253752 Orisinal to Cit7 Clerk
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An Ordina.nce Granting Permission and
Authority to Independent School District No.
625 to Construct its Administration and Child
Development Center upon the 20-Foot Sewer
Easement Owned by the City of Saint Paul
Adjacent to the Old Ancker Hospital Site.
Section 1.
Tha.t permission and authority are hereby granted to Independent
� School District No. 625 to construct and ma.intain its Administration
�;?�� Center and Child Development Center upon the City of Saint Paul s
sewer easement located on Lots 12� 13, 14, 15� 9, 8, 7 and 6, Block
15, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's addition to St. Paul, and Lots 1,
2, 3, 4 and S, Cullen Place, according to the plat on file and of
� record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey
Section 2.
That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to
issue a permit to Independent School District No. 625 for the con-
struction and maintenance of its Administration Center and Child
Development Center upon the above-described City of Saint Paul sewer
easement, subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions:
A. That said permittee sha.11 construct and ma.intain its
Administration Center and Child Development Center in accordance
with the specifications approved by the Department of Public Works.
B. That said permittee shall pay the cost of engineering and
inspection incurred by the City of Saint Paul arising out of the per-
mission and authority granted herein and also for the publication of ,_
this Ordina.nce.
C. Tha.t said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully
indemnify and hold ha.rmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents,
officers and employees from any and all dama.ges� claims� losses�
judgments� suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by per-
formance of the work contemplated by this permission and authority
and the continued presence of the permittee�s Administration Center
and Child Development Center.
D. Said permittee sha.11 within thirty (30) days after the
passage of this Ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the
City Clerk.
Section 3.
This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council
MAY 1 1 1971
� Butler /
Carlson ��? Tn Favor
Meredith � � Against
Spr�ed�a-- 197�
Mr. President (McC y) Ap ve .
s :
C' Clerk ay
Form approved Corpor�,tion Counsel By
�BL�s�D MAY _1 5 1971
3�int P�t1.' Mi�teBOta�
�p 17, 1971
To t� H�aora�ble, tl3e Citg Co��il,
Ssint Pan7., Minnescts.
i�e, t}�e �anFleraigned, do hereby a�cgpt and agree
to abid�e b�► all the ter�s aa8 canc�.i,tions ot' Cc�rmcil
File No. 253752, be3ng Ordieaace No. l�'�81F, adcg�ted
by tlme Cc�amcil on M�y 11, 1971.
Ixn� sCxc�oL nis�xTCr xo. 625,
� •
/ �
/ -l�
h �
�4► �.7� 1971
Inclapende�t 3tthco�. Distr#.at l�o. 625,
Citp �ial�. & Caurt Hau�,
We encio�e a capy o! Qrctinanc� Nc. 1�784, granting
� P�rmi�sion t.o canatr�tct yau�� Adminiatration and Ch31d
I'�evslcypment C�anter upc� t2� 20-tc�� e�ner �as�rment a�med
by �tbe Gity oi* Ssint Pau2 ad�aaent to the Old Anel�er
8o�pi��1 8ite; �lso bi11 in tbu� sexm vf$16.�4 t� co�ver
the co�t o! publicatiari ot th9.e a�ce.
t,te call ycur special attent�a t.a Paragra�rh D in
�ec�icrn 2 �h3ch raquit�ea t� �'ili�g ot' a written acc�ptauce
of t�e tes�ut o� thi.s �o�d,iaamce in 'thi�t ot�ice, Roc�an 386,
Ci�ty H�., �rith�.n 34 c�Ye. I! nat ac 3'i.leds �2�e ordineuca
beca�e$ v+oid.
Vez'Y tru1Y Yauras
City Clerk
� ��1 st "` � � � 2nd
Laid over to
3rd and app � —Adopted �
. Yeas Nays Y,e,as Nays
Bu+ler \Butler �
Carlson �arlson
. Levine �,5���.��"� �evine
, . Meredith �eredith '
Sprafka �'Sprafka
Tedesco � �edessa_ V
- Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarl�y