253595 A ORIOIN�I.TO CITY CL6RK '`+����L,�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK F� NO. � COUNCIL RES LUTIO E FORM PRESENTED BT �S� G COMMISSIONE APPROVAL OF PLANS In the matter of constructing concrete curb and gutter on both sides of BEACON AVENUE from Shields Avenue to University Avenue (C-502) under P.O. 246961 approved January T3, 1970 and F.O. 249297 approved June 16, 1970; Also, constructing concrete curb and gutter on both sides of IOWA AVENUE from Park Street to the Soo Line Plat (C-513) under P.O. 251540 approved December 16, 1970 and F.O. 252321 approved Februa ryr 9� �971� Also constructing concrete curb and gutter on both sides of NEBRASK�►► � AVENUE from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street (C-511) under P.O. 251418 � approved Dec�mber 4,1970 and F.O. 252218 approved Februa ry 2, 1971 ; Also, const�ucting concrete curb on both sides of SIXTH STREET, fran o Winthrop Street to McKnight Road (C-507) under P.O. 251207 approved o � November 17, 1970 and F.O. 251908 app�oved January 12, 1971; Also, � � constructing concrete curb on the East side of VICTORIA STREET from Linwood Avenue to Osceola Avenue (C-512) under P.O. 252203 approved _ u January 29, 1971 and F.O. 252885 approved March 9, 1971• ,n RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for the above named " improvements as submitted by the canmissio�e� of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved: and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the purchasing agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. - APR 14197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y�$ xa�e APR 14 i97�1 Butler Carlson 19— Levine Favor . Meredith Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty p'CJBLISHED AP R 1 ? 197 �� ou�ucwr�To��Nme 253595 ., CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNp� ND ` ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�AMMI�SSIONER Vi l i iaw E. Carlson DA*� �rPROr� oF ruws In the �tt�� of constructinq toncnt� wrb �d 9uttar on both sidas of e�/ICON AYENUH f r�ow Sh t sl ds Awau� to Un lwrs i ty Awnw (C-SOZ) undsr P.O. Z46961 approwd ,lanwry 13. 1970 and F.o. 249297 aPProwd Juns 16, 1970; Also, cc�structtng concnt� curb and 9utt�r on both sid�s of It�YA AYEN1� frcw Pa�k ttt�st to ths Soo Lins Plat �C-513� v�� '•0• =515� appnw�d D�c�bsr 16, 197o snd F.O. ZS23Z1 qrprovad F�bnary 9. 1971; Atso ea�structtn9 conchte curb and gutt�r on both sidss of NESMtKA AYENUE fro� Oxford StrNt to Chatsr+orth Stnst (C-511) andsr �.0. 251�►18 approvad Dsc�bsr �,1970 �d f.0. a52�t8 approwd Fibrwry Z, 1971; Atso. constr�cttng concrots curb os��both sidss of SIXTN STREET frew Yinthrop Stre�t to McKnight I�osd (C-547) d�r �.0. Z5�307 approwd Nove�bsr 17. 1970 and F.O. 2s1908 app�+owd January 12, 1971; Aiso� constrncttag concr�Ls curb o� the Esst sid� of YICTORIA STREET froi� LinMOOd Avsnw to Osceola Aver�ue �C-512) und�r P.O. 2SZR03 approwd .lanuar�r 29. 19T1 and F.O. 252885 aPprovad Mareh 9. 1971. RESOLVED, that the pla�s and specific�tto�s for ths abow naMd i�prov�snts ss subwtttsd by the co�is:ta+sr of �ublic I�lorks b� snd tha saws an hsrsby spprvwd: and b� it FURTHER RES�YEO� that the pu�chasiny ag�nt b� and is hsnby dt netad . to adwrti�sa for bid: on this taiprav�nt. .,.._. _ �....._ �' ::� _�.,,Z '�„� � .°`,z N ;•,�,,_ 7 C� r r.s.� � � wa' ��.G /,,,.,, �_a j�n • 's c�r. «." r-C� � M� O.- 4?7 '� � °� APR 1 � '1�7+1 COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Councfl 19_ Yeaa Nays But�er APR 141.8:�1 Carlson Approved 19._ �°� n Favor Meredith � Sprafka � �r _ Aoninwt Tedesco Mr. Preaident, �cCarty . ���.