253714 � F��� 1 .L�2 ORIGINAL TO GTY CLBRK � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LzcExsE Cor�z�r� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��, PRESENTED BY. � � r t, � ATF April 15� 1.97�. COMMISSIONE RESOLVID: That application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License issued �Co the Sheroc Corporation as "Inactive" to Patrick M. McGibbon at �proximately 1314 West Larpen�eur Avenue ( a new location to be �onstructed) and his application for Sunday-On-Sale Liquor, Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigaxette license� for the samc location, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within "�days of this date said applican� sha11 comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police� and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Legislative Code and all other applicable ordin�ces and laws. APR 2 2197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Naya sut�er �P� 2 Z 19�� Caxlson A � 19� Levine Favor _ l�R_�__J:LL "'Z7I'C�CQ2T.� Sprafka J or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, M�ca�y APR 2 4-)971 PUBLISAED � , . CITY OF SA�NT PAUL °�s'37� , Capital of Minnesota . c� /� y- 21-� � eLJe artrnevct o u��C'c �a et � p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIRS PROTECTION ��CB DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPH G.AtERRILI.,Deyaty Commissiw►er DANIEL P.McLAUGHLiN,Lfeen�s Inspeetor April 15� 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Patrick M. McG3.bbon is joined by SheEOC Corporation in making application for the transfer of On S ale Liquor Lice•rise No. 7957, expiring January 31, 1972, from the present licensee� Sheroc Corporation as "Inactive", to Patrick M. rlcGibbon at a -- new location� approximately 1314 West Laxpenteur Avenue, on the South side of the street between Huron Street and Hamline Avenue. Mr. McGibbon also makes application for Sunda,y-On- Sa1e Liquor� Restaurant� On and Off Sale M�,lt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for the same location. This is vacant property and Mr. McGibbon plan.s on constructing a new building thereon. There are no 3.2 places within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor �,s well as Off Sale Liquor establishm�nt are eaeh about half a mile away. The nearest church is two blocks and the nearest school is about a mile away. Mr. McGibbon was in the insuran.ce business with the Travelers Ins. Co. from April 1966 to September 1g67, and with the American National Ins. Co. to �arch 1969. Currently he is a bartender at the Parkside Lounge, 1181 Clarence Street. Very truly yours, Qh`` ' - . , Zicense Inspector . J' _a .�-/ � �G r � e ' • CITY OF .SAIN'.P PAUI, � • DEP,ART�ENT OF PUBLIC S�AF'ETY • LICENSE DNISIO'N � • I��e ��/�/.� �.� 19� .,.,,.,,.. 1. �,ppliaation for � - �.L;: •�l'W C/� Lioenee � 2. Name of appliaaat , °' �� v,� ('/4��3�uXt�i�J'1��/3/y!!�' .�9�Nr,����N�? �,/,�►,� a � .... - 3. Busines� addre s esidence �'(/��c���� ��,�/�t! ,.�ivfp 4, Trsde name, if �ny 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stam� l�tx�il Liquor Federal Ta� Stam��_�].11 be udec�. 6. f�i what floor locsated �� Number oP roams used . , � __,...,. 7. Betvneen��i�ro$a �e� �'�' ��'�v'� iNh9.eh eide of street ,JUt{ T/'"f -- , ... 8. Are premises now oaoupied 1�0 9yha� business How iong 9. Ara premisea no�r ur�,00cupied�oz,r long vaeant��fC�NT' L.�'Prev�ious Uee 10. Are �rau e� new o�na.er`7��"Have you been in a aimilar bu�iuess before �V Whe re �Iihen lI. Are you going to operate tk�is business peraonally ,�_� � ` Zf not, vdlo will operate it 12, Are yDU in any other buszness at the present ti.ma /�-�✓O 13. Have there besn any comp].aints against your operation of this type aF p].aca �0 �fihen 'Nfhere 14. Iiave you ever had any lioense revoked ND� 1Phat rea�on and date 15. Are you a citizsn of the United Ststes�Native ,� Naturalized .�...�...._.. 16. 1Nhe re vu�re you b orn_ae� .LZl!l���L_�__�_D�te of bi r'th /�..�`'a�� " �� 17, I am msrried. My w'ife 's) husband's) name and address ia .._ � ,� � � G� ' �.��`d,t.�'�",���,�1 �� G�'�LC���Ul,�= /����u 18. (If married fem�►le� my �iden name is 19. �ow long have you lived ia St. Paul � c.