253606 s e�.i t�c►t,cie:k � . � � � ORDINANCE _, �������� COUNCIL FILE NO a�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. TH� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles and specifications for Industrial Hygienist I Industrial Hygienist II Industrial Hygienist III � [� '�' . w � - C� :_} � o n. n Q_ j Q U � 'J) O v W -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedeaco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By br(sinal to City Clerk � � ` � ORDINANCE c�e-��, n �����a� A COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -5- APR 29197�1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed bq the ouncil Butler Caxlson Levine r�' n Favor Meredith �( ) '� Sprafka �i Against Tedesco Mr President Mc rty) Approved• APR � 9 197� t � ity Clerk - Mayor �4 Form approved Corporation Counael B PUBLISHED MAY 1 � • .�i��.� �536��6 ' � c� RDINANCE -; G4UNCIL HLE NO 2536'�s PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO S�ttian Z. �his orctiaa�te• sl�,il ts�e tff+ret aad bs fn fosee t�#r�r dsYs a�er its pssss�e, sppn►�►a.i, and p�i�catia�. -s- -��g 1971 Yeaa Councilmen Nays Paaeed by th Coun�� Butler ��On n Favor Levine Meredith ' sp� - n A�inat �. ��t t��> AP R 2 91971 Approved: Atteet: City Clerk �ay� �� Form approved Cosporst,tori �ounsel By n �vu�a a pr�ar ' . � ORDINANCE � � �� 2536�6 COUNCIL WLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO .As o�i�ee amardisa Ordiusee No. ?bOT. aa�tlei: *'Aa or�a�ce fis�� t�e �is a�i issp�s#'iriti#ies aa�d t1� aaioisnsm qnaliftcs�#3�ts for tL�► Pari�sas elass�s ot po�ftiaas ia t�e Clss sifi.d Serriee o£the C i#y," sppr�rsd FsSs�o�sr�r 13. 193+5, ss a�m�derd. THLr COi�'CIL flF THE CPIY t�F &A�t? PAt�L DOES OR�DAIlf: Seeti� 1. Ttuat Or�laaaes Na. 7i0T, sppsa+r�rd F+ebr�ts� I3, �935, ss a�id., be aad the same is h.r�b�► t�esltrr s=r�aded b�► issartia� ia t'Y�tr praper slphsbs�icsl osdes thw �g t�tl� rad apeciiicstioas for Isd�stri�sl Iiygis�iat I Iad�estrisl ��ia�aist II Iadast�atl8�i�f st III e�:. � _I_ Yeas Councilmen Nags Paesed by the Coun�;1 Butler ��n Tn Favor Levine Meredith sj��A roaninrxt Tede�co Mr. President (�cCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form a�prov� Corporatian �ounsel By . . . � r����:�s Titl� of class°. :�IN:Ui.;S'II-t 1-�� �I�G�ENIST i �Uti�s and respcx�sibi.li.t�,�s: L7nder s�per�i�ion, x� per�o�m b��inning l��r�1. pratessic�nal work in �t�� Oc��pa��ional I-ie�lth and Sa�eYy fi�ld and in rela�zd I�tso�ra�ory pr���dtx_r�s� and �o p�x�orm r�1�.ted work a5 assigned. Examples o�f work ��rformec�: To rnake resu��ne inspc:ct��ns of warking co�dx�ions 'sz� andus�:raal pla�;is a.nd oth.�r p1�.e�s of �xny�loym�nt. To assis� in evai���ing th� e�f������r�n�ss o# industrial ven.t'sla�in�g sys��m� �rzd c��h�r pra•�e������ �:q�xapmentg d�sxgned ta pre�rex�t �nd�.a� expcss�z�; xo �xnh�al�.�iy warking cond'a`�ions, To assis� itx pi�parin; re�amm�nd���ons �'or corr�c�a�r� ehanges. To ��sas� in �oil�s�in�; sxrz�pl�s o€ indu�trial dtists� fumes� gases, vap�rs and m�s�s,. Ta as;;i�� �.