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. „- e, , . c;, , ;,, . � . -. :. ., ,. ; ...:.. . . �5362� . � �,4-� ���.�� . �OUNCIL FILE NO. Bq File No. � . , ��� In the Matter of ��� t�r sLi�1t a► !iw►<�swti �i �! l�e�rs its�t fs� �! �EsMt �r 3�a�t !�lw�s7 a■�i M� i�� all �dr: �ielE i3� � � it Stai+i�l�1 at ��e a�i f�■��r�rr�t, -,�. , under Preliminary Order 2S�'� aPProved ��' �� �!"� Intermediarq Order approvec� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard a11 peraons, ubjections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ftESOLVED, By �he Council of the City of St. �aul that vement to be made by the ' City is ; fi awr � ait aw!! sl+i� d" �rs fts+�t 8e�isi l�rt i... b- '� +�M h i�#a«�tt �k �i�ai� #r rrers�► arri 1 � t�► eu��t+� t�ats�■�t� � orders in t1i� above matter� an�are here y cancelled, annuAed �11d rescinded and a+� proceedings in said matter be discontinued. anc� he Council hereby orders sa.id improv ` ent to be made. - ' R VED FUftTHER, That the Comnu 'oner of Public Works be and is he inatructed and • directed to p e plans and specifications for sa.i ' provement, and submit same to Council for approval; that u said approval, the proper city offic s axe hereby authorized and direc pro- ceed with the making 'd ' provement in accordance rewith. . COUNCILMEN �R 1 6 �g7� � Adopted by the Council Yeas BUT�.ER N$y$ cAt��SON Approved APR 161971 �:�.'�.:v�� "vi�_R�;�;_;����� � Favor � �?- � � � � Mayor 9r roO�A171At �a a4 �g7� � � b �1 FUBLISHED . � - f -� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �� � �j � �-' � i * CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,55102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4646 March 25, 1971 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk Room 386 Building Attention: A1 Olson Dear Al: The attached letter of objection to the proposed sidewalks on the south side of Burgess Street from Oxford to Lexington is referred to you for presentation to the City Council at the public hearing to be held on April 2, 1971. I have answered the writer direct concerning the remaining items in her letter. Very truly yours, . ';� < � �`c.C.li `(,�-V..j�4_'���� 2.U1 SCII''� Supervisor of Assessments �O . .. , . . ' � � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -� J J �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I13 Court House,bb102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4b46 April 13, 1971 To the Coaacil City of St. Patil Gentlemen: I have examined the attached �etition of ree�onstrance, filed in the matter of coastructing new sidewalk aad �rork iACideatal thereto on the sonth aide of Burgess Street from Oxford Street to Lexington Parkway, and wish to r�port as follows: Amount of frontage iavolved i� said i.�prove�ent - 544.25 Lin. ft. A�ount si�ned for on said petition - 304.25 ft. or 55.9� (Am�nat required by Charter - 50�) Nu�►ber of residence owners involved - 9 N�mber Who signed on said petitima - 6 or 66.7� (Amonnt required by Charter - 60�) From the above facts yo� will note that the petitioa of re�oastra�ace is snfficient. Yours very truly, �'�d�3.����y)4�'���-�' oaalie L. Butler ����,�;,� Cc�nissio�er of Fi ance File: S9282 HEARIN6: April 16, 1971 c.c. Joe Haider Bill Donovan Walter Hgrtley Mrs.. Butler File ��O � ' Dist. No. 1 ' �- . S.S. Burgess St. - Oxford St. to Lexington Pky. � �S- 1� �� OF'FICE OF THE CO1�iISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ���� �'�,�� REPORT TO C�MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ������ ,�,""��,` ��� ��:� t�� `� •',:.� � �� � � Jan. 29th. 1971 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Sto Paul: The Commissioner of Public Worka, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 252122 approved Jan. 26th. 19 71 relative to constructing new sidewalk on the south side of Burgess St. from Oxford St. to Lexington Parkway and by doing all other work which is necesaary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herebq reportso 1, The estimated coat thereof is $4.40 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft, wide aad $5.30 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide, 2. A plan, profile ur sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made a part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Comaaissioner of Public Works X - /�. Iaiprovea�nt is asked for upon petition ,L Z42526�j lC%ttir � ���-��� ���L � v � Commissioner of Public Works b �4���`q�� o � � A�, =- � s� 292 °,��a �'�¢ �'E` �� ��� �6 April 2� 1�71 �ic�n. ;�i�lia.