�,� �_.7,..__., .... ,,.,, 20. Hsve you ever bsen arrested_!��Niu3.atian of' what oriminal la� or ordinanos ...._..,.,. 21. Are you a xegistered voter in the City of St. P�ul Yes yi''� No. (Anewer fu11 and aam letel . These a 13cations are thorou hl ohecked axttd an lsification wi11 be cause for denia . (OVt"'p) 22. Number of 3.2 pl.�ces within t�vo blocks + ���5 . ' 23. Closest intoxicating liquor p7aQe. On Sale� /�'j/L� ±4f'f Sale � �v.�1u-�Q� Lci.—f1�rlfficJN , ( , . 24. Nea re s� Church ea res t Scho ol'��i'<'�',���q }��y ,� ��� 25. Number oP booths Tables C}�airg Stools 26. 1Nhat ocaupation have vou folYowed for the past five years, (Give names of employers and dates so employed.) �i�lf��5�/� �uu�/e�r ' � �/s1�. ��' �� ,��'..4",��U 7. r�u.r�j,u�+� A�yc�k'��:`�l,v �t19%���,v,�'� /�t�,� • J / �i4A�."�""" i"�t' v�t��.S /,u�s . t�u 27, Give names and addresses of two �raons, residents of St, Paul, Minn., �o c�an give information cancerning you. Ns.me\,,��/� �. �.t1�,/�� Add re s s ��D g _ /►'`/. �iQLi�. ��, _,,....,_ Nam���/J� /`/. f�G�,e��E�..�q� ,Address���/ ���.t`�iL�:"CcIU�/� At�C , _� �. . igna ture o A iean State of B�innesota� ss Coun-ty of Ramsey ) �„�y�,ir� , -� ��_q,Q„�1 being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon aa at he has rea i'Fe foregoing statement bearing his signature and knavirs the eon�tents thereof, and that the same is true of his o�sm kn.owledge eacept aa to those matters therein sLated upon information and belief and as to those �tters he bela_e�es them to be �x°,�a. _�____._____` -� C. � !�• ,, •� ;� �' �� igna�ure of AppliQant Subscribed anc� sworn. to forer me �/� this 7 da of � 19 7� NOt&Y'Sr p l�Cy RE�,Il1S6�t COLiTi��ra Mlriri@3o�& ANTHONY A. DANNPi Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minrl, M� C i8S� xi expiz'9s My Commission Expires Jan.Z.197� (Notea These statement forms are in duplicate. Both copias mus� be fu11y filled out, no-tarized, and returned to the License Division.�� April 14 , 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council ' Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention: Mr. Dlfh McLaughlin . . ,. . . . License Insoector . .. Re: Request for Liauor License Transfer - Patrick t^cGibbon . . . . .Gentlemen. ' .. . . . . . . . • mhe unders�gned, Patrick ?�cGibbon, resoectfully requests th� a�r�roval of a transfer of an on-sale liquor license to hi:nself , individually, fron the Sheroc Corporation. The undersianed is vurchasing the said license from the Sheroc Cor�oration with the intent to use the said license on the lar_d known as 1314 West Larpenteur Avenue. Thank you for your consideration to this reauest. _ ...V ry truly yours, �� .�. , �;�' ��_ a �,���J��� ���-�.�- PATRICK McGIBBON � April 14 , 1971 Honorable Mayor and City Council Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 , Attention: P�[r. D�n McLaughlin License Inspector Re: Request for Liquor License Transfer - Patrick McGibbon Gentlemen: The undersigned, Patrick McGibbon, reRuests approval of a transfer of an on-sale liquor license to 1314 Larpenteur Avenue, the legal description being: Lots one (1) , two (2) and three (3) , Block three (3) , Chelsea Heights , accordinq to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Your prompt attention to this request is appreciated. Very truly yours �. /���c ����-- _ _, �;.�. . , . _. G c.-�<��� ,� PATRICK P�iCGIBBON • ' Y AFF�DAVYT BY APPLIC,1►NT ~ FflR � • R�TAIL BE�R �R I,IQ�IIflR LTCEIQSE � Rs: (r7N Sala �/ (✓e.�c� ,� License _-- ..r....._...._ ,�/ ,� � � Name of applicant �';�i,. �C`�� . � �j� `s Business address �/�,�'�'X�;x�f�/�,�i�"t� �'`.�/� %C,j. .�!:1;j�,���-".c/, 4=ss�' ��C. . Are you the sole �wner of this business?