253796 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �„ r'� /�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '�'�"" � ��r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LICENSE CONIlKITTEE COUNCIL LUTION—GENE L FORM PRESENTED BY Aj�rll 27� 1971 COMMISSIONE DAT� RESOLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct Bin�o Games� applied for by the following organiza,tiona, �,t the addresses stated, for the days, dates, and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby grante�. Rice St. Post No. 3877, V. F. W. 1058 IIniversity Ave. (2nd F1.� 52 Pds. App. 9235 Renewal Each appn. for series of games Informally approved by �ouncil As• Dated on each appn. �a� ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler A�R �i� 'g7�� Caxlson e� 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka U yor A gainst e�ed sco— Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED MAY�71 ��