253669 T OR-alINAL TO CIYY CL6RK ���V V(,9 � ,w� , CITY OF ST. PAUL N`ENCIL NO. � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S ON EN L FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE In the Matter of hazardous buil'dings being that shed located at 352 East Cook in the City of Saint Paul and situated upon those premises 1egalTy described ars Lot 15, Hendricksor�`s Addition to Saint Paui, accord- ing to the plat on fiTe and of record fin the " office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Mtnnesota. !'HFRE;�Ss Pz�rsuar�t to re�olatian, C. �. (�!o. 253300 , an�ro�led hlarch 26, 1971 , a n;i�l i c h��ri n� was �u1;� ,7e cT on`" Tuesda .�.�.� f � A�r'I1 6,�19�1 �_ �� b�f�re t��e Ca�.rnci l ofi the Ci tv of S�i��t PaE�I;�F�� sai�:nLarin�� neri:air�i��q �o tF�e co��;lition nf ��n str�t�ctures locazc�r, a.t _ 352 E�_Cook , Sai��� Paul , ;1inn€�ar����y �n� _ _ . �cf�i-��Ii��y ��)Ut1 j;fl�? �cC�� ^T^t'_SG'F1��_'� �� �'i,i1<? 5 lt� �1Ps3t'1PlC? COt1S1�:�11'.^ . f .., l.�l. �. i. . . . . � . . ._ � ' .� . � y� A � (+T �.iillt4ta�±i'Cl>!tt�� t f >l1E_'�.L1J�1 i ...�:1i`i`.`: c'�.'tiC: l,'l�'. CCC.�.i. ;.::.:iili�L;(lll.`i Cil t,:l° �,�li:'J �rchi�cUt, i� i s �ounc' ar;� c��ter°�:fi nr�;� 5.� :�;,r: Ci t�:� C�unci 1 tE7�t �iccor:is;;�-� �a the r•e�ord�:, a�i:� file3 in �t!�� o`fic� c�f �cf�e ;���,�stc�r n�i ��cis, tt7e � la�t 1°ec�r� ot;ner/�l�y4�f%�/ �f �ii� above-de;c�^-ik;�d ntpa�er�;� is/�fy'¢ Phillip D. Larson; l�i�F_I��/`,�� I� '1 S further d�-.�er?�i n�:.� •tl�c:�; ��if'. c1!t0�1C�r?('SCt"1�;E�'� shed C�C1St1 Ll��:?.i �1d7dY'CiOL(5 hu�i idi n��S ;'!1�}l?il 'L�lE,' C�°�1— Ill t'',1 C'11 0��'�i tiTl(:50�1 ,`,��i3±11�f;S :;('C�'l'Jil n f?3.i� r(_lY' �i1-��. T0�T t.';''l,ll7 Y'{?�;(�C;c; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler � Carlson r` Approve� 19— Levine _�� Favor Meredith ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ Sprafka _ _ Mayor Tedesco Against PP, Mr. President, McCarty Asst. Corporation Cou sel �°� - w + ' �YJ�V�J� Page 2. a. The shed is in a very dilapidated condition; roof rafters and boards are dry rotted; some roof boards are missing; the shed is racked and the timber sill underneath the walls have dry rotted; b. The shed �n the above condition is beyond reasonable repair; c. The shed constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; ' ORIGI L TO CITIf CL6RK 25�6+�9• � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� ' � � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONE ATF . no:r, thErefort�, ae i t l;ES��LUED, T,�at in accordance :•tith '���inn�sota Statutes S�ctions 463.1� t'�rou�h �E3.26, an��i based u�on t1�� foregain�x findinns ��f the Ci t�� Counci 1 , the ;:ounci 1 of the Ci ty of Sa i nt �aul does h�reh,� ��a4:e tfie follo;rin� Or�e►�: ORDE�: 1 . T;�e ot�nnr/q��(qf�y� of t!�e ak,ovc�-d�scri�e.� shed shall mal:e the sar�e safe and rot detri�,cntal to t�,e nub ic neace, health, saf�ty an� ti�elfar�� by havinq t!�e said shed raz�d and the !�atc�rial s t��erefro� rer.�oved fror� t,ie �re^7i ses 4�Ji t��i�n thirt�✓ (�0) day, fro�n tf�e dute of the s�rvice cf t'iis Order; 2. Unl e;s, s�cY� correcti ve �cti�n i s t�E.en ta co�n;y :��ri ti� thi s Or�er �r an ans�-ter served u�on th� Citv of Sair.� Pa«1 �ncl filed in the (lffice of th� Cl erF: cf t��° Di stri ct Coui~t of `;�;�;�ey CountY, ''i nn�sota, v��i thi n tt�:ent�r (?0) da��, fro��� t!ic date af th� service �f tf�is QY°der, �:� ,Sotion fcr Sumi�ar�� F�nrorce�ner,t a� thi� �rder to raze and re�,�ave thr� sa ic! shed ;-ri 1 i be ;�ad� i:o t!