�� I£ not, is it a partnership? °"�- corporation? - , other? "` (?thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Name �() /l1 � Addre s s Hoqv If a corporation, give its name. "�""'"'"' Are you interested in any ro�ray in any other retail beer or liquor business? /�C� As sole avmer? "'�- PArtner? """" Stoal�h.older4 '� Qtherwise? (Through ioan oP money, atc. Explain� -�°-�-� Address of suoh business and nature of interest in same ---�'�'— ,-� ;;� �7 ,�'��'��-,'� . ignature o app �.Qaz� State �f Minne s ota) �ss G ounty of Ramsey � ��/ �(/� /� N �i9 I �( � /� /-/ f / � CC��3��being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoin�; affidavit bearing his signature an.d kn.ows the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his ovm lrn.avrledge, except as to those ma�ters therein stated upan information and belief and as to �hose �tters he believes them to be true. ,� �� ' j lgnature f applicant 3ubsar'be and sworn before me th' � y of - IZ/ �- 197� .r_..._____� Notary ub ic, ey Coutity, inneso�a ANTHONY A. DAPJNA My a i ion expi2'es 19 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn: My Commission Expires Jan.7, 1976 � STATE OF D��lIJNESOTA � � S3 • CUUNTY OF RAMSEY ���` � .1 bein Pirat dul a�rorn dflth de ose ,/� /�r /� l ,G�iz��l�=�--,�.�,�L"L.=:.L:�1.C....�'G�.dL g Y s P and say that he makea this affidavit in Qons�eat�on w ith appliQation �or "� Sals" l:iquor license (" 9ale" m�lt beverage lioense� in the City of Saint Paul, Minneso�a; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for �� . ,� , years: ��.,,�4� inon�hs, and is now and ha s bsen f or the time ab ov�e ment ioned a b ona Pide ree ident of said State and that .he nc�a re side s at 1���- �,�- - ��_ ,�l.�! ' +"�� .�.� �LJ �'�i r �QQQI'8 8 8 1 �.1 - � ��Y1Y1980'�&� '�.�y or own �� - ,.,'...� � f / Subscribed and sworn to befc►re ma i l y� `— aay of � 2 , c� Zs� / � Notary b ic, Ram�ey County, Mi�neaota A�•�TFiONY .A. DANNA Notary Pubiic, Ramsvy County, Minn� M�' C 910ri @7cp12'A8 � Mv Commissior Expires Jan. 7, 1976 AFFIDAVIT FOR SUNDA3F LI�Q(JQR LICENSE APPLICATION � � / Name �J J ti�'!�" � �� 'G,7/�l,�l.�� ... , / � Residence Address/� ('C1�f/+Pf� ���/.' Gt`��G�=k��r/i,F' , / ��� -- - _ __ f�("/i Licensee .�,�i�/( � � �'� �'`'/ �ii��"'�U�.% Address of Bnsines�i���,�0 C,b��'i�/i�)/,�j� �J. �fl•��f� /�L//`�� �. . I hereby apply for a Special Sunday Liquor License. I have a Restaurant - Hotel (cross out one) license with seating capacity €or people..-----�.� w� .� C, Signed � `� ..il',,Gj�L'�' State of Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) /�r�T2/�Y �• /-/ e �1 B 13 L� being first duly sworn� deposes and says npon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and'knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his own knowled�e� except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. r / �! .( ��/ .`� • Signature of applicant Sub cribe �nd ssvorn o before me t da of / L 19 -7 / Notary bl c� Ramsey Countyi A9innesota ANTHONY A. DANNA My co ' sion expires 19 Notary Pubfic, Ramsey County, Minn. M�r Gommission Expires Jan. 7, 1976 St. Paul, biinneso� April 15, 1971 Patrick M. McGibbon 1314 w. Larpenteur Ave. (approx) To the Appliaants Y�ur application �'or licenses has bsen infornally approved by the L3.aense Committse and �he City Council. This favorable action meana that you na y naw ccu�nplete nego�iatioris for transfer of title to property and procaed with improvements you may have i.n mind, You ahould now go �o the City Clerk's Off ice, 386 Court House, and pay the feea required for licenaes listed belova, You will reeeive a blue receipt, which you must bri.ng to the I,icenae In�pector�s Office, 202 Publio Safety �uilding. The licenses wi1�. be granted by the Ci�Gy Coun.c3.], when alI requirementa of the Paliae, Fire ax� Hsalth �nspectors have been me�. L�CENSE CU�TTTEE 2nd Half On Sale Liquor 875.00 (due before trfr fr. Sheroc Corperation) Tr r. Fee On a e Liquc� . Sunday On Sale Liquor 200.00 Resta urant 4.5.00 � �Z� �Y'� 150.00 **��*� To be included if desired �ff Sale �lt � 5.00 **��*- To be included if desir�d C igarette �2.00 Total � Total depends on who pays seeond half �hat is due on the liquor license. N.B. If you are applying for R�alt B�v+erage licensea, please read carefully the "Regulations Governing the �ale of �3n. and Dff Sa1a 3.2 Ma1t Beverage" which have been handed to you. Violations of any of the regulationa vvi.11 be csause for revocation 'of all o� �rour licen.ses. 7-23-69 , , •-� ