253572 ORI6I�AL TO CITY CLlRK . ��35 /�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, hat the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul and franchises under said city ' s home rule charter; providing for the payment of the license fee and the me thod of payment thereof. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey Gounty Senate and House delegations . �O��v! kPPROVED � ~ ' _.... .�� � Q �-'�. L . �� Asst. Corporat+on Counsel AP R 131�i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y� xay8 APR 13197.1 Butler Carlsan A rove 19— Levine n Favor Meredith � or Sprafka Against APR 171971 Tedesco PUBLISHED Mr. President, McCarty � . e . City of St . Pau•1 Bill No . 25 - Local�� , . 35�,� A bil.l �or an act • rela�;ing i;o i;he city of Saini; Pa.u1. and francl�:ises und er. sa:i.d ci_i�y' s home rule charter ; p��oviding ior the paymeni; of the license fee and �Ll�e metliod o1' paymeiit �;he re o i' . � BE IT EI�?ACT�D BY TI� LEGISLATUR� OI�� TIi� STATE OF MINNLSOTA: Secl;ion 1 . Notwi�hsta.nding � any pr. ovisio�a in the - cl�iarl�er or the city of Sain� Paul to the con�;rarV, e�Tery corporation or ��e�°son e�ercising any fra.nchise or privilege , in, over. , under , or. upon any of the stree�Ls or public places or elsewhere in tlie ci.ty o� Saint P�tzl , shall l�ay in�;o the treasury of said city anzivally, in qu�.rtei ly install.iiieiits , on or bei'ore tlie 30t1i day of .April , Jul,y, and Oetober of 1971 , and on or befoi e the 30t1i da5� of � December 1971 , and on or before tlie 30th da5� of Apri.l_ , July, O�:tol�er and 1)eceiiibei of eacli year t,hezea�i�er, a licezise lee iii �. sur.► equal to at least iitTe percen�; o� �i;he gioss earn.ings deri�Ted or accruing from the . , e�eicise oi enjoyment ���ithin said ci�i;y o� any frarichise , � or privile�,e during tlie previous t;hree-motitli pei i_od._ . This sec�;ion shall. apply to al..l fran.cl�ii.sos g�-anLec� pi•ior �o �;11e adopi;ioii o� the said c}iar. tcr, and �Lo all other franchises unless tlie ozdinat�ces giant:i�lg s�.i.d fran.cl�ises s1i�7.1 elemp�i, �Llie gr���ltees ��nd otliers l�.ol.clirig throu�li or uncler t,iicui f'rom s�.id taz. Sec . 2. `i'Liis ac�i; slza]_]_ l�eco�ilc eilecti.��e only a:t't;er i�s app�no��al l�y ��, m��jor�. l;�� of. the go��ern:i.n� .body o� �t;he • , ci�Ly ot S��i.n�; I'ati7. , aiid tzpon. compl.i�znce �vi. t;li �Llie . pro��isi.ons o1' T�Iinnesot;a ;'i,a.Lutes , See�t;iori CIij � O`?1 .