253697 �' � • ORIGf�1AL TO CITY CL6RK � � • CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E Nci� NO.��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL �SO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �`.,," � y COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota pertaining to the constructian of drain hole connecting to Trunk Highway I-35E storm drain tunnel on Pleasant Avenue in the City of Saint Paul, a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. �ORIV� f�OV D: Ass . rpora n n � � 211970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19— Y�s xaya APR 21 197� Butler Carlson / e _ 19— Levine �n Favor A4e�ectit�r—^-- Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��� APR 2 71�; �� .- , � . ' i?OAD DL�IGT1 P+iIil'Zu'��OT�: HIG?:��'AX ll_�Pl�_iT„��T AGI����,LNT I,O. COOP�:;r','1IVs:; COi?�i'?u'CTIOI�i '�,,.". ` 56784 x G:t�:�:,u,t1 r S.p. 62�30-123 (T.x. 35�=390) Fed. Proj. i�iinn. I 35�'-%-4 �91) 106 TTdDEX ITy�i ALI,OT. C�TR. FUl`dD AT,i0Ui1T LidCUi�:�. None� Agreement betvreen AI:i�T. �i�,'C�IV��3L:� Tne �tate o_c I�:innesota, Departrient of Hi�hti,�a.ys� and �1,32.4.54 Cit.y of St. Pav1 �3e: �onstruction of d.rain hole connecting to T.H. I-35� stor� dra.in Tunnel on Pleasant Ave. in St. Pau1 THIS AGR;:����li�I�T m�.de and entered into by and bet�veen the State of iy�irinesota� Depart- r�ent of Hi�;h�vays� hereina,�ter re�erred to as tYle '�State"' and the City of St. Pau1� .T,Iinnesota, acting by and throu� its City Council� hereinaiter referred to as the nCityn� `+'JITNESSETri: 1'r'IIL:-�r�S the State has a�va,rded a co.ltract1 designa.t�d by the State as Construction Contract No. 14098� to Lametti and Sons� Inc. for the construction of a 6-foot circular storm drain tunnel to carry future drainage irom Interstate TrunlL Highv,ra,y No. 35�� and to be located bet�veen Thompson S�reet at Pleasant Avenue and the connec- tion with the inplace storm drain tu.nnel on St. Peter Street at `�'ra,ter Street t�ahich construction is designa.ted as State Project TTo. 6280-123 (ToH. 35�=390) and in t7ie ,;�, � 56784 records oi the redez�.l iii�way �drni�ist:cation a� :�ir,n. Proj. I 35y-4 (91� 100; �rI�E � S the Caty has requested that the atate allow the City to dischar�e 1400 gallons per minute of air conditioning well ��rater (fro� St. Zukes fiospital� into the aforesaid stor�n d�in tunnel to be constructed under Stwte Project ��To. 6280-123; and the City also has requested that the State rna.ke the necessary arrangements �vith its contractor �'or said s�`�,ate project �o eanstruct an 8-inch cast iron pipes 66 feet lon�; drain hole connected to said stor,� drain tunnel to accoruaodate t.�e aforesaid discharge of wrell �rrater rvith the �ity paying to the State the fall cost of said drain hole con- struction; and �YHEi�� S the State has determined that the aforesaid storm drain tunnel has adeqv.�.te capacity to accommodate the said Gity�s discharge into the proposed F3-inch drain hole; and the State has deterr.�i.ned that by havin� the State�s contraetor perforia the cor.- struction of said drain hole it would facilitate the coordination of con�tructi�n � activities and would e�edite the supervision and construc%ion of the storrn drain tunnel and the drain hole. I T I S� TH:;P��::1+0:�.;� P+iUTUf�LL a' A Gr�EED A S FOLI,O�',"S: ARTICI� I - CONSTRUCTIOII BY THE STnT� The State shall supplement (Supplement No. 2� its �onstruction Contract �To. 14098 for State �roject No. 6280-123 (T.H. 35�-390) and cause its contractor. for said constructio:i contract to construct an 8-inch Cast Iron �'ipe (Class i5o) drain hole 66 ieet in length and connected to the aforesaid 6-�oot circular storm drain tunnel at x%ngineer Station _�_ .... . � 56?