253622 � �J362? OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E N�� NO. OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S T RM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco A ril 15 1971 COMMISSIONE RE50LVED, that the plans and specifications for the Construction of Storage Building No. 2, Como Shops, located. at 1100 North Hamline Avenue, are submitted herewith, said plans and. specifications having been prepared by the City Architect under the d.irection of the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and. Public Build.ings, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bid.s thereon in the manner provid.ed in and. by the Charter. Job #69-53 Rev. APR 151� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y�a xaya ��� 1519�1 Butler Caxlson AP 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka �/ A yor � gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty AP R 1 ? 1971 PLJBLISHED � I � DVrLICATt TO NtIN�t 25362� � CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO OFfiCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM °Rg�� Victor J. TelIe8C0 eA� �Tr�i 1� iGTl COMMISSIONE�t RESOZ.YED. that the plaaa snd apecifications tor the Conatruction of Storage Building No. 2, Como Shopa� located a! 1100 North Hamlins Avenue. are •ubmitted herewith� �aid plsns and apecificatioa� luviag been prcpared by the City Architect uader the dir�ction of the Commis+�ioner of . �Psrk�, Recreation and Public Building�, be and the s�►me sre hereby spproved, the ss:ne being satistactory to the Comaai�sioner of Parka� Recreation snd Public Buildings, aad !h� Pur�haaing Agent is h�reby suthorised to sdvertise for bids thereon in th� mannsr provided iu and by the Chsrter. Job #6q-53 Rev. � �..._.. �- �: �� LL� � �.��Z .,��Z �'` N #�z .�._ '-' _c�� _.�'_. <�.,t . :+. ,a 3zQ , -_,�,, _>4�.- ,�.� � _� i:�.; }:� _� �:- .a� '�! "r� 3_ pp R 15 t��i1 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Coun�� 19� Yeas Nays �R � tJ ��71 Butler Carlson ApproveKL 19_ Levine � in FavOr Meredith Sprafka � �a3ror Tedeaco A8'��t Mr. President, McCarty ���