253630 � - ` � .. ' _ . , , . �.,� -� v R � � �`. :; �-�.:.._ .. , � 25363� � FINAL ORDER �OUNCIL FILE NO . By _. File Na �� In the Matter of ��ty� �j,� x,�p�� � � � �r s� a�t l�r� �rtp� �s ts� �aw ite�t t�► i�sei �srMt ai 1r,� �lai� a'!� ��tlrer srel� �! 3� w�ts� �! fa�a3�R�I t�r er■�► �i i�w��t, under Preliminary Order � aPprov� �+�+���, ��"�`� ~ Intertnediary Order approv� A pu�lic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is th�s north #� �wl�R�at ai,/�ar tr� lir� +�t w�1�-� �t �srt �ta� � !r� +Ors�lr � i� �rrl i�wt a�i Ir�r is�a� all �c �k ti� !s � a�i #�e�a! b � sd+� i�ea���t, a�t itr� �i aM s�fflAti�rt �s+�i �s nwr �ac�st, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of sa,id improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Councii AP R 161971 Ye�U T L EB.�ATa3ra �`> c-,�..� ��-�..,..�Q A R L SON '"�-��. Approve APR 1 19 fi 1 ,��N�--- _._- ' �'c DI TH b Tn Favor _ �.� ±zAFKA or �_D�SCO �� �✓i c �- ���P CARTY ' St � \ � � � a.i PUBLISHED �R ���� �'�'� ;��) � , .. . Dist. No. 3 � r � B.S. Cottage Ave. - Curve St. to Hazel St. � Je������ �� �� : � 2��� �FFICE OF TAE C�MMISSIONER OF Pt1BLIC WORRS �S - 9� 76 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER �F FINANCE Jan. 25th. 1971 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commisaioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 252054 approved Jan. 21st. 19 71 relative to constructing and/or reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of E. Cottage Ave. from Curve St. to Hazel St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $4.40 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide aad $5.30 per lin. ft. for �tandard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. In�provement is asked for upon petition 2 ,�s� � � 4� � l�✓,�-�� � C� ✓.Q Comnnissioner of Public Works � � O �CF��� .� F Fp�, LFD �c^r�tiqN��� '�' 9 �� � � ���,. �� ♦• w",� ' 1� ✓ 137a N. Ea.$el st. st. P�,til. Mina. sZ119 March 30, 19?1 Mrs. Roea,lie T. Butler Comanisefoxier of Fina,nce 113 Co�art Hoase St. Pa�1, �t�xin. 551c2 Dear blrr. B�tler: Re: File 59276 Page 3 T�is letter comes as two votes a��,inet proceediag aith Preliminary Order 252054 to constr�ct a sidewalk on the sonth side of E. Cottage Ave. from Cnrve St. to Hazel St. We are already payi�g for a new eidew�.lk pub in frant of oxr houae �uat recently. We have never Ysad a siaewalit on E. Cottage and see no need for one. The la.r�e a,�o�nt of mo:ae� we tare �s.yi�g for the �new sidewalk on H�.zel 5t. , pl�r� the o�tx�eozc i�ncrease in taxeB, is enough witboxt the added b�rsden of anothex• eid.ewalk that ib �nnecessar�. We defisitely are �ot in favor of a sidewalk on E. Cottage A�e. from �uxve St. to dazel St. We wo�ld appreciate it very m�ch if the Council of the Cfty of St. Paul decided not to go ahes.d with these plans. Sincerely, �, ,: �7 �,. '�rrt-�G/ ---""`_�'-``-`" y�.., � Ldi� Gatten �, , /,' , �, J _ { �"—�d-hh 4. �.�✓ .-�t /c:,.•f�.'(.,[--"v� �/ `'� I,orre.y�ae `Ga.tten �� :A�' : � Y; � A. ^ur. l5A _ �M� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFZCE OF THE Ros�r.i�L.Birrn�x COMMISSZON�R OF FINANCE Loie M. Ponr.ntct CoMMIMaoNat UsecTV CoMr���setorsu April 5, 1971 Misses Lois and Lorrayne Gatten 1372 North Hazel Street St. Paul, Minn. = 55119 Dear Misses Gatten: I want to acknowledge and thank you for voicing your opinion in your letter of March 30. As you possibly have observed from the newspaper, the sidewalk proposal on East Cottage was laid over in the Council hearing. I believe it will come up for review on April 16. A copy of your letter has been sent to the City Clerk to be read at the review hearing, Ve�ry truly yours, lk' 1 'J)G"��.C�`: �� >?<< t--f-c �. Rosalie L. Butler Commissioner of Finance cc-A1 Olson, City Clerk's office ✓ April 2, 1971 Han. t�lill�.am �. Carlaan� Comm�is�ioner o�' a ublic '•=�rk�. r�ts.� ��.r�: ,^'�.=;F� ��:zt�;- (:ou�ric�I -�c�a":�.�;~ 1�.�.e� �av��° �:�rc� �r���:�:� tc� q:s�.ri�. gt�t��. t�e �ir��. �rc:.ex :.� �1z� �ra�:L°��x° a� cans dr�ct��� �.naf or ��constsl�.cting t}a� siaeur�.k cn both �i�s of Ea,a�t Cott�ge �iv+�n�e fro�n Curv� atr��t �ta k�az�l Str�et. Very trv�tY �'�s ��.t�r C],.�rk � . � � ���� � � � �� � �,�°'`-�- o��; rl �� < �� ��. °�- � ,�-� �-�-�' °�-� �- �� �r-o.�� �,� c?� � S � �r�. �'W-� � �°�".� W--�.��..o c�-,.�. ' t � ��� �,��(,�C� c� :�.-0.�-. ,�.a o-�-�, �-,-� � �,,�, _ �-�- C' ,.-�-�--`A, ��.� ��� ��- t-��--R�Q— t 4 c� o � � e,� �,.� �. �� . C' �r� �� ��� e,�-�.-r.A-�. � �� � c,�-,-v-�- - - — ;�� ���� - � ��C �' . �.���- ��,�-�., ,�_� , 19��- � ��., ��,��''� 7�e� �9 �v ,�_ � /�/� j 9� �=C'd77�, �� l�/l/�^ �� '��d,s`�- �/�f.3�s�� �a� �o�z � i��,�_ �,,� ��� -- /3 -��- �� � ��� - � � 3 �z �. �, � � �,,.,,,,,�.� �,���,��� - _� ��� , � :��(�� �:�1 r�. �7 U� I 1�--� 1= '� o���� `�''"l.�,��-n,�,.o,�, �-�� ���j 3 � � �