253571 ORIGINAL TO C�TY CL6RK Jy����� y CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�NCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : '�A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul ; authorizing a capital improvements program. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations. FORPvi F�PPROVED � ,.,,,,�� Asst. Corporation Cou isel APR 1319T,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays �R 13197� Butler Carlson 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � � Tedesco ABainst j ? �97� �1P R � Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED - �O , .. _ : • • � 4-12-71 C�.ty $i11 I�o. 24 - Loca� � A bill for an act �����y.� • / relatin� �o the city of Saint Pau19 authorizin� a capita�. �.mprov�m�nts program. , � BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF I�7INN�SOTA: Sect�on 1. No�wi�hs�anding any proviaian of the charter of the city oP Sair�t Paul� �he council of sa3.d city ahall haue pow•er by a resolut�on ado���d by fiv� �.ff3.x�mative va�es . of all of �.�s memb�rs to authorize 'ch� �.ssuanc� and sale of genAraZ obJ_iga��on bands of th� city in an �.mount of . - . ,.-a. r � . s;�4,,50�, �;��a 1'or each calendar year for �. :��p���'+�' p��iod coir�x�encin.� w3.�h tYze y�ar �9'j�, for the pa��.�nt of which �he full faith a_nd cred�.t af tYze c�.ty is ir��vac€�bl.y pl�d�ed. Sec. 2, Th� px�oce�ds of a11 bo22d� �s:�U�d pur�u�.r�t to Sec�ion 1 h�r�a�' shall b� used �xclu�,i�r�l� iox° �1�� � � �,cc�ui�it�.on� co��'�r�ctian9 �.r�d r::p���.�$ Q�' c�p�.tal ��;:xn�ov�r�u�a��o '� . . None of th� proceeds of �y bands so i�s�tcc� �h�ll Y�� e�.p�n�.ed excep� upo� pro�pets� ��hich h�,ve U��r� r��i�t:,r�d, and ra�r� rec�ived a priority i�°a��.r�a�, fra�n a capi'cal ir�prov�an�r��s = co�i'c'��e consi�tin; af at leas� s��;�n r�±.et�Uer�p of t��h�r� � ma�ority� �klall not hold �ny paid o�'fice or posi�i�n u.d�r , •, , the city of S�.int; Pau�o Th� prior�it;i�� �nd recam.r��z�.dation� of such. co_mm�'�t�e sha.Zl t�� pur�ly ad�,rf�or�Tp �nd no bu�r�r ag any suc�� bax�.ds shal� be re�uir�d to se� �o �h� AppZi,c�fiora of th� px�QCeeds. S�c o 3 o B�r��.a p�ov:Lc��d �'or b�r �h�s ac'c ,g1��,J_:l be is���d ar�c� sold pt�?'sur�.nu to the ���p�.ic�.ble provis�.ans o�' • i�9'�z�t�.�r�o�:�. St;��tute�s Cr��P���' �+75x p�ov�.de�dp ho�:errer, th�� no 3���v.c ar :aa1.� o.i bonds hcrcby �.uthox��.zed sl�.a.T.�. be rcc�u:ix�ec� 1 . . „ � . � � � � _ �1., .,��'_/�.�. . G�i — Lut;,at , j���zT�,� Ci�y Bi11 No. ,, � �o b� subm2tted to or aPproved by �he electors of �he c�Sty of Sa�.nt Paul. . .. � Sec. �. The council o� said eity shall by ordinance provide fbr the pr�p�zration and adop'�ion, by resolution, oF an annual capi�al budget for said ci�y fbr each year of �he `��Ag�t-- �c..�,t' . aforement�.on�d ��� peri�d, and no �'unda of said ci�y� - fro�a �•hat�>>er souree aerived$ sha11 be expenaed for any �. capital �in.�rovemen� ot�.er tha� acc�uis�.��.on of oifice or . mecht�zical equipm�n.tp or for minor r�m��e7_ira�, o:►p r�pairs of existing s'tz�uc'curess �xcep� in accordan�� ��rlth said � capit�,l bu��et, wh3�ch m��y �10ka�VE.'I'y b� fram t�r�e to tin.� � amended as the cou.nc�l m�.Zr by ox�dinanc� pr��scri�a�o Sums �.ppropr�ated in the capi�Cal budg�� ma� �� expcY�d�c3. re�arc��.�ss of th�e amou.�'cs apPr��priat�d �o �h� v��icu� b�ad��i: f'unds a�' • ; th� c�.ty pta�su�.tzt t� �h� cha�.�ter thc��o�'o Th� ccuncil ag , s�id ci'ty m�y c�r��VT �tz� tli� c�?;�ital irnxl:c�o�•��z�r.��� progr�z:2 autharizec� by thi� �c� under �.nd pur�iz�.�t to �.n. a�cii.n�,�zc� adopt�a b�¢ i� subs�c�a�.?cnt; '�v tlze pas�a�� o�' ' thi� ��'� or �.'c mr�.y carry ot�'c such �rogz�am ixnd�r a.nc� ��u���u�Flt �c� �h� provisiozz� af �h� oz�dizl�r�c� pr�s�ntly in ��'�'ec�g �aoP'��� pursua�l�t �� �h� �rott:i�ion� of L��r� 1967A Ch��pL-�r Z�6Qa and �t�ch �,menc�ncni,s �hc�i�e�co a� tl�.e counc�.3 m.a.y h�r��:.�'L-er �.:dop'ca � Sec. 5o I�o px�oc;e�d� of' ��y bond is�ucd pur. sua�t �o this act sha11 be el:��nded �'o� 'chc cox�ut,ruc�:Lon or �o��z�.p�:ien.�; of an� Po�.^'�:Lan of the Sa�.nt Paul audi4;oi�:Lt�.rx or civic cen�tex� conn�cfi;�c� fi;hPreto. See. 6., The at�'c;�or:I��y �n�. pa��er� �rt�ntEd t-o �Zic ei'cy • oi' S�,i.nt P�.L�1 �o isst�e bo�ads U.�der and �uz�suax�.t to �he � � . ' . Zi�;�2-7_1 City Bill No. �1* - Local provisions of this act shall be in addition to the power � . or authority conta�.ned in any other law or statute. Sec. 7. This act shall become effective only after its �.pproval by a ma�ority of th� governing body of the city of Saint Paul and upon compliance with the provisions of Minn�sota Statutes, Section 645.021. � � 3