255716 - ORIGH�NAL TO CITY CLHRK (,5'��',� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. �LICENSE CONIMITTEE COUNCIL RES LUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED!Y �w����'_'r- � Septemb�r 16 1971 COMMISSIONER �ATF WHII��1S: Proper notice has been received as to a chan�e in officers in Wa.lmont� Incorpor�:ted, holders of �n On Sale Liquor License No. $004� expiring January 31� 1972� at 2051 Ford P�rkway� therefore, be it RESOLVED; That Florence S. NIontpetit, Vice..president and Secretary, resigned as Vice-�president but remained as Secretary; and �%axl Daniel Montpetit becoming Vice—president, with no ch�.n.ge in stockholders, be and. the same is hereby ap�roved. ON St?I,E LIQLrOR ESTABLISh�.T`��,'?�TT (CIL�NGE O�IICERS OIVZY� Informally approved b� Council September 14� 1971 Orig. A ppn.8172 SEp 161971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler 161971 �omc CONWAY Ap ove SEP 19— Levine ,�n Favor Meredith ayor Sprafka � Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty � PUBLISHED EP 18 1971 � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� _ � Capital of Minnesota �� /� � aLJe aht�nev�t o ub�'c �a et p � ADMINI8T8ATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIBE PROTECTION poWCS DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH BALPH G.MEA$ILL,DsDaty Commi�sioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieenss InsDector September 14, 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesol�a. Gentlemen �:nd Pfiadaan: Currently ��Ialmont Incorpor�,ted a,re holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 8004 an.d miscellan.eous licen.ses, all expiring Januaz�T 31, 19(l� at 2051 Ford Parkway. �i'he officers of record are Walter A. Montpetit� President and Treasurer, ^nd Florer.ce r�. Montpetit, Vic�-president �nd Secretary. 4�lalter �1. Montpetit is the sole-stockholder. Florence E. Montpetit resign.ed from the office of Vice-president but reMains as Secretary. Earl Daniel Nlontpetit beca,me the Vice-preside�,t of the corporation. `1�'here is no change in the stockholding. !�ttacbed axe copies of supporting pa,pers. Very truly yours, ���-`� ` License Inspector ��;� �..� � �.,, � ,�� ,;;���. �.�� � � 0 ' �(a�Ei.r� �. �'�c�n ATTORNEY AT LAW 641 UNIVERSITY AVENVE � PHONEi 226-0144 SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55104 Augu st 21�, 1971 Mr. Daniel A�cLaughlin License Inspector Fublic Sa�ety Building St. Paul, N'�.nnesota Dear Mr. P�IcLau�hlin: Please be advised that at a. Meeting of the Board of Directcrs and � �tockholders of tiaALP%:0?�iT, �1CC��Oi�.A,�`EI), he?d on the 18th day of August, 1971, at their registered of�'ice at 2051 Ford Faxki+'a;,v� • St. �'a>>l, Minnesota� FZorence �. 27ontpetit duly submit,ted her res� ignation as Vice Present a� rlalmont, Incorporated, effective im- m�diately. In her place Eari Daniel I�?ontpetit was duly elected as Vice Pres-- ident of said corporation, to hold ofi'ice unt�il the next az;�ua1. meetino and. until his successor is du�y e7_ected and qualifieda The officers of said corpor�,tion now holding office are as folicws� �rla.lter A. M�ntpetit, Presa.dent and Treasurer F�crence r�. i�Iontpetit� Secret�a.ry E�,r1. L�ari:i.e1 I�:o7�petit� Vice President; and Earl �`aniel A�antpetit ��as duly norni.nated and elected as a rnernber of the Board cf l�irectors of said ccr�oration ard the members oi the Bo�d Directors are now as fo1J_ows: �ta�ter A. rlon t��et;it Fl.ot°ence �. T�OC) l/UP.IJ�YJ Earl T)aniel t:entpetit � Respectfully submitted, , � �,, � , � ,., , � , �j __ - � , ti, �I"� CQ,.