are premises novv unoQaupied �r Haw long vacant "'� Pxevious Use �" 10. Are �ou a new o�ner Ya I�ve you been in a aimilar bt�ainese be#'ore x� __�._______ Whe re p �dhen •• 11. Are ou oin. t o o ra te thie bus ine s a �� Y � g I� personally If not, v�o will operate i� k��� �' P�'�i 12. Are you in ax�y othex buainess at �he present time �� � 13. Have thera baen any complaini;s against your opera�ion of this type of plaae x• . _._......_.._.�. �IThen M �Ilhere �"' 14. Iiave you ever had any license revoked �� �Phat reaaan and dats •• 15. Are you a citizen of the United States �� Native =�� Naturalized "" �_. __..._,..._.... 16. fiihere yuare you born ��' F��'� ���� Date of birth J��� �� �� 17. I em married. My (w'i2�'S�(husband's) name and address is �tg� R. Yi'�asi, lt�.�+►i?.3i�au ����, �t. lavrl� l!l�os�ola 18. (IP married female) m�r msiden name is �� �• �� 19. How long have you lived in. St. Pau1 �� lit� 20. Hsve you ever been arre�ted No Violaticm �f wh.at orimix�tl law or ordir�ance "' -...'.r...,.:. 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul ���'�Yes Np, (An.avu�er full and aom letel . These a lications are thorou hl cheoked and:aa falaif ication w3.1 be cauae for enia . (C`VFR) , a � 22, Number of 3.2 places �rithin two blocl�s l�sp• � 23. Glosest intoxicating liquor place. Dn Sale ItalO#� t�h! �f'f Sale �� �1� 24, Nea re s t Church a uo0k� Naa res� Scsho ol t �.�C� 25. Nwnber of booth$ 7 Tables � Chaire �'t Stools � 26. What occupation have ycsu fQllov�ed for the past five y�eare. (Give n.am,es o� empl.oyoera . and date s a o employ�ed.) . It�11►�i!'� : � 2�/, Gige names and addresses of ��vo persons, residents of St, Paul, �inn.,, vpho �n �3ve ` information concern3ng you. Name Dam�al,d R: 2t�sD� Address�!'i� �st�OA� B�� S�. Pa�l� kL�nbN�t'6M Name dphi W�titf Address 7� ��: H�ls $�.� ��. l+w�,i I�i 1�tMO'txss _ �,� ��� �� Signature o App can S`ta te �f Minne s ota� �O].!� �'. V3t�3� ss C�unty of Ramsey ) � x � F' ��� being first duly sworz�., deposes and says upon oath that he has rea the forego9.ng statement bearing his signatux�a and knpevs the contents thereo�, and that the same ia true of' 12is o�m ]�.owledge exoept as to those mstters therein stated upon a,n.farmation and bel5.ef az�d aa to �hose u�tter� he believes them to bQ �rueo � � -�/' •� ' ,C.L. Si�r�ture �f Applioant �l�s! F� '��.�a�#� Subscribed and sworn to .before me this �� day of ��' 19 �` • Y. C` Notar�y P blic, Coun y, Minnesota �sr'6in d. �.y�wt � � . My C o�n.i s s i on expi re s � '�f ���• . (Note s 2hese statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be fully f�.l].ed out, notarized, and re�urned to the License Divisian.� ., _ . I , � • AFFID�V IT BY APPLICpNT � FOR RETA]Z BEER OR LIQUOR I:7CENSE Re s � Sa1e �''��l L►iQw'u' Liaenae Name of applicant Vitali I�aa� oraf.�d - Ha� T. pitali Yi�� I'r�sid�t sid 8 Bu�ine a$ addre s s ?55 .f saksc� 3�r�s�6, S t. Paul, Minr�eso�a Are �rou the sole owner of this business?No e If not, i$ it a partnership? •• corporaticm? ��� , of�her? � Others interested in buainess, inelude tho�e by l�an of money, property or othex�ri.aea Name trigs'� 3. vitali Aadres� �Oi �ii1l.i�ra 4�►�na• xc�+r Co-�v��ar oY ��lc 3t.Fau1� 1'�i�anssota Carl l. Era�p� 6319 So. �al.ing �r�w� �q� e�q to�r pureal�rna� :tt. Pa�.� 1�+na�ata of bn dt�tq a�d �,� I�. ��h�t 6� '.�n_ !