253675 Ori`1aa1 to City Clerk `. � � � ORDINANCE ��3� �5 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ,L�`�^ �� An ordinance a�a�ding Ordinance No. 13539, approved Jar�ua�y 3� , 1967 pertainin� to Parking Meter Zones. . TME C0ElNC 1 L OF THE C 1 TY QF SA I NT PAtlL ➢EtES OROA i N: Section l. Tt�at �rdina�c� No. 13539, approved January 31 , 1967, is her�by amended by adding t�e following to Sectior� l , .one-l�our - one-nickel are�, thereof; STREET FRt)M TO �E University Ave. Fry St. Roy St. �otb University Ave. Snelling Ave. Asbury St. Soc�tb Snelling Ave. University Ave. Shields Ave. Yest Section 2. Tt�at Ordinac�ce No. 13539, approved January 31 , 1g67�, _,is hereby aa�anded by,dQleting fit�e following frc�na SCCt�01!1 2� one-hour - four- nickel area, thereof; STR�ET � FRtiMf TO S DE Fourth St. Minnasota St. Jackson St. S�ut� Jacksan St. Kellogg 61vd. Seve�th St. West Jackson St. Keliogg �ivd. Fourth St. East �;.� , . Jackson St. Seventb St. Eight� St. ' Ea�t Minnesota St. Fo�rth St. Kellegg Blvd. fast Robert St. Kallogg Blvd. Fifth 5t. west W�basha St. K�llogg Bivd. Fourth St. fast Mabasba St. a�°• •Fifth St. Sixth St. East Kallagg Biv�d. Wabasha St. Cedar St. l+brth Keilogg Bivrd. Robert St. Jackson St. t�orth Fift�i St. Minr�esota St. Rob�rt St. Soutk� Fifth St, Wabasha St. Robert St. North Sixth St. Wabasha St. Minnes0te St. Sa;ith Seventt� St. , Exchanga St. Fifth St. So�th Eigk�tt� St. Jackson St. Sibley St. Soath Yeas Councilmen Nays - Passed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah - Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr President Byrn Approved: Clerk Mayor �� .�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Orlpinal to City Clerk � � �ORDINANCE � ' 25�6'75 ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO P�9e 2 Sectior� 3. That Or�inance No. 13539, appr�vad JaAUary 31 , 1967, is hereby a�aended by adding the following ta Secti�n 2, ,on�-Mour - four- nickel area, thereof; STREET FROM TO SI�E Mark�t St. Sixth St. St. Peter St. West Sixth St. Robert St. Jackson St. Pbrth Sibloy St. I�ell•gg Bivd. FaurtFi St, East Section 4. That Orrinance N�. 13539, �pproved January 31 . 1967, is hereby a�ended by deleting tt+e falle�wing fr� Section 3, twa-hour - four- nickel area, thereof; STREET FROM TO S DE Auditoriu� St. Sixth St. Ninth St. West Fift�a St. Wall St. Broaci�ay St. Mortb Section 5. That Ordinance No. 13539� �pproved January 31 , 1967, is hereby a�qded by,adding the following to Section 3, .two-hou� - four- nickei area, thesr�f: STREET FRi�i TO S t�E 8r0adway St. Sixth St. Seventh St. East Nlnth St. Main St. Exchange St. South Te�th St. Minnesota St. Robert St. Sautl� Section 6. That Ordtnance No. 13539, approved January 31 , 1967, is hereby amended by deleting the foll�ring frc� S�ction 5, fiftae�-�inute - one-nickei area, thereof; SIDE �F LOCAT I ON STItE ET" Eighth St, approx. 80 ft. wast of Jackson St« South Eighth St. approx. 20 ft. west of JacksoA St. Seuth Exchange St. approx. $0 ft. �orth of Fifth St. East M�npesota St. approx. 30 ft. �orth of Fourth St. West Flfth St. approx. 30 ft. east ef Wabasha St. South Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Councii Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco r. President B e) Approved: ity Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Orlsinal to City Clerk , � � ORDINANCE ��� v �6�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO p�ge 3 F�fth St. apprwc. 50 ft. west of Minnasota St. Nortb Fifth St. approx. 70 ft. west of Robert St. Ncarth Fiftt� St. approx. 45 ft. east ef Robert St. South Fifth St. approx, 45 ft. east of Min�esota St. SOUth Fifth St. approx. 130 ft. wmst of Cedar St. North Fifth St. approx. 170 ft. wast of Jackson St. North F1fth St. approx. 80 ft. west of Wacouta St. South Fifth St. approx. 65 ft. east mf Robert St. South Faurth St. approx. 70 ft. mast of Nic�nesota St. Smutk� Fcw rth St, approx. 20 ft. west of Wabasha St. South FourtFa St. approx. 130 ft. aast of Cmdar St. Nortl� Foarth St, approx, 160 ft. e�st of Robert St. We�tk� Fourth St. apprcuc. 6g ft. east of Cedar St. S�uth Fourth St. approx. 80 ft. west of Cedar St. So�t� Fourth St. approx. 5� ft. east of R�bert St. S�utl� Jackson St. apprax. 140 ft, south of Seventh St. East Jackson St. approx. 30 ft. north of Eighth St. West Jackson St. approx. 50 ft. south af Tec►th St. East JACkson St, approx. 70 ft. s�th of Ter�th St. East Kmllogg Bivd. approx. 90 ft. east of Seven Corners North Kellogg Blvd. approx. 140 ft. east of Sevan Corners North Sixth St. approx.. 75 ft. west of Cedar St. Scuth Ninnesata St. approx. 80 ft. south of SixtM St. East Minaesota St. approx. 30 ft. south of Sixth St. West Minnesota St. apprax. 