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i • . 253526 � • caUrrciL � xo. . ° By File No. i7s33 In the Matter of �� � i@�R fsar .�oi�rwt l�o� ta �tt ��t �w +�t�► l�a�ct ��iOS� rs l��w: �nat !rtic�' E� �► �r�st • � e�b� �:�at �rtsMR, a�Lr� a�i �ti.�qr s�aa�c�r; eaa�ne: • tirl�st�w. w�rLs�r; �.esuac �t� .�adr �s t�- itit�r# �et s�uc, wt�s +� �s � �i�s; � • t:afl�,s arw�- vMe= M��a lbi�t lo�lar �s� a� CI�e �ts+Mt rae�t� et l�s�r IrMae; ini i a12 �EY� �Ic M�la� is Now�r a�i iaei�l t� a�e�t i+eLi .�rs+vw�rt. �la�s �s�ri t� M�it� �r ���� - �rf�t, �rai� ad �w�; s�r�et a� a�i pea�; e�s�t sts�, �3l�ie�r vr.t �ei�a! s+�tu�.s; ar.scs�et s�s wae � �aailitl+�s; �xa�rt txyM� se�stt�et swss, w��s ari ps ta�e�►� s�r�e�fwlt; s+�s�� �ts�t a tss�fic �tr�e� �rta� � ?. 1t. i1; a�i �M ali adwe �ast � is �? a�i i�ei+i�tt�l tr e��i i�s+e�r�ut, under Preliminary Order- �s approv� .�+_r�, 1�!71 Intermediary Order approved , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Courtcil having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fttliy considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St. Paul tha t v ent to �e�� �C' ' � _ lrsiar� b Mtits !�r I�a�r l4r��t !�lOk�) _ ` !rtla�� to CLs4aies i = �rtsset e�s'b; e+o�t:'ret , all�ari iri�s�ws� i cautrict a �l,t o�rt;a�r; �st� s� wie+� iltE�� swrs, n+�t�nt art ps rsw�ettiws; e:�nts�et a e:eM- wre i�a �t �oii ad its�et osst� e� �etr �s�r �i � f12 oll�e wek � � a�1 f�ciiartat �a■��e a�i . Clac�o� t� � �r � - ira�i ri lra�i e+rcb a� �ttac; e�asts+aet , al'3� a�i il�.�wa'! ; �eact a�� wt�e' �f.liti�s; p�t ts�s �t �w�er, �tnt � e�■r�etirr; atr�et a trsii'#r� ooatro . � S. �. 6l= a�i � +�res �oet rid�air l�s� and iieid�atal to c�'���e, id iarproveaeat, lIII orders in the above matter be an � d are hereby canceUed, annufle�' a■d tescinded and all proceedings in said matter be discontiaued. a the Council hereby orders 'd improvement to be made. OLVED FURTHEft, Tha Commission�� of Public Works e and is hereby ` tructed and clirected repaxe plans and specifica for said improvement, and a 't same to the uncil for approval; tha pon sa,id approval, the prope 'ty oflicials are hereby autho and direc pro- ceed with the m ' g of said improvement in ance therewith. courrcl�EN APR 13 1971 Adopted by the Council Ye� QUTLER Nays APR 13 t9T�1 CARLSON Approver� LEVINE f. � �i:_�E D I TH _ _jn Favor a�'R�.FKA �, T�D�SCO , McCARTY '--�g�t pPR 1 ? 197f �� PUBLISHED — � • � � - , , ' , , f` . � � ��./� �*+���w,� . . : OFFICT OF THE COMMISSIOKJER OF PUBLIC WORKS ��e)�.,`C�� �"� � S �,�� REPORT TO CONIl�fISSI�iER OF .FaiANCT • , . January. 