253750 ORjGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ' y ���,r/�V � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� � ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO. N 1L LUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREASt For the convenience of the company� Northern States Power Company ha.s adopted a rule whereby the company reads resi- dential gas and electric meters once every two months and submits an interim estima.ted bill to residential property; and WHEREAS! This system adopted by the Northern States Power Company has worked a great ha.rdshi� and inconvenience to the resi- dents of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does here- � by request that Northern States Power Company amend its rules and regulations so as to provide accurate monthly readings of all gas and electrie meters servicing the residential property within the ' City of Saint Paulr and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to Northern States Power Company forthwith. FOR APPR rp ti n uns t APR 2 31971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �utler APR 2 31971 �arlson pprov 19— �_ ��evine �n Favor � Meredith � � � �- ayor Sprafka�— � \ �edesco ASainst 1�: President, McCaxty , 191� 1�AY PUBLISHED _,,,__,,...� ��� o��,�,n,�.R,� 253`��0 CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEhIERAL FORM ��� COMMISStONER �A*� WHEREAS� Far the c.o�tvrnisac� of the cvmpsny, Nos�trn Stata• Po�ar Comp�q� has uiopted a rula a�her•by tl�e campany r�eds resi- d�ntial gss emd electric m�,tars once •very t�vo manth� atyd submits an int�rim �stimatad b111 to residentlal proper'ty; aAd �EiEREAS, Thta iry�t� adopted by �a Nos�thern Statas Pow��r Cr�pauy has �ro�kad a gr�at hardahfp am�d inco�acvwaia� to tha resi- dunta of thre Cit� of Saiat Paul= �o�r, t't�tre�ars, ba it RFSOLV�D, That tha Cauncil of the City of Sai�►t Psul does hsr�• . bq request that l�orthern S�at�s Fo�+er Cc�a�nY aswend ita ruies afld " segulations so aa to provide acc.urat� mcmthly readings of all ga� and elec�ric ar�tors aarvici�g the reaid�antial propart.�r ,�ithix� the City of Saint Paw�l� aad ba i� FURTHER �SOLVED, That t1u City C�.erk ia herebq dir�ctsd to tra�urmit a certified copy of thia �solution to I�rChern State�s Pa�r�er Compnny forth�ith. APR 2 319�i1 COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Co»*+�1 19_ Y� xa,� APR � 3 19T1 But�� Carlaon Appro� 19_ �� ��e T�+ FavOr Meredith � Sprafka � � �Y� Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty a�� � .� ,--_. ��; �-�r.� � April 23, Z97� Mr. Thc�oaa A. Connell,Y', Diviaion ManaBex, Northexn Ste�tes Prywer Co., Fit'th t�ad Waba�tha �ts�., St. Pau1.� Minn« ��x 5ir: �ttaeh�,�.,�or yowr in�ox���.on, �.s a c�:z°tif3+�d capy' af ae x�e�acrlu�ion c�f the Cit� Caair�cil requestiz�g �or°t��a•tz Statea Fera�r Ccx�en�.Y wc� �x�� �.�$ x�.�� in co�uzecti�sn ur�.th m�t�r r�a�3lxi�. Very tru].y youx's, City C3.�rk AO/hp