253196 ��d�.J�� Counoit File No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINI�RY ORDER. � Theuadereignedhereby propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City ot Baint Psul,v�s.: ` � - _____ . . . _ . _ .._.. - �� ' . .......?�c...:................ ....::: ....:........_...__.. ..... ... ................ ..... ......_..... ,� `� . ...._...................................--••---..».....»..................................................._.. � .................................------�............._............._.......................................»..............._.........._.... ... . ..a......... ............._...... Dated thie........_..............day of.......................................................... 1�.. ' .......___�......... _ .................... -..�`..� '�.. .. ............... ..Couaoilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHER.EA$� A written propoeal for the making of the following imprnvement, vis.: � Improve CONCORD TERRACE - 1971 (City Pro�ect P-0518) on: WOOD STREET from Robert Street West approximately 800 feet to cul-de-sac; COLORADO STREET from Robert Street East approximately 500 feet to cu1-�e�sa,c; - CLINTON AVENUE from Delos Street to Colorado Street; � � LNINGSTON AVENUE From Tsabel Street to Delos Street; ISAB�L STREET from approximately 200 fe�t West oP Wabasha Street to Concord St;� ISABEL STREET from Livingston Street to Robert Street; CONGRESS STREET from approximately 100 feet West of Wabasha St. to Coneord St; ONEGA STREET from Congress Street to Isabel Street; WABASHA STREET from Congress Street to Concord Street; ROBERT STREET from Concord Street to Wood Street; GREENWOOD AVEN[TE from Delos St. North approximately 130 feet; Alley Block 20, West St. Paul Proper Prom Clinton Av�e. to Greenwood St; as folloxs: grade and surface, pave; construct curb and gutter; construct curb, construct street, a11ey and driveway returns; construct a bitumiaous overle4Yi construct storm water drainage facilities; construct sewer, water and gas service connections; construct an ornamental lighting system; construct aud reconstruct sideaalk; `plant trees; and do all other �ork �►hich.is necessary'�ad incidental to camplete said improv�emeat. Councilman Butler ^��•�• — - -- - Car i son �PProvec9....-•..................................•-----........_................._._ Levine M�li Sprafka Tedes co ... ........ ...... . .... .. .. ......._ P1r. President McCarty �, �000 'so �, � MAR 2 7 19 _� � �� PUBLISHED ' �