°4 Z06+65 (on Pleasant Avenue betv�.een She�..an utreet anc� ',yalnut �treet� as shoVm or.� the attached sl:etch marl:ed "uxhibit A". A?TICI,�, II - BASIS OF PAY�i�i�T �1' ifi� CITY Section A. Construction Costs The City shall pay to the �tate 100 �ercent of the cost of constructing the aioresaid drain hole to be performed in accordance wath Article I hereoi �rhic� Ca.ty cost share shall equal the to�tal agreed lump s�:.�-� amount o� the drain hole rvork item as set forth in the aforesaid Supplement �`To. 2 to the State's Construction Contract I'�o. 140�8 and includir�g the cost oi any additional suppler.�ental construction agreements vahicn may be necessary to complete the aforesaid construction� 'and the cost o� any settic- ments of clai.ms made v�ri.th the State�s con�ractor in connection �vith the aforesaid con- struction. It is underUtood that in order to be eligible for cost participation on the basis set forth in this agreernent� supplemental construction agree�ents �ust be approved by the �ity 1'n�ineer and settleMents ��ith the contr.actor �ust be approved by the City Attorney. Section B. ih�ineerin�; Costs In addition to payment oi said drain hole construction costs� the �ity shall also pay to the State a sum equal te 8 percent of the amount determined as tne City's co�z- . struction cost share?it being understood tha� said additional pay�ent by the City is the City�s proportionate share of construction engineering costs incurred by the State in connection therewith. ARTICI,�r, III - PAYI,::�N 1 3Y TH� CITY It is estima,teci that the City's cost of said d.rain hole construction �,nd said 8 per- _3_ ..t.` 567n4 cent share of construction engineerin� costs is the sum of �1,324.54. The City agrees to advance to the Com.�issioner of High�Fr�a.y� said sum of a1�324.54 forth�vith upon the execution of this agree�ent and upon receipt oi a request fro� the State for such payment. Upon the completion a,nd acceptance of the work provided for in said Supplenent ?�To. 2 to Construction Contract Vo. 14098 by the State and the preparation by the Sta.te of a final e�ti�ate cor�puting and deterriining the amount due the contractor perfor,aing the vrork' the Comnissianer of Highways shall deterciine and compute the ar�ount due the Trunk High�va.y fu��d of the State of iaTinnesota� hereunder fron the City. After the Co.mmissioner of Hi�tiaa.ys shall have determined as aforesaid the actual a.mount due fron the City� he shall appl�,r on the payment thereof as much as may be necessary of said sum of wl'324.54 paid by the City. If the ��ount found due frora the City shall be less than said stun of �1�324.54, then� and in that e�rent� the balance of said sum shall be returned to the City wi.thout interest. If the amount so founa aue from the City sha11 exceed the sum of a1,324.54! the City a�rees to p�omptly pay the State the difference bet��Teen the said amount found due and said sum of �1,324.54. It is further a�reed that the aforesaid computation and determina- tion by the Comr�issioner of Highv�a,ys o� the amount due from the City hereunder sha11 be fina.l9 binding and conclusive. It is further agreed tha.t the acceptance by the State of the said conpleted drain hole work provided for in said Supplenent No. 2 to the State's construction contract as aforesaid shall be finalr lainding and conclu- sive upon the City as to the satisfactory completion of said work. A��TICli�. IV - G'';I�T�i?lili Pi�OVISIONS Section A. Inspection The construction of the said drain hole to be perforned in accordance with Article I -�� "�� 56784 hereof shall be under the direction and supervision of the State. It is agree� how- ever� that the City shall have the right to inspect said drain hole construction �;�ork periodically during the progress of the �vork. Section ?