27, 19_ 71 _ . . To the Conunissioner of FYnance of the City of Saint Paul: � The Comanissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- • liminary order of the Council� known as Council File No. approved 19 relative to BURNS' AVENUE w �ra�► Johnson Parkway to Wh3te Bear Avenue (City Pro�ect P-0505) � and having inveatigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ' � 1. The estim�ated cost thereof 3e $ �+11,800 2. A plan� profile or aketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. �-� �/ 3. Tnitiated by the Commissioner of Public.Works X 1�. In►provement is asked for upon petit3on Z�+2 - � �.°�'�2 � � ��'� � . . , ' - R°� �.. qti� � ��i!� ��C� �I � ��� ,�,� � � ��c.� �i��� �.' Commi.ssioner of Public Works � �� �° r.d � ; � �,� ��'1� �'' � . , ! ��� � c��' ���1` , ` • ♦ • } . ./'/__`,�\ _ ti\ i r � x 0 I. .1 ' . . . � ,�J�ui� ,y . . 4T ` " e , '�s • w ��. RICHARD A. SCHNARR CITY OF S�II�T PAUL ROGER M. CONWAY Chief Engineer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTR91E9�IT0� PU�LIC WORKS . 234 City Hall & Court House 55T02 � WILLIAM E. CARLSON Commissioner JanuaxY 2fi� 1971 Hono�able Rosalie Butler Commissioner of Finanee 113 City Hall � Re: P-o5o5 BURNS AVENUE Johnson Pkwy. to Whi�e Bear Ave. ` Deax Madam: Transmitted herewi.th is a preliminary estimate of the costs and financing to 3mprove BURNS AVENUE frarn Johnson Pkwy. to White Beax Ave. , under Preliminary Order„C. F. No. 252065, approved January 21, 19?1. Estimated Costs Estimated Construction Costs $35�,39� Engineering Q 12°�0 � �+2,530 Tnspection Q 2�fo 7,090 Valuation and Assessment Services 1,540 - Nlisc. Publication, Court a.nd other costs 650 Other Misc. Costs 5,600 . Total $411,$00. Estimated Financing Estimated Property Assessmsnts $ 77,100 Municipal State Aid - 1970 33 �+,700 - Tot al $�+11,800 The total estimated amount recoverable by assessment is $?7�100 ba.sed on the foll.owing estimated assessment rates; • " Overlay - Johnson Paxkway to Clarence �v i/ A & B �es. 1500 ft. Q $5.00 = $ 7,500 "C'� Res. Comin. & Ind. 76 ft. Q $7•50 � 57� �` � ..� �r Pave - Claxence to White Bear Avenue A & B Res. 7240 f�t. Q $8.00 � $ 57,920 �� ��c'� xes. comm. & zna. 76o ft. t�$i2.oo = . 9,Zio Note - all of these rates include curb or curb and gutter where 3.nstalled� Direct Benefit. 2mprovements - $ 2,0�0 Estimated total assessment � 77,100 � ,�c,.., � , -2- Direct benefit improvements as sidewalks and driveways wi.11 be assessed as follows; Concrete sidewa2ks �+" thick $0.85�sq. f"b. Concrete drives b'.' thick , 9.00�sq. yd. ?