�„�11+4�ar Ahr�e�a. �t. P�3, Minr���ata r.eal �stat� If a cs orporation, give ite name �T�I: ZNt'�R�RATB� Are you intsrested in any w�y in any other Retail Baer oz� Liquor buaineas? �� As eole awnerZ -+ Partner? � Stockholder? . Othex°av�se? (Through loan of money, etce Explai.n) � �ddresa of suah buainess and nature of interest in same ...� � � � Signature of applioant Helwr F. vi�aal„i State of M:lnnasota as C ounty of �msey Helst! Fr 93�a3i bei.ng first duly sv�csrn, deposes and says upor� oath that he hae read the fore�;oing affidavit bearing his aignature and knows the contenta thereoP; that �the same ia true of his rnm l�.rn+vledgeD except aa to those matters there3.n. atatad upon inform�tion and belief shd as to those �tters he belie�es them to be true. � C%' ��/�J�-�� , , , ,�� . $ignature of applicant �3�'t F. 9i'�a11 Subsor bed and sworn to before me �hia �� day of Ag�st 19 �l 2 � � -- cl�, -�---� Notary ublie, Ramse�r Co , Minnesota M�n J. L�der M�r o�.saion expires �a■1'!f�' 2819 �� . j t � STATE t�' MINNESOTA) � SS COUNTY OF RA�SEY ��: F• P,�TJ� be ing f ir�t duly ��rorn, d oth dspose and say that • he makea this affidavit in connection with applica�ian for " � Sale" liquor license (" � Sale" malt bevera�e license) 3.0 the �ity of Saint Paul, Mixinesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of Minnesota and haa resided therein for �1t#!r Iits yee�re, �o and ia r nc�w and has bsen �'or the time above mentioned a bona fide rasident of said State and that � he nowr residea at �Ol i�13111� A�►�� � Addre s s 9t. Patd , Minnesota, City or To�+m �/ ��� ����x�% ^��ele�F. �itaL'l , Subsoribed and sworn to before me this ��h day of �`��s{ �' , � ��Ty'_ � 10 y � A 9 �Ylt].9 8 0'�& �3'T�1.�! . �.jd�p bly co�iesion expirea ll�;«���� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL • Capital of Minnesota aLJe art�ne�ct o u��'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiaeianer HEALTH RALPH G.�iEBAILI.,DeDaty Commimioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN.Lieense Inspeetor �C�'�Ci:I'�Ci' n� Z�7'. �:onor�_i�le i:^;�og° �.nc1 Ci1;;�� Co�ancil a�ii�t :=�_t�l� i:i�ane�o�� �en�-Ze1 aen ,:�.�c' i:�c?�.::.: '�'::i��� let�cr iN in re�'ez enc�: �o �'�,��e �.,;�„_icatao�i o.: C�_Y i _'.. �:r�1 ��:: t�nc, 'dit��.i, IFicor,o���tec? �'or the �r�n�ier oi G:� ��le �.,ic;uor �icen�e iio. 79�5, e:�,irin� J��nu�ry r�.� 197�� fro�;s C�_a l :'_. :_>r:�.�:��r.l '�;o �/i�;��.i, Ir�cor;or�tec? at 755 Jac'_son u�I'CC�. � i��_vc ,yccel�tec� ;;i:e ::rivte� re;�ortN �'ron �;he :3tare��u� of 'ieu��?_� :ir� aF3c� '�'oli.ee �.r.ct Plavc intervie���ec� tre a��1 icani,N. I recon�end tI�a� t?3as tran,�er Uc �r�.ntecl. Ver�T truly ;�our,, C2��u.�/"'f� ` . D�.niel F. T�cLaugel7.in License Ins�aector 0 • CITY OF �AIi�T PAUL � Capital af. A�fi:xnc�s<±t;: � • e a�t�tev�� o ��Ccc �c� e�cs � /� a ADMINISTRATION TCritll 3Rd DIIriI12SOt3 StI'08CS TIRE PROTECTION POLICE DEAN MERF.DITH, Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.hfERRILL, Depaty Commiexicner DANIEL P.MeLAliGFiLIti, Lieense Inapector �r�- _CLv�._,�''..0 _ ,'^� �_..�' ��',:�-,vG:.,'.CI� �CIi:'., _.T:.._-f -�r..,_..;;LI",,.. .. ,��, .. �::@:. .......,... ._�:C' _.�.L',�..... � _ '__�re��;' �.c'��c�-,z ac�;;e rcccij^t o-' -:�'�ic^.';io� l/�� ('� r {. , �-< �.� i� __�i _ "c 7.,� :c4 ,..'.e ����..1.,-�e:� o-:° i:ic ua� licc==:c _�^o:: �.�� � JrJ�'f�/,�i9/� � to .�.J ��/� ����iP Ao�..�-%�� 'i,o �.;c e�,r_._',;c c' c_';, �� � �., , , _ . i,_,.� o-� - ,�lic�:�io�: �.:�c' d:laci li�l Cf��r c.".�.'..�..fi(a.:��.i.v��i i � j y c.�)�iY'OVil:l 3.ti �3VG'T2 COi1:,i3.':.lOIlul�y c^.'