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �^ � ' Capital of Minneaots � _ �s3 ��y ' � �e a�t�e�t o cc�lic �a et � �,►,L, � p � �� . POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner `���� POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,DeDUty Commissioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Llcenee Inspector November 4� 1969 Honorable A�ayor and City Council Saint Paul� Minnesota Gentlemen: Tne Sheroc Corporation having negotiated an agreement with the Port Authority� plan to construct and operate a hotel�motel establishment adjacent to the Plato Boulevard exit to the Lafayet+e Freeway. This construction and operation is subject to the approval of the City Council to securing an on sale liquor license in connection with all other needed licenses to operate this type of business. ThereFore� the Sheroc Corporation is joined by J. V. Toohey in making applica.tion for the transfer, pending the approval of the establishment of a liquor business at this location, from J. V. Toohey as " Inactive " (formerly active at 400 Auditorium Street� to the Sheroc Corporation on Plato Boulevard, which exact address is unknown at this time. They also make application for the other miscellaneous lice7ses r.eeded, such as Hotel, Sunday-On-Sale-Liquor, Restaurant, Tavern� On and Off Sale Malt Beverage� Confectionery, and Cigarette Licenses. The officers of the corporat�io�a,�e Cortland J. Silver, President; and John Amy� Secretary. There are�ne�'stockholders at this time inasmuch as the stock is f-�M^�-�. offered����i�, �=� ' Except for a 3.2 establishment at the Holman Airport which is also located in the Industrial Park Area, there is no other such establishment, nor On or Off Sale I,iquor Business� nor church or school, within a �ile of tl�is location. Both Mr. Silver and Mr. Amy axe local business men. Very truly yours, a��p �C . , License Inspector __ � `.., 1?l�` �. � {; `� � � � � ' ss _,- ' ' . . Augu.-t 20, 1:�6J Si�ez�oc Corp. C. J. ;�ilver, Prec-idE�nt '7��8 Uouth Mi�sir�ippi River Boulov�.rd S�zint F�t:I, Minnetiota �ear Mr. Siiver: I nereby offer to sell you all of m�� interes� in and to the liquor license �iot�� locat�-d at �00 Audi�orium Street, St. Pa.ul, Minrieso�a, for the sum o� �,30, �00. Said :;�30, 000 to be �wid �4, 000 in cash and �26, 000 on a �rorr�istiory r�ct,e in accordance with terms ^atisfactory to bot'r� ot u� and tc �he �ur�z7;�it �;a�ional Bar�k to which I am indebted in thiti amotznt. �'oa tihall pr�m�tl,y m�e a.pplication for the tran;:ler of thi:- l:cen�e and in th� event trat the City Co�r: cil of tne Cit� of Sc. Paul, for ��aiy reason, ��fuses to trar.tifer �aid licen�e �o the Sheroc Corp., a,i your option, you may c�,ncel thi� agr�ement and any amoUnts pa,id �o you wili be refund�d. P�ease indicate your acceptarice of this o�fer on tr:e place pr. ovided for below. Re�pectf�:lly submitted, �. (��- ��`�!',/�',''i , �. V. Toohey % .?ccepted by: :h S:�ER�}; CG�;P. l// �� (/� � ' !�y c*'��'"��.. _�C �r-� C. �. Sil e , Presider� � - _ �,,.�,-�.�.�..;,.�,�..,.::�. � �,.�, � . � September 18, 1969 ifayor and City �ouncil City of S�. Paul Court House ' St. Paul, l�/Iinnesota Honorable Ger�tlemen: I hereby request that you transfer the liquor license held by me to the Sheroc Corporation. My Iicense is now inactive but it was formerly located at 400 Auditorium Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. . V. Toohey . , , � - � � ; • � September 23, 1969 , � . � � Mayor and City Council � City of St. Paul . � St. Paul, Minnesota � ; Attention: License Inspector I Leax Sir�: � Enclowed please find application forms executed by myself and J'ohn Amy as Pre�ident and Secretary of Sheroc Corporation for the transfer of a liquor license from J. V. Toohey to Sheroc Corporation. a ', � This is to advise that myself as President and John Amy a� Secretary are authorized to act on behalf of the other officers and directors and the share- j holders of Sheroc Corporation in causing this transfer to be made. � ,I Sheroc Corporation is a duly organized Minnesota corporation and ha� more ! than I, 000 stockholders. It� principal business is the operation of hotels �, and bu�iness in connection therewith. 