�� thick 9.75�sq. yd. Charges for new or replacement water service connections that may be requested will be at the rates shown on the at�ached letter from the Water Department. No sewer constru�tion or ornamental lighting is anticipate�d on this � pro�ect. The preliminary orders for right-of-way acquisition and slope easements required for this projeet have been submi�ted sepaxate]y. I recommend that the public hearings for these orders be held at the same tim�e as the hear- ing for the paving project. Yours very truYy, CG;�,`t � ��J-�.-, William E. Caxlaon, Commissioner of Public Works WEC/CLT�mp Atta.chment . . ' �--� �✓ ��" v Y . � � � CIiFFORD W. HAMBIIN WATER DEPARTMENT ROY W. HOLZER ' 'Genera) Meneger SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Sup+.of Di:+ribu+ion BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS • ELMER A. HUS[T W.J. MEUWISSEN Asst. 6cneral Mnnagcr COMMISSIONER ROBERT F. $PRAFKA� President Supt.of Wa}sr Suppiy WILLIAM E. CARLSON ROSALIE l. BUTLER ��a SUPPLY MISSISSIPPI RIVER LAKES TREATMENT PUMPING DISTRIBUTION aarn�ary 27, �97� �r� Mr. Claude L. Thompson Design F�gineer Room 531 Couz�t Honse - . Re: P-0505 Burns Avernie - Johnaon Park�,ray to White Bear Av�enue � Dear Sir: As requested in your letter of Jauuary 5, 1971, �re are enclosing a 1.9.st of plats indicating ovx facilities �rl.thi.n the above referenced pro�ect. Due to the extensive regrading proposed in this pro�ect, �+�e find approaimately 1500 feet of the eai.sting 6" xater main xill be affected. The criteria nsed for determining water �a�in ac�,just�ments is as follofrss a) If exLsting gra.de is being cu� more than 6" ac�jnstment ia required. b) If f`L17, on e�d.eting grade exceeds 12" ac'�just�ment is required. Relaying the s�ater main i.n the affected ar�a, xe eetimate, t�3.11 cost $6.00 per foot. To keep service to the residents chtring the rel.aying, approai,- mately 2000 feet of temporary service lins will be required xhich, ire � estimate, s�ill cost $2.00 per foot. . ; There are 10 hydrants irithin the pro�eat xbi.ah ap�ear to be involved. It � , is estimated their relocation or relaying tirtll cost $500.00 sach. i The curreat Water Department achec�al.e for n�r or replacemeat asrrl.cea o� ; thie pro3ect iss Size (Based oa a 60-foot street) Cost �� 3/1� inch . $2o5.0p ; 1 inch 225.00 1-1/2 inch 320.00 2 inch and over Aatnal Coet These prices do not include etreet repatr as xe aatiaipate aur �rork can be ��3 �/ acco�rpl,ished af`�er grading and prior to reaarfaaing. lhta rat� achedple - . ia guarar�eed nnt31 Jaruiary 1, 1972. . � � • � �:i'; • ���,,,., ,1- � � n� ��Fi,r �y�v � � . h�V R `+Ei` � . . � . . . . .. .