253746 ORIOiIiAL TO CITY CLERK ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE N�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY • COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Pa.ul has approved on October 23, 1q70, a �reliminary 8rder, C.F. ATo. 250912, instituting condemnation proceedings to acquire certain lands and easements for the opening and widening of Lafayette Road from Ea.st S�venth Street to Grove Street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in accordance with Ordina.nce No. 13851, C. F. No. 237405, approved March 20, 1g68, the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to hire, retain and employ Ray W. Faricy and John J. Kenna, Realtors, for the purpose of appraisin� real property to be acquired for the opening and widening of Lafayette Road, as described in C. F. No. 250912, approved October 23, 1970, incorporated herein by reference; the appraisal fees in the estimated total amount of $3,600.00 being $1,800.00 for each appraiser; and the terms and conditions of the appraisal assignments being more flzlly set forth on documents designated Appraisal Assignment Nos. 138-A and 138-B on file in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. . � -; � __, �— ,. � i , FORM PP �� � or tion u el COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit APR a� �9��19—. Yeas Nays sut�er APR 2`L ��7�1 Carlson �rove� 19— Levine �n Favor �Qeredit�r� or Sprafka Tedesco v A8'���t Mr. President, McCarty 4197� Ai�K � � pUBLISHED O DUlL�el►T6 TO lRIN7ZIC. �� /�� ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM .�e�rEO s,r COMMISSIONER �A*� MI�AS, She Catiaail ot t� City o! St. Auv�l ln►s appr�r� a� Oa�oba� t3, ly►T0, a pn],iaimury osda, C.?. Uo. 2�, inrtitvttin� avndaantion �aro�dinp to aequire c�rtain 3,anda and �aaMa�ta !a� tiLe op�ai� and Mid.�nin� ot Lai�y�ttt Soad l�ro� �ut ��ath Str��t to drov� Btr�t; tha�ib�� be it RSBG�Y� Tl�at ia aecoraane» rith 0rdiaivaat �o. I38S1, C. �. �o. 23��03, ap�aro�v�d lt�►rah 2�l, 1g68, tla Cc�tis�ic�aor v�t !'i�ane� ir ha�lr�r autLoa�isad tc hir�, r�taia and �lapr � �1. ?irioy affi Jobn J. �tana, �lto�a, !'or tl� pro�rpc>rs ot ap�araisi� r�al � t�o b� aaqnir�d i'oor th� o� at�d nidtnin� o! La!lyr+ftt.� �osd� u d��rib�d ia C. !'. Io. 2503i1$, ap�rar�nd Octob�r 23s 1970s �oarpaorat� htr�in b�r r�tayn� t.h� spp�ai�a7. f�� ia �e •stiaat�d te�lai �amt oi #3,600.00 �in� �].r80�.00 i�o� �sah app�aiHS; an� !.� t�ra� and Qo�ditians ot th� apporais�l usi�ats b�ia� a�oare 11�11�r �rt laarth ar► �s �si�at�d Appraital As�i�eat 1Ws. 13$•A aud 138-� o� til� in tlN o!'tic� ot t�r Ca�tralt�r o! the Cit�r o! Aaiat Praml. APR 8� 19�i1 COtJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �9-. Y� But�er Na� APR 2`� 197�1 Carlson APP��1- 19— Levine Tn Favor �"''�'' Sprafka �� inat Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��� _ _ z _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' �V��'�i.� � ORIGINAL T8 CITY CLERK CIl'1( OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. ` `�, OFFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK F►�E ��--�"� COUNCIL RESOLUTlQN—GENERAL FORM � . �- PRESENTED SY f e. c _;'� s '� ; t.,... , . COMMISStONER ..�. — DAT WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Pau1 has a�proved on October 23, 1970, a Preli.minary Order, C.F. Pdo. 250912, instituting condemnation prcceedings to acquire cerl;air. lands and Pasements for the opening and taidening of Lafayette Road from East Seventh Street to Grove Street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tnat in accordance with Ordinance No. 13851, C. F. No. 237�+05, approved I�arch 20, 1g68, the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to hire, retain and employ Ray Y1. Faricy and Jo'nn J. Kenna, Realtors, for �;he purpose of appraising real property to be acquire3 fox tne openin� and widening of Lafayette Road, as described in C. ��. No. 250912, ap�roved October 23, 1970, incarpora�ed herein b�� reference; tne appraisaZ fees in the estir.la-L-ed total amount of $3,600.00 bein� $1,800.00 for each appraiser; and the terms a,nd conditions of the a�praisal assignments �eing more f�l.ly set forth on documents designated Appraisal Assignment Nos. 138-A and 138-8 on file in 1:he office of the �omptroll er of the City of Saint Paul. , • _._..--- ! FORM PP OV D or tion un el � �� �A��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �° � 19— Yeas � Nays � , . .,� Butler � A roved �'��'�1�� f� �` � � ` `� 19— Carlson . ��Levine ��n Favor . ...Me;•c*ctit�t--,. - -��:�� � or Sprafka V Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � .:,a;;�i�.��r:) N yr�§,i .. �_. �: . .. � � A . .. . �._� :6i i r. :�� � . . . 4 . i; „ . _ . . . . , �. � r �.' �r��..�. W _ . � _.