•:. i�_]..:> i:2;:C?• SiT�i�j �i Lii� �%Otit C�� /�� �� • /`i • � • � CITY OF' �AIi�'T PAUL � . Capital of �?i.°�ncsot�. �c �a e tr �e art�ev�t o u�� /� � ADMINI3TRAT10N Tenth and R3innesota Streets PIRE PROTECTION PO[.ICE DEA�T 3iEP.EDITH, Comntissioner HEALTli RALPH G. MF.RIiILL, Depnty Comminsicner DANIF,L P. MeLA[.'GFII.I?7, Liemee Inapector . �,.Ti.i�n,li�..'�v$ ^:+� �.�v7j � . ! � _C:...�..�i'.� _ 'O: ,.... ..� =.i ,�.1�...,'.CI.� �:.?;:�i, _�__._� ...wi:...���Z ,.. ��':�.,�.:....... ._.... ..�l C�...,._. f __c.�e;�;� �.c'.���-:__L�'.�e r cce=_'it o-�.' .y���.ic��-�ion T. T,_^•,`;�':�' ''Ci7• t:'?ti �`i.i "'�;'�C: O� cT' .��.�.:� �i:-uo� li.cc: ='c _°�°o:. ��y.��� , .��� <<:.:, 755 J .c.".::�o� �o Jz����::_i, T�:co�,,orr-:���c� �o �Nc o-,n��_-�e�? ,_l,; 75� ��'�.cl;.�,o:� u�;rc�� . �.,.is Le.c,�;;� c'_�.a':���'�c.:� reccir:;t oz � ��1i.c�_�ic�A� _-�c' c^.�]j)T'OVu? :.:, b1VC?: CO:u:';,2Cilu�.?�7 c^.i, ''i.:-1N i,Ii:E• taT'�'i` �i Li�ij �i OLii a'�� _ � L C��� �r �.`�,:�-�.� � �;. �.�<� � �`. �L� =��<C1.--�_.�� c���l , ' � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � Capital of biinnes�ta �ea�^tment o ub�cc �a e� p � ADMINISTRATION Terith arid �S1RneSOta StreetS TIRE PROTECTIOti POLtCE DEA1 MEREDITII, Commissianer HEALTH RALPH G.ASETtR7LL, Depvty Comm(sxi�ner DA2�IEL F.MeI.At'f,HLI?i, Lieensc Inspeetor <`_iT�Iiw`"it. i:i� �nl.�I. - ..Ci1.,..,J��° - 'r'< -. ..� '" �G_._'nZ� i;:)�..�.:� _.��-'1-7 --�......_,_`": .. ., . uC:�:.'.....:�.. ._.... _...^.C...:.. ry ? �i�''� �.C' '.^C.�;G �CCC1_;� O�° � �C��::26_x 7 lln`)!� _^ns {?�n i.: '�::i�:?: n:� \i'il e�i:.�.'�`:� i'tl v..� i7�- U0i ?7.CCi �G =_:O:. '�:•I'� .�.. c:P"�_ ",.;.c3� TJr c3. C�':u0i? �o °Ji-���.�i� ��cor-�ox�.,�:cc'.. ^ '- 'J ,rV� •_`;,C' i 1� ?C.`� ci:.:.C«��OI1 e�i'`..Y"4,"�'� t,0 .'C O" _. _ ih`..lu .iCiCi��' �_C�._�:�--?CC'.�;C.`.� '_'CC31� O-_� -y"`'.'l1.Ci.:�ZC1:1 ,^.i':C'. L'� '- c^:y)i2'OVc"!i :.:� �1VC.':c CO:1::1.'.:.Giic:i�~f F_i. �.:�.1:� Y.1�.':C• tJ�''"'�� �i il�.� �lO:i'1'��� \�� � Direc or of Environmental Hygiene � • SePtember 2� 1971 $txt. Dem l�rad�.th, Cc�sr. o! PW�lic Sai'e�,Y, 3i�1 T. lOth. St., 8$. P�ail., Mi�a�. Attni �r. l?ea��]. P. l�.Le�g'hlit� �kar Sir: T2se Ci�:.y �tcil tc�d� 3,ni'ox�e�.11y arpp�v�ed. tbe a�ppliqti�a�t ot' Vital.i., Incorporat�d, �o1n�d by Carl A. Hra�h�n, tar t� treatafsr o! Oa 8a1.� Liquor Licens�e �io. 7'9b5s �P� Sms• 3i, 1972, traun Carl A. Braha� at 'j�� Ja+ck�an 8treet, to V3ta�1.i, I�mec�porated �t the s,�se a�tdres,r. ALSt) the �pli�tioan o! Yit�.i� Ia�c�p�st,�d ib�r i�setwrmnt, E'?!"t Snle �ea.t Ba�ge and Cig�ret� li�er�e� tor tha ru�e loQatic�►. �ill y�a pl�a�ab � tblt �utAtsar�r rib�o].ntia�tY Y�y tMS1Y T�� Cit�r Clet�c � �,,,�.� e:��. 5 S 7Z 3 � �` � �-��� �� CI'TY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No ........_....___ Nameof Applicant_.....V.S�L�,,....�..N..�.�P_Q�k�.._..........___. ................._........w...�..,.__..�....._..._........... Age.._....r.._..__......r.__.._.._.�..... Besidence Address........755..�.ackson Street� St. Pau1� Minn. „_. Teiephone No.__........._....._..._...____...._...__.._._ Are you a citizen of the United States?_ _._....._..�_..._.. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, aoft drink paxlor, or buaineas of similar nature? ..._................��------.._...............---....................... _�T4........._......__...._...._....._.. ........------_.__...._........._..._...._....__..._._.._.........._..._..._.........._......