�� maki�g raa:dirne labor���ory ��s�s of field s�mp�les� To �sris� in �;he routinh ma:z��e.;�an�.e �nd calibra�i�n o# faeld and Iabora�:ary appara�e�i3 Ta assern�I� and maii3*aiil fa�}.ld a;.zcl labora�ary da�a: To as�i,�•t� nn 1-h� rou.fis�ie inFr�s;zga�YOn of r.omplain�s of canh�althy warkin� canr]il-ion�. 'To mak� ro��:gne laba:�atorg analyses and to prepar� rzpor�s and r��omm�xacla�aans. Minimum c��alifi���ions: . �oll�ge grad�ia�ion w��lx a ma.;or iza c�r�e of the chemical� physical, bialo�a�al ar engin�eb in� scie�n�c;s.. ��to s�bs�i��.gion for educ��ione � oZm � + '�'itl� of �:1��ss; ������ IN��.�TF.,�t�I, II�'�;�Ez�1IST � � / � � �u�ies anci r�sponsibiliti��s: �ind�r supervisioaa, �o perform diffi�ult professional. work in�rolved in tl�dc� d�:te�tie�, @V�,ili3t4011e and c�limination of o�.ct�pational hea�th and 5af�:fy hazarda, and to perforrn assn�ia��d Iaboratory pror.etlur��� an� to •�er�orm r�Ia�er'a w�rk as $5signcd, E.cainpl�s at w�rk p��forxned� `z"o mak� ir�Bpection� o` wo�kin� eonditions in ind�astrial plan�� and 8�h�r pl�ces o.� empl��rm�n`�c., `To �011�:;.t sampl�;s of andus�rial rl�.xsts, fumes� �as�s, �rapors, �nd mists an�d i�ake tl�e more rlifficult laboratory t�s�s of fi�Id s�rnpl�s� . To evdlt�at� r-.xisting lY�Cltl^a�?'Lc`tI V�Yl`�11�.�:1P1� sys�ems ,�nd o�her �rotc'a���v� ��uipme.a�t ��si�n�d �c p�ev�n`t_ undae �xpose�r� to unheal�hy u�orlci�; �canclic xon�, 7'i o r�rornmcnt3 corr�c��:z�re �h�.n��� �o �Ii.rnina�e or minimize n�zard�, To ma:n�:�in and �alibrate a71 fi�ld an� laboratdry �,ppar�.�Cus� To �ond��. inv�sti�;atio�.^� o£ �om�Laints of unla�aithy �vox°kang candi�°sons.: To prepar� r�port.s an=� rr?r_flmmencations<. �.7inim�3m q�zalifi�atiox�s°. College gr�,d�:.ation wita a mad�g in �n� of the cherni�al, piaysieal, biolog�cal or �ngin�erin� s�i�n��s and two years` exp�,rience as an :�nd�a.s�rial IIy�ien�s� � �ar �c��ival�n�; or a ?��aster's Degree in Ocsupa�:ional IIealth or a �lc�s�&y r�lat�d fr�Id and one year�s �xperi�nc� as an In�3us�ria� �-Iy�fenist I or �quival�nt: ��To subs�iEi��fan f�s� �du�atian.. j, 3 . � • " ������ � T��i� ot ���.sa: IN��,�S'f1::�.l�i, �IYC;'t..a'V�ST �� ]�u�i�s and responsibilities. �.Inder daYection, to be in char�� of `t�e Indusfirial �3ygi�ne pro;ram in �li�� �ureau of �I��.I��aR anrl to p�rforrr� reluted worF: a� assigxi�cl. Examplcs of worlc perfor�med:; To perform and Cup�rvi�e inspec�ians of potential heal�h hazards in industxial plan�s and oX�ier places of employm�n� or publi� u5e.. '�'o malce and suP<�rvis�� evalaa�io�as of ventilating systems and o�her nrot�eetiv� equipment designed to prevent und�e expost.re to un�aealthy �nvironmer�al condit,ionse '�'o tra:n sulaordinat�s in �Iz�: m:�,ara"cenance a��d use o�' field and labora�ory eqc:ipxnent, '�'o eondu�t `ampl�x s«rv�ys and s�«dies of o�cupatianal environments, xo asstst in clesignin� or re�oxnxnen�lin� �ystems to alleviate haz�rdoL� occu�►ati��nal �nvi�anment�, "�'o revi�w and e�raluai.