253690 ORIGINAL�TO CITY CLBRK ������ ` CITY OF ST. PAUL �COENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT ��'+� �. BUTLER� COM. OF FINANC� �pTF COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 1,204,556.67 covering � ��1��- checks numbered 68135 to �'� inclusive, as per checks or pertinent listing of same on file in the office of the City Comptroller. j�ou McKenna City Comptroller � BY ���- �� APR a 0197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �►PR a o 197� Butler Carlson ove� 19— Le�ine �. Tn Favor Sprafka Mayor � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �' �� ��3s8s OR161NAL�TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 25369:� PRESENTED BY ROSALIE L: BUTLER, COM. 0!� F�AI� COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOLVED, That checks be drawn on the City Treasury, /, 7 7����. -�/ to the aggregate amount of $ , . , covering I��►�I'� checks numbered 67844 to � inclusive, as per checks or pertinent listing of same on file in the o�ice of the City Comptroller. Lou McKenna City Comptroller � By �is'-�/ APR �0197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas xays APR 2 0 1971 Butler Carlson � 19� Levine 1'v Tn Favor �'�' ,� Sprafka � yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � , MINU3'�S OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD Q� ZONING ' on Thursday, March 4, 1971, at 2:00 P,M� PRESENT: Mrs, Cochrane, Messrs. �mes, Benshoof, aad Maietta of the Board; and Messrse Brown and Rasetter, Mrs. Frantzen, and Miss Perkins of the staff. riIDWEST FEDERAI. SAVZNGS AND LC1AN ASSOCIATION: An application for a permit to install a 22-csr psrking lot and a drfve-Ln teller on property located on the northwest corner of North Snelling and University Avenues. T:r. Roset�er showed a site plan to the Board, and pointed out that a 24-foot driveway adjoining University Avenue is proposed by the plano However, the Traffic Engineer pref�ra a 26-foot driveway at the property line. Final glans should be submitted that show this 26- foot curb cut. Mr. Ames poiated out that 2 matters are reaLly before the Board--a ?2-car perking lot, and a drive-fn teller. Mr. Bro�an replied that ft is considered as one matter because with a 22-car parking lot, that would be an adminiatrative procedure and xsot cocasidered by the Zoning Board and City Councfl. Subject to revised plana showing a 26-foot driveway ia accordance with the Traffic Engineex's recommendation, Mre Ma3etta moved for approval of the application, The motion w�s s�conded by MKo Benshoof, �nd carried unanimously, Submitted by: Pau3 Lo Rosetter Robert L� Ames, Chaiarsnan -13- ROARD OF ZONING REPORT AND AC7'IOi' March 4, 19�11 . n.�u't �3ti ��?1 Acting unde�° Legislat3_ve Code Gilapter 60 thru 64 ��_ _. _��.- ' passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1.971, 7119 � __--_�..� ._.� " , ���;; Midwest Federal Savings and Loan L`�:ssociation � �., , � . _ �_ , ,,; ("__" �, - ,�;enc'.me�;t �..� a��e:�:L � �'er�it � ��t'.�er X-1016 � Insta11 a 22-car parkin; lot and �� ��� � a drive-in tel7.er � Northwest corner of Nor =h Snelling �nd University Avenues - . . . ... - ����i.�:�.� , Lots 25-28, Block 4, Brightwood Park Addition � r' ,.;' ', , ., ,.,'��;, Light Industry � "� > ; ��-i�.r����• C;�.�� ':'-ia��ero 60 �ECti.on: ,�3 F�ara�rann. � ��"?' : . ,�'��i �r�T� ���'�i f� : -���:�'a�� Dato� 2 25/71 �Y� ATB A. T�ISTnRY: None f-or this site. B. AREA ?ONING: The fronta;<;e along Universi y Avenue is zoned Light Industry. The soutt� sid� of Sherburne nvenue between Fr_ and Asburv Streets is almost entirely zoned Cor�anercial. The Snelling Avenue fr��ntage nortE� of UniversiYy Aver�ue is zoned Commercial. C. DF,SIGN STANDARDS: The plan meets tlie design standails for this type of facility. 