�. Draira,�e Outlet iti�;hts The City shall have the continuing right to outlet� via the drain hole to be con- structed hereunder� the aforesaid discharge of air-conditioning v��ell ��ater from St. Lukes Hospital into the said storm drain tunnel iacilities to be constructed by the State for Interstate Trunk High«�ay 35=� dra,inage. It is agreed� however� that the City shall n�t oui;let discharge or drainw�e fro� any other source into said storm drain tunnel facilities �vithout �irst obtaining permission to do so from the State. Section C. ��iainten�,nce IL is understood and a�reed that upon the completion of the said drain hole to be con- structed hereunder� the City shall thereafter properly naintain and keep in �ood repair said drain hole facilities vrithout cost or erpense to the State. Section D. C1air�s The City indemni�'ies� saves and holds harnless the State and all os" its agents and employees of and fro� any and all clair�s� de�nds� actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or chara.eter arising out of or by reason o� the execution or performance of the ma.intenance «rork or services provided for herein� and �urther agrees �o defend at its o4m sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced �or. the purpose of assertin� any clai� of �zhatsoever character arisirig as a result of the maintnena.ce �rork or services to be performed hereunder by the Ci-ty. -5- L� 56784 It is further.agreed that any and all employees of the City and all other persons employed by the City in the per�'ormance of any �:ia.intenance v�ork or services rec�uired or provided for herein sh�,ll not be considered employees of the State and that any and all claims that ma.y or might arise under the ;'�'orknen's CoMpensation Act of the State of �?innesota on behalf oi said employees ��.�ile so engaged and any and all claims made by an.y third parties as a consequence of any act or omission. on the part of said City eriployees `vnile so engaged on any of the n�aintenance �rark or services pro- vided to be rendered herein by the City shall in no 4yay be the obliga.tion or respon- sibility of the State. ' Seetinn ��. Ilondiscri?:�ination � It is understood and agreed that the provisions of l�linnesota Statute 181.59 and ar�y �,pplicable local ordinance relating to Civil Rignts and discrimi.nation shall be con- sidered a part ofi this agreement as if fully set f'orth herein. ARTICI,� V - APPROVAI, � $efare this a�eement shall become binding and effective� it shall be approved b�r resolution of the City council of the City and shall also receive the approval of such State of�'icers aa the law ma.y provide in addition to the Connissioner of F�igh- ways. �� -G- ' S5784 IN i�S^tII;�O�JY �'r'fi�!�OF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. Countersigned: CITY OP ST. PAUL By By Ci ty Comptroller T�Zayor A s t: 3 CJ�!/�rc � tte y Coau�ission�r of Public `;:orks By City �lerk • (City �eal� Approved as to for�^i: By �. �"orporatio unci cr D�PAZTi��idl OF HIGH+i:�YS STAT:� 0� ,TaTIPTid?;aOTA Recommended for approval: � � � � BY �, , / Deputy Commi.ssioner oi High�aays � By C%'��^.:,(�� �. ,�_�-,... Road Desi�.��in�er , Date Date of �greement By Distriet yn�ineer Approved: By Co�imissioner of kdr,iinistration � Assistant Comrnissioner - Design and ��ight of '�`iay By Authorized Si�.nature Approved as to iorm and execu�ion: . Date By Special assistant Attorney General atate of Iviinnesota � _7_ ��..