� all fi�l� and laboratory da�a and r�portse i o plan and r�co�nmen�i p�.r�chas� of ne�decl er�uipmen�� A o prepar� reports and r�.eommendatians, lb�inime�m qualifieations: Gollege gradin�tic�n witia a ma,�or an on� of the ch�mi�alr biolo�ica�, or en�yneerin� sciencess an�l �hr�e years� �xperi�nc�e as an �ndustri�.i �Iy�i�ni��' ��ri or equivalcn�; or a A1as�nr�s Pe�r�e in �ndt�s�rs.�,l �-Iea1�h, �nvironmenLdl I-3eal�h or a closely r�Ia`��rl field, �.nd two years P ��:�Sei ien�e as an IndLStrial i-Iygies�ist Ir or ecruival�ntw 1No �ub�ti���.ion for �duca�iano � -4- — - ;1, . . � - . ��k-�. 6��F1 r�,�T . r��e..�� .�� � ��a.�s; �l�T��'..;�r�.r�?__r:.'� i'S.'�,���.rixs���. �J � ,:. �i�ti f°E:���,?`15 L�.F 3�.x'�>�.. ., .. f' i".�t�t";:l'"%P�lt3'r.?, r.. ?):.:'3.i?1:Y7? i3� ,�'.11�`,141+� l.��d:'i. �3:i.`F:?�C. >;�I�sI?�:l lilt?k� ;v �-'..� � � �r - 1 s '^E, f .�� ry 1 � ,���r.�� � .5:. �..�;.�r ��:i...l�e,i z.. .A�:'41�- . �l�y.._ ..e:. C.,��' c. .f;. v.T.C� 3.7.1 3.'i, -�cc, ).a��_:�;�3.e:Ct�°J ��3`"�:.,�'.'r.?.a:C?S� �.14ii •�� Fr+:'E'�CSaYi� _til;it3.4'�;Cl i:�Gl': 'ck�� �1:S1�I3i',C2: : L.°s.=i I l"?j'?,i c';:� C�� �.V�:I't� �`C'?1:�C��.`1.i ti:'L�:: , r� 'I„<ik..f. s ria`,,.A7f: Ik1^t� .t �.::v'$�3 Q�f S,itfi�•ji.l.F2'? C.'(3:��,.:ii?':��i� P�� �Sar+�!13S'i,T`Yr^�.Z . . . � S. .. r . ..c. • f� . �).._"�.� �..� .�.'t�`� �ES?:��E .,' i i'.2� , t�;. i:�Sl�p���%��A1���22'„�,: � ti, C� jr , . .��(� c4 0 '�.:� �7. �,:\'i2�l:� <,E.� __..� Ca,l.E;'l. - ,c;:Iat'..M ,:.i (13; 2�..!:?;�.3i53:?.3�. t'i.',:A;.51.�.r°!'sT'�ty 8P'�i::�r`i7,: �:�k1C1 Cr.}1�"':' ��F`�"i`;_c_''_��.. ."C � .l�,i,�%p�Y?.t!'i.::t r�i3c3�dti`°(� `•:C° IIF;I�'`.YcS`1� t _ .. �:.i3t�t_, : c'�;;?t�ii:,r �� ��i _.4��:i',U �r t..:"z�" C ``:°):I�i� G.�,'t. .�?,�:'.1:�: . . .. � . . �� i�.a�i ._<- �_el �.z.`E'.��:.`.xT.i:��.� a.E:;'°"��?1:..:.fE .d•��..�-:,:;��?�i.� Fs:-I. C;G}`�i:'.�`�:.e..�,�dl: �.(SctX;.���...�'i� __Cl v`::�� .`':. 'i�� °i.Cb�.�� yL'`?.. .a�.�iiT1 �.i�:� .:r S.t`t�.tC:�i°i?;i�l� `1{ u�'. � ���;i:t��iy,� VuSZ',.�'i t 2 y9 YY - �)��Y�4,•r'.F;C r�ii_t-"�iA SS�A���:); - r�� 9 �n � . . . S _ . . . . « _ ,..`;ak.... �`:E 1.'S:l��.!' '�� 2.., _ .%:.i:.E: I�...��t� :;i.� . �r ;'�, ,�� �;i `°� r.'rL'�i� c '�.i:r� :ji_'��� . �� . .l�� ���:;.":�:�'< '.? ,.�..L': t i., ..._.. iT7��_..�� , _ ,..(; c!i'A•:� w...�.i,.. .tr{.:1�12 Cf Si-E:1fl =%2f� 4 i,;i�1 'L``t�'' c?iy�: � , "',ie; . :�� �� _ i . -�, ��:,��r,:?. �.,:�v 1 _>._ ..,,.,. �_�c=t.-! ,��.0 l,.d.,:�:. `�u�`•�t� ._,y.... � �`�J` �*5£.I,:;, IF> S..".2a' ti.tit..;yC. ;.1`.'Yc y�^ -i:h(}y� C:F :i5i17i��,:i7,. ,:� G� ii'+ af,.x. .,� �.� _ �_.�,. <,�. x,.y �?7��:'�lYk'� �,�`flcii�� >.�� � . �S.Q} ILLcL��C: 3":1.. .f3c }.�:,t�€. . . i. .'� r:.1:����":il'.., :?"Flt`i i'�l ��uC �,���z`i :k�"1i�'S}'�.�E ,=fI�C� �i°�;�La1i�i:C'.L ;:�.;:'c��:I:i:Iz;.. ��lfi:'S)1i��'.�y^. fiL+.�:�,:;.::i1::�'CI.G:eS: . _ �C71�t: .';E S°„e.. ..�� . -1.�Js.; ..'.'• �_ ... 2`�]"'.�tg1 V?' �'rv�: C:� ,�!.t: ��I?,<..?.�6!�:_},Lr �1 ' , FSt�`r3A, .v ' } . } , ;.. 1�).VL�Ft�.�i�"a�..t.� L:�1` t�� ?i..;�.C;.. r�-:� ��-I f���L-- . i,�'C? r=�_.�r�.,...r�i,��til"�:.s i.�lx` t'.i.ilati: .'