253515 � ����15 tOR16INAL TO CITY CL[RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO. OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK COUN ESO TI —GE ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �i 11 iam E. Car 1 s n COMMISSIONE A WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as EAGLE STREET PUI�ING STATION AND FaRCE MAIN, Comptroller's Contr�ct L-7286, City Project No. 69-5-1238, Peter Lametti Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to ffiake the following Additions ADDIT IONS Cost for locating and relaqing approximately 100' of existing force main (force account records Icept) Lump Sum $1223.01 Rock excavation - ledge rock was encountered in excavat3ng for the force main along Eagle Street near Hill Street 364 cu. yds. @ $7.50 2730.00 �� Total Addition $3953.01 r and WHEREAS, The total addition is $3953.U1, and the Co�issfoner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $3953.01 is the e.orrect sum to be added to said oontract, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council apprones the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $3953.01, said amonnt to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptrnller's Contract L-7286, and which 8mount is to be pro- rated and assessed against the benefited property. �ORM PPR VE � � st Cor o �, �n C �n� � �p�a p�R ��• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays APR 9197'i �— Caxlson � Approve� 19— Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty p►P R 1 7 �gl� PUBLISHED -- � �� �o���,�,�.�.�,� 253515 � CITY OF ST. PAUL ��"�� NO OFRCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENdtAL FORM G�OMM�ISS�ION� Villia� E. C�lson ��,� W�ERBAS, Additirons �ich aigbt provs to ba n�rc�ssary in tbe Ir�rov�t�at ducrib�d aa EAGLS STREET PUI�ING ST�TION A1iD FOBCL MAIN, Comptro�lar�s Cantsact L•72a6, City Pro��ct No. 69•Q-1238, P�t�tr Las�tti Cans�s�uctl�or Co�ap�9, Camtraator, hav� bNn providad #or is� tl�a Spaci.�ieatfons. and i�SR8A8, It t�as ba�n found nec:�ssas�t to �tic� tLe lalZo�ring Additions ADDITLaI� Cort �os locating and rolaying apps+�cic�tiely 100' of tocistitig torc� main (farce ncco�nt recorcta lcipt) Luep Suu �1�Jt3.01 lZoak �uccavation • ledge rock vas encountersd in excavatfng for tl�e gorce �nsin 81ong Ragle Straet n�ar Hill Stz�t 364 ca. yds. @ $7.50 Z73Q.00 ..�..�... Total Add�.tton $3953.01 and �� The totsl addition ia $3953.01, and �he Coaaiasioner of Yublic W�skat haa agreed wi.th tha Gontractor thati the moount of $3953.Oi ia the oonect sum to be add�d to aaid o�ntract, xher�fore be it �SOLVED, That the Citq oE St. Paul through its City Cour►ail a�prowa tha fosygoiag additione made in scoordanca �rith tl�e Sp�cifications in the a� of $3953.01. said amount to be added to the luc� wm aonside�ration n�i in tha contract, kno� as Comptrol2er's Contract L•7286, and ahich �ount is to be pro• rated a�i assassed againat th� benafit�d prop•rty. � 8.'1� COUNCIL�dEN Adopted by the Ca�M� 19_ Yeaa Nays �Q, 8 19�1 Carlson Approv� 18_ �°� Tr Favor Meredith ^ �� �� Spr&�{8 Avo�inat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��