-�--.-- . . ... ._.... �_- Mr. Claude L. Thompson - 2 - January 27, 1971 , There are approximately 78 ser�vice connections affected by the proposed construction. These services are not only affected by grade change in the dedicated street area, but in mar�y cases the considerable back slope grading wi11 require ac�justment outside the normal right-of-way. Of the services involved, approximately 21 are lead and x311 have to be replaced from the main to the property line or end of alope easement. Where the replacement is �,rithin the dedi.cated right-of-taay, the cost would be as , noted previously for a 60-foot street. Where the replacement involve8 going beyond the existing right-of-way, the cost �ill be based on our sche�i.].e for that particular width of street. For estiraating purposes the stated 60 feet could be used. The copper services can be remodeled at actual cost which xe estimate will average about $150.00 per service but not to eaceed the rene�wal cost for aqy indivichial service. Where the ac�justing oi a copper ser�rice is required bey�ond the dedicatad right-of-xay, the costa xil7. be handled as on�tlined for lead servicea. If a�ny explanation ot t,he abov�e ie rmqnired, please aorrtact onr ottYce. Very trnly youra, ��. �, �d , �"yj,��„�/ Roger A. Mohror Office Hz�ineer RJG/da �closuree s P7.ats ' • Service Co�nectioai Lte� ca: It. �T. Holser - - - _ � �� �� , � � 1�_, "-+� � � ' � �' 1L� I I 'i'' ,_ � �L _ _ __ , .. _ . , _ u u�.a� u u � .���'�� ����� R,\\,. �, I � �• 1��9c�ls�a �W AV �� tF:����5����MV � �"^/ .l ��.�r. i��- � ��{ 1 �i Q? O �''.-'�MYACINiI AV Y '/ J��r �� �T '' rr/Q �'` � O O �Z n :�7����� '� 7������ \ • w a � � 3 o MNG tr--AVE T nnl. 2 J � �� J �UN��� u t 2 a .Z- � �. Ilebrew N Pum ing St�. W � ���D�� � // 1- � � � � ��m�.�.�. Q �] HAWTM IiNE ] AVE � _ .__ . _ _ _ . _ ._ _ _ _.__ . _ .. .....:..:: _ _ _ Y� _ ���J� -�_ __ _ _ �o o�o ��r � �o��--� � o�-E W: o �'� ,� �E__— n a) � � � � ������ �\ Z 12D.t ' I L� O5�— I,RM. `0'a� �N 'SE p�v �'OM ' X ���� VF � l� 9 p+h,�� 1 GaOa�v° �� ,th , 1 J������ 'I'1�` � t i�.'� r S -- .-JE$�MI� ! MNIUY ' �� � C� � ❑ �� "., _-l�;�ucra�� t-AV. � Mac.� .NOII�.I � �f � ���r�.�� o �'r�o� i � � p VE ;� � 1 � �� �� � � - ECHANI AVE d r�E O���w''7 �����0 ,-�. � N � ��� � � �- �L ���I �J�¢ vc. ���wrN,nco ' :� � 't Y..:.� N.-.yy�.-�.�J� u Y y� ' N.W. t t �� VE. NokomlS �9- t s �i J L�J l.J�W-��j � M �Q� cnoss ����1� ve �ehool 5 ��1�.._ ,� : : . " (� � . ((�'� h� O�—__ _ .. .. _Avc. -_-_-_ _' _ G ' ASE— ' . . 