253780 ������ Couaoil File No......._..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMII�TARY ORDER. T6eundersignedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefolYowingpublioimprovemeat by the City ot 8e►int Psul,vi�,; reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of E. Baker St. from S. Robert St. to Gorman ..............._....................................................................................................................... St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im�rovement:----___.................................•--•-•--...........�......................................................................................_......._.... Dsted thie.......27th:.....daq o4..............APril.....................................�.... -................�i..._..................---__......... ............. •-• •-•�-- »r ... .._...................... . ........ .... Counoilman. � PRELIMINARY O1tDER. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the msking oI the following improvement, vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of E. Baker St. from S. Robert St. to Gorman . ..................................................---.................................._....................................._...................---.._ � St. and b� .dofng all other work�which is necessary and incidental to complete said ... ............................ ..................--•---••--•.............._..._.........-•--•--........._..............._....._.----.._...... improvement. ....�.-�-•.............................................................•-•--_._..............-•--................_......................._............_._........----......•--......._............ ..-•---•...................................................................-_-_-••----•--..............-•-..............--•------........._...._............•--...._...._._.._._......_.._....._ hsviag been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..----•--•........................................•---............_.......__,_._.._. t6erefore, be it R.E80LVED, Z'hat the Commissioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and dfreeted: 1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvemeat. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and ostimated cost of eaid improvement� and the total aoet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan� profile or aketch of said improvement. . 4. To state whether or no+t eaid improvement ia seked ffor oa tthe petitiom of three �r more �owner�. IS. To report upon all of the�'oregoing mattsre to the �Gommiaeioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the Counail...................................._.........APR 2? 1971 Ynae Counc 1 Lman But I er ✓ ppR 2? 19� Car 1 son �PProvec9.........................................................................._ �c Meredith Sprafka T.�� ................ ... ... . .�_ Mr. President McCarty ~yo� �000 s-ao � / / 7� � PUBLISHED �AY 1197