253578 �Vtlt9(V
Couaoil File No..................�..,,
Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemslcingof thefollowiagpubliaimpmvement by t6e City of 8eint Psui,�i�,;
Condemni�g and taking two (2) permanent sewer easements and adjoining
� temporary construction easements for the purposes of constructing and ""��""'�"
. maintaining a public sewer on, under, across and through that part of
NE� and SE� of Sec. 11-T.2$ N-R.22 W lying 25 feet N' ly of and 25 feet
S' ly of the E-W ,� line of said Sec. 11 (Mailand Rd, centerltne) the
�... e manen easements being 30 feet in width north of and 20 feet in width
south of the said E-W � line, and centered on a line 158 feet west of and "'�"'"""'
] parallei to the east line of said Sec. 11 (McKnight Rd. ce�terline) , and
extending a distance of 416.5 feet north of and 358 feet south of the
said E-W ,� line. Also condemning and taking a 10 foot wide temporary �
construction easement on both sides of the 30 foot wide permanent sewer °Q'• ~.
easement lying north of the said E-W � line, and a 10 foot wide temporary
construction easement on both sides of the 20 foot wide permanent sewer
easement lying south of the said E-W � line, said temporary construction `
easement to terminate on January l , 1972. These easements are necessary
for the construction of the Winthrop St.-Mailand Rd. Sanitary Sewer System
� (S-1422)
----� Condemning and taking two (2) permanent sewer easements and ad'oinin
temporary construction easements for the � 9 ���������"�
maintaining a public sewer on, under, acrosspandsthrou�hsthatting and
9 part of •...............
_.._ NE� and SE� of Sec. 11-T.28 N-R.22 W lying 25 feet N' ty of and 25 feet
5' ly of the E-W ,� 1 ine of said Sec. i l (Mai land Rd. centerl ine) the ���������������
--•-- permanent easements being 30 feet in width north of and 20 feet in width
�s� south oF the said E-W � ) ine, and centered on a line 158 feet west of and .
parallel to the east line of said Sec. 11 (McKnight Rd, centerline) , and """"-----•--
the extending a distance of 416.5 feet north of and 35$ feet south of the
said E-W ,� line. Also condemning and taking a 10 foot wide temporary
const�uction easement on both S�tI�S of the 30 foot wid� p�rmanent s�w�r
easement lying north of the sald E-W � line, and a 10 foot wide temporary
construction easement on both sides of the 20 foot wide permanent sewer hereof.
easement lying south of the said E-W � line, said temporary construction •
easement to terminate on January 1 , 1972. These easements are necessary
for the construction of the W�nthrop St.-Maiiand Rd. Sanitary Sewer System �
Adopted by the e:ounail.................................................1�1.�.�...�...�...�.���
Counc i lman But 1 er ApR 13197�1
Ca r i son ApprovecIl.........................._..._..........._..._.
Tedes co ........
..... ......_. ._...
Mr. President McCarty May
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_ �i PtTSLIS�iED A P K 17 19 71