���1-- 'e � .`�� _ ��� � �.. r�1A'TIT� J. I,`��vr..� ,, T�iJL:r,;l - e^' ' '3 �/� / ' 1 '�•, � ' ��� r. `� r��' �'�(' ?^71 ''�.? t��-� -,'� .�� `-�- . �, �, � trr� `r,� - ,. .. % � - C.Yy� �3 .. 1 i _� .. . . ,'4v'� - '4 . .. . ... •.,'.j e�t �l.n�• _ 7. 'y:.'i x:�{ ,r7.�/. .��'';i .» ._...._.i^-'` . COPY R E S I G N A T I 0 N St. Paul, I�innesota August 18, 1971 To: V�almont, Incorporated 2Q51 Ford Parktitay St. Paul, Mir.nesota 55ii5 Gen tlemen : Ple.ase be advised that I _am herewi.th submittir.g my resignation as Vice Presidpn�, of ki�LP�iOAiT, INCOnPOPGAT�, to become effective im:r.ediai�ely. ` Yours very truly, (Szgned) Florence E. Montpetit �-�--•--t- ��,'1 � 91v��,r ��,�` c� �� `VJ cFp 1�171 �� -_ > j-...�, �, ��� � _ . ,; � � �1 �. � � : �. � �,� ��: _ '?ie'y`>J ��",' � .\C�� �O �-S'��z��_7,ZZti - copy MINUTES OF SPECIAL ?��fiIP�G OF STOCKHOLDERS of W�,LMONT, IIVCORPORATED A Special Meztin� of the S tockholders of �+'almont, Incorporated, was held on t:e l�sih day of pugu�t, 1g7�, at 1U.00 o'clock a,.M., in the City of St. �aul, Minr,esota, at it� r�egistered office at 2051 �`ord nark� V1ay s The follow�ng shareholders were present: � Wal�er A. Mon tpetit ��orence E. Montpetit The meeting was cal7.ed to order by the President, who i_ i •i r .i.t_... t; s ' -�.^ ;' �.r:E CGT't+0i a�ivi, I`C�iui'�vu trtct�� :t� Wci� 1 OP �ii� uZS� �17tt:I G�71i.7 u� that the Board of Directors be ir:creased to a total of three men;bers. The name of Earl Daniel Montpetit was suggested as an �d�itional. b�ard member inasmuch as he is a present empl�yee o�' t•he corperaiicn. The President ca.l?.ed for a vote and L2x1 Daniel 2+ior�tpetit was unanimousl� elected as a riember of the Board ef Directors of said corporation. Or, Tioticn Luly I�iade and. �econded, i�; was RESOL�TED tha+ Earl Da.niel Montpeti�; b� a member of the Board of �irectors and �l,o hold office until the next annual mee�ing and. until his s�scce�sor is du1j- elected and �ualified. Upcn I•iotion duly made the n,eeting ad�ourned. (`�i�;ned} Florence E. Montpetii: ,::- ,� `,\ ;%,;, J' ....� ., . ,�\n �\r ,� -y . � � . t`�( 1 'c�,.\: ii f. �5�� ." . . . ` r� �_...11 ti` - r;•l t �_., ' ��.� � `�i n{�`./.�'#, � '�� } ' COPY MINUTES OF ?�1�ETII�'G OF BO�RD OF DI:3ECTORS of WA7�MOP�TT, INCO�POR.ATED A Special I�eeting of the Board of iiirectcrs of htalmont, In- corporated, �aas held on the 18th day of August, 1Q71, at 11:C0 o' clock A.?�T. in the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, at its registered oifice 7.oca- ted at 2051 F'ord Parkwa��. The foilowing members of the Board ef Directars �ere pre�en t in person: k�a lter A. Mon tpeti t � �1�Ji E11C.G �-+• �i(�,i1�+F1G Vl N The purnose of this meeting was to elect a Succes�or Vice Presid�nt of k�almont, Incerporated to replace Fl.orence E. Nlontpetit �aho submit,ted her resignat,ion o The Neetinb was cal.led to order by the President, who ad- vised that the off'ice of �Iice 'r7�esident had been vacated and that a �uccessor �Iice President be nominated and elected. Florence E. Nlon+petit submitted the name of Farl Daniel i�ontpetit; � T'�e <'resident called for a vo�Le and E�rl DaniEl r7ontpetit was un�nimousl� elected as Vice President of Z�a.lmont, Incorporated. On 2•:otion duly made and seconded, �.t was RESCL:'ED, That �arl Daniel Tiontpetit be �li.ce President of ' said corporation, and to hold office until the next annual election, and until his .succes�ar i� dul;,� elected and alualifieci. . Upon ?