_ Whenand where�.........................._None....._.._....__.___.---------_._._..._......_.........---..........._..........._.._...._..........._....__....._..._ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation....._..V,�t�„i,,,..�naorQorated�,,,,,,,,,,_,.__..._,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ._......._.._._.._...__._.Y..__.....gex�c.al...b.usins�s....p.ur.}��ass.s......._..._...._:....._.__._...__. __......._........_....................................._...._..._._._ _ When incorporated?............_...........$u�ust�25z_1971_____..............._..---....____..---...._._...._..._...........___....__............._..__._.. .. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters Por club members7....._.._...._.._.'-...._.__........_....__......_.....__.__. Ho«� many members� " Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and na.me and address of general manag^er. . . .. . . . . .. . .. ....,.,1!►nge�;,o..R...Vitali�.._President and TreasUrer � 2001.'�Jilliams lvenue, S.t. Paul, Minnesota .... .......... -�----.._-•--•--..._...._.-----•---....._--------•-.._....._... .._...._...._._...._.____..........._......._..._....._...._.._....._.._ _..__..He1en..F._Vitali=..Vice..Pres3.dent_and�secretary _2001_Williains_$venue, .St..Pau1., _Minnesota Angelo R. Vitali� General Manager » 2001 Williams Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota � Naines and addresses of Stockholders: ........An.gela..R..Vitali.._..,_2001.Williams Avenue� St..Paul��Minnesota .. -- ---�--..._...__.........._.._-------_..._.._................._......._ He1en 8. Vitali 2001 Williams AVenue, St. Paul, Minnesota - ---�--._.................�-�------�---•---_..._...---...._._._._..._._.. .........-�---...............-�-----�---....._.........---�-�-�--...._.. _ .._....._..�....----�--v..... _...� - �}�' .__ Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known�..�G�-rz?�:��...� .1,.�-.�......_..._..._..._._-°..............._.__ Number Street Side Between What Cross Streeta Ward ?55 : Jackson St. ; West . _ , ,�cker and 3yaamore Streets How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (measured along streets) ?.........None .near ......__.._--------._........_ How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?......................_....._2�..Bloeks �.....�._�.�TT����.�.��__.._..��..� How many feet from closeat public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?....._..............:............._._ Name of closest school....._.._..........�ion»Lutheratn__School................................---................._..._. .........._...._....---......_._...._..._.----_...__........ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?....._...Commercial ___..........._..._.._.� On what ftoor located?.................First_Floor • •-------------._...._.......................�-----...............------.... Are premises owned by you or leased?..........�?$d._.....If leased give name of owner............................._.._. ................._..........__........_ Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?............60...................................................................................................._..-�-----_._.._...._._......_._---............-•----.___..w_ Ifhotel. seating capacity of main dining room?.....__............_........................�--•--.....---.............__....---._._..._..._.-----...................._........---......