253785 r !� '''���{{{ OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK ���Y�,/�� • , CITY OF ST. PAUL HLENCIL NO. �� P � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY April 27, 1971 COMMIS510 E ATF cLS. �. � � �� l�� -�J 0. u�T✓�� R LVED, tha th pl�a,ns and specifications for the J Bituminous and Fencing Work at Acker Playground, located at Cayuga Stxeet and L'Orient Street are submittecl herewith, said plans and specifications having been prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and P�zblic Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Build.ings, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. Job #71-40. �R a'� �sr� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeaa Nays But�er APR � ? 19� Caxlson / ve� 19— �� �In Favor Meredith Sprafka � �y� A gaixl8t Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED MAY 11971 � . ����c��'��R�� CITY OF ST. PAI�L �ur,c�� NO. 25�'��5 . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM CAMM�154�IONE� Victor J. Tsdesco „�,� April 2T, i9n RESOLYl�D, that the plaaa and �pseiticstion� to: the Bitu:ninans a�d F�ncing Work at Acker Plsygranad� loaated at Csruga Steeet and L'Orient Stre�t are submitt�d h�re�vith, �aid plans a�nd speciiicatiema having been prepsred by the CitY .Architect under the direction oi the Co�nmi��ioner ot Parks, Recrestioa and �blic Baildings� b• aad the •ame sr� herehy spproved, th� •ame being sstistutorr to the Commissioaer ot Psr�u. R�crestiaa and Pr�blic Building�� and th� Purchariug Agent is her�by authorised to advertia• tor bidi thss�an ia the manner prtwid•d in and by the Charter. Job �T1-40. � ,'1 �.-.-� � ;�'.L " F-� U„„� �y `'�afC� �' � ��� .r-- c� -��a� 1..�.-� ��°' J� ' i„— ���Sv _ �_� � � Y�� � u�.� CD� .�c.c �- �� �R a� �s7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�� 18— Y� Na� �R a� �s7t Butler Carlson Approv� 19_ �� � T� Favor Meredith Sp� � Msyor Tedeseo` A S��t Mr. President, McCarty ���