�iotion du1ti� made the meet.ing adjcurned. (Si�-r,ed) Florence ^,. t"on�etit �~- Secretary ���� � ��J , � �, ��'!� ��., , \ � �=.P 1��7� ='' �r. 1 . � r . c.si �a� - � ,_s. s J �� � �.. ,.. � 1�:, \, ��_y� `���` ,,��f�l��z�`GpZ,y - CITY OF S�iINT PAUL , DEPART�NT �F PUBLIC $�F�TY LICENSE DNISION Date kv��rE 3�r ].9 �► � l. Applica�i�n for t!il�Z� Rl�31 L�.Q'11� .� .. .. • Lice�t+�e 2. Name of applicant �a�n0at� Iilo��'a�f�d • EIi�rI DI�Ili�l 1�e�t • �l�Oa� Pl�dlMe'6 3. Business aaa��� �� �� F�'�s ��•t��:tes idence�s w� ���� ��� �"a�: ����• 4, Trade name, if any '���T ��i� 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp� Rstail Liqu�r Federal Tax Stamp yC �vill be uaed. 6. t�i �arhat floor �,ocsated 1�'� �1��' Number of rooana u�ed x �� • �! 7. Betvueen what aroas $traets � ���� ��• �lhieh aic3e o� �treet ��� 8. A,re premi.ses naw ovcupied 't��YYhat business ���' Haw long � ��'� 9. Are prem.ises now unoocupiadl�� I�aw long vaQant �» Previ,ous Uae "'� 10. Are you a neqv o�wmer .�� Have you besn in a aimilar bu�inesa be,fpre �� Where ••� 9�hen "� 11. Are you g oing t o opara te thi� bus ine s s pers ona 11y A� aq��' If not, ro�o will operate it •+ 12, Are you in any other business at the present tima �1� 13. Have there been any complaints against y�ur operation of this type of plaoe �i _______._._... Y�Then "" Tllhere "` 14. Ii'ave you ever had any license revoked �� 11Phat reas on. and date "r 15, Are you a citizan of the United Statea =M Native =M Naturalized � 16. �lhere vrere you born �t• pa�l� l�Aweta i�te of birth K�1► 11� ��i 17, I am m�rried. My (wife's� (�r�) name and address is ��cso�► ��t • l�t� �r ���nt�, �t. Fi�l, �ia��o�a 18. (If' married female) my m�iden name is •�.. 19. How long have you lived i.n St. Paul ��'* �'� 20. Have you ev�r been arrea�ed �10 Niolatian of what ari.m.iaal law or ordir�s►aae � ...,..,..,.�.� M 21. Are you a registered voter i.n the City of S�. Paul Yes � No. (Ans�rer Pull and aom letel . Theae a 13ca'�ions are thorou hl, cheoked and e►n falaif iaa a.4n wi�.l be causa for denia . (�S�R) 22. Number of 3.2 plaves �vithin t�ro blocks , ��011+t � - 23. Closest intoxicating liquar pl.aae. �Jn Sale � ��� �f Sa7.e �+� � 24. Nea re s t Church �•�✓� ��� Nea res t Soho 01 1•1�2 b�,O�1t 25. Number of booths x�� Tables 1� Claair� � Stools � 26. �that occup�,tion have vou follovqed f or �he p�,st Pive y�ears. (Give names o�' employexa . and date s s o employed.� . , �wi�' +�' litt�t� bc>r��� • !"t�� !!� t�e prMqb tiw� #ttt�dwt •_�. p�ta4 t� arpia�� �►!' �rltn�s u�fe�har» �a#.ltiyr Qmnpaq� 27. Give names and addxesses of two peraons, residents of St. Paul, �4inn., �o ce4n giv�e information conaerning you. F+�t�l�- �tame $i�t3,�1d ?�qHit �aa/r� �Mk Address �a'�' ' ��l Pwl, �sNOts Name R�br1�"i 51�,1 �ddress 1�i��` � �1M��� �t�. �'it�l� �1�MMti � � Signatare o App ica Sta te of AQinne s ota� �ax'1 DaA3.