���I.CiY.i� : . � . _ � � � � . — : . ��. � �b Titl� of clas�� r��� ' I�1��1��'IP.IAL , IIXG�E.NIST �I //��J � y � I�u�i�s a�nd responsibilitic��: F�nd�r su.pervision, to perform diffi�ult prof�ssional work in�rolved in th� de��etion, ev�aluatron� and �limination of oeeupational �icalth and safe�ty h�a.zards� and to pzrform asso�iated Iaboratory proc�dur�s; and to °��rform rel.a�eci work as assign�d> Exampl�s of work perfor,ned, To rnake ii�.�ge�tions oF v�orkin� eonditions in ind�istrial plan�s an�l �tlz�r places o� �;mplo�men•i� ?o �oll��t samplcs of andu�kriaZ dcsst�, fumes, gascs� vapoxs, and mists and mak� t�ic r.nore diffi�ult laboratory� te�ts of field samples, To e�ralaatie exisYrng iradu��raal ��n�ila�ing sy�fiems �nd o�her �ro����:iv�; equipmeri� design�d �e; pr�vcn� undue ��cposure to unhealthy workin; condi�ions, To recammend corr�c":x�r� ch�n��s �o elimina�� or minimize haaards� T'o rnaint�in and calibrate all field and laboratory apparat�,s� Tn �onduct inv�atigatian� of �om�Laints of unheal�hy working conc7i�ions� To pr�par� repoxts �n�� :���mmendationso �Zinimt�m �q�aalifi�ations: Coll�g� grad�atian wit� a ma�or in on� of the chemi�al, ptiysical, biologn�al. or �ngin�ering sci�n��s and two years� �xp�rience as a.n �,n�lustrial IIy�ieni�t � or �q�ivalent; or a Niasvicer's Degree in Occ�.pa�ional Health or a closely r�l�.ted fi�ld and one y�ar`s expexi�nce as an Industrial �-Iygfenisfi I or equiv�len�- (No subs�i3:u��ian f�r edu�.atian.. y 3 , � � � . ���s�s T��i� o� ��.�.SS: INT�i,7S'TP.ZAi, IIYGrEN�ST �I Dufiies and responsibili�i�s: 'sTnder directionE to be in char�e of 'rhe Indusfirial �Iygiene program in the �ureau of a-I�al�h; ancl Lo perform related work as assign�cl. Exampl�s of woriz pc�rforxnedo To perform and �upervi�e insp��ts�ns of potential heal�h hazards in industri�l nlant� and o��ier places of employmex�# or public useo To malce and sup�rvis� evalua�ions af venfiilating systems anrl oth�r prot�ctiv� equipment desi�ned to pr�vent undue exposure to unhe�lthy cnvironmer�`�al conditions., To train subordinates in the main��nance a�d �ase of field and labora�ory equipmenta 'Fa con�lu�t complex surv�ys and s�ad�es of occupational environrnents, To ass� st in designin� or recommendin� systems to aileviate haz�rdous occupational environmenta, To revi�w and e�raluate all. �'ield an�l laboratory data and reportse T�o plan and recomme�d purchase of needecl eq�:ipment, 'Fo pr�par� repoYts and r�commenc�ation�, I��inimum qualifications: Ccllege gradiiation with a major in one of the chemical, biological, or engineerin� science�; and �hree yearse �xperience as an �ndustrial �Iygienis�. Z�` or equ.ivalent; or a nlas�er�s Degre� in :ncl�:strial �-Iealth, �nvironmental IIealth or a closeiy r�ia�ed field, and two years` exp�rience as an Industr�al I-Iygienie� I� or equival�nt, jNo �ubsti��ti.on for �ducati.ono � _�_ ' I st � � r 2nd � � Laid over to 3rd and app � ' dopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler \Butler Carlson �,Carlson Q Levine � �Levine Meredith ����D�Meredith Sprafka �Sprafka Tedesco �Tedesco Mr. President McCarFy \ `Ivlr. Presidenfi McCarly O