_._................._._ Givetrade nan�e---------------�---•- ----•----------•----------••---- --�------------•---------------......._..---•---•�-•--•--.....----•-------•------�•---------•--•---------...---�----------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: Main Baxroom ............. ............... ........................................._....................._......._......................---....__....-�---...----�---__........_.....---.._......__._......................_......---...._..._...............-�---..........__.__....._ (The iaformstioa above mnat be given ior hotela and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?...._..__..:__._._..._. __ _. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)...._.__.._..._._...._...._.._.................._.._................_..._..._....._..._.._....�.._.�.. Give names and addresses of three business references:_.._...._..._.._.__.__....._.__...____...._...._..._.._..._..__.__.._.___._..___...._.._...__ 1......_._.Don,ald_Rl..Rigs�- American National Bank�..St._�'au11 Minnesot.s� �w�W ..____. ---......_._.._...._.._......._ 2...._y�John White - 719 North Da1e Street, St. Paul, Minnesota .........._.__..._.._....._.__._............._...._...._......._..._....._...._..._...__......_----__.._.._.__:-----.._..._.... ......__.._...._._.__....---........._..................._ 3.»^Y Mar�in J. Lyden 6L�.1 University !l,venue, St. �'aul, Mz.nneso�a THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORP08ATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE p STATE OF M1NNE$OT1�, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, �• ........._... -• being IIrat dn1Y s�►o�n� deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicstion and lmows the contents thereof,and that the same is , • � . true to the best of his knowledge,information and belief. Subacribed and aworn to before me this.._..._.....___.�.....clay of__.....w.._._.. 19 � ..........�.«.............�..........�_. ..�....�..._ • .�.��_'_ . .. Notary Public, 8amsey County� Minn. Mycommission expirea:._...._......._.___.._.........._...__._... STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, S9' . Angelo R. Vi�t,al.i. ` ' -•.�----_.__..._.._._w---_..__..._._.._. _.. _ ...__ _`....._.-•-•----............._._...�_...._.__._.-- •--•�ein8 Srst,dnly eworn, deposea and saYS tha�...._..� he i�,_,.,,;,�R �'resi,den�.,._.._ of._..._...._.._.v�t;��,o....�r�co.r�or.a�t�d._..._.__._.._.__.._._ ....._.........._..__..._..._.._. .._ , a corporation; tha�................_...........he............................_...._.....has read the foregoing application and knowe the contenta thereof.and that the same is true to the best of....._...._....�s._......__...._...._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the s�1 af8xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of s#ud cox�oration; that said application was signed� a�aled and e�e- cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directora, and said application and the eue�ution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of aaid corporation. � ............... .--- ..L.��....1��G���� �.E�nge--- R.�Vital.i Subscribed and aworn to before me thia.._�.Oth.._.�---........day of.----...�..A. ... .:�::�_. ._ 9 � • �//i"' � � ' _..._..._...._-•••___...._..__........_...•-••........_...._ ._. ............... ___••-----�. Notary Public;�Ramsey County, Minn. Maxtin J. Lyden My commission expires_...._.D�acsmtzsz.28i:._1273 � , -. _ .