253788 ORIGHVAL TO CITY CL6RK [� CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENCIL NO. ��"��'` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -v�C�� T� 'T' � ��," April 27� 1971 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for the New Electrical Distribution System and Branch Circuit Wiring in the Public Safety Building located. at 101 East Tenth Street, are submitted herewith, s aid plans and. specifications having been prepared by Toltz, King, Duvall Anderson and Assoc. , Inc. , under the direction of the City Architect and. the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the saxne being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized. to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. Job #71-35. APR 2 71971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— � Yeaa Nays APR $ 'l 1971 Butler Carlson � pr d 19— L�� _In Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainst `�e�eae�— Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED MAY 1 �97� � ou��wTS ro rn�Hme � � 253��8 CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM C�.OMg IA�159�IONEA Vietor J. Ted�sco ��� April 2'�. I9T1 RESOLV�D. that the p�ans aad �peeiiicati�u tor the N�w �lsctrical Di�tribution 3y�tem and Branch Cir¢nit WirinQ in t!►e Public Sat�t�r Buildin� locat�d at 101 Eaat Tenth Stre�t. are anbmitl�d herewith. said pls�u and •p�citication� hsrin� b�in p:�p�►r�d by Tolts, Kia�. Dntrall Anderson snd Assoc. . Inc. , uad�r the direction oi the Cit�► A�chitect and tb� Commisrioa�r of Parks, R�creation and Pabiic Buildings, be aad the �ame ar• he:eby sppro�red, the aame b�iag �atistactory to the Commiasioaer of Public 8afetp. snd th� Pnrahaain� Ag�nt i� hereby authorised to sdv�r►ti�• for bids thereoa in the ma�aer pzovided ia snd by tbe Charter. Job �T1-35. .�+� .3` l._.,..: @�"• Y"�+1 � y� e i ' � ���� u„t Q 2 � ',!'± #�Z .�.._ `-[a J , r'� ,.�;�� . �,.. r ._Z.si -�_a �� - _,Q r... , =u' l_� : ,:i_ �--� 1- �1� � � 2 IkPR 2 ? 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mci� 19_. Yeaa Naye Bu��,,. APR 2 ? 197� Carlson Approv� 19� I�YinC--' �S^'Tn F8VOP Meredith Sprafka D �°r ro0A;t1Rt � Mr. President, ARcCarty ���