``'— , , ,. Ag-reement "�o. 56784 ' ' "�x.�7ibit �" . . . OT�1CiTl�t.r�00 `fL"'pC* ,!N����'•t L-g:l: i�7i:,i i� <...�..-�. ' ``` I � _ v. �*t Pt,�'vE .`{ �' W'�. N� wi PLnGf • . � 9 Y.':•^' ��t . .�'� � �� % r _�`-.^:�ti ` . . 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PAUL �Np� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIONER DA� R$SOLYSD� Tlt�tt t,�! pro��1� �iti� Off�4�a�n +�1�s 'l�ss"sb� a�th01'�sid saad distct�d to eata� i� �md e�o�uta� sn d�sie�at btt� t� Cit�r of Sal.nt Paul a�d tht St�ts ot Mi�rsvtat p��tini� to t.�u c�arostrc�e� �rf draim trol� co�tis� � T�r� �,�a�r I•3" atos� ds�tn tumc�el aba►► P1�araa� A� #,a th�e C3�y �f Saint Paa�., a capy of �rhict� �gra�awsi� �s stta�u�d I�t�c+t�o a�ad in�aor�+arat�d h�� bg rs�es�ct. A� 81 197:_# COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Conncil 19_ Y� xa� APR 21 197� . Buta� Carlaon � Approvt� 19.— �°�e Favor ...�ere�--,...� �� Spraflca �°r rodA�l'IAt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �6 � . � ���� � � � ��� / ` �--� � , �`; � " .�.� ti • ��'= e..c t_� � ' r*t °:'�e s �ii � �ti . �,� � . ^� . ., -a�+;°�^,3�,i�da`��ti..i� t����� ��E"�'���"� dF' �V1iNI�ESi�`i`,r'�. DEPAF2TMEP17 OF FiiGHWAYS 5T. PAUL, t�4lt�lN. 5510T iiay 18, :L9T1 T::r. �iarry- :%. i+:arshall City Clerk C1."tf OT :i�. �S.LLZ. C i t:y Iial l *�t. �a�.zl� I,iintzesoi;a 55102 . � �;`I"1'iv": :,�r. :�?icharc� �. ��ehnarr �ity :::Y�.�;ineer It.�. i epl�- ��e����r t�: 3�0 �oop. Go�:st. :.�;ree. =:o. 5ti7£�4 City oi :%t. ��.ul � 5.:�. E280-123 (�'.:�I. 3j�:�3g0� �.�'�d. Fro j. ,:ii?�1. � 35�-�� (91) 106 Const�^uct�.on o�' a drair_ hole Co?v�ec�t;in�; to `.�.r:. I-35� stor� drain `:unnel on Pleasant tive. in �t. Paul :�ear ::ir. i::arsnall: 1'ransraittec� herev�th are t�=ro caps.es (ona vritn ori;in.al si�a�tures and one �:er_ox reproduction� o�' �t;'ne �ully eyecuted subject a�;ree�ent bet��yeen this departTM:ent ana �the C�_-�y of St. �'au1 relative ta ��ze construc�ion by the :tate�s cori-tractor for State �'xoject ��:o. 62�30-12� (T._�. j5::-3^y0� oi an 8-iricn Cast Iron i'i.pe (Cl�ss 150) drain nole o6 �_eet in l�r.�;th co?�u3ec�;ed to t'r�e propo�ed 6-ioot ci:rcuJ.�.r s�co�; drain tunnel cn :�'leasant �iveraue bet;-;een �hei�.n iltreet and. 4+`wlnut Street x•E�quc;s�ed by the Gity. 'i'h:i� a�;ree:.��:rii �lso prov�des ior �tn� GitSr to pay to the State the zull cost o� said drain hole construetio.� baseci oi� �'c�e agreed luiup ;;ur:i araount o� the drain h�1e vrorlc item cont�incd in �upple:�Ent �:o. ?_ to t'rie �tat�ts constx•uc-tioi. contiact a�1d ir� accordance ��,�.th .�izticles TI aT1d IlI oi �ne agree�:ent. krtic�_e II7 0�' the agree:�ezit provi.des �or �he Ci�,y �o advance ta the Co�raissioner oi �Iig'.iti�ra,�rs t?1e sura o�' :N��324.54, the estiraal;ed drain hole constructi.on cost plus �� �ot�ni: e au;�.l �0 8 p8.r'C�11t ai said drain rol.e coiistruci;ion cost= forthy�zi;�� upon ' �he eYec,L�ticzz ai the a�;reer:�en-� �:nd upon r�cei}?u o� a request iro��1 the at:te ic�r such adti,�nce pa����ent. ��e �•�xll be invoicixz�; thc C:i.�;yT fcr tre a�ore�aid advance �a�.yment in a �er�r d��.ys a.nd it is Zeques�;e�. -'t1�a�i; .�aia p��::�e��t be maae accordir�;ly, r.i'110SL' CGi�1C'`a` O.�i �'i�ln � c�' 1-, . f'�- _i�. ��,g.ree�.�crit z�L�.y be re�<zi.n„u �oz 1;_,r. ..,.��� , use. � . ��ncer_ul 1 � � Y� �� (�,� -���� d. iiol'��;, � /� 1�S:il:.i�;�`�.'.7�; Cip:'•.iil].�.".1027vJ" _ I)r^.:�1.j>Xl c..12C� 1:1��''tl�i Oi `�r'r.�,Jr 7✓V rZ/�I 1 ' , � �I ��. —� � �,,,� . �� � � c.�I � FL� t. t, ��-'*�-�-�� ``__. � .J��� �j. 1-�• �-�i1Tlc`l-1L�:,' .,itll.ti !_,;?.'1..L 7Ii.-LilE;i?1" � I