03-1Coimcil File # Q 3- 1 Gxeen Sheet # '.100� 34 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Presented By Refened To Committee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinhnent, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the Our Fair Carousel Board. APPOINTMENT Maychoua Anne Lo - Representing Crreater Ramsey County - term expires February 28, 2003 " Mayor's Office � 12-19-2002 � CONTACTPERSON&PHONE Kurt Schultz 6-8512 MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DA'f� January 2, 2003 "�" NUMBERFOR ' ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET o� -� No 200034 U ov�nirenowECroR U anrca�+ra _ � arc�rrowtr ❑ dnctEaa ❑ RW1[YLIERNCFSOR ❑ FMIINCML9ERNACCT6 ❑ WTORIORYARNi1) ❑ (CLIP AL� LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Agproving the appointment of Maychoua Anne Lo to the Our Fair Carousel �,,>-�'. Board. PLANNING COMMISSION q8 COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION ItSONAL SERViGE CONTRAGIS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUE57ION5: Hd5thi5 pE150IJflfffl EV2f VIOIkM1 LLIt/�2f 8 CMS13C�{Of {h15 dEP814f�211{'1 YES NO Fias t�is peison/firtn ewer been a city emPbYee7 YES NO Doesthis Pe�sanlfinn possess a Wdll not namalHPOSSassed aJ enY curteM citY emP'AYee? YFS NO . I8 Mis persoNfimr a tarpeted veMOYT YES NO �o.msy'i �� �W���� �'�� � . C� w � "�` � ���: � OF 7RANSAC710N COET/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� YES NO ACTNITY NUMBER : ° :�L`G oa-� CTI'I' OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor To: From: Date: .� 390 Ciry HaZI I S West KeZlogg BouZevard Sainr Paul, MN 55102 Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanau Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor December 19, 2002 Our Fair Carousel Board 7elepkone: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 � '€,flh o �,;� [r.�w'}C'� . a�Jd'.YC'.� � [:; n , nrr='� �s� ,_, � .m.<<�. Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Maychoua Anne Lo to the Our Fair Carousel Board. Her term shall expire on February 28, 2003. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating this individual as well as her application Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the appointments and reappointments. Attachxnents cc. Peter Boehm � DEC-18-2002 15�24 LIFETRRCK RESOURCES 651 227 0621 P.02/03 ; 03 —� Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:b51-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 The Minneso[u Govefnmen� Data Precticcs Ac� (Mmnosotu Stnlutes CAap[er 13) govuns thc City's �St of cht information wa�ained io this npplica[ion. Some of �he informocion sought in thi5 applieaiion ie pn.atc det� under the Aet. The �equested i¢focmation will Yt uSed hy thc appoiating authovily to eaery nut chc City's ofticinl uppointmeat respo�sibiii�iet. You are no� required �o prov;dc uny inform¢lion. Howa�cr, (eilure �o answor [hc upplication ques�ions may cause thc appointing au[horicy to rcjcct your application. Thc majoriry of imms con�nined in tbis applicetio� are publ�c, inoluding namo. address. employmcn�, xkilis, training end ezpericnce, end arc thtre(ote a�sils6le to anyonc requ<sting i�. Tbe remaining items on thc sppliee[ion form are clas3ifieJ as private. Tho priva�e dasa it avnilable only w you and [o othcr persons in [he City �..hu, bec+use of work assignmcnts. rcaaonablY reyuire ac^.ess to ihe infnrms�ion. Name Q/�ct.�.ln�sua /\yt.v�e � Home address �5� �a{tnn�noad Dr� v�C, UadanA.�S t}f,ia�.�s. f�l tJ• 5512�1 f[reel c slem iip Telcphones (�5 �� �7�t� - ((�51)�(�S-d431 Ple�[e InUnde Arti Co0¢f �pme wor U% E-mailaddress �„��� Q �L ��;�yq�re50wrLeg. or��_ Planning Distsict Council Ci[y Council Ward Preferred mailing address �4��v� xlreet c1�Y Ytale np Occupation�!��y. y�, �u.�,�s¢�.or �Sulo �p.J p�l3eA' _,_„ f a,d�o Place of employment Li�e�"aG� Q.eS�t�rteS Employmentaddress �Qg �„�veXSi�c.� AuC S!- Qcu�R Ht� �1Ctd Committee(s)appliedfor�� '��r ('�rr�uSei �iocxr4� What skills/training or experience do you possess fbr ehe committee(s) for which you seek appoin[ment? � � .i.. .�Jr b � � .�4 `• l ...4 � � � �. i �� - -u .� �. �= i � � . �. '.���... �.l ' .. "t s . � . u..s I • a_ L' •� i ' .. _ ..�.� ._. � .�... •�. �1C1.. ♦1�..:.�. w ��q_�IA � .a. ..�� a .t' y �..l.� •, 1 , • • � _ \_.ta.1 :►�:./I lr111� t •l�r� /yJ�.�' I. � �4 .Y ♦.... ,..��. •I��♦ �� •!L /� .a� 11I 1 �'o� it.ruv�1 i�-�,.ti. v�zceSSax �.�bw � 0 2 .� - ��c l'?1..r F`a.�.r �a.ruuS cP l3ou,rd - T �� a c4e�'e iro A� if�.n� Ca.vouSaX e,o�i.uaC$ a hk 0.CGPS5�b�e_ '�� a3� Ct �Or a`^ 'w�d e �'i .�.i�e -fi � wt. . DEC-18-2002 15�24 LIFETRRCK RESOURCES 651 227 0621 P.03iO3 03 —� Personal Refezences Name rj� �� Address ll'aai FriC4� Mw�t��nt� S4' Pa.tS� MN. S5 t 0Cn _ Telephones ({p5>>7lio�In�Rat (ms�)a�a�-R'�4R Plenas taclada Arca Codea bomc wo�k othu N ame n v.v� Gi� . a�a, Y�i. Address ?,-30 �jp,�pS�W rj��� t�lN. ,SSIOa Telep6ones (f„ aau- u3t�8 �faS1�aI�S^a385 Please intlode Area Codna homc aotk othcr Name Tirv� + hlariA FaackS Address 3�t1 �ak CreefK Toarrc.ce \)or�r�a:�s Ne:�uh:t S,�i Ia�l Telephones (�y��y15'I'?3`1 11a51�1��1S-7�lnC Plees4lnciude A�ea Code9 homc work ot6er � � � .. � � ♦ � � P . ��4�Wv� � • .. �... 1�.�..I Ula! �.. '!. I. .1.�: .�. � � / ♦ . I � �� / • l �I. !. �A / 1• �l.J. I fal�l y d�+ .�q � _►t,,,, Cn+e 5 j i an CLi.Y 6t.lSf� . ✓� V J' Haile youftad previous contuct with the committee for which you are making appJication? lf so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensuxe that committen representation reflects the makeup of our commun�ty, ptease check the box applicoble to you. This ioformation is st'rictly votuntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) '(y� Asian or Pacific Islander � Ametican lndian or Alaskan Eskimo r—� � Male Female � Date of birth � ��R �-� p Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please spccify ��„� How did you hear about this opening? ��Q Lp page 2 of 2 e5 TDTAL P.03