'Sheroc Co-rporation now operates the Sheraton Hotel in Rochester and owns a liquor licen�e and operates it on the hotel property. Sheroc Corporation has negotiated a lease with the St. Paul Port Authority to build a hotel on the port authority property and, in particular, on their property located on the northwest corner of Plato and Lafayette Streets. `The lease between the St. Paul Port Authority and ourselves has not yet been executed but we expect it to be in a few days. We expect to build a 175 room hotel on thi� property and hope to operate a liquor license in connection with the sale of food and liquor for hotel guests and others. This licen�e will not be in operation for approximately one and or�e-half years because this i� the length of time that I anticipate that it will take to build the hotel and get it into operation. At the time that the hotel is constructed and we commence business, I can assure you that the liquor busine�s will be under the jurisdiction of a qualified manager and, of course, myself and Mr. Amy will be the responsible officers of the corpor- ation insofar as the license is concerr�ed. I respectfully request that you favorably consider this application for ', transfer. ' Respectfully, ', � i SHEROC CORPOR TION I , , , G"l�C�l'_ �,t� !2� ' � - C. J. Silver, Presi ent � ♦ � � • . y} T k ' Cp i r � . i � PORT AUTN06iiTY OF T6�3�: CtTY OF 8�Alc'�T Pd1l�L 1130 MINNESOTA BUILDING, 4TH AND CEDAR, SAINT PAUL, MINN. 55101, PHONE (612) 224•5686 October 14, 1969 � 1�1r. Daniel P. MeLaughlin Licer.se Inspector Room 202 Public Safety Building � 101 E. lOth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: Sheroc Corporation � Dear Mr. MeLaughlin: � a The above Corporarion has negotiated an agreem�nt to erect � ¢ a hotel and operate a 'iquor license on Port Authority land � l oc a te d a t t h e N o r t h w e s t c o r n e r o f P l a t o B o u l e v a r d a n d L a f a y e t t e � Freeway. Address is unknown at this time. � i There are no taxes either personal or real due and payable � on this property inasmuch as it is now owned by the Port Auth- � ority. � � i The Sheroc Corporation does have au�horization from fihe � Port Authorit�� to erect a motel and operate a liquor license ' I on this property. � � � � � � � � �;�,��i�dt� ;�, Yours truly, . � ` � � s��� �;, '">�.� �✓ �,'�' 7a � /� y �. , ' ,, � , �»'�^-�� � �I � , � � . , ��� `J��t/ �� 4. � ��: � ��t,y����;,-�, ��; �' Frank D. Marzitell � �i-. '''Nf�, �!�/y � ' ' Executive Vice r sident � � � u,��„ ,�� ^��� "Af.�� � l.. � �`'•��,fJC'�� .�'`�,� � cc: Joe Dudley � � � F FRANK D. MARZITELLI EUG6NE A. KRAUT FRANK E. CLAWSON FNANCIS D. HAGEN J E%ECUTIVE VICE VR6LIDENT Ai515TANT 6RHCUTIV6 VICH VN681D6N7 • DIRECTOR. INDULTNIAL DiViLO►MiNT CHiEF ENGINEER � COMMISSIONERf � RICMARD G. RIIDMAN LOUIS H. M6YfiRS GERIILO J. ISAAC9 H. WILLIAM BLAKE ROBfiRT F. PET6NSON HAROLD L. RUTCMICK VICTOR J•T6DfiiC0 PRESIDENT VIC6/NCSIDHNT SEGRE7ARY TREASURER ��� � LEGI9LATIVE ADVIiORB JOHN TRACY ANDERSON. &TAT6 SQNATOR RICHApD RICMIri� STAT6 RiPRfi86NTATIV6 �` % 1; f . , ' • • ' • � CITY �F SAINT PAtiL � • DEPART�NT �' PU$LIC SAFETY • LICENSE DNISICfit ' . Date Sept. 18 19 69 - 1. Applioati:oct� �ur (���,1P" T''=unr T,i cen� . . Liaen�e Sheroc Corporation, Cortland J. Silver 2. Na� oP applioan�t — �R�S 3. Business addrea e 2170 Lower St. Dennis Road ��N��i✓E � .� -A'UO�cSt�v/v�iww�✓ - 4. Trade x�ame, if nny no 5. Retail Beer Federal Taa Stamp Retail i�iquor F'ederal Tax Stamp�ill be used, 6. i� �ht►� floor located ��t and 2nd floor ��er of r000ns used'�: �nown at this time _ _ _ _ L _ � �. Between �at aros� etreets PlatO and Laf 1����� side of street northwest corger 8. ,Are premieee now oaoupiadno 1Phat businesa Hv�r long . . _ .,,....__ port authority property 9. #re prem:iaes now unooaupied_��ow long Qacant Frevioua use 10, �ra you a new awner yeS Have you been ixt a si.mi.7.�ar buaine�s before yes , i�hera Rochester �en still there - Sheraton Hotel 11. Are you going to operate thia businesa personally yes, I wil.l supervise I� not, �rho �i11 operete it �. rP,,,qi nn�i hl P m a.na.