'i't�e P 1an was sz�bmitted wi�.h the applicati��n ai�ter a u�reliminar�.� consult ition with the �'raffic Engineer. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The property has a frcntage alon�; Snelling Avenue o` 121.24 feet and along T;niversity Avenue of 174 fcet, resulting ?n an area of 2L,096 square feet. E. TRAFF-�C ENGINEFR: The 'Traffic Engineer h�s not submitted his report or recornnendations. Thi.s re�ort will be available on or about March 3, 1971. Prop�sed widening of Snelling Avenue and provisions 6'or right-turn lanes will be di5cussed by the Minnesota Highway Depr3rtment, the City Traffic Engineer, and t��e applicant at a meeting scheduled _or March 1 or 2, 1971. r. STTE �;ONDT_TIONS: The sit � is developed w� th Commerc ial structt�res. G. AREA �� ONDITIONS: The int �rsection of Sne ling and U �iversity Avenues has one of th � highest traffic vo�umes :An St. Pau7 . Both Sn �3ling Avenue and University Avenue have cc�ncrete medi•�n stri�s restricting turn novements along both avenues. �n t?,c, soixtheast corner o � this intersect�,�n i;; the °�.idway Shopping Center and a ciriv��-�in banlcing facilitye The area sur.rc�inding the intersection is developed comme•-cially. 9. IiOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Datede Moved by : Maietta Yeas Nays 3/30/71 x Ames - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Benshoof x �ochrene Hearing: P�1cPartlin 4/1/71 Secretary's remarks: x MaietCa M�nsur Coun il Actiono x Benshoof ooley Date: �'rifrel . i � , r _ _ o � , O QOUOO � � ----- / , , � , ', pU ��� � T I • � �o � � G i O ' � �EQMON �� I. � , � . � � _ _ • � � � g 8 _O � — ) Q���0 � CJ l: l..�i���Q � � Q � � I � _ �� L_. � � � � n `+-�--� -fi-- - - - - -- - -- __ - �i , ' I _ t • <� � ; ; , -; � � ; � � � o _o_ C ) Oi � CJ C� � `�-�I ►.� i �' � � I � � � � �Q � 0 H-� N.P. HOSPI TA I � � �.`) 7 -- 4�� 0� � ( � � � , HARLES � 2 IG , � �14 I1� I �3 --- - O � i9 ' L��� r ; � (�, (� � � --_°� _- � ¢ ol�� o 000000c . � 1' - E � r � I �� � , , , �' I - --- �; ♦ , � ���'', � i ' y_ -_ _ '� '� S/ ^r .... ..-� ' '_' _' f .;.. � � 1. 1-1 J_ ' � L T, ,, - - , `. -T-�- � -� r ,- � � o 0 0 0 0 o c n �C,���,�:� ?i��� ' �7 , � � � R- � ��. f� � � �v � � � 1 f� �� V� 1 \ �� __. ��� � r-�� � . • r. . .w� _ .__. � ' �'�V _ . � �� . - ---' �.\ E_� - -- - -- i � . . 4 0'� � �� � P� � R ,-,� j- ��, +�� j ^,� �'�b O � O O , � � � _ __ .bl_ 1_ l - 1__ _ - n, C'' � O � � ' G Gi,�,� 'A. _ _L_ � __ 1� - �- ._ _ ---- ___ _ _ _�- — - __. _ A�� - >--- v � • � � � _ , T a rt, i'_ �A • �A � :. � . "" ^ �/ 't2 2C e � �`'i � °'�'�• ►t .� .,����t �, � "�� �O 2 • ^ ,�1�uS-- i�vousi,�y � '; V � ia ❑ Q • � . ..�� �;, 1 . � .� � , ♦ � � .� _ - .._. _ _ ... _ � ._ _ �, � � _ .,,, -- y -O- � - > R 4 %���o _ ` - �- ' � �41` I . o T o �-- o -� o � � �� , ���✓y , .���s �%ty ► Q_ � o o cn �� ^ �� � ����'�f(��{���� Midwest Federal Savings and Loan ;'1ssn. ���,����� p������� Install a 22-car parking lot � f� p`!� ��� � and a drive-in teller �` r�� 0 or��-��,n�i�.�� P`�ESCP�T 7_Of�'I�G i�_ght Tnaustry -�- TV�'0-f-�/�(�(l_i° �� TFtif;EC--Fl��,;,LY PC71TIa�R SIGP�!Fi�S ,�- F(JUf�- �/�l�J11LY 7 �j n���.sTi -r-��.^����.Y � � � n�Vi'.r!'rfEeFelr���� FILE ��o. 7z19 �QRTN n n If���lST�,I!�L v V�C�a��°i" St. Paul Pl�nniE�g �oord, Dat�: 2/�5/�l � ; <.f r io�a�r�� �!n�er co��dia�r��i;���