�� . ' I,v .. .�.�. ,..� o - - � ' �_ � . .,. . �_�. . _. ip _ , . _ .y' � . .. , � t . ��� .�� �. . . , � . .. w v� .. ,. .. , + . � . 1 .. . � .. . . . . � ' . .. � . 7 � . � � � . . �. , 5 ' 3 CITY OF SAINT PaUL APPRAISAL ASSI�NMEt3T N0. I3�-A � VALUA,TION Bi���cEAU 286 CITY HALL DATE: A.'"�31..�.��, .1.�?? ST. PAUL, MINN, 55102 Fin. Dept. File No. 17525 . Ray W. Faricy Project: I�afayette Road Opening, E. 7th 1560 Randolph Avenue St. Pa,ul, Minnesota 55116 to Grove Street Authority:C.F.No.253746�a��rovea Apr.22,i97�. PIR Fund Code 60U0, to be Dear Sir: Fund: reimbursed from 1971 MSA Funds You are hereby requested to make appra3.sals of certain parcela of real estate in the above referen�ed pro�ect located on Lafa,yette Road between E. Seventh S�t�-reet and Grove Street. , � ... said parcels being designated as -follows: Parcels No. l, 2, and 3 On or before June l, , 19 7i , you wil�. fux�nish the Valuation Bureau of the City of Sair�t Paul, 2 copies of your appraisal report for each of the above listed parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with the City of S3;nt Paul Valuation Bureau appraisal specifications, a eopy of which is attacl:�� hereto. tailure to provide documentation in accordance with these specificatior.s will re�uire resubmittal to the appraiser fox further support at no ad3itional cost to the City of Saint Paul. On reeeipt of yaur ite;rized invoices in duplicate and satisfaetory completion of fihis a�signment you wi.11 be paid fihe sum of One Thousand Ei�ht Hurdsed Do1.lars ($1z�300.U0 ) . or on the following basis: Upon your written reques-t after personal investigation of properties to be appraised the City w.ill consider adjustment of fees to be paid. In the event that bef�re comp]Letion of this assignment, the City determines that such appraisals are not required, payment will be made on a proportion- ate ratio of the foregoing basis. In the event that a eourt proceeding may develop involving any parcel of the assignr:�ent, it will be required that you support your appraisal in such proceeding. Enclosures: _ . x Legal descriptions Yo s very t�;}, ly,;�'? x Ri�:�t-of-Way or condemnation plan `T ��� X Parcel sl<etches r� ' x Land data Commissioner o Finance Euildin� sketches — — _ _. Euilding data B ' d x Miscellaneous data a t' Engineer x Ownership transfer information , APPROVED: Acce ted; � P � v �t_ � l<� /:e-_ ti,n,, /-� APP aiser at Comptroller gy. ��3�''-�,-c,-1�`r l'.�.� , --� . � ! � �� CIiY OF SAINT PAUL APPRAISAG ASSI�NMENT N0. 13$-B VALUATION BLicEAU 286 CITY HALL DATE: April 12, 1971 ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 Fin. Dept. File No. 17525 � John J. Kenna Pz'o�eCt: Lafayette Road Opening, E. 7th Commerce B�aild-ing St. Pa,ul, Minnesota j51C�_ tc Grove Street Authority;C.F.No,253746 a �roved t'�nr.?_2, 1971 YIR Fund Code U00, to be Dear Sir: Fund: reimbursed fr�m 1971 MSA F�ands ___ You are hereby requested to make appraisals of certain parcels of real estate in fihe above referenced project 'located on Lafayette Road between E. �ev�rr�h St.r��et and Grove Street.Z said parcels being designated as follows: Parcel,s No. 1, 2, and 3 On or before ,Tune l, , 19 71 , you will furnish the Valuation Bureau of the �ity of Saint Paul, � _eopies of your appraisal report for each of the above listed p�rcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with the City of Sa�nt Paul Valuation Bureau appraisal specifications, a copy of which is attacr�zi hereto. tailure to provide documentation in accordance with these specificat-ior.s will re�uire resubmittal to the appraiser for further support at no additional cost to the City of Saint Paul. On receipt of your itemized invaices in duplicate and satisfaetory eompletion of fihis assignment you will be paid the sum of One Thousand Ei�ht Hundred Dollars ($�OO.OU ) . or on the following basis: A Upon your written request after personal ir►vestigation of properties to be appraised the City will consider adjus�tment of fees fio be paid. In the event that before completion of this assignment, the City determines that such appraisals are not required, payment will be made on a proportion- ate ratio of the foregoing basis. In the event that a cowrt proceeding may develop involving any parcel of the assignr:�ent, it will be required that you support your appraisal in such proceeding. Enclosures: � x Legal descriptions Yo very truly X Right-of-Way or condemnation plan - X Parcel sicetches X Land data Cort�n ssioner o Finance Euilding sketehes _ Euilding data B • � ` d'u-ti�---- X Miscellaneous data Valu ion Engineer x Ownership transfer informat3on APPROVED: Accepted; ,� L G� i`'1� K�-,�,�,� A prais te Comptroller gy. G�',���-�.�.L��` • � _ } �,.. .,,' ,r - _ .�.