�r , 12. ,Rx�e you in any other buaineas at the present ti�us yes - real estate and iewelry 13. Have there been any Qomplaints againat your oparstion of this type af plaae no 1�'her� lMhere 1�. II�ve you ev�r had a�r licanse revok�ed n� Rhat reason and date 15. 11re you a ai�izen of the United Statea Ye�ativ� Ye� l�at�ralized �._._... _ . _ .._.,....._..._ 16. 11Riere �rere qou born St. Paul Date of birth JuTv 1918 . _ ... 17. I �rried. My (wife's) (husbandtej name and addreas is__ __ Lorraine Silver - 2170 Lower St. Dennis Road I8. (If married fem�le) n�y maiden nams is Lorraine 19. Hv�r long have you lived in 3�. Paul all mV life 2�, Hsv�s you ev�ar been. arreated no Yiolation oP w}aat criminal law or urdinanoe�� 21, Are qou a regiatered voter in the City of 3t. Paul � Yea No, (Ana�r fu1�.y an+d Qompletely� Theae a �licsation� ere thorou hl checlaad and an falsifiQation �r3.11 be cauae for enialo- . . � � �2. Nwaber oP 3.2 p7aoes �rithin t9ro blooka - 23. Cloaeat intoaciosting liquor placse. OZi Sale �£f S�le . � 24. Neareat Churah Nearest 3chool 25. Ncmiber of b�othe T�blea Chairs S`tools 26. What oocupation. ha�e you followed for the paet five q�sars. (Giae namea of emplcy�er� and dates so employed.) corporate executive _ 27. Giv�e� ae�mes ancl addreasee of two paraons, reaidenta of 3tb A�lil� �Yi11e� who Qan giv�e information ooncerning youp Name Judqe Edward L,evitt Addrsas Federal Court Rui_ ing; �t. p�.u1 Joseph J Ludley First National Bank Building, St. Paul Name �ddre 3i�na�ure oP pp ic n 3tate of Minr�asota� �as C rnznty of Rsmaey Cortland J. Silver being fir�t duly s9r�rn, depoaea and say� upon oath t t he ha�r read the oregoing statement bearing hie aignature and l�avrs the oon�enta thereoP, and tha� the eams is �i�ue- of his a�rn ]rnorvledge except aa to thoee me►ttera therein a�ated upom. inforn�tion and belief and as �o thoae matters he believ�sa them to be true. , �..� . ignature of Applie b�.ibsaribed arxi �w�orn to before aee ' this day of - 19� N b ic, a uurity� , ota �y C cm�ni s s i on � ''1�9�Sf PH 9: flu�.�r � m� � _�ni_ : . �, . '��e9r9 � `IOfv C,�Ommis�on E��?ir�s Nov. 16, 1974. (Notai Theae s'G� man forms are in duplicate. �Both Qopies must be ful�y filled outa notarized, and raturned to the License Diviaiono�� AFb'IDAV IT V B Y APPL ICANT ' . - ' � FUR � � RETA,IL BEER OR LI LUOR L:ICETdSE ' • Re s �Sale �L���R, �icense ' Cortland J. Silver Pla�ze of applicant ��� __ �us�ness add�ess 74z� South Missi�w ippi River Boulevard A�e ?rou tiie sole rn•rner of this businoss? n� If riot9 is it a partnership? corporation? _ ye�__�_ _______._____.__.__� other� _____......_ _____ __._._�.._ Others interested in business, include those b�r loan of mone;T, proparty or otherwisea r,�� C J Silver Address 8 S. Mi�tiitisippi River ��u,�levard President John Amey 748 S Missititiippi River Boulevard Cecretary-treau�rer Thi� i� a�ublic corporation v�ith over 1, 000 tit c older� If a c orporation, give its name Sheroc Corporation Are �ou interested in any vray in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? ye� As sole rnmer? P�rtner? Stockholder? Vee _ � � � I am an officer of Sheroc Corpora,tion 4ther°vrise? (Throu�h loan of' nmoney, etce Explain� which operateti a hotel and liquor license at Roche�ter, 1VlinneCota Address of such business and nature of interest in same Sheraton Hotel, RocheCter, Minnesota, officer and stockholder Signature f ap licant C, J llver State of 1?innesota� )as C ounty of Ra�sey � C J Silver being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the fore�;oing affidavit bearing his signature and lmovas the contents there of; that the same is true of his own lmowledge, except as to those matters therein stated upon inforriation and belief and as to those matt s he believas them to be true. Sig;nat e of applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this__,�___day of 19�� .,.... . r�.._., ._... .. ...,,�-,. / � �:�� .,� l � ublic, ey County, aIi es�ta , , - ��1 C%� i . . _. . .. , ti�i'�r, �4y coirunission expires 19 ' STATE flF I±?IT���Z��SOTA) ' � SS GQUNTY OF R�1r,7SEY � C. J Silver bein� first duly sworn, doth