253199 ....�.�,::�:L:ti'r�l`S£a� . �. _._.... . 25319� Counoil File No......_...... ` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tbeunderei�nedhereby proposeetbemalciingof thefollowingpubliuimprovement by the City ot 8sint P�ul,rii.: Improve PdARYLAND AVENUE from Jackson Street to Interstate 35E (City Pro,ject P-0526 A & B) as Pollows: widen, grade and pave; construct curb and �utter; construct street, and driveway returns; construct storm water drainage facilities; construct sewer, water and gas service connections; construct an orna�ental lighting system;construct a traffic control system; construct concrete walk on the south side of Maryland Avenue from Jackson Street to I 35E;and do all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete sai.d improvement. PRELIMINARY O1tDEIt. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Improve MARYLAND AVENUE from Jackson Street to Interstate 35E (City Pro,ject P-0526 A & B) as follows; widen, grade and pave; construct curb and gutter; construct street, and driveway returns; construct storm water drainage facilities; construct sewer, water and gas service connections; construct an ornamental lighting system;construct a traffic co�n�rol system; construct concrete walk on the south side of Maryland Avenue from Jackson Stre�t to T 35E;and do a11 other work which is necessary arid incidental to complete said improvement. � a�WV��'��Y+/�" aYVV pYV Vv�a�u�iqi�Vaavs va i va v ♦�v�Wl yy wuM ap yVwVY� V��tV1VY�AY4 V�1VVYp{�'� ----.._._.. . l. To inveetigate the neaeesity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and ostimated ooet of eaid improvement� and the tot�►l ooat thereoi. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvemant. . 4. To state whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked lfor oe� �the petition of three �r more�ownere. 6. To report upon a11 of the foregoing mattere to the �Cammaaeioner of Finan�. Adopted by the �ounoil...........................................MA�_ � � ���':�... Y�as Counc i lman But I er MAR Z 3 �g7� Car 1 son Appmvec9................•-•--•-•--........_................_.._..,......._...._..._ Levine Mcr'edi�h' Sprafka Tedes co .........:....... ........_...... _.__.._. h1r. President McCarty May �000 �-e� , --� C�� - � PUBLISi�ll MAR 2 7 1971