255711 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK 25� � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �►T° WHEREAS The Department of Public Works has prepared plans and specifications for the WNITE BEAR AVENUE Pullman-Grace Lane and PULLMAN AVENUE White Bear-Battle Creek Park STORM RELIEF SEWER S-1463, and WHEREAS 7he construction of the WHITE BEAR AVENUE Puliman- Grace Lane and PULLMAN AVENUE White Bear Battle Creek Park S-1463 is to be charged to the P. I .R. fund 6000 and reimbursed by 1971 Local Improvement Fund 0920, be it �'� RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the WHITE BEAR AVENUE Pul1man-Grace Lane and PULLMAN AVENUE White Bear-Battle Creek Park S-1463, as submitted by the Cortxnissioner of Public Works are hereby approved; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this construction. �ORM P R ED Ass . r oratio ��"�'Sy� ' S E P 1519�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas : Nays Butler $E P 1 6 �97k' ��� ov 19� Levine � � Favor Meredith May Sprafka �Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty SEP 1 8 �9�,� PUBLISHED �� � _ DUly.ICIkT[TO rRIN'RR ���� f CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa —�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO �, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBSHiTED{lf COMMISSIONEo ` � � DATE VHEIIEAS Th� D�ps�t�nt of rubl ic 1b�ks has prp►�r�d plans an� sp�cifications fo� the 1�MITE BEAR AYENUE Pull�an-ar�c� Lane and MILLINN AYENU� Mhit• �Nr-iattl• CrMlc Park ST01lM RtL1EF SEMER a-1a63, ana w1iEItEAS Ths caistructlo� of th� MMITE QEAR AYEMlE Puil�n- 6raa� L.an� and MJLLMIIN AVElp1E Mhlt� d�ar 6attle Chek Park 5-146$ is to b� char� to th� �.l.R. tund 6000 and r�i�burssd by 1971 Locat i�prov�nt Fund 0920. bs it RESOLVEO. That th� pians snd spsclftutions for the MHITE �EAR AVENUE Pullm�n-Grace Lane and PUILMAN AVENUE 1filt� ear-�atti� Crask Pa�k S-1�+63. as subaiitted by ths Comintsstonsr of *ubl te Morlcs a�e her�y approv�d; and be i t furthe� RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Aysnt be •nd is h�r�by di��cted to advertise for btds on this construation. �., _ r.,�= _;4: - _�. - SEP 1519�i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays But�er SEP 16 1971 on Approv� 19_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith /.� Sprafka V Mayor Tedesco A8'�at Mr. President, McCarty �