02-989Council File # a a_ g$�'� Green Sheet # y033� Presented By Refetred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, Ralph W. Olson applied for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License; and WHEREAS, a review of his driver's record shows that he has speeding convictions from March 3, 2000, December 22, 2000, October 4, 2001, October 24, 2001 and April 10, 2002; and WF3EREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(5)c does not permit the licensing of individuals who have more than four (4) moving violations within the last three years, and a speeding conviction is considered to be a moving violation; and WHEREAS, Mr. Olson has not denied the accuracy of his driving record but believes he should be permitted to be licensed despite the convictions; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the application for a Taxicab Driver's License submitted by Ralph W. Olson is hereby denied pursuant to Saint Paul L.egislative Code § 376.16(e)(5)c. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 39 OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis, Director october.3, 2002 266-9013 No . 403345 oa�''� 1 EPPRTMENT DIRECTOR ITY COUNCIL 2 ITY AT1Y)RNEY ITY CLERIC Zl$t be On C�l1Z1C.'11 Agenda: �� 01]GET DIRECII�R IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. CtobeY' 23, 2002 �alp 3 YOR toxnsszsrarrr) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: hat the application for a Taxicab Driver's License submitted by alph w. Olson be denied. ECOM1AfENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECP m) BRSONAL 3ERVICB CONTRACfS MQST ANSWSR T88 FOLLOWING: PLANNING CONAfISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMNfITT6E _ BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL Y&S NO STAFF _ Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COURT _ YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any SUPPORTS Wf3ICH COUNCIL OSJECTIVE? Qirrent City employee? YES NO xplain all YSS answers oa a separate sheet aad attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): r. Olson's driver's record shows that he has speeding convictions from arch 3, 2000, December 22, 2000, October 4, 2001 and October 24, 2001. Saint Paul Legislative Code doe,s not permit the licensing of individuals who have ore than four moving violations within the last three years. , DVANTAGES IF APPROVED. "tt �^-,sir;.",� �'^, t.°,i ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVFsD: �� � �� �� � � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton M. Robinson, Jr., CiryAttorrsey oa- CITY OF SAINT PAUL c���rDr�,sroR Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Na1( TeTephone: 651266-8710 15 West Keflogg Blvd Facsimi(e: 65/ 298-56/9 Saint Paul, Minrsuota 55102 i October 2, 2002 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Ralph W. Olson 1700 Hasting Avenue, Apt 20 Newport, Minnesota 55055 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Olson: Please take notice that a public hearing conceming your Taxicab Diver's license application has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 23, 2002, and will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Fioor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing in that the facts concerning your multiple convictions for speeding have not been disputed. The recommendation of the licensing office is far the denial of your taxicab driver's license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���� � ���P� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP oz UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Ralph W. Olson Address: 1700 Hasting Avenue, #20, Newport, MN Council Hearing Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 Violations: Multiple Convictions for speeding from: March 3, 2000, December 22, 2000, October 4, 2001, October 24, 2001, and April 10, 2002 St. Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(5)c Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of Taxicab Driver's License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application 3. State of Minnesota Drivers Record Check - Hyper Terminal 4. License information 5. License Application CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke[ly, May�or W� September 13, 2002 OFFICE vr THE CITY ATTORNEY ManuelJ.Cervnntes,CiryAlforney ���q� Civil Division 400CiryHall Telephone:65I266-8710 IS Wut KelloggBfvd. Facsinri[e: 65/ 298-5619 Saint Pau[, Minnesotn 55102 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION Ralph W. Olson 17Q0 Hasting Avenue, Apt 2Q Newport, Minnesota 55055 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Olson: The Office of License, Tnspection and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the taxicab driver's license application you submitted. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: Your driver's license check shows convictions for speeding from March 3, 2000; December 22, 2000; October 4, 2001; October 24, 2001; and April 10, 2002. Saint Paul Legislative Code § 376. 16 (e)(5)c requires that to be eligible for a license an applicant shall have "no more than four (4) moving violations within the last three (3) years, and no more than two (2) moving vio3ations in the last year. Moving violations shall mean for this subsection those violations specified above in subsection (5)a., and any speeding violations." If you do not dispute the above facts, you may withdraw your application at this time. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council to dispute the recommended denial of your license application, you wil] need to send me a letter admitting the violations and requesting a public hearing. The matter will then be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council to determine the disposition of your license application. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative I,aw Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Page 2 Ralph W. Olson September 13, 2002 � a .qY9 If you have not contacted me by Monday, September.23, 2002, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and �vill schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Councii and have it piaced on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, (�/Gk�l/�-!� U � ���� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer oa- STAT`E OF NIINNESOTA ) ) ss. COIINTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF 5ERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly s�vorn, deposes and says that on September 16, 2002, she served the attached NOTICE OF IN'I'ENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION placing true and cozrect copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Ralph W. Olson 1700 Hasting Avenue, Apt. 20 Newport, MN. 55055 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �� /� � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of September, 2002. Notary Public pETEFi P. PAtiG�,O ��: NOTAR?' �UBUC - kIIPiNcSOTA hiY WGDnA`SSiC.7t+1 4x.- �::� J,"v:4 3:,?�Y)5 �� .�r��� ��A' 0� State Record Check HyperTe�minal � � (�,�r . � TPv.P�IBFEP. TO: ��' �?Jl?` . L. �. ti. Df.� .". y=`.'BId9E t�Or �I: L: v_' :L � R_ � • C4P�II�2EFC2�L ST:,TUN�..��: .:` ? 1E ;��.� �. �?=:–+3L'�–��"� ..�s �T..TUS � 2 �S?d,' L�SB: TYPE: �- wEN20R ��IED:-I,2M MOE: DONOP,:�BSV2RtG�L�T2LB: ��OFR.ECT2VE I,ENti: PH!�TO E_�TCH: 1?35?�-��95�1'31 DUPI,�BATCH: '1�12?�12f_;C.=l I'd;>NIE: f..�I�PcF tnTSL:���3�I ? E=R2'H� DATE: ��:� YDDP�: '� �J Y'_ ^S�d•�-.Y E _2TY:,_IEU�tcr_r; ...� Z ��.�.:.�7t,2BINC FDDR: ESES: B�I. HEIGHT. _� — DI,�. SSuUE�D�TE. 'i :I�= �UO�� N'3}■PL E.:F2RE L�°:TE• .��: � ?:ga ��3:'J : _ =vi, rrdm �ab:,:�.5�•. �-25–:3 i?_� �=:1: 3u WS ST .. �;� L.:r i'-3.1"14i'��� =�SD intT �..^.i�,s =-1-53 . ^'��` �D G�/'1,"?= �w_a S�dT `T.H 3-1�–°�"-� (?52)� :iT f:EQUE..n.T: �Z..:7iiJ t`.�:TyTf!T:.�i r:i: �E=;1'lti.4.L�TT.jrr���. 17�4 Ja`�L�+J IG:23c1 HE'LP.: p�GEc L� Eb7DORS c B-.Ca�P�D -�>��'� kE�TR. 2t7F6: � COUN'PY': 8 IIE2uHT. _ ';: �EPIDEP.i -; EI78E: TSr'R7�Eh': r- DNR.: � �� � � �'r.;� �� -��, �� _ ; �. �FEA TO• `* �. L.'��. E'. - DF,ST,ER ?SC32�:UE �!J'�8�•IE�.:� �-_Z- . _COB'IMERC2�I, 5T:`,TU�' � P3 . �.!:.`�'e'� � , _3 :.:I,�3 i722,.`T_�1�4 vZ't?j, 1� ��:��' F V�TT D AOr.L '"�,ST � S ED, L i'lC' J i ••� Ln2�TS:'IG :.,T��F'. - �,�5?iD= .�SLI,...PE T�� .= C!: i rkt� EST � R.E¢UE,°,T�: } ��T'?7.� =;SC:6:�.D.cHvL;i'� i_i:Yd'ISC:TS';'t7:��:i> HEI,P: . � S ,.="i';. .� 1_:�E � � G;`CiSs'z0 I 1��.2?:: P3GE:� H�b: T:i� P.