�. M�'��t 5S County of Ramsey j __ �' �� ���� being: first duly sworn, depo�es an,d �ays upon o�th that he has rea t e foregoing sta�ement bearin.g his signature and I�ows the conte�:tts thareof, and �hat the same is true of hia o�m, knowledge eacept as to those msttera therein atated upon informata.on and belief and as to those m�tters he bel�_eves them to be tr�ze, � _ � � Zgxla�ure of Appliesant � E�ce'i �mist !�i Subscr3bed and 9'UpDY7] to before me this Y� day of A11s11i 19 7'#. . c ` Notary Publa.c, Ram , Minnesota Malri�.n J. 3qrdN �o�b�ur � 1 . - My Ccm�nission expires i ��• (Note s �hese statement forms are in dupliaate. Both copiea must be fla.11y f�11ed ou�, natarized, and returned to the License Divisicra.3� ' AFFIDAV�T BY APPL�CII,RT �� j . R�TAIL BE�� �38 L��ITOR LTCENSE j Re� � Sal�s � �Q�' T.ieans�a Name of applicant W� �'a1i� • 8ayr1 �Imil� �II 1 1E'��� P��;,�lq� '�T 1► ��� � � ���� Bus�ness addres� �� �'►. Pat�l► ���so'i�a Are you the sole o�mer of this buainsss? � . If not, is it a partnerahigq .. corporation? _�� � , other? •- �thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name XIb1i�' �'#�r�,'�r Address � � L�MI�i� � How_���� #ri�. •� +�f . �ld ��* �.� �'�'3��'��� F�'!A�if�l'T A</� 3'O!' �M dl n� � , nMiM a�d t�a�soo�t� I�a►�. � If a corporation, give i�s name. ��t� Z1ap0lpOt�t'fi� �.re you interested in any way in any other retail bear or liquor business? 1[� As sole awner? •�► Partner? « Stockholdex? �.. OEheravise? (Through loan of money, eto. Explain� ... Address of sueh business and nature of interest in �ame "' � Signature of app a.can� �"3. 1��t1 KAaip�rt�.t Sta�e of Minne s ota� }ss Gounty of Ramsey ) �' � �' �� being first duly sworn, deposes and says up�n oa�h �`that he has read the foregoin� a fi avit bearing his signa�,ure and 3�.ov�s the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his ar•m knwrledge, exce as to thase ma�ters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thase matter�he elieves them to be true. i nature nf a plieant �riti�l l�aa�1 Subscribed and swo �o before me _. � this ��'� day of�i�s� 1 7�1'` ;� c No r lic, e y, i esota l4ur�1 J. t�rt'i�o My coicunission expires�'�' �� 19 �� s�� � �n�so��, � CQUATY 4F RAA2SEY �'�` ��` ��T being firet eluly a�w�rrs, doth depuse and say that he makes thia affidavit 3.n connecstion �rith applioa�ion for " �" Sale" liquor licenae ("�• S"e�le" mal't beverage lioenee) in the �ity of �_ Saint Pau1,�Minnesota� �hat yoar affiant ia a r�sident aP the State of Minnesota and ha� reaided therein for +�'tii`� 3�.ls , nra�s, and is nc�ur and ha� been tor the time abo�re �entioned a bo� fide rseident af aaid State and that 2�e aow reaides st 1�8 � A7��f �t,. Ppt�,� � Addreae , Mirinesota. Ci y or To�m � / �x'1 D�i�l. M�tp�ki�6 Subsari.bed and s�rorn ta before me this 1� d�,y of ��� � ot�ry b1ia, Ramsep tYs nneaota Earl Drmie2 Mon t�ti# My oo�iasion eapirea �aa1�! 28� �.9T� sept. 14, 19'fl. Hon. Deaa Meredith Ccuusr. oP Public Se�fety Public SaPety Building Dear Sir; Attentlon: Mr. Danie]. McLaughlin Z�e City Couricil today ir.Pormslly approved the ehesrtge of officera ia Walmont Incorp�rated, holdere af On 9ale Liquar Lic. Mo. 8004 a�nd miac�llaneatta licease�y ali expiring Jan. 31�, 1971s at 2051 Fbrd Paxkr�y� ae aet out in your �etter ar seFt. �.4, i97a.. Wil2 you plesae prepare the auatomary resolution coveriag this mntter? Very tx�uly your�y City Qsrk AB