25 ft. south of Flfth St. West Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco . Presiden ,(B e) Approved: _ Attest: ity Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Orfpinal to City Clerk . ` � � ORDINANCE 253s'�5 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO page 4 Min�amsota St. approx. 130 ft. south of �ourth St. East Minnes�ta St. approx. 150 ft. �orth of Fifth St. Wast Mi��esota St. approx, 101 ft. south cf Sixth St. East Robert St. approx. 160 ft. north of Fifth St. West Robert St. approx. 50 ft. soutl� of Fiftb St. West Rabert St. approx. 50 ft. south of Fcwrth St. West St. Peter St. approx. 65 ft. nort�i of Sever�th St. East Seventl� St. �pprox. 80 ft. east of WacOUta St. �Iorth S�elling Ave. appr�x. 70 ft. north of University Ave, East Ter�th St. approx. 64 ft. west �f Wabash� St. Sonth Tenth St, approx. 86 ft. west of Wabash� St. South Te�th St. approx. 10$ ft. wast of Wabasha St, Soutk� Sibley St. approx. 110 ft. south of Eigb� St. East Sibiey St. approx. 135 ft. south of Elghtb St. East Sibley St. approx. 40 ft. north of Kellogg Blvd. �ast Sect�on 7. That Ordina�ce No. i3539, approved Jan�ary 31 , i967, is hereby an�ended by adding the follc�wic�g to Section S, .fifteen-�inute - on�-�ickel area, theraof; SIDE OF LOCATION STREET �i�ivarsity Ave. approx. 110 ft. west of Raymo�d Ave. South ttt�i3versity Ave. approx. 30 ft. east of Ray�nd Ava. S�utb University �ive. approx. 160 ft. mast of Raymond Ave. North University Ave. approx. 60 ft. west of Ray�aond Ave. North RayaAOnd Ave. approx. $0 f t. sc�wth of t��i vmrs i ty Ave. W�st R�y�ond Ava. approx. 54 ft, nortl� of d�ive�si ty Ave. Wa�st Raymcmd Avm. approx. 2$0 ft. narth of University Ave. West Yeas �yncilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalgliah Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel $y Or1`lnsl to City Clerk . � � � � ORDINANCE ���6�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Pa9e 5 Ray�sc�nd Ava. approx. 40 ft. north of University Ave. East Raymond Ave. approx. 5A ft. south of Univmrsity Ave. East Sn�lling Ave. approx. 210 ft. nort�i of University Ave. East Jackso� St. approx. 145 ft. north of Sixth St. East Robdrt St. approx. 2� ft. north of Colu�bus Ave. Wsst Wabasha St. approx. 85 ft. north of Sever�th St. West �Jabasha St. approx. 40 ft. soutl� of Ni�fih St. Mest Wabast�a St. apprax. 60 ft. south of Nir�t� St. 41est Yabasha St. approx. 120 ft. north cf Eighth St. East St. Peter St. approx. 70 ft. north of Keilagg Blvd. West St. Peter St. approx. 60 ft, scuth of Seve�tl� St. East Kellcgg Bivd. approx, 130 ft. east of St. Retor St. t�rth K�li�gg 81vd. appr�x. 175 ft. aast of St. Peter St. t�brth Kellogg Blvd. approx, $0 ft. esst of Wacouta St. Nc��tt� Kellogg Blvd. �pprcuc. 110 ft, west of Seventl� St. Sauth Fcwrtb St. approx. 90 ft. west of Minnesota St. Sc�th Fourth St. appreac. 110 ft. east of Cedar St. Nortb Fr�urth St. approx. 1b0 ft. west of Cedar St. Soc�th Fourth St. approx. 10 ft. east of Mabasha St, Nortb Fourth St. appr�x. 205 ft. west of Wabasha St. Sout� Fourtt� St. approx. 225 ft. west �f Wabasha St. Soutia Fourtl� St. approM. 10� ft. west of St. Pet�r St. So�th Fifth St. approx. 11 ft. west of Wabasha St. South Fifth St. approx. 10 ft, west •f Wac�uta St. South Fiftt� St. apprc�x. 15� ft. east of Robert St. South Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor °�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By OtIQlnal to City Clerk � � � y � ORDINANCE 2� • 3�'75 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO-1�7 ��/ page 6 Sixth St. approx. 140 ft. east of Exchange St. N��th Sixth St. approx. 160 ft. east of Exchange St. North Seventh St. approx. 125 ft. west of Wacc�eata St. North Seventh St. approx. 145 ft. west of Kallogg Bivd. Norfih Seventh St, approx. 100 ft. w�st of Kellogg Bivd. North Seventh St. appr�x, 210 ft. east of Chest�ut St. Na►rth Saventh St. approx. 140 ft. west of Kellogg Blvd. Scwth Tentt� St. appre7c. 10 ft. west of Sibiey St. Scuth Te�th St. approx. 30 ft. west of Sibley St. South Ter�th St. approx. 60 ft. aast of Jackson St. Soath Section 8. This ordinanc� shall n��ot be pri�ted as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code but shall be incorporated tberei� by refer- ence. Section g. This ordiaance shall take effect s�ad be in force thirty (30) aays fre�n and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Council Nays Passed by the Counci� �AY 5 1971 Car2son ° Me��-,,�-, �.�, C� In Favor " S rafka v Against P Tedesco Mr President rae}- �z_� ��_ .L _�-- �AY 5197� Approved. A st: , C' Clerk ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �IAY 1„�,1971 = �'LJBL15t1�1),r,.w. —'" �.,. ... _�_.-_ i st ` ` 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app � —Adopted �/ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bu+ler �ButhffF� Carlson `'�arlson Levine w�vine 2��s Meredith Meredith $prafka �$prafka Tedesco edesco `� Mr. President McCarty \Wlr. President McCerty 56