�e Ra^,s�v rou�ty (.7�i stri ct Caurt; J. li7 til�.". EV(?11L" ��ldf: til:? $'Fl� i$ �'/e �0 �J� t"t1.Zf�G� f;V the Citv of Sai►it Pa��l ��;�rsiaant t� ,judnr,��nt of tl�,�;�istrict CourG, �11 �ersonai nr�r)E'.Y�L�� or �1X'�Ut"ES E�,�aici� m�v unreasct�uk�l�,� interf�re �titR� t!�� razi�r: an:� re.�o��al of t!ii s shed �ha11 be r�er:ic�v�d ��<<�;`1 i r �211 ���� Cld!'S i�i'O(,1 t�1F? Cll�1"'�� G i IUCi^':i�tlt; <tll 1�' �10�', ,",f1 l�crlovec', �.`{lf? (�1 t:1/ of Saint �uui s!:all r�e�ave an:f disnose o�= suc�i r,ers�n�l nron�r+v «nd fi>:�u!^es as �ro�.»red (��� la;;; 4. If the Ci t�� �af S�i rit Paul i s ca!��pel?ed to ta"�� an�� c�►�recti v� ° action herein� d�7 t1GC"_'S�c'.1'�f COS�s �x^en;ed �)�! th� C�ity ���ill ;)(' dS52�S�'c� ac�ainst the ��ove-c,e�cri�ca real es�ate an� collect�d Zs other t�x��s; an� u� it � � FU;;THC;; RESCL�'�D, Ti��,t a c�rti fi e�� co^v a�' t���i� resal:�ti on �nd incor7�ra���! '�r�ter r�r�in ��r ��rved uron tne last recot~d o�:m�r/��,YgM1��r of t;l" 2.`�pV(?-�ucscri�C'Cf rrcn�rt.�J 'itl t;l� ;iail!1�'Y' �l"�V1Ca^C� JV �d'::!. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co���� APR 2 0 197119�. Yeas Nays Butler �R a 0 �9� Carlson � � 19— �. � Levine '''�jn Favor �Aqe�el�t�t--- � a Sprafka Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty �! Apr 41971 PUBL� . �� �Area Gode 612 �c�='�� �0� ���� , . 2235t2i �5 \���" �.� �� � `; � � � �y (HO'�".AS J.STEARNS // ARThiUFi M.NELSON `� '�~�" '� l"HO�AAS M.MOONEY � PAUL F.NcCLOSKEY,JR. R.SCOTTUAVIES ��� KENNETH J.FITZPATRICK ����� �� ������ ���� DANIEL l.F KE'R� -�� First Assistant � KENNETH A.SKRIEN JEROME J.SEGAL `� '��� ��p����1��`�' JOHN C.McLAUGHLIN Special Azsistant ROBERT C.HO[NE 316 CI4y Hcif, S#. Pcal, Ailnr,�s�a4a 5�i02 Assistants TERRY F.SULIIVAN DANIEL A. KLAS �n�esciyator Corporstion Counsel . April 15, 1971 � h1r, Albert B. Olson Council Recorder City Clerk`s Ogfice Buildinc� ��; File No. 2098 352 E. Cook Dear Mr. Olson: Attached heret� is resolution/cr�ci�r pertaining to the above hazardot�s building. Upon nassaqe af the same by the City Council , please for��ard �tl(4) four certified copies to me. Yours very tru1� , . �"( � L PI�UL F. McCL SKEY, JR� Assistant Cornoration C unsel PFhI/klm � � � - Enc. , i . � 7 ,��' �����. ,_-�� �� . `� � �. �� � . ,� �,��� � i � ���w�,����.,� 253669 , , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r�s�o.,r COMhi15SiONER �AT� In the Matf.� of iazardods balTdi�s b�1�g thit sM�d loca�ed •t 8SZ East Cook 1a tl� Cit�► �f Sa1nt Paul and s/t�atul ap� tAou prea�i ses 1�at iy d�acrl bad as Lot 1�, H�rtck:on s Ad�litlan to Satat Pa�l, a�cord• � � iwq to the pl�t on tii� �nd o} r�cord in the ' otfice ofi th� Rfgisttr of t�rd� 1n �nd f� _ _ _ ___. , the:Cvunty of Ra�sUr,_ S�at� ot Minneso�a, _ _ ° _ _ _ _ � 11NEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. �do. Z553pp , an�±roved _ . _ _ 2 1 1 , a �±ubl i c heari ng �as duly`-TeTi� on TY�a , ': _��A�_____6�_, ,�,�____��, before the Counci l of the Ci ty of Sa�nt Pau , sai`� hear ng ner�ainin�, to the condition of the structures located at 332 E. tb0k _ _ , Sai nt f'aul , �di nnesota; :and_ ___. _ _ _ . ., ; _ _ tJNEREAS, U�an th� facts c�resented at the said Mearing consistin4 of photographs, ins�ection renarts and the reco!