� F. �arl�on, Coimnis�ion�r oi 'Fublic Worka�. 17ear Six: The Coun:cil l�.id. rnrex to April 16th. � F1ne1 Oxd�r fox� can�tructin� new sidewalk on the "ou�h ^ir?.� nf' ?-3ur�es� 5t.reet laetw���n Qx�ord ar�d Lexin�;ton. Vex'Y t�,Y YQ�'�r Cit� G],exk hP Apr3l 2, 1971 T±car�. 'ir.s. Ho�t�.l.ie L. �33utler' Co�.ss�cmer of Fin�unce. lDea,� P�lada�m4: '�he Council la3ci over to Apri1 ldth. a �':s..���. Cxcie� for canst�^ucting new �idewall� on ��i� Sauth ��.d� o�' 33ux•�e�� �aetween (hcford and I,ex�ic;'ton, t�nct refe:��ed -'�� ;�ou �or c�aecl� �.� tca sux'�'iciency t�e attach�sd �'Pt�.tian of P.exnonstran�e ��3n�t �he Ord�er. Yery trW-Y Y�'�, City Clerk AO/hp March Z5, 1971 Mrs. Kenneth A. Johnson Route 1, Mi11 Lake Detroit Lakes, Minn. - 56501 Dear Mrs. John�o�: I have received your letter o£ March 20, 1971 and forward�d a copy to the City Clerk to be i�cluded in the minutea of ths Council Proceedings on April 2, 1971, indicating qour opp�sition to Che propoaed sidewalk construction. Th� assessment for the storm sew�� wa� �on�tructed and levied as part of the Storm Drainage Systcro serving the particular area, to eliminate the surface water dxaina�e problems, and as such wa� assessed on the basis of the square footage of th� land aw��d. I have checked the records�f the Department of Public Works and have been intormed that there ia no recard af vac�ting or sale of the a11ey which lies �o the re�r of the property adjainin� the r�ilroad tracks. I trust that the above answers the queetion poeed by your letter. Very truly yours, Rosalie L. Butler Commiesionsr of Fin�tnce By Paul Desch Supervisor of Asseesments "- ;�. . . .�t 4 ' ' � PETITION OF BBMONSTRANCE F�L!�'fl � 5; �;���l March 29;�;�7� ��� �3F;��� C!��,�����►ga,��i�. We, the unders igned, t�ho r�pr�s�nt to prop�rty onnsra on the South a id• of Burg�sa Str��t from Oxford Str�et to L�xington ParlcWay, do h�r�by p�tition againat th� propos�d n� sidairalk as outlin�d in th� D�partm�nt of Financ• l�tter datsd 3-12-71, Fil• 59282 �nd pr�liaiaary Ord�r 252122. R�+►aona for this r�,�ection ar• as follow�: 1. Fiaancial inability of th� prop�rty own�rs to asaum� turth�r a�s�ssm�nts du• to the eicorbitant r�al eatat• tax incrase. 2. The L�xington-Stinaon R�li�f S+rWer Syat�m aas�asm�nt l�vi�d on March 13, 1971. 3. Th� a�sth�tic vnlua of the prop�rty list�d b�lotv would be grNtly loW�red. 4. No u:eful purpoa� can rightfully b��fit th� �rop�rty oWn�ra or public due to this location. 1. O�mm�rs of Kalman's Division #3, Lots 1, 2, 3 r�idfng at 1048 Burg�sa St., St. Paul, Minn. Lin�+►1 front footag�s 111�.25 ��.�-r�'Z - Patrick J. Hor uia• F. Horan � I 2. OWn�r of Kalman'a Diviaion �3, Lota 4, 5, 6 r�siding at 105� Burgeaa St., St. Paul, Minn. Lin�al front footage: _� �- P�ter �s e ; 3. Owners of Kalman'a Diviaion �3, Lota 7, 8, 9 r�siding at Route �f�l, Mill i,+�ke, D�troit Lakea, Minn. 56501. Lina�al front foot+�g�: 120 (SEE ATTACHED NOTARIZED LETTER OF PxOPERTY OWNERS DATED MARCH 23, 1971) 4. Own�r of Kal�xn'a Division �3, Lota 10, 11, 12, 13 (F�ccept W31 fe�t ot Lot 13) reaiding at 107$ Burg�ss St., St. Paul, Minn. Linul front footage: 129 C� - � � %��� - � ..,%L �. / -�'i�/�v�C�C�� V�ra A. Thomaa 5. Own�rs oF Kalman'a Division �3, Idota W31 f�et of Lot 13, all of bt 14 r�siding at 1096 Burg�sa St., St. Paul, Minn. Lin�al front lootag�: 64 � l� in J. t �r Pagelof2 , Diaet� Kil�s� . . . �� 7 ^ PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE (C4NTINUID) It is hereby certified thAt the abov• signatures rapr�a�nts those of the prop�rty owners as shown. Q�c- =c%,(Z� Patrick J. Hora Subscribed and sworn to befor• me this �day of Msrch 1971. � �� ` �="�` 'r �9�� , • Page 2 of 2 , • OC�/�lc-�('��� ;,,_ F . � ' , ' � �— 0 ` ; � ��.��"!'�`.� C��°e�;,��1�` � �,'`�,��f �l/�u.�c-� �o i /y7/ � � , ` y�,�. �' � ��'��c�c „��1���%2 ; - �, ���'...�:� % " ,�.e.-�s � �v�r;t4�U `,� ��-%z � � .�< .�*- _���_-�_-�- c4_ � L,. % L . C. �����/�/� � �__�.. 7 . — 4!� '�"�,-�l-y� ,�'l ���� 7� ��.��C.�Lto / ��--_. � ,,[ '1 � / � ,�c,! G�i�.. � �.�Jitit. ../l�-���vt�.�G�Y! /�--'t`�,j�-�t -f7 Z'� �jGL-G /� � ����i :� +���t" �'L�W.J�v'-Q'-�{ �z_"�-- �/Y72'Q ���� ��'�� � ( .s ��,� ��' . �' �� � 1�� �� ��/ � � ��/L�yC_.//J J-�� �� :�� �"{''�^ i�L:'`L'���C t-� -� � — ,, � - ; �� !- - , ,� � �.�� /a G � _ � ���; �:, a �—;' : �.:� ,�.: _ � , . V� �/ - ioGd - �u7o � � � ��-��,z�- i 7 ����� � � . !G2_o�.-�c. �� _-c- �' lJ � C� �� G�-��-L C-�-� '-�"` �� %'_�.�-,��C-t�'�� � � �L .�� G '.' `� ` ��) `/� C�jr fyc c/` � �/�-�L,�. �="�?�'�t�C�'h. 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