depose and sa jT that he mr�ke s this aii'idavit in connection with applica�ion f or " on Sale" liruor license (" Sale" malt Uevora�;e license� in the �ity of Saint Paul, �"innesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of b�iinnesota and has resided therein f'or 50 years,, months,� and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide rssident of said State and that he now resides at 2170 Lower St. L�ennis Road � Addres s St. Paul , p�iinnes ota, City or Toz�vn ' C. J Silver Subscribed and sworn to before me this�_da J of (/� 19� r;% Public, sey County ,iru�esota R'y c�rrm-Lission expires ��_ �� � :; , !k�Qt�ir�,��,_�i11ic., �� , � '�'�7y Cofrs��._ , ``.�,� . � , ��� ,. ✓ � . . ' � CITY �7F SAINT PAUL � . DEPARTMENT �' PUBLIC SAFSTY . ZICENSE DNTSTtri�T ��e Sept. 18 19 69 _____,�_ 1. Applioati,an Por On Sale Liquor - LiQense � � 2, � of �ppliaant John Am Secretar of Sheroc Cor oration 748 S. Mississippi Rivef� Blvd. 214 Margaret, St. Paul, Minn. 3. Buainesa address Residenae 4. 2rsde x�ame, 3,i' az�q no 5. Retai7. Beer Federal Tax 3tam.p n� Retail Ia.quor Federal Te►x $tamp �ill be uaed, 6• t� �rhat flcor looated 1 st and 2nd �i e�of rocans used� Plato and L northwest corner ?, Betw�een what crosa etraets 1�hioh side of etree� . __ . _. no� - or utl�orit property 8. ,Are premiaes noar ocscupied �a� �usinea� Hrnr long ..,......._ _.. _ __ . . 9. �Are premiaes nvw unocaupiedyeS Haw long 4a0$21't FI'A4].OUB Li§A . ��.. .. .. _ _ _ _ 10, Are you a nevr owner yes Hr�ve you been in a simi].�r bu�iness before yes �.... 'I�here Rnc�hP;,,,�tPr� A.,/f;i�lY]P�i2tc`L TRhen �ti�lfl'.lPS.f: - .��p.Lr�t�n Nnt .1 11. Are yott gcing to operate �hi�a buainess personally no �f not, �rhu ,�a.].1 opex�e�te it a responsible manager 12. Are you in any other business at the present time ey s - acCOUntant for Silver Enter- _ . .. _ �. ---�-.� prises 1�. Aave there been any Qomplaints against your opsration of thi$ �ype of place No Nhen N� iRhere - - - .,. 14. B�ve you ev�ar had ar�y lioens� revok3sd N� lfhat reason and date 15, Are you a Qitiaen of tha United States�Rativ�e y�� Nat�ralized 16. Ahe� ,eare you bQrn B�'on, Wisconsin �,�� o�, b��� December 17, 1�32 17. T am X marri�d. My (v�i.Pe'g) (huaband t s� name and �ddrea s is ��'lene Amy, 2148 Margaret, St. au , izu�eso a ______.__.�� ,,: 18. (If m�rried fezz�7,e) my maiden nams ia -����,��„ T T ;r�,,,in 19. Hov�r long have you lived in St. Paul Since 193,j� �0, Hav�e you ev�er been arre�ted n� Yiolation of what criminal lavr or c�rdinancse 21. Are you a regi�tered voter in �he Citry of St. Pau1 t,pC Yes No. (Ans�11� an,d aompl�etely: Th�se a �lioations are thorou h7. checked a�d an falaifiQatatan �r5.11 be caase for denial4 22, Nwaber of S.2 p]aaes within tevo blocka ' 23. Cl.o�eat imtoxicating liquor placse. On Sale �ff Sale , - 24. Neareat Churah Nearest Sehool 25. Number o� bvatha Tables Chaira Stoola 26. �Phat occupatian.'have pou Pollow�sd for the p�at five y9aarso (Give names of employ�ara and date� so employed.) Silver Enterprises - more than 5 years 27. Giv�ej �mea and addressea o� two persons, reaidenta of 3t„ Piaul, �.nnp, �rho Qan give i.nformation oonoerning youo N�me Judae Edwaxd Devitt eaare�$ F�dera.� r.o,�rt R,�;��;nn ,�t B�t�l �a� Joseph J. L�udley ,�dareas First National Bank Building, St. Paul Signa re of pp snt 3tate of Min.nesota� )ss C uunty of Ramaey ) John Amy _ lieing f'irst duly s�rorn., depoaes a�rxl say� upon oath t he haa rea the forego ng atatement bearing his aignature and k�aare the oantenta the�reof, and that�the esm� is �rue- of his own l�o�ledgs except as to tho�e matters therein stated upon infoz�mation and belieP and as �o thoae m�tters he believ�ea them ta be true. S'gn,ature of App ant Subsaribed and eWOrn to before me � this 'F � day of_� � 19 �'� — � ---�._ No b ia 9 ey ountY, , s.sota - :�QtSSEPN 9:DUDL'EY� Mintt�i .' . " yd,g►sey Count�7, � 1 G �7� : My C r �6�, _ ` Go"mmission E'Pre'�'�°��' � - (Nota� �� 1i eae st$�ement forms are iu dupliaate. �Both Qopies muat be fully filled outa nota�ized, and returned to the Lic�nse Divisiono�- • , AFFTDAVIT �BY APPZICArTT ,. k,bR .