253668 ORIG�NAL TO CITY CL[RK �53ss� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK COU I L 10 E RAL FORM coMM SS ONE Victor J. Tedesco April 16, 1971 DATF WfiFRE�5, the Council of the City c�l Saint Paul is inforrriec� by . the City Architect that the vacant anc] open buildings located aL; � 1058 Rice 5treet • -in the City of Saint Paul are a proximate harard to the public health, welfare and s afety; and WHEREAS, the last laiown record owners of said property are: Christine and .Ann Dorn -a,nd said owners have failed to secure the sarne a�;ainst- entry by i.in.autharired persons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and said vacant and open buildings have been fourSd ancl detc:r��ined by the C��uiicil of the City of 5aint Pa�l to constitute a rnenace to the public health, welfare and safety and a public nuisance which inust be imrnediately abated to prevent loss of life or property; now, therefore ��e it RE:50LVED, that the City Architect is authorirecl and direc�ted to immediately secure sazd buildings by thi; use ot contract labor un�ler Cc�ntract No. ?358 pending proceedings under the Hazardous Buildin�s Act; and b� it FURTHLR RESQLVED, that the expense of securing sucit bLiildings l�c paid from Fund No. 0979-26�, Surrixnary Abatement, and that the C,c>t•poi•�.f;ic�n Counsel be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse said £und by action against the owner of said property. APR Z 0 197'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler APR 2 0 1971 Carlson � • A ro _._._ 19�._ Levine _..—_In Favor M.. -"_ a�:c=^-'� . . Sprafka v liayo A gainst . Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ���AP_71 ���