�mendations of the City Archi tect, i t i, found and determi ned by tf�� Ci t�✓ Counci l tf�at accordi nc� - to the records and files in the office of the F;ec�ister of Dc�e�s, t�e 1 ast recard o��;ner/�byt�yt��/of the above-�escri bed property i s/�r� � Ph111tp D. Larsont S'df�Ef2��'�S� It is further deterr�ined that the above-describpd =�d cansti tutes hazardous bui 1 di n�s t��i thi n ttle defi- nit�n o�linr�esota Statutes Sec�ion 46:i.15 for the follot�ainc� rFascns: . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�n+c� 19_ Yeas Nays . But�er : Caxlson Appro�l 18_ Levine rn Favor _ _ __Meredith __ __ _ _ _ - - -_. -- _ _ . -- ___ _ __ --- --- Sprafka _ _ �� . � rodfL7Y1A't � . • � Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� . . • ' ' • �����a.7 Page 2. a. The shed is in a very dilapidated conditian; roof raf t�rs �nd boards are dry rotted; 5ome roof boards are missing; the shed is raci<ed and the timber si11 underneatlt the �raTls have dry rott�d; b. The shed in the af�ove condition is beyond reasonable repair; c. The shed constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the �ublic health, safety and ��elfare because of its physicaT damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; �. � _ ' roun.�cw�rs�ro�inw�me „�536�J� CITY OF ST.. PAUL ��� NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM r�rm.,r COMMtSSION A'�'E . na+r�, therefore, be it RESOLVFD, That in accordance �rith Minnesata Statutes Sectians 463.15 through 463.25, and based capon thc for�goinc� findings of the City Council , the Council of the Cit.y of Saint �aul does hereby r�aE:e the following Qrder: OP,DER 1 . The o�mer/ql��f�f�lq��/ of the aaove-descri bed �h�d shall make the same safe and not detrimental ta t„e pu ic neace, health, safetv and welfare by h�vin�i the said �tted razed and the�materials therefrom renoved fror� t e nremises wlt> >n thirty (30) da,ys frorn the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken ta comnl.y t�itti this Oraer or an ansvter served :upon the Cit_v of Saint Paul and filed in the Offic� of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, '�4innesota, vrithin twenty (20) days from the date of the service of this Order, a �lotion for Sumr��rv Enforcement of this �rder to raze and remove th� said :hed . vrill be made to the F:ar�seY County District Court; 3. In t�1e event th�t the , 4hed f��Cyh� to be razed h,y the City of Saint E'aul �ursuant to judctn�ent o t e �istrict Court, all persanal ero��rt�,� or fixtures which may unre�sonabl�! interfpre �•fith the razing and re�noval of this shed shall �e re;��oved �.�,i�!�zn ten (10) days fron the entr<< o iudca�ent; an i f�ot sa rer��ve�, the Cita of Saint Paul shall re�ove ar�d disnos� of such t�erson�l �ronertv and fixtures as protfided by lat��; . 4. If the Cit�! of Saint Paul is compelled to take an,y correctiv� ' action herein, all nec�ssar.y costs expended by the City will be assessed against the above-described real estate and collected as other taxes; �nd be i t . FU2THER RES�L��EJ, That a c�rtified copy of t�is res�lution and incorporated �?rder hPrein be served upon the last record owner/q� of . the a�aove-described propertv in �the �nanner orovidpd b,y la:��. ANK 2 0 19.� C O U N C I L�E N Adopted by the Cotmc�l 19— Y� xa� APR 2 01971 � . Butler � C�rlson APprnve�l 19— Levine Tn Favor M�r�cli�h-- ��r . SprAfka � Aears�inat . Tedesco Mr. President, McCaxty : �6 � � • ITY OF SAIN ? PAU �- _� �� �� �_ �a�: � � �' � � � . .. .,� Gapi#e) of Minr�+a�t�� � , ;s� � �, s , �� . . � P � �� ,�t �� _., ° . ' �„ � �,�� ..,._�'.I�.'