-�.ST � 'sE:.F.FJ .. Litense Group Comments Text '�ieensee: {tpLPH W 9LSON DBA: �qLPH W OLSON Licensz #: 20000003288 09f0&/2002 03.-°��1 09f0412p02 N>w appficat�on received. Record checkldmr,ng record to CAO �or review per RJ. CAR 09/03/2002 Canceled: delinquent fcr more than 30 days. RS 0&�8/2000 paseed required taxicab driv�r trainir:g-DL oi-°�'1 �_�� ��� ��� -- Frsi Neitm: 7 � ¢ � � �. Slnd Nege SVatt jype' �<,0.0> • �'nc Qr°cLOrc !-.,,.' _ �gd t. � �-- Ciy' i��'°' —� r,7 @iuPhmxF' __T ��._,-�__..._�..._ ��R k � '..,....,, �����. s .� ':.,C-,°nce16�..^` }1.3e�.5ea'r`cti.,M _ ':�. {�P'_,'--� � <8553 RALPF10lSON OISCNA$tC1WhD15EPGdtl�I CY1CdGdBR6.�OB.inOiCltl(E41hR5A6A99695RJ877199 ' - ' _' " "_ '._ .. ____ _..__, _ _� _...._ __. __ """'___ "°' ....._�"__'_"_' sos,as o wtvnasow wurr�wasor� Te�mva.ckercanceka osrosnse2osnanss maoa�eao rruar�wascnwurmw�xsau Ta��rrver tar,c�iedoscct�nrozoh.as ormrzam�rn�rmo -- - - -- _-- -- — -- _ .__--- .._..___. Traceb a�tva t�cencekw oyrzsrzooi a�x,�e aora�curmrmoo �inirzo¢ a,� - - .__ ,,.a,.� m: ! �' _- .. �.. - - - _ , , oz-�� � Fcs! � � svc Saa � � � fl u � , s � •Y" :� 4&52: 6053. 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Taxicab Driver' (1 ) Eff Date: Sep 04, 2002 - Exp Date: Sep 04, 2003 Lic Fee: Total Due on this appiicafion $�35.00 Other Fees Owed $0.00 Account Total Amount Due $735.00 Amount Paid $135.00 Date Received Sep 04, 2002 Outstanding Account Balance Due $O.oO Contacts: Conditions: Project Faciiitator: ASUNCION, CORINNE Inspector(sj: ,IENTS, RICHARD (RIGH) l,icense (65'1) 2669116 Requirements: Bureau of Criminal Aprehension (BCA) Copy of State of MN Driver License License P,pplicatioNAffidavit Licensee Photo Rec.�rd Check �•� � L� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �ce of License, Inspec6ons O �.�� and Environmental Protedion 350 SL Peter SL Suite 300 $aint Paul, MmnPSO�a 55102d510 (651) 266 - 9090 Fax: (651) 266.9124 www.cistpaul.mn.usAlep $66.00 Amount Paid: $66.00 529.00 Amount Paid: $29.00 540.00 Amount Paid: $40.00 %���' � ��i �-S • , /� _ This is not a License to operate �� �- t � � � � I Page 1 of 1 , v f G; Licensee Informati� Name and Title: � TAXICAB DRIVER - renewal LICENSE APPLICATION ZFiIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBL[C PLEASE TYPE OR PRI�T I� INK LICE�SES ARE hOT TR�YSFERABLE PA��IENT NIUST BE RECEIVED �VITH EACH APPLICATIO\ CITY OF S� PAUL Ot6ccofLicrns�.Inspcc[ions � and Environmen�a� Pmtzctig��0 33o A Pa�rh S�im 30a O � Saim Pwi. Miuiacu 5510' (fi51)'_66-9090 fas (55p ]66-9L•i F�a[ � Middle (�laiden) � L� j t j� � Home Addrzss: ��� �.`-'ta �n C � • 'v �'�U Pl.a��4D%` �'LtlK - Strtzt (T, Namz, Type, Dircction) C¢y Sb�t biail Ta Addrzss (if different than homz addrzss): Strezt (�, Namc, Typc, Dircction) Qry S�>'� HomePhonz:(Z35�145���(�q� �uk";v7„� '1 Date of Birth: �� G-r�t � d' Place of Birth: ,. / 1��4 Driver'sLicznseR ��`t�5 ' ����� ECp.Datz 5" 2j�� � t� amz and Add�ess of company you «�Il hz �G. iy� 8 t� C ANY FALSIFICATIO\ OF A\S�VERS GI�"E\ OR DIATERIAL SUB�IITTED ��'ILL RESULT I\ DE\I:�I. OFTEI[S APPLICATIO� � U�� Titit �.5 C9S�,� Zip-. Zip-, S he[eby sWtz that i have ans�cetzd all of the pczeedin, quzstions, and that the informa(ion contained hzrein is true and eorrect to the bzst of my l:no�vl�dgz and bzlief. I hereb}• statz furthzr [hat I ha�•e reczi� zd no ntoney or othzr consideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution, orothenvi>e,othzrthanalreadydisclosedinth:applicationwhichlherewidisubmitezd IalsohzrzbystatzihaUhavzreadandunderstand the zules and rzgutations set forth in Chaptzr 376.16 (Taticab Driver's License of tht Saint Paul Le�islatice Code). (REQU[RED for att applications) : f �` D��z Preferred methods of communication from this officz (plzase r�nk in order oFpceE�rence -"1" i> most prefeaed): Phon: Numbzr �cith area codz: ( ) Extension (C¢c(e the typz of phone numbzr }ou have listed above: Businzss Home Celt Phonz \umber wi[h area code: ( ) Estznsion (Circlz the typz of phonz numbzr }'ou have listrd abo�'z. Biisinzss Hom: Cell b1aiL Streac (., Kama, Type, Dircctiur,J CtR' In[:Rltt: E-hlail Addrzss � � O!�O JO� � � ��i f 9-Y- �t?a � 7 / � / � 2� � ( ! Far Pa�er ) Fas Pagzr ) S[a:c Z�P' 02I0t/1999 / 'j� ��"�1 � � a � , 00 � �,�„ 'i W o �a''�^ J$C� 3�¢ a a=a� -+°3 ti ¢�= 4