253190 . br1`insl to City Clerk • ' i ' O R D I N A N C E �5319fl COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY �'�� ORDINANCE NO. � -T 7� �/ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Supervising Stationary Engineer �- , r;:,' � � � �:• r, r.�� j �. L:� _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler Caxlson In Favor Levine Mere�dith Sprafka - A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By , . . .. 25319� Title af cla�s: �T�PEP.V�r.S:�:�i� �TA'TTO11a11.AP.Y EN��,vE:ER Du�i�s an.d r�spnnsibili':ie:3� �lnder �uD�r���sioi�, fo be in �iiarg� o�' a�d re:�nn�ibl� �'or �he ���i�s i��al�r�d :;� a��r��i;�g and m�i,�i:a.zr�i�a,; hoxlex's and relat�d e�t.:�prn�r�: in ���e� 7Jcpar�m�nY o� P�rics a�� Rcercation and =�.ablae �3r�i2din�s; �.nd t� p�:r:f�rm r�l���d work as assign�do Ex�m�ies o�' �-��rl.: p�Y•f.c�rme�� To operat�-: arzd mai�a�"��.n ��� b�ail.:r ��ax t�ie maiz� zoa bui.lding ;�zxd cor;ser�ratory. To cFerute and r.��in;�ia� �:�a�- ��silt�r �'ox� Yhe ani�mal bars� c�n �he �aa �-:•;���.ds, To :e�gu? .�e h�ai: �.c,n�rals �ai �-�r��r �c� mairz�ain prop�r tempexat��.res in Lhc; �r�xx�us sc�:yiorss af �h� �a�xsc;rva�oxy�o To �hn=..��;c, �h�; i�t=�a�ckz�g ope.a a�i�n frarn }�as �n oil as rec��a�.red. To p�r�r;ds,�al.ly e'�ea:� ��h� boiic:x��; #'l�e�, #ix� boxesr ��!�°: '�o ass�;,n a.xsd s4p�i-vis� t;i�� �.�a�;Ic �f s�2.�:xon�ry �ircm�n, 'Ta �I�a�, repair and rr�an.Maira boil�rs �:nd hea�ing xsnats a� �tie 7:�a znd r��°re�.ti�n �.t�r��ez s c3a�xing >he non-heating s�asr�x�� �I1?'�?.YYllll��� C!'.Ao�1�A�.�i�10215; 3�ig'h'�f �ga�d� eduea•�eon and f��.:^r yeare>'' cyxperien�e as a S'tu�bROnary m i �.�man ar. e�e�i�:�?<�n�:,. �fi.�s; fixxn��h a Chief �rad� C B�il�r I.Tr•�ns�� ��6. � ' � I st 2nd � � Laid over to � �j 7 3rd and app�—Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler -Ba#lec-_ � Carison arlson � � • � Levine 2�319� �evine Meredith (` \`Meredith U Sprafka prafka J Tedesco �desco �_ Mr. President McCarly Mr. Presidenf McCarty O