253573 ' �5�5`�3 OP�GINAL TO CITY CLlRK CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nci� NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the Counc il of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an act relating to assessment of taxes against homestead property, class 3c ; amend�ng Minnesota Statutes ig69, Section 2'73. 13, Subdivision 7. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations . FORM APPROVED \) „ _.,,.�. '`,'1•,��.�—, Asst. Corporation C unset �p� '��'��,� fA` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19-. Yeas Nays Butler �� 1`'S 19�1 Carlson PAr 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka �n or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED R 1 ? 971 �� � � City of St. Paul Bill No . 19 — Geiieral �------'� _ � ' � + A bill ior an ac� ' • relating to assessment o� taxes against ����.. � homes�;ead prol�ei ty, elass 3c ; ame�zding �}� rlinn.esoi;a Statutes ig6g , Seci;ion 273. 13, Subdi_t�ision .7 . B� IT �NACT�D I3Y THE LFGISL,ATtTR� OF' THL STATE OI+' MINNES07'11: Section 1 . I�innesot;a Sta�;ui;es sg6g, Section 273 . 13, Subdivis ioiz 7 , is amended i;o read : Subd. 7 . �LASS 3C , 3CC�7 All oi;her real es�(;a�Le , exce�t as provided by classes 1 and 3cc , which is used �or - the purposes of a homestead, shall con.stit;u�te class 3c, aizd shall be valued and assessed at 25 pe�°cent of the full and tr.ue value thereo� . The property �l;a� to Ue paid on class 3c propei ty as othe.r��lise determined by 1��w, regardless of whe�Lher oi no�; the true and full v�.lue is in e�cess of • �1i, 000, ior all puiposes except �l;h� paS�men� of principal or intei est on bonded indeb�;edness , _ sh�.l1_ ' l�e reduced by 3� 50 perceizt of the amouilt of such ta.�; provided that the amount of said reduction slz�ll iio-t exceed �250 . If� tlie full and t�ue ��alue. is iiz excessdof �:h� s�z-in�:•ci��-•�4-5�0C�;.• � - e� ..-1 : : . • the a�liount iiz e�cess of 1;liat sum shall be valued and assessed as pr. ovided for US� class li . The fi_rs�t �4, 000 full and �t;ruc value of each �Lract; of such r.eal esta.i;e used � f.or the purposes o�' ��, homes�;e�zd slial l be exeu�pt fi oui talat;ion for s�;a�;e ��uiposes ; ezcep� as specifically � pi°oviclecl otlie���vise l�y law , l�.l]. real estal;e <<�liiell is used f.'or �l;lie purposes oi a homes�l;ead by any b] i�1d pex•son, as def.ined b�T sec�t,ion 2j6 . 9.2 ; or bST an}r pe��son '(lie�°ei.��al'ter • referred to as a ve�;��°ari) who se�°�red ii� �l�e ac�Live mi1.i�Laiy or na�Ja7_ service of the Unitec3 Si,ates an�l ���ho is enti�,led � � �o conipensa�;i.on i�nder t;l:le laws and �_•e�ul�itions of thE� ' � �- • ' � . . � � , . . • f� Uni.ted Sta�tes for permanent ancl �otal seivice—connec�ed � disabil.ity due to the loss , or loss of use , by ieason o� i . �' . am��utation, anliylosis; pro�r•essive muscular dystiophies , ;' f or paialys:is , o� bo .+,li lower e�tremities , such as to preclude nio�Lion without the aid of braces , crutches, canes , or a �,�heel chair, an.d who with assis �;aszce by the • adminis�i;ra�tion o� veterans af�airs has aequii:ed a special housing un.it witll specia.l fi�i;ures or moCTable facilities made necessary by �;he ria�;ure o� the veteran ' s disability, shall cons �;itute class 3cc and shal7. be valued anci assessed at f.ive peicent of the full and true val.ue thereof. The property t,ax to be paid on class 3cc ��ioperty as o t;herwise de�i,ermined l�y law, iegaidless of wtiether or n.o-i; the �;rue • and �ull value is in e�cess o� �;1f, 000, �or all purposes e�cept the pa5�ment of principal oz a.nte�°est on bonded indebtedness , s17a].l be r.educed by 35. perceizt of �t;he-° _ amount of such taa; piovi_cied �hat �the �moun� of said , _ . - • . _ d . . � . . • d . .•� � . . • , �reduction sliall not eaceed �250 . Ii t;he ful.l alzcl true x�alue is in excess of �t;he sum of �"8,.000, �;1�.� -.antouilL ziz - • •� °�� • , e�cess of tlzat sulu sliall be ealueci ai�d assessed as pro�Tided in class 1� . �