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O�7 : -U�.l� ¢� " R A `` VAp1F1 ST,' PAGIF „pO r_ \r h�1 ��� �.a �7 �T NU - �— I y-- V� e!U �-,I�VE. � eLfA 1� 2 �----�� (Z Jl� a ,. � �"7 O,�_�,�LL�'�^� � � r � ;- � `.� UBU(1BA A��: K N-iUBURBM1+11 � � �5 EM��,�,� a � � I ,r' � 1 .f s pl. � UHN AVE, a a q ��� � P�IC, ORf �� � � � _- - T '• � � 1 Y vnd�Pu � ,n {� :': -i'=: '�. � e.eiuri = � _;5°���\�/r!t�JERVE a•` , 4`� �� � • �-r� 1 T .. ��,c� .��,��/�� �n ti.._� �.ym��, E � x v„w � a �� „� �'" ' rus►K �., o n�¢��. , � °� ,�\ .;4�,� ''��1� �,'�.:�� ,,,,;,���.�w � � � Q • „ '� ..� .F� � Tf 14V N 'U�S` : r �t �l�;;e� r�/' ��. �',�%'�4 , '�$� �a r �� � �,•n � / ���y �t '��=%, ..E C i` � nu n� �� � _ �v.Y 1��F., I SCMOOL 61TE yry��y�p�.� n i v r 9�.�II 1j.� F� � t0""`� f 11\, 1/ J h '�f '".Y-:`1I 2 h�� "i� ,�� ��/1111' . x O��, i � � n"' `\\\\� .�i' .M, A R���,.�j�\����;. 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Pau1, Nlinnesota 55106 - - r;arch .?.8, 1971 Rosalie L• Butler Com�issioner of Finance � Regarding the pavinEr an:� ?aidenir�<� af this section of Burns Avenus I would like to express the fo.l]o�.��n,- thou�hts. For ,years we�dents of Burns Avenue have heen dan�-F<r�����1�� aware of the heavy traf£ic on this part of the Avenue. �'hF fact t'���t it is not paved h3s hPlped to keep this traffic at a rPasonaF�le s:�eed. The paving will result in more danger to us, more air and r�� ise� pollution, and decrease ths desireability of tr,ying to 1.ivF �r. t.'Y:is �±venue. This is already evidenced by the number of homF�, for .��le between Hazelwaod and White� Bear Avenize. '�o�aever, I havt> rio illusionment about tr,yin� to prevent the pavin� of I3urns AvFn�e. 1ts practical use as a residential avenue ceased to exist long a;�o. �or ,years Burns lavenue and an�: !;lock on YThite �ar Avenue have served as the connectin� links betTfr-.en U.�. High�,Jays 61 and 10 and t+�arner Road anci Itighway 12 and Succ.r.hir,*hwa,y I-9�. This fact has been more or less due to thP fact tha+ the niThway department has not provided an effective interchan�e bPtt�:een the above hi�hT,aays three blocks north of Fsurns Avenue and �?i�h�,�ays 61 and 10 and �.�arner Road. Whether they proz�ide this interchans-<>: in the new construction this ,year or next wi11 not channe the value of 'tsurns l�venue in the federal- state hi�hway s,ystPm. This fact is reco�znized by the enainoers, etc. as evidenced b,y the public h=�aririF. :�r:r:oizncement in the NPioneer Press" to wits '�The widenin� and resurfacir.�r is felt necessar�r to eas� confresticn on para11e1 I-9l+.'� As P.urns Avenue has bPFn and is beinp classified as an alternative su�srhi�h�,�ay, I wish to su�!