. ��£ � '� �� - �---_�--�- „ • �- "� '""� � . �� , � ..�.�..��... , ,� . � ��,;�� Q� � ,,� - � u � � � .; ,_ ,, ,� �� �� t r� - -�� � � � � - ;� _„ ..�-- _ - : �� , � ,, . _ , ,,� .. � ,_ . . Y � "Kr �� f ,� �k..-,.. - �:������ � ` . _ , w ' ^ °. �c �..a °,�a-r�r .. ��•.+..� V��, � r�.� ,-,. ..�. . �,:_. �� ' ,y..�� � .a � �� � ���� L r` : 4�� � ':J : i0�-- BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 April 6, 1971 Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File #2098--352 E. Cook--Shed only. Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structure described above. The owner of record is Philip D. Larson and the legal description is Lot 15, Hendrickson's Addition. The building is classified as a frame shed, size 15' x 15'. The exterior consists of rough boards and, the framing materials are deteriorated.. The roof is ready to collapse. The entire structure is rotted. and should be razed. No materials are salvageable. Inasmuch as the above conditions constitute a public hazard, and. the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair or remove the building despite our warnings, it is the recommendation of this bureau that this matter be processed through District Court for razing and removal. e tr , obert L. Ames City Architect RLA/mfs �...^��"�i 1 �```���r�� i� b v � a--���'��� " TRIPLICATE TO�THH COMPTROLLER � ��t�`x�j� �;,: • C�� QF S�. �,�l��„ COUNClL f'"'� .r . . • . ���ICE O� TH� C�TY CL.��.K ���� �C�. � ' CQUNGIL R�SOLUTIGN-GkNERAL FORM PRESEN?Ep BY V}.CtUr J. Tedeaco � ivf arch �ac 25, 197t COMMISSIONER DATF� VvrHER�A5 the City Ar.chitecf has requested the City Council to hold a. public hearin� to consi.der the advisabilify and necessity of the correction or wreckin� and removal of the following described buildings , said structures having been reported �o con�tituf:e a publ.ic hazard: llddr. ess Legal Description_ Type of Structure Shed only at 352 �. Cook St. Lct 15 (rear} Hendricksan'� Addn. Shed only. WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners af said buildings �are as tollows: • F'hilfp I3. L�rs��. ' THEI�ZEFORE, �3E IT RF_SOL�rED, that a puUlic hearing be held by and before the Council of. the City of �ainL- Paul. in the Council Chanzber of the Court j House in saici cit-y at 10:00 a. m. on Tu�sd�,�. A��px°il 6, I97� � to con.sider the advi.sability and necessi.t-y of orderiizg the coz•rection or wrecicin.g and removal of said structures on the above described propert�t inasmuch as said stru�tures are reported to constztute a hazarcl to pubJ.i.c hea-].t:h., saf.ef:y and • welfare; be it FURTHER r�LSOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Ccuncil. notify by mail t�e record owners of the property in question a.t the last- kno«rn address, as well as otner interested persozis of record , of°{:hc date and time of the hearing. � � - .-� > . .- . . _ 4 _ Fr . ... -� . • • _ - - _ . , � • �:#��� � � �'� �� C4UNCILMEI�T � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas I�iays . : ,F - � t ,,._: . . i.'�' L � 1�i ;�4� I{ � . � Butler Carlson � App�ov� 19� Levine '�,_�� Favor Meredith .� Mayor Sprafka �, � : . Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty �C� April 6y 1g71 M�'• Dars3.e�, A. KLag Corporation Co�eel �3uild3ng Dear Sir: The City Council today requesteci that you prepare a xesalution c�rdering the correction or wreckin� and removal c�� th� izax�rdous shed at 352 L. Cook. Very truly yours� City C1erk �l