- � ' � � RETAIL BEER OR LI�U�R LICE1lTSE • �e$ (�/�sal�_ �/ �� �I(? __ _ Li�ense ' Na� of applicant T� n Am�; 748 South Mississippi River Boul evard, St. Paul, Minnesota �3aai.ne�� addresa �,.� yo�x the sale av�ar of �Ch3� bu�iness? n� o It nota is it a �Srtnerehip? �as��u:a�icrs4 Ye� Ps other? (Y�h��°� �.n��i°eeted in bcxsina��D �no�ude tY�ns� �� I�an rsf money„ prdperty or other�vis�8 r?a�A C J Silver �ddrea 8 748 So. Mississippi ��er Bo�re,e�'id-ent �. This ��� a public corporation with approximately 1, 000 sharesholder� I�' a c�orporation9 giv�e its x�� Sheroc Corporation A:�e y�u int�rest�d in ar�y x+�y in any other Retail Bee�° or I,iquor busineas? Ye� A� eOYe ���9 partner? _ _ Stockholder?�� . I am an officer of Sheroc Corporation pth���e? (Thro�zgki l�ari Af �noneyA e-�ca Explain� which operates a hotel an•d liquor license in Rochester, Minnesota. �ddress s�f' �uc� busines� arid natur� of interest in same Sheraton Hotel, Rochester, Minnesota, officer and stockholder gig�a e v apps.i��x� �oh Amey gti�t� c� a4inne�a�a� � ss C�sun�y oi° R�m�e�r John Ame� b�1n�; first dulv svvorn, deposes and says upon ��`i ' a e as rea�c �Yie forego ng affidavit bearing his signatuz°e and ]�n.ows th�a ;;ontent� thereofg th�at t�he same i� tx��:e of his o��ru �icwZadgeg except as to thabe� r�at�+��°� taherein ��a�ed upon infoz°u�tioaa and b�1�e� and �� ta thos� u��ters he� be° �z���� �he� to b� �s���n f . g .a ur� � app �.ca� ' Sub�'c�z°ibed �nd swor°�, �o b�fox°� � t°hi� day of �� U �9� , � �; iaP s��r Cduzb��a M eeo£a , �,�c. ����ion expir�s� - --- 5.9� r.. . ` e �� � , � STaTT C� MINNNESOTA ) ) �s C OUNTY OF RAl!.4SEY ) Tnhx�����T being firat duly sworn, doth depose and say that he mskea this affidavit in connection with application for ++ on �le" liquor licanse (" Sale" malt beverage liaense) i.n the City of Saint R�ul, biinnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the City of Saint paul e►nd has resided therein for �� years, months, and is now and has been for the ti� above mentioned a bona fide resident of said City and that he now resides at N0, 2148 Margaret Saint paul, Minnesota. ► , John Amey Subscribed a�nd sworn to before me this�day of 19� ar e amsey Coun y, I nneso a r:�r cammission expires � � JOSEPH J. p�1�?!_Ey � Ndf�hy F�l.ib!ic `t ,r.s� � c��;�.Y, h?inrr. � !e"y C: � ....., _ :� .. .. '�, � , �'� � \�� I f , � � � November 4, 1969 Hon. William E. Carlson, Co�sr. of Public Safety, 101 E. lOth. St., St. Paul, Minn. Attn: Mr. Daniel P. M�cLe�ughlin Deax Sir: The City Council today informally approved the application of the Sheroc Corporation, �oined by J. V. Toohey, for the transfer, pendin� the approval of the establishment of a liquor business at this location, fran J. V. Toohey as "Inactive" (formerly active at 400 Auditoriiun Street) to the Sheroc Corporati�n on Plato Blvd., the exact a.ddress unknawn at this time, as a hotel�motel establishment. ALSO the application for the other miscellaneous licenses needed, such as Hotel, Sunday-On-Sale-Liquor, Restaurant, T�vern, On and Off Sa1e Malt Beverage, Confectionery and Cigarette licenses. Will you please prepare the cwstomary resolutions? Very truly yours, City Clerk hp April 15� 1g72 �-Ion. �ean A�Seredi�th �.o�sr. oP Publ.ic Safety Publ3c �afe�;y Building �er�r ;�ir: Attent�,on« Nir. D�,niel P7cLau�,h].in _,��_..�...._..�. The �i�y Councii tod�y laid t�ver orfe t�ek to April �2nd the m�..t�e� c�i' the applica.tian for the trtulsfer o�' Un Sa1e Liq�or Licens� No. 7�57's e�irin� Jantls,ry 31� 1972� frt�w :�lier�c Carpc�ra�ion as "Inactive" to Patrick 2�i. McGibbon at a new loem�t�.on� ap�rt�x9.m�e►te3,y 131� W. Larpent�tar �.v�,� and application of Mre McGibbon �'ar Sunday-On-S�,I.e 3�iquor I,icen�e, Restauran�� On �nd ��f Sale Ma1t Bev!�r�g� �d Ci�arette Licenses for th�: sa�� location, Por r� public riBF,.�'�. Vet�S'' '��Y Y�ur s, �,� '� Ci'�y C1.erk n�; , �t'�� �,��� •s,i, „ -r"rl� '�,� , ; , -�-- - � � �i - z � . - i' )cy��`.�`.�1� r �' l $E Y�r � � � ._;.«� �.� r� � � � .:+� ..c a'• - � ;��,: �:_! �. �.,..,_�, �`�; " � �� � � ��� . � ;4��;, . ..f ;.f ��f ., , • ! t :�Y��, ��.I�� �? s '���� ��1 "e ':r `. �4 .. .�Y. �I I!�. ��