��st that its detrimental improvement to us shoul.cl be paid for entirelv out o�' federal or state funds. I believe this matter. should be considered further. Sincerely, G��� 11"" "vU�� ,��-vv Mr. John Harrin�ton � . . � � , . . � . �., , , : .. . . ��Y:'::� � �, ' -... : ��� �� ��� � � � r�.�.r��.i� ;���, _i���'�.i � � � � � � Mrr:. }.�i�:ir_t�l:t�� T�. .ttu t,J��r Cc>truni ;.-,i.c>>��r c�i" 'f?:inr�.nccc� I l�; Cnii�r•1, ]�c�u;;�? � � � :�t. 1.'ra,,.�.1,, Mi.nrlsa��<>i�,F� 'a`il�i'�' 1)�����,_r• M�r•�s. T3u'1;1.e�-r�: I;� . I�'i.�l�, ;a'j'�J�� 1?ti�f?9 j � :x•��rc�rt`I;�Ly r.•e.���:�._i.v��tl y�,�� r• I� I i,�•r ����(' M�e'reNi ��� �;1�7� .i�x�� c.'c��xi�:�c 1;1t�r1 �1�1.i,l�i �Lrie �{�>.r�•���p��r;r::�� i_rrr��'r��v��zzrtE�...n�l�, c�l' I',u�•��;; /1���,r,����. l: w:�.;; Lf�r��� �r�}�i,c��:k�.c� �t�riC1 �,��.,��mt�;y�:�f i,r� . . , ��r;z 1;�1(3 ;;17.k)'.;�t;?�f,Cl'�',.Lf3,.�. li,,.:,C,.:;l(l('1il,l; l.�i'i.l, 'ti'� �i:C'r>�7C);,;(.;(�. 11rrF1T_.Cl'i�"� '��1�' C�.�)�1.�'�:�;'�:�.!'1.�T J�i`I"O�['i(:F.C'i�.Y • , �ildfl(.�.^:r'C;. �.� Wh1,;; fJ}1<iC}C<��j ti���rti.u:;�� �. r���•r���il. ly t'r����r�4'VC:(� fCl�/ 'C'(;:�,.�. �7:Y'l)'�)F�.':C'1�;�� �.tJ,X �1't,t�,�,t�1t1�''T)�1�; whi.��}c i.;� t�,_lrri��i;�t, �1.���a'k�, lr�: i,h.�,1, � �. 1��.,�,1, y��:�.r' �;, rz:rirl �l�,i, r�,�a��. ��x� t,c�� i�:f.' 1,11��;1; �;ri�: o'�csr �� :,,.,— rnc�r�L:; i;l�isa�t; :1� �wc��i�:Lr.�, I��r�,�v�; ('�,r• ;,.ri %;(� ('����I. I�rt,rtl�, r •,,u;;1:���1 m?/ ���.�.f3mt�,y. 7;u7'r�:; 1\"v�'.n'i���� t>�•�t,w���:n ��T��P�r�;�,�,t� l"�r{;w��:y (�,Y1�J 1'�):ir�l, :[)Otz(;�.��,� Hr�ia,(�. j,,r'�`t;�'x�i,J�Y �,r,.r�r�i-c„ r�c�m�>t_,,ra�Y,iv��_l;y .I_ii,�t��l.�: 1,e�r�,l'i'i�• ;a.r��l Lh�:;�,c �i7ri�,r��>v�;rn�'ni;,:s� — ;c�-c.�t��,11G�:1. — r•%�,I,k�r��.r• 1,N,���,r� k,�>n��:f.'i.t,.i.r��; m.Y� .�?r��,����ri�,;� wi__ll f�;r.�•��.i, ly ir���r��r�r.���� �i;ri�� ���.1_�zrnr� c�f' �1:�r�F�,v�.�.l_ ��,r��rl �wi .IJ. i_�rr .C%:i<�'t; Yir� a. (lr�`lar'i.�rncrrL. I, �it�.V�� .l �v���l ur� 1,lii.,; ���r��Xx��:C•i�,;y' :C'c.7:C' t�.l.It1t�G1��, jO ,y�_�rir;S n,r`��l �L ,,,rn r�i<�w r�, wi.c�.���,w. �C. ;+,rn n��I, wr�i.ti_n��; ,,�,I�i.�r�rr Pur�� y�.�ur ��;y�m,pt�.�tl'�.,y'� Yru�; t�n:l,y i,�, ���,i_rr�t, r:,°�a_�1; �i�,�, yo�a 1;1'it.�;i; r;t�;e'r�,ri�l, �1�,<i,ir•�;; r,.r�, r�,:irn�,:,�, �ani,c.,�,�.r��f�l�;, li�ta'��; �1.,o t�,r.i�� C)ri �1;�7F) �,(' 1�,N��;�;�, „uV,;,t,r�,r.if,i.ra.:l ��at>��.,��;tnurii.,, n��uJrl. w�__I.1 f,�� l,fi� .,I�.r�•�w �l;Pit.a,t �N,��c;ak, �tl�ir� �;r�,mc�.l.'t:; r�ta,r�l: 1'�,r �mt�.r�y ��I' u;', ���ri i.�;�r' r�i_L i i,c:n��:. ): rit�i.vc: V,�r�.r� hi_.ra,�rL��t��<!r:l �k�,Y .Y<.