253663 ORIGIN�L TO CITY CL6RK 253563 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL E UTIO ENERAL FORM COMMI49�IONE L � ATE RESOLVED, That the Saint Paul City Council hereby approves the Department of Public Works report on Solid Waste in a letter dated April 19, 1971 , a copy of which is attached to this resolution, and do hereby instruct the Cortrnissioner of Public Works to forward a copy of this resolution along with a copy of such report to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. APR 2 019� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays APR 2 0 i97� Butler Caxlson 19— Levine Tn Favor �•..,� .�"i�1CI f'.CTIBSf"" Sprafka U yo Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty /'FO'��PP_0 � —s=�� `�- APR 2 4 71 Asst. Corporat�on �ou ! ptl�i,iSHED � � w ��tT 01 25�663 � s R� �'s o ~ ``°i '�'....'7 w° ... RICHARD A. SCHNARR CI T Y O F SAI N T PA U L ROGER M. CONWAY Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENTOf PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 WILLIAM E. CARLSON Commissioner April 19, 1971 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen and Madam: Subject: Report to the City Council on Solid Waste The City of St. Paul presentiy has rules and regulations provided in various sections of the legislative code which do control the collection, storage, and disposal of garbage and refuse and which are in reasonable compliance with the rules and regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; and, while the City of St. Paul did in fact find that the City did not have adequate hauling cepacity as of October 28, 1g70, we at the present time have licensed 16 more firucks than were licensed in 1g70, and the Public Works Department plans to issue tempora ry licenses for additional trucks, which may be regular dump trucks with canvas covers, for hauling solid waste until such time as additional trucks which meet the requirements would become available if the need should arise to handle all of the solid waste developed in the City of St. Paul . With this plan in mind, the determination was made that the City of St. Paul did have an adequate collection system to handle the volume of solid waste and a burn- ing ban ordinance was passed which was effective March 5, 1971 . Therefore, the City of St. Paul is not, in our opinion, in violation of the Minnesota Regulations APC $, SW 3, and SW 4 regarding the collection and disposal of solid waste and the required outside burning restriction at this time; and it is most certainly the intent of the City of St. Paul to comply with all reasonable interpretations of all state requireme�ts. While the City did request an extension of time for the required compliance with the burning ban, because of the hardship that such burning ban would impose on some of the citizens of St. Paul , we had, in fact, passed an ordi- nance which imposed a ban on burning after March 5, 1971 , within the City of St. Paul . The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency turned down the City of St. Paul �s request for an extension of the burning ban; however, the Agency staff, in order to treat the City of St. Paul in the same manner as it planned for the City of Minneapolis, indicated that it will not request criminal prosecution by the Ramsey County attorney or the City of St. Paul for violations of the statewide burning ban and will not so request prior to .luly 5, 1971 . �-o ' , City Council Page 2 in order to set out the items of agreement discussed by the Agency staff and the Public Works staff, we will review the various items discussed; they are as follows: 1 . Effective imnediately, the City of St. Paul witl initiate a public information and education program for all St. Paul residents explaining the requirements of state and city laws, regulations, and ordinances relating to adequate refuse col- lection service and open backyard burning. This educational program shall inform all residents that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) regulations, which have the force and effect of state law, ban all backyard burning and have been in effect since March 5� 1971 . Said information and education program shall be aimed at removing the existing doubt as to the legal and proper method of disposing of trash and other waste including specifically clarification of the following questions: a. The type of container residents must provide for the pickup of their waste, including the questions of whether plastic containers are permitted and whether metal containers are required; b. The requirements, if any, regarding separation of garbage, paper, cans, and bottles; and c. The locations at which the refuse containers must be placed for pickup. 2. The City of St. Paul has closed its Fish Hatchery landfill in accordance with previously agreed upon plans between the City and the Agency as of March 11 , 1971 , and is in the process of final covering and finishing on the site; and it is the City's plan, which is approved by the Agency, to close the Pig's Eye landfill by July 1 , 1972. 3. The Public Works Department Citizens Advisory Committee on Solid Waste Coliection on April 2, 1971 , reported on solid waste collection and is recommending that the City provide a higher level of solid waste collection than is provided at this time. The Public Works Department is presently preparing revised solid waste regulations for the City fo� combined collection which will include the Committee's recommendation on solid waste collection. It is anticipated that such ordinance will be submitted to the City Councit so that it can be acted upon and made effective about June 1 , 1971 . 4. If such ordinance is passed, including the combined solid waste collectlon system on a city oriented system for one through four family dwelling units as recommended by the Citizens Committee, the Public Works Department will institute a coilection system as provided in such ordinance as soon as possible by assigning city crews to certain routes and taking bids for and awarding contracts to private haulers for the additional routes required to provide service to the entire city as close as possible to July l , 1971 . " � City Council , Page 3 5. In addition, with the closing of the Pig's Eye landfill by July, 1972, the Public Works Department is giving considera- tion to the disposal of solid waste beyond July, 1972, and have under consideration, and working with the Ramsey County Solid Waste Ca�nittee, new landfitl sites located outside of Ramsey County in cooperation with Washington County, Dakota County, and Anoka County. With this in mind, the Public Works Department is also considering the need for facilities, such as transfer stations within the City of St. Paul , in order to provide an effective and efficient collection and disposal system in conjunction with these proposed landfill sites outside of Ramsey County. While there are many portions of the discussion items that are difficult to pin down to a specific date, insofar as when various portions of the proposal will be put into effect, the Public Works Department is planning to time the necessary action to institute those activities that need to be done by a specific date in order to fit into such things as the closing of Pig's Eye landfill , so as not to hold up compliance with the previous agreements with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. In order to inform the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency of our intent to comply with all reasonable interpretations of their rules and regulafiions, I would ask the City Council to approve this letter by resolution and instruct the undersigned to forward a copy of it and a copy of the resolution to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency as an indication of our intent to comply. Very truly yours, ��� Wi liam E. Carlson Commissioner of Public Works WEC:RAS:If �.