255710 �
� � Resolution Appmoving A�sessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon ��
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost aad expenses for construction or recon-
structicm of sidewalks and work incidental thlr��o: Contract 70-I�O500, District No.
1� Levy No. 2,
- -. . __._ _-- ------- _ __ - -
a � !!SS �S� �
� F.4. Y47 7 • Grotto 8#k.�; ¢�at side froa Lafan�d /kaa. t+r Biair Ave.
' F.O. #24T�Z8 � A�n st.� �1� �sid�s fra° Qaftarait� Ave. to Sherburne Ave, .
�+.0. #248�l4'S � Lafsnd_ �tsre:, �th sid�s froa� Sinpaon St. to Asbury St.
$,0,, #'t474�52 - Minnehaha Ave., north aide from Asbury St. to Snelling Ave.
F.O. �247785 • Simpson St„ west side from Midway Pkwy, to Frankson Ave.
F.Oe �247786 - Si�pson St., west side from `i. Rebraska Ave, to W. Hoyt Ane.
F'.0. #243865 - Bellows St. , east side from Congress St. to Delos St. and on
� tTie west side of Bellcyws St, fram Congress St, to Isabel Stp
_,,,.��p..;#��g37..5,.,.•: y1. Robie.S.t., both �ides �,,ro�n $idw.ell_ St.. to Winslow Avee .. .-
�.0, �237337 - Winslow Aveo, both sides from 5tevens St. to George St. _
�;.,:.� R..O,,a�2l�„3$�1+ ..� Bidwell Sto,:. both.sides fro�a W, Page St. to W. Baker St. and
on the North side of W. Page St. from Bidwell St. to Dodd 1td.� �
;: ., ; , .,.; .... . _ _ . . � . _ . .. . ...
. ,. .
F.O..�?147k57 .- GrottiA ,St,_� east a.ide from I.afond Ave. to Bisir Ave.
F.O. #247928 - Avon St,, both sides' fro� Uriiversitq Ave. to S'E�ertiurne Atre."= '
, : :,F.p, ��4809�:.+ La£o�►d Ave.,- bo�h sides from.Simpson St,. to Asbury St. . ,
F.O. #247785 - Simpson St., west side frc�m �Midway Pkwy. to Frankson A�Ve �
.� g.0. �243$65 � �8eller�s S#., eas� s-i�de fr�n Congress St. to Delos St. and on
the west side of Bellows St. from Congress St. to Isabel St,
�1�00. #2#3874 - Bidyr�eYl 3t,'; be��i`si�s fran W. Page 'St. to i�..� Baker.:St,�.at�d
v& �hQ North side of �I, Page St. from Bidwell St. to Dodd Rd.
day of Qctober, 1971 , at the hour of 10 o'clack A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Co�urt House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give natice of sa.id meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount a�sessed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
�'e� BUTLER Nays SEP 1519Ti
CONWq�v Adopted by the Councit
� LEVINE P i61g7,�
SPRAF;{,q v
' McCAk7 Y '
Tn Favor
� S�P 18 197�1
Form R-2 2M 10-68 s