�i��r� :rv���c���T�i; .I.��zl`i:l,'i.�� „�.,,�a,t,��rr����'r�f,�; ,`1;'; �;C) (aC:C.�.t17'IY�lf; L"(,?1(lri ;;t�7•l, O(� 71, �flU�f'.J.��,uC'IiJff1 t)Yl I;�ifYl�:' f)(� `�;�'I(..':.3E3 1A1'It7f)C;(�.t.'(� �.1,L1(�. �aYI�W?l.tli,!���a f;�r'�>.7�;���1„� �tri�.�i; t�,r'c� ��i,rG r;n��,i.t�r�!:�r., , �lr��ra.tri, I��.i1, Pc���m�� ��wnr�'.r•,� rilfr.Pit;rrlr�.x���:. �1:1, i.t, tT1;yYti�j.�r.�: 1,�P��zi�, y��u uii.l.l ���,rnrn�a.�r�ii.��ta,I�,c: rny (�'c���:l in�rr; t�ri�� �hk�.t�`t, G>�' rny � ri�:_i.�rf'i�r,c�r,; i�,c� i;hr� C,i_�i,y (;r,ur:ic i._I when t,h i.;; rn,,i,�t�::r• _i,., f�i�;rz�r��.i ���'� ll:jrr3.�. J.;,3, .:l�'(:.l . ,C Pi,a,�vc ,Y���1, i�,o N��r.,.F,,r� I'r�r,rr� ;�r�,y r�l' �I;h�� nr�i.��;f��f,��,r,� �wh�� lit�,v�: ra„��C�,�`� .t'�:�:r `f;�G�.r� :�m�?�r•G�vcm!��rit.. V'�:r',Y �t�,r•u.�l y ����i.a�rr)� �� I�1�,T�1�.N� J�, (MI;.�. Mt�:I,�11�N) 13�T1'1'Clf7N� � I:;�".� :I;�zrnr, J1v�c�ra.�a.c; � �S�I,. �L't�.�a:L� MLnne;i�>t,r+. `»:1.,��i � � �'� ,- � � j , �.,� ,� '`,�f�=�°.vtT /�� /��T-�r"��,'y,�-C�_s , !/ , ' �!�..� . . . . . �ip�' '� _ _ � � ,�I', . ... . �� � �4� r'r fii�• (� I'PY OH` �AILV'1` PAU.I� t�►•������;i�; <�tn 'rirw ItOHA7.1M L. ID[Tl•i.wu U�)Mn7lti����:vrlt ulf' 1+'INANC7IC Lu�rr M. I'ur.r.nut GOMMl11/�fIH�Y Ilph��•I'e II��MNf�tM1��N4'.0 April S, 1971 Mrs. Melvin Hutchins 1325 P,urns Avenue St. Paul , Mi.nnesot<� - �5106 Dear Mrs, Hutchins : I want to acknowle�l�;e ancl Cii�nk yc>u for youe- 7c�tter o.f Marc}i 29 pertaining to Burns nvcnnc. Your comrnents are wel I i_alccn �in<I ��rec.iscly stated. I have for- �rded a co1�y tr� the ci_ty clerlc tr, 1�e reacl .it CM��e council 1�eari_nt;, Ver.y tru�ly your_s, Rosa) i c T.,. L'ul l cr Commi_s�� i oner o(� 1?�i nancc cc : L11 Olson, City (:lcrk's ��fLicc � . ,, �,. � . , �;: � M �y. S. �.. �'r. ( ' ��r v <� ��� ��� I N�1� .I '�v r. <>��•r�i���, ���,, .c�rr� lt���+nt.�tr I.. �ltumi.tt�t l;On1111tihtic)NI:It O1�' I�'LNA IVU11) Lu�ry M. 1'�».i.natt Oumr�ww�onm• n..r��-r. U����..��w�onm.. Apzil 5, 1.977. Mr. John Harrin�;Lon 1545 Pur���s Aven�.ie St. Pau7., Mi.nnesota -55106 Dear Mr. Ilarri.n�ton: I want to acknowlecl�;e ancl thank yoii .C�>r yotir letter of March 28 pertainint; to 13iircis �venue. Your comments are wel_1_ taken ancl precise7y stated . I have for- war.ded a copy to the city clerk tc� be read at the council hearin};. Ver.y trii:Ly yotirs, Rosalie L. 13utler Corrtmissioner oI Finance cc-A1 Ol.son, City C7erk' s ofL:ice � �'°'�► � � 7 ' • Adopted by the Council. 197— Yeas Nays '-��1 BUTLER ������ CARLSON _�----- LEVINE /�'""�' MEREDITH SPRAFKA ---.—""�--